Parable of the Wheat and Tares

Mon peuple, there were so many things coming out of Sierra Leone that I had forgotten about this one, my telephone. It is very significant for a number of reasons. The telephone was purchased at a cost of SLL300,000 from Africell. I was told by one of the young ladies who worked in the company that the ownership is out of Lebanon. After I realised how I had been deceived I wanted a refund of my money. It is also then I realised why Orange, which is the firm out of France, was not taking me on. Anyway the telephone was given to me without Google or any social media platform. When I enquired about this I had SLL 5,000. The Agents used my money on the phone to buy data to upload Google. Eventually, I was speaking to a little young lady who informed me that she did not have a telephone. I promised her when I was leaving that I would give her the phone she should try to call me near my departure date which would have been around the 18th or 19th of November. Unfortunately, in all of the unpleasantness which took place all I know is that the telephone was stolen. The reason I purchased the phone was to keep in touch with the Canadian Consulate, Sierra Leone and I wanted to try out the Afripurse – getting money by telephone.


Having said that, we now move to my arrival in Canada. One long fool fool flight with Air Canada. I wondered why I had to pass through Montreal. Since they wanted to push me around in a wheelchair. I indulged them at Montreal Airport. The whiteman’s way of trying to get a message over to me that as far as they are concerned I am an old woman and they want me in a wheelchair. 

Well that is it for my domestic challenges. I now need to give you my hospital visitation in Ottawa. I noticed when I returned that when I went into the bus terminals at night that there was a certain scent. I used to wonder what it was. Backup when I left Sierra Leone 

I left with a cough. I used to cough terribly. It was a most irritating dry cough that almost killed me on the plane. Some honey and lime got rid of that. I suspect that I had some serious nocturnal visitations at the Guest House in Sierra Leone. I also noticed that I was being closely monitored by the Transit Constables and the Police. I am convinced that they were told what to expect. Anyway I fainted and the Special Constable called the Paramedics since I was having problems focusing and standing up I decided to surrender my control to the medical people again. I should have secured my clothes before because my socks, old bruk T-Shirt and panty went. For the whole time in hospital I had no panties. It is very liberating. While I was in the hospital they said I had Malaria. I really do not know where I picked up this Malaria. I suppose it is the easiest one they could put on me. Things got interesting in the hospital with people wanting to give me blood transfusion. I said what? All I remembered was that the life of the flesh is in the blood Leviticus 17 verse 11. I wondered why these people wanted to touch my blood? After valiant attempts to try and convince me to give them a blood transfusion to no avail. They decided to transfer me to the mental section. I had this doctor trying to get me to agree with him and his theoretical findings. My first words when I went down there was ‘What kind of confusion is this?’ People were all over the place. The place was operating in a very disorganised manner. I thought this until the day I left. Or it is just the fact that what was to happen to me people were not in agreement with. The next thing I had to do was go by the front office and sit on a bed which was outside and said I am staying right there until the temperature in the room was adjusted. They put me in a room that was freezing.with a confusing Indian or Pakistani girl who was always on the telephone. I am wondering what type of mental facility this is, it looked to me like somewhere people came and cooled out until the winter was over. It also looked like a retirement home with the number of old people who were in their right mind who were there. Of course you had this Indian or Pakistani who did not leave me for one minute. He was always on my heels. Then one black fellow looking like an Ethiopian came and was pretending to be mad. All I said was you need two good licks. Obviously, your parents did not discipline you. Then another one came, I had asked for a large comb for my kink. He was walking around with a comb tied to his pyjama pants. I just looked at him. 

The major part was that they were trying to get me to do a blood transfusion. I allowed them to withdraw my blood once but they wanted more. They carried a gentleman who worked in the ICU with a machine to find my veins. After this I said, ‘No way. I was wondering what I was doing to myself. My right hand was so bruised from the other Section that a Nurse had to ask me how my hand was so bruised. Seemed like while I slept in the other section they were searching for my veins to extract blood. Since I was not flogged as a child I bruise very easily. Then I was introduced to one Dr. Chen. I thought to myself if he is not in the Chinese mafia then my name is not Raphleta. He acted very shady and had a sidekick who asked all the questions. Then they tried to give me medication I did not need. I asked what was the reason for that medication? They could not tell me why I was to take this medication. I ran them and their medication. I just took the Folic Acid and Potassium tablets they said they were giving me. We have a saying if it nuh bruk nuh fix it (if it is not broken do not fix it). I am very glad to have escaped that place. I am sure the reason I was not given some bad injection was because there was no consensus among the partners. They had no reason to keep me any longer because I was not pretending like everybody else. I still do not know the significance of blood transfusion but I am glad I know the scriptures. They have already destroyed my right knee. I have never seen people so evil. Then the Social Worker who assisted me of course introduced me to ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Program). You get $40,000 per year when you are on ODSP. I said I am not sick. 

I tell you this is a harsh country, you should see the face of the people because they did not get their way with me. I could not leave quickly enough for them. 

I was released from the hospital to a shelter. That is another serious matter. It was at the Huron Community Centre. I went to sleep one night on the bed they gave me. When  I woke up they almost cut off my fingers and they went with most of my hair.  The place had quite a few little boys who said they were in transition.


Just continuing my education in the scriptures I keep writing down blog topics and losing them.  The Chinese have stolen a number of books with my titles. I also need to do an intense clean up of my Blog.  They have been diligent in messing up all my posts. I now keep a loose outline of the topics in my head.  All my skills of organisation I have to abandon. Going forward we will be sticking around in the New Testament with our perfect example the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is something else I have been meaning to share with you. You know we walk this journey together. There were all these Gospel programmes in Jamaica and the Pastors from the traditional churches like the Methodist, Lutheran and Anglican used to be talking about the Synoptic Gospels. I keep hearing this particular Pastor in my head. I really do not remember his name but if he came on a programme I would immediately recognize his voice. As Pastor Adeboye would say even though we would like to go to Bible School we were not given the chance. These are not terms which are used in the Charismatic Circles we seem to have thrown out the Baby with the bathwater. However, we want to know our subject matter so that we can flow in any situation. Are you ready for it? The Synoptic Gospels refer to the first three gospels Sts. Matthew, Mark and Luke. They are very similar and recounted the stories of Jesus, his life and his miracles.  The Gospel of St. John is very different. John was after the precepts of God as Dr Myles Munroe would say. Like Moses and King David before him, he wanted to know the original thought behind what God was doing. Sts. Matthew and Mark just jumped straight into the subject matter. St. Luke set the stage with the Priest Zacharias. The Gospel of John said “In the beginning was the Word St. John 1 verse 1.’ Compare that to the Book of Genesis, “In the beginning God Genesis 1 verse 1.’  I tell you the Bible is a beautiful book. The next time we look at the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God.


We will be extending our Critical Definitions to look at some other words that are closely related to Parables.  The other words are Allegory, Analogy and Aphorism.

Exploring – We have looked at this word on previous occasions. To travel in or through (unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarise oneself with it. 

Parable – A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels. 

Allegory – A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. It tends to be longer than a parable.

Analogy – A comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. There can be a correspondence or partial similarity or a thing which is comparable to something else in significant respects.

Aphorism – A pithy (concise and forceful) observation that contains a general truth, such as “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

So you have the allegory which is longer and the shorter statement called aphorism.  The Parable seems to be in the middle there along with analogy.


I am looking at a teaching which gives forty six Parables. One of the recommendations of most authors is that one does not over analyse the Parables stick to the main theme. The Parables are to be found in the three Synoptic Gospels. However, there are a growing number of people who have found Parables in the Gospel of John, such as the little stories of the Good Shepherd St. John 10 verses 1 – 5 or the childbearing woman  St. John 16 verse 21. Otherwise John includes allegories but no parables. The Gospel of Luke contains both the largest total number of parables twenty four, and eighteen unique parables; the Gospel of Matthew contains twenty three parables of which eleven are unique. The Gospel of Mark contains eight parables of which two are unique.

The ten parables we will be looking at for this lesson are as follows:

Parable 1 New Cloth on an Old Coat

Parable 2 New Wine in Old Wineskins

Parable 3 Lamp on a Stand

Parable 4 Wise and Foolish Builders

Parable 5 Moneylender Forgives Unequal Debts

Parable 6 Lamp on a Stand (II)

Parable 7 Rich Man Foolishly Builds Bigger Barns

Parable 8 Servants must Remain Watchful

Parable 9 Wise and Foolish Servants

Parable 10 Unfruitful Fig tree


Parable 1 New Cloth on an Old Coat 

St. Matthew 9 vs 16, St Mark 2 verse 21 and St. Luke 5 verse 36

Matthew 9:16

King James Version

16 No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.

The context here is that Jesus had just completed His first sermon: The Sermon on the Mount, from He came off the mount in Chapter 8 He has not stopped ministering. Fast forward to Chapter 9 He took a boat ride. Healed a man of Palsy and was challenged by the Pharisees. He called the disciple Matthew and went and had supper with Matthew’s friends who were Publicans and sinners.  His Disciples were challenged by the Pharisees again. Then the Disciples of John, the one we all call a Baptist but he is not came and asked Him how everybody else is fasting and He and His Disciples are not St. John 9 verse 14.

The meaning of this parable is that you cannot package new things the old way. Let me stop here and caution people about the new packaging. The new packaging has to be based on the tried and true principles of God. In this new packaging we cannot throw away the baby with the bath water. Jesus the perfect example you will note that he had a Biblical explanation for all He did. All Jesus gave the Pharisees as He did Satan was the it is written. 

There was also the historical significance of people looking for the Messiah to come in a particular way and do some particular things with physical weapons.  They did not grasp that this King was like no other.

Parable 2 New Wine in Old Wineskins

St. Matthew 9 vs 17, St Mark 2 verse 22 and St. Luke 5 verses 37-38

Luke 5:37-38

King James Version

37 And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish.

38 But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved.

It is more of the same thing again regarding the right type of packaging. This time He used wineskins instead of cloth. Wineskins are made of leather. In the Middle East people might still do this but in Europe like France with their mass production of wine. I think they use vats, not wineskins. They are too small. The Gospel is powerful in and of itself. The major concern is how we package it for dissemination. Coming on home, in this twenty-first century there is so much noise and dissonance we have to be very deliberate about how we do our business. 

The 2020 Covid-19 pandemic is a very good example. Churches had to be closed but a lot of us got very creative in the ways we presented the Gospel. The Pandemic also highlighted a lot of learning gaps in the Church because people had to sit and pay attention. Just to advise, I was never locked down in the pandemic. I did some of my best pieces then. 

I was illegally incarcerated in Sweden from March 11 to June 11, 2020 and I repeat illegally. I returned to Canada and by September 2021 I was off to Africa. The reason I took so long is that I was trying to get my Jamaican Passport.  I did not want to travel to Africa on a passport from a Caucasian country. Then the rest is history because the plan of the Whiteman is to stop me in my tracks. 

Listen to this tape from John Eckhardt about what they have started in #Africa. Most of you Black Pastors have not even moved. There is a lot of work in Africa and it is going to have be done by the Black man. That is why people do not want me in Africa. They notice I do not wear makeup.

Parable 3 Lamp on a Stand

St Matthew 5 verses 14 – 15

Matthew 5:14-15

King James Version

14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

This Parable has been taken directly from the Sermon on the Mount. Let us look at context, pretext and posttext. This is the Sermon on the Mount Jesus at the top and people for miles around. I tell you some start small but Jesus started out as He meant to continue. Then of course his teachings were very revolutionary but relatable. You have heard that it has been said but I say… Full Of authority! The little that you know people ensure that you know it well. I was reading that some of the cities in Judah are built on a hill so it was easy to see them from afar. Freetown, Sierra Leone would be a good example of this. Hence people could relate to a city set on a hill which cannot be hidden. In Jamaica it would be like Red Hills or Stony Hill. You see them before you reach them. In terms of us being the light of the world, light dispels darkness. Once light has turned up darkness flees automatically. Are you being a light in your part of the world?

In terms of the light under a bushel. Who remembers Home Sweet Home lamps? One of the things you have to do every night is clean the lampshade. If you do not it becomes black with soot and the light is of no effect. The lamp in Jesus’ days seems to be more like our kitchen bitch, a container with oil and a wick. Our kitchen bitch is made of metal more than likely theirs was made of clay or ceramics and was more fancy. The fact of the matter is if you put either under a basket or cover them in any way all you are going to get is smoke and no light.

Conclusion here there is no undercover Child of God you must be doing something to glorify God in your actions or speech.

Parable 4 Wise and Foolish Builders

St. Matthew 7 verses 24 – 27and St. Luke 6 verses 47 – 49

Matthew 7:24-27

King James Version

24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

This parable was actually Jesus’ final words in the Sermon on the mount. Having heard all I have said, if you adhere to my teachings irrespective of the situation you will be wise and be able to withstand all the adversities of life. Jesus being the Solid Rock. Let us listen to Solid Rock by Ron Kenoly.

If you do not then you are building on sand and sand is very unstable. Most of the beaches around the world are eroding under Climate Change. They are built on sand.  If you build on sand you are not going to last. Jesus said when the adversities come with a shifty foundation you are going to suffer monumental failure (great was the fall of it).

Parable 5 Moneylender Forgives Unequal Debts

St. Luke 7 verses 41 – 43

Luke 7:41-43

King James Version

41 There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty.

42 And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most?

43 Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged.

Jesus was invited to dinner by a Pharisee. While He was there  a sinner lady came and began to cry and wash his feet with her tears, wipe them with her hair and kiss his feet. Simon, the Pharisee questioned Jesus’ identity because he thought Jesus did not know the lady. Jesus picked up on his thoughts and was answering Simon with the parable. Satan has not changed his rule book; it is the same sin from the Garden of Eden questioning your identity Genesis 3 verse 5.

Jesus told Simon the parable and asked him who he thought would love the most. Simon answered, ‘He who has been forgiven the most.’ Father, we thank you for such great salvation. Let us listen to Cece Winans Alabaster box and continue to pour out our all on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Parable 6 Lamp on a Stand (II)

St. Mark 4 verses 21 – 22, St Luke 8 verses 16-17, 11 verse 33

Mark 4:21-22

King James Version

21 And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick?

22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

It is basically the same parable as in one but Jesus seems to be addressing a number of different audiences in these scriptures in St Mark 4 verses 21 – 22 he was addressing the multitude by the seas shore. In St Luke 8 vs 16 -17 he was actually speaking to his disciples in private after interpreting the Parable of the sower. Then in St. Luke 11 verse 33 He was again addressing the multitude. This speaks to the significance of our Spiritual walk. It cannot be overemphasised we have to be people who show light.

The second part of the parable speaks to the omniscient nature of God. One has to live their life knowing that they are always under a microscope Kingdom of Light or the Kingdom of Darkness.

Parable 7 Rich Man Foolishly Builds Bigger Barns

St Luke 12 verses 16 – 21

Luke 12:16-21

King James Version

16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully:

17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?

18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.

19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.

20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?

21 So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.

Jesus was speaking to the multitudes in this parable his audience was so packed that they were walking on each other. Pastors you want relevance? Start preaching the Kingdom of God. However, the incident that generated the parable was a member of Jesus’ congregation asking him to intervene in an inheritance dispute between he and his brother. Just goes to show where his mind was while Jesus was teaching. Take control of your minds in church, people. Jesus told him one has to be careful of covetousness and then spake this parable St. Luke 12 verse 15.

Okay let us clear up a few points before all your imaginations start running away with you. Jesus did not condemn the man for being rich. I see some of you wiping your brows. The man’s riches was not the point. It is good to be blessed. There was nothing wrong in building bigger barns to store up his blessings. The problem you will notice is when he was speaking to his soul, now that he is rich he was going to be a little KIng Solomon eat and drink and be merry. There was no place in any of that for God. When the death angel passed through he was gone and all that he had would go to others. The end of the matter is that God has to be featured big in your plans or you are a fool. Father let the fools in Canada leave me alone! This parable is ultimately about your relationship with God! 

Parable 8 Servants must Remain Watchful

St. Luke 12 verses 35 – 40

Luke 12:35-40

King James Version

35 Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning;

36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.

37 Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

38 And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.

39 And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through.

40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

This is another parable illustrating the Kingdom of God that Jesus was sharing with the multitudes. It speaks to the fact that one cannot let down their guard; one has to be prepared at all times. We do not know the hour or the day or the time but we must be prepared. I have heard it being said this way: live as if God is coming tomorrow but plan for the long term. The part about the goodman and the robber even though like the goodman we do not know when Jesus is coming back we are still expected to be ready. We should not go to sleep.

Parable 9 Wise and Foolish Servants

St. Luke 12 verses 42 – 48

Luke 12:42-48

King James Version

42 And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season?

43 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.

44 Of a truth I say unto you, that he will make him ruler over all that he hath.

45 But and if that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken;

46 The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.

47 And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

I tell you Jesus is on a roll. This was just a fantastic teaching session. In this parable with the wise and foolish servants Jesus was using the behaviour of human beings to illustrate the fundamental truth of holding steady and staying the course.  This is not a microwave session. The faithful steward holds on to the promises of Jesus and looks neither to the right nor the left but stays focused. That is us Kingdom Citizens we have to continue to believe in God irrespective of circumstances.

The unfaithful servant on the other hand takes advantage of the situation, abuses the servants and lives in debauchery. Reminds  me of a friend of mine and myself we said we would do our sinning outside of Church. Use your imagination people. You notice I use my life as an example to people not yours. Daddy knows me! Too late to tell lies, I pray you will be able to share your own. Conclusion In the final days the Saviour will come with your reward according to your service. The person who has given much will be required to return much. Time to stop sitting around church and get up and occupy. Go run for a political office!

Parable 10 Unfruitful Fig tree

St. Luke 13 verses 6 – 9

Luke 13:6-9

King James Version

6 He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none.

7 Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?

8 And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it:

9 And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.

The context Jesus had just finished speaking to the multitude in St. Luke 12. Here it is now some persons had spoken to him about Galileans whom Herod had killed, it seems in a ghastly manner. Just in case they were being self righteous Jesus advised them that those persons were no more sinners than anyone else. He also cited another example about the Tower of Siloam falling on eighteen persons. The conclusion being no one was excepted.

Then he gave the parable about the unfruitful fig tree. However, my research shows that it takes three to five years for a fig tree to bring forth fruit so the master was premature. However, if one looks at the context of God being the owner and Jesus the Vinedresser then God is very gracious and patient with us. He is not quick to throw us in the fire even after pampering us for three years.


These are some exciting times we are going to be getting some deeper teachings on the Kingdom of God even as we follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Trust you will enjoy these first ten Parables. My prayer for all of us is that we become as nimble in our thinking as it was with our perfect example, the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from Toronto, Canada. À bientôt 


Parables of Jesus – Wikipedia

A Complete List of Jesus’ Parables in the New Testament


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Mon peuple, it is that time of the month again. Here am I up here in Sweden at 1 a.m., in my prison in Stockholm. They seem to be having problems deciding whether I am a migrant case or a police case. With white people all criminality is possible we will get back to you with the juicy part…

Here it is 8.20 a.m. on March 11, I am at Amofours Railway Station in Sweden. The next station would be Charlottenberg and then I would be over the border in Norway. I was asked to leave the train or they would call the police. The rude driver placed my Bible outside and I just decided to leave the train. Why was I asked to leave the train as per usual. I have no ticket. I then took another and the lady decided to ask me to leave again so I just left.

Since I had not completed my devotion and there were two hours between the next train I decided to sit and do my devotion. Maybe the reason things weren’t going as I planned was because I had not quieted my Spirit before the lord. I was in such a hurry to just get out of Sweden and on to Norway that I was becoming anxious. The people touched my FaceBook account. Big mistake!!

I went into the station house which was very quiet because it was a more or less remote village. Suffice it to say as I was getting into my devotion when two police officers arrived. As far as I am concerned we have no business the people who had called them had left and I avoid the police like the Bubonic plague. Everything bad that has happened to me in the foreign has a police at the end of it. I ignored them while reading my prayer but they would not go away.

Suffice it to say they got their orders and changed whatever laws they had to amend on the spot and told me they would drive me to the border town called Karlstad (I actually heard ‘Costa’ because of their phonetics). It was while I was in the car and heading in the direction of Stockholm that I asked the officer for the exact place I was being taken to. Then he showed me on the phone and I realised that it is Karlstad, a town which I had passed on my way to Norway. Actually in the middle of my journey. Then, I confirmed they were up to no good. I just read my Bible and prayed while all the green, red and white and blue vehicles were passing by. There is usually a convoy of people in front, when they pull off the street you know they do not like the conversation they are hearing in the police vehicle. They have said we do not want any part of this. They harassed me like this when I was in Quebec. The police would not give me a chance.

We eventually reached the police station where things got very interesting. Of course they had searched me from the train station and taken away my piece of broken bottle which I carried just in case I got two white throats to slash. However, everyone knows I am armed so they do not come near me. Plus my usual pleasant personality has disappeared when I am on the streets. After what took place in London I ensure that I am always armed. Always! Even when I am on the toilet. The police also took my two bags. I didn’t see them until three days hence. Of course in my last blog post I had advised that they took a piece of the conclusion. They have been through my bag with a fine tooth comb.  Let me not jump ahead of myself. When we arrived at the police station the section they were going into they had to beep for the door to open. When they reached that section the door closed and they had to beep again to go on further. By this time I am wondering what is taking place. Then they escorted me into another section. People, I really do not know what that was. All I can think of to describe it is the inner parts of Hitler’s bunker. That is how the place was secure. They told me the usual lies: my passport has been confiscated. I am in Sweden illegally. I would be speaking to a Border Services police and they would take over. By this time I was searched again and my coat was confiscated and all parts of my clothes were searched. There was an older gentleman there, a tattooed officer. When you see a homosexual, lesbian, tattooed officer or someone with a black ring in their ears. The crooked bunch from Canada and Jamaica are in charge. Everything that you are told or going to be told is a blatant lie. Believe anything to your detriment.

I was introduced to a blonde girl in pink who was supposed to be the Border Services police. She listened to me politely and asked me about my cases in Canada. I advised her I had four. Canada Revenue  Agency for wrongful dismissal at the time I could not remember the word ‘dismissal.’ Metrolinx for trying to murder me, Ministry of Labour for malicious destruction of property and Toronto police for illegal arrest. She asked me about my plans. I told her I was on my way to Norway to see the Fjords then I would go back the way I came and would leave for Canada possibly in June. I was still deciding if I wanted to return to Canada. Then she advised me that I had overstayed my time in Schengen and yada yada. I had to be returned to Canada. I said not a problem let us go. It is a fruitless conversation people and I really do not waste my time in futility especially not with criminals who are not interested in the truth.

Then she spoke to someone on the phone who she said was her supervisor to complete the conversation, she left the room and the two crooked cops came in there and sat with me. One asked about medication. I told him he had the bag he should go and look if I had any. They said nothing to me after that. Then the lady crooked cop came in and advised that her superior had confirmed what she said. I would stay in Hitler’s bunker for one night then I would be taken to the migration people in Stockholm for two weeks until they could get a flight. Then one old lady came with some green clothes for me to change. I asked why? By this time I had the peace of God because I want to walk through this thing because I am tired of these international criminals harassing me everywhere I go. When I think of what a pleasure my trip could have been without all these criminals following me all over the place. I really have to control myself. I refused to put on the old garments they were giving me. Some things I have no intention of putting up with. The two ladies came after me. I flashed them off. The criminals expected me to resist, this was one of the ways they wanted to humiliate me. I remembered vividly Canada and my introduction to their Womens’ Shelters. Automatically, every shelter I went to I had to strip and shower from head to toe like a prisoner. Suffice it to say the blonde hair crooked cop called for the reinforcement of the other crooked officers. By this time the tattooed lady had left. Seems she could not stomach this part. So all four of them held me when they still could not remove my blouse. The old man used a knife and cut it off me. Then they stripped off the rest of my clothes. The two male left when they started taking off my panty. Then I put on the green suit. I noticed an initial KV on the shirt so immediately I released my prayer point. Father, even as it was with the Pakistanis in London who gave me their old red coat in a similar manner I used this green suit as a point of contact to take down whoever is KV and his cohorts, call it done. The Holy Spirit says go to sleep  you have not been getting much. The room had a Melamine bed with a piece of yellow leatherette covered sponge, and a yellow leatherette cover pillow, it had two pieces of board fastened to the wall, one for a seat and the next served as a table. I thought of the Prophet Elisha and his room. While I was resting one lady with white hair kept peeking over the door. The police guards kept peeking over and I paid no one any mind. I rested, when the place was too cold. I got up and exercised and ran around to keep myself warm. Then they would supply some heat. For the whole time I was there this was how it played out. It got too cold. I exercised, then they gave me a little heat. There was a little place for water and they had placed a paper cup under the dispenser. The first day I needed to urinate I had to wait about four hours until they decided to give me a blue bag with a funnel on the top. I just built a little bridge between the bed and the table with the yellow leatherette mattress and pillow and went under it for privacy. I had to do that twice. They did not allow me to remove the urine until I was leaving on the third day. In the evening they gave me white rice and some red gooey thing. I then remembered my seven candles that I used to pray with. I used the rice to make seven mounds as points of contact. In all of this I kept casting my mind back to what Nelson Mandela had done in prison. All of the night in my green suit with my seven mounds of rice and my plastic knife writing on the wall like Daniel chapter 5. I went after them. I said God you only let people do foolishness when you want to judge them like you did Pharaoh. I said I noticed that in Scandinavia the god is Mammon. Show them that there is still a God in heaven. Of course the mark of the crooked Jamaicans were there in the window. Can you imagine Jamaican politicians calling me Raphleta Taylor, Anancy. They had their Anancy in the window. I had no toothbrush, no Bible, my bags were taken away from me, no comb, no shoes. I was not allowed to take a bath. I released some prayer points over Africa. Let them give you all the recordings.

Obviously the little lady was the Psychiatrist that should have been evaluating me in this depraved condition. I would be ranting and raving with my kink all over the place. Obviously they have the pictures they took in Canada showing to everyone. I know they shewed them in Denmark. The first thing I did before I went to sleep was combed my hair and dusted off the bed. The next day was much of the same. For breakfast they gave me cheese, butter, yogurt and bread. I used the yogurt to do a facial and the butter to wash my feet. Fulfillment of scriptures he shall wash your step with butter Job 29 verse 6. I am just now waiting to lay up gold as dust. For lunch they gave me soup and bread and cheese. I ate the soup and bread and cheese and used the butter to wash my feet again. I still had yogurt from breakfast so I had another facial. I tell you people the yogurt facial is quite nice. I prayed all day and all night. I released some serious prayer points especially over Africa. Some were private, some they have. I used one foot of the pair of socks  as my rag in the evening. I asked for some wipes. The old lady gave me four dry hand wipes. I asked her if she did not have the wet ones that came in the container she said that was all that was all that was available and I could not get any more. I made sure when I got up in the mornings after doing my ablutions I would sweep out the room. I said Lord , I have not had a room in ages. I have to keep my surroundings clean. One of the ways to try and humiliate me was to serve the food on the ground. When the two old folks who were there did not do this they would correct them immediately. After the second day the old lady seems to decide that she could do without the retirement money because one of my prayer points was those of you who are looking for extra retirement money you just cut your retirement short. As it was with Judas, Achan, Haman who all saw the money and could not spend it so shall it be with you. I tell you people I would not like to be at the end of one of my prayer points. I was cool and deadly and well thought out. Because I would pray and then lay down and strategize. At one point I started going through the Bible from the book of Genesis just to have an idea of the gaps in my knowledge of the Bible. I now know that I need to go do some serious work.The dinner on the second day was some beef, something that tasted like rubber in diesel oil. It reminded me of some poison that they had fed me in Manitoba at a restaurant. I ate the potatoes and left the rubber. They made sure I got no more butter. They allowed me to go to the bathroom but they did not allow me to take a shower. I had no toothbrush, so I had to make do. I will tell you what I did in the book. I noticed also that the constant peeking had stopped. The second night I sat on the floor and rocked like the Jews by the wailing wall in Jerusalem. Then I got up and started walking. I took no prisoners. Suffice it to say the next day after breakfast I was waiting for the shower I was promised only to be told that I had transportation to leave. Just to show their criminality. This time again the crooked tattoo personnel had turned up with her lying self. They took out two different feet of socks, for me to put on, I never wear less than three layers of tops and two layers on the bottom once I am venturing outdoors. They did not have any under shirts and no tights. That is why when the Canadians trouble me I returned home to my yard where I could wear one layer. I insisted and got the t-shirt but the crooked police said I had to hurry because my transportation had to leave.

Can you believe it people? It gets very interesting and just indicates how evil people are. The van I went in had four or five police officers, two in the front, one beside me and I think two in the back. Reason being when I came out of the van the person that came out before me was a criminal in handcuffs. I laughed, I laughed. I said Raphleta, there goes your problem. That’s why people are persecuting you, you are not stealing anything. It is said there is honour among thieves. They placed me in another room again under a microscope and I realized why the lady did not give me my tights at the other location. It seems on going into this room you should strip to your underwear. They fed me here again, this time I ate the rice and the fruit and threw out everything else. Well you should realize by now I am protecting my anus from rupturing and haemorrhoids by the homosexual and lesbian crooks and their criminal counterparts.

Then it was off with another set of joker police. This time they got orders to carry me on an extended tour. In the first vehicle I sang all the way to Orebo from Karlstad, this time in order to stop me singing. They turned on the radio as soon as they entered the vehicle. Of course you knew that did not stop me because I had no intention of listening to any punk rock in my ears. People can do that on their own time, not mine. This time we had only three officers.

Now that we are at the Immigration Detention Centre I am being told that my case is a police case and all sorts of fancy foot works and lies. I pay them no mind more than to tell them to deport me. That is what they say they are doing. How many flights are leaving for Toronto on a daily basis? I need to leave. In this place that is full of a whole bag of desperados reminds me of the Womens’ Shelters in Toronto with homosexual and all. Yesss! People the resident homosexual is here also. The Canadians cannot do without their resident homosexual in a female facility. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! When I realized what was happening I had to laugh. Toronto all over again! Now you all see why I don’t listen to any of you. This one has to be carried to the very end under God.

I will keep you posted with happenings over here in Sweden seems to be a lot of transactions going on. I keep telling people spirits follow money.

More anon!!

April 1, 2020

Bonjour Bonjour

Let everybody shout hallelujah!!


Good news from abroad!!

Well people the thing you have all been waiting for, I will keep you waiting no longer.  Seems my FB Posts have become the ‘Document franca’ for the psychologists and psychiatrists who come around this place. As I promised I will give you a little run down on the other persons occupying the facilities in Sweden. It is certainly a different experience while not being unique. When I was locked down in Jamaica I could at least speak to my fellow inmates knowing the conversation ended with them. It was not an espionage set up bent on destroying anyone. Hence, there was not this level of distrust. Apart from some doctors who had taken money to do evil the workers were all honest Jamaican doing their daily work. That is why the crooked Politicians etc could not have their way. Here it is just down right criminality.

Let us speak with the ‘weep a river lady’ we will not put a country to her name since I do not want to malign anyone’s country without being sure. Of course all you Jamaican know where I get the ‘weep a river’ annotation from. Of course ‘Jimmy weep a river Swaggart’. I tell you looking back those Sunday mornings with Jimmy Swaggart were a treat. Although when we were going through them it was not. We were all commensurating with Mr. Swaggart. Now I realized why a Pastor could do that for so many years. One explanation, he is white, he was just looking at his bottom line. No church, no money? It is all about the business and nothing about God. That is why so many people keep falling and there are a lot more to go. God’s word cannot lie. He is coming back for a Church without spot or wrinkle and judgement begins in the house of God.

This lady works closely with the office so she goes and gets her instructions. She is one of the best actresses I have seen in a long time. If I had met a movie producer when I went to Los Angeles I would have sent them a recommendation. She gives the staff any emotion they want tears, anger, laughter and shouting. She has stamina. Every time I hear her going through the paces I have to smile to myself. Then she has another little one from Egypt when the two of them get going. I say Hollywood Julie, Elizabeth etc take a back seat. Then talk about being digitally connected the lady has the computer and the IPad going all at once. She is speaking on the computer and she is speaking on the IPad simultaneously. All geared to distract me and get my attention.  I have returned the IPad I was given you have stolen three telephones from me return one. I have not been able to speak to my people freely since November 2017. We can wait. I have FB, Twitter and LinkedIn that is why I go to the police if anyone touches my Social media accounts.

We dealt with the crooked and criminal Chinese yesterday let us go over to the idle Somalians. They remind me of the scripture that got me in trouble in the church when I used it in my prayer ‘women with itchy ears and busybodies’. It is one of the worst things to have idle women around who are being directed by people with criminal intent. They are a nuisance. To be very honest though, it is the first time since interacting with the Muslim community that I have seen Muslims behave this way. The ones who did French with me in Canada it was a pleasure to be in the class with them, especially the last set. In fact, after most of them came and realised that the things they were told were lies they would just disappear. In London, with all the nastiness the Muslim ladies were there but they very discretely did their things. They came with their babies, they looked at me and I looked at them. They came to the prayer room, did their praying and left. We were very respectful to each other. That’s why when I was in Canada I quickly defended them because they have shown me more respect than most Christians. Since I have come to Sweden the first person that told me a big fat lie at the train station was a Muslim. These ladies from Somalia, there are four of them two are not so bad but the other two, the looseness, loudness and poor behaviour is amazing. The fact of the matter is that they also know what they are doing, they are doing it deliberately. Reminds me of the smelly lady that was on the train in Switzerland that was placed beside me just to move me out of my place. I condemn no one. All I am looking for is an opportunity to leave a tract or say a word about the Kingdom of God. You all know the reason Somalians are being used is because I wrote about my admiration for them when I was in Canada and Iman the famous model is also a Somalian. These days I have taken the decision not to commend anyone. I want to set up no one for destruction. Most people do not seem to be able to handle compliments especially we flat bridged nose black people. Since the serpent knows our weakness all he does is use it against us.  The same persons I commend, he uses them to try and destroy me. I wish these costumed Muslims would use some of their time for quietness. Two scriptures come to mind, it is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it and gossip is sweet who can resist it.

The Kenyan amongst us do her business discreetly. Her major job is mostly to show me that black people are only to be used for house work and to clean up after everyone else. She is the one that cleans the kitchen etc.. Who wants to tell me about black and white again?

The South American does their business quietly, putting on whatever garment they are told to wear and eat the food in front of me. One turned over one cup of some yellow substance on the table in front of me. Luckily I had gotten up from the table before it happened. They know they have already done enough. As we speak I have my tongue in my tooth that they have destroyed. They have already slashed my feet in seven places. Which indicates that they are even more cruel than the Chinese because the latter did not go that far. As long as I keep putting my tongue in my tooth they will be on my mind. Their man has the Ballon d’Or and another one at the United Nations. They are mainly on guard duty at present because being on the road for two years I keep very odd hours. Now it is Blog time I need to get my blog prepared and typed. Sleep is the last thing on my mind. As I say he who knows all things knows how to protect me, even from myself.

Then they have this little white person, people to be very frank with you, I do not know if the person is male or female and to be very frank I am not even interested. Most times he is the one that is up when I get up in the mornings. These people stay up all night and then sleep until lunch time. This is the type of life these white people want to introduce me to. The life of ‘wutlissness’. I know of no old person in Jamaica who goes to McDonald’s and sits and drinks coffee and eats muffins. Do you? Then they set up this person on a regular basis to abuse me in the lingua. I have said to him on two occasions ‘communication is a two way thing and if I do not understand what you are saying we are not communicating’ and continued doing what I was doing. The first time I was eating breakfast. I continued to drink my oats porridge. The staff member was standing there and issuing instructions. I ignored both of them. Then the last time I told him Jesus loves him. Lord help my Holy Ghost!

I am just updating you criminals who are paying for all of this ensuring that you are getting your money’s worth. You damn fools you are going to have to pay for all this.

People we have to cut it here. We will have more tomorrow. It is now 12:22 a.m. and I have to move on to my next assignment. I have to be retyping my Blog that the Nazis and Mafias have deleted over one year of work. My juiciest Blog pages. This is the time that I wanted to write a few more articles and do some research that I have had on hold for almost one year in some cases over one year. Anyway let us give thanks in all things.

I am six hours ahead of you people in the West, it is now 11:42 (23:42) p.m. It is almost midnight. Before I get into what I really want to talk about let me just deal with a few housekeeping matters.

  1. #Canada and my #Nigerian friends if you want more pornography all you have to do is carry the trillion dollar contract and let us go through it together I just might be tempted to become your pornographic queen. Just to update you people since my first FB about the atrocities taking place in the centre where I am they have moved me to my own room. The first thing that came to mind is Daddy, what is the White man up to this time? I had forgotten that a blank TV Screen in any room that I am in means I am on candid camera. The other room had many other ladies and they kept the lights off. Then this morning the little old mashup Asian lady came out of the bathroom with a towel around her. She did not take a shower. What can I say people? You would think that Canada has enough pornography to last them a lifetime. Unfortunately, they need more because I have become a medical guinea pig for the #animals in #Canada. They are always testing one or the other substance on me. I remember sitting in the Library chair in Quebec and swelling right before my very eyes. When I changed the chair of course it caused conflicts. Eventually I stopped going to the Library. Then at the Apple Store they gave me an earphone. To date I have only used the ear phone in an Apple Store in cases of emergency. It doesn’t matter where I go, I cover up. I trust no one, especially white people. Every time a white person is nice to me I immediately see a red flag. I mean immediately!! I repeat carry the contract you crooked and criminal Canadian homosexuals and lesbians you cannot be using my material without me getting some rewards. If you are paying the Pastors for their sermons you can pay me for my photos legally and above board. You damn crooks and criminals!!
  2. People before the homosexual left I do not know what he did to my hands, the back of my fingers have been raked all over and there are black needle marks on my fingers. Is someone trying to give me a tattoo here? I also notice that there is a lady here who looks like a Canadian Indigenous person full of tattoos. She is the one on night watch. Night watch so you can catch me if I go to sleep.  She must be the needle lady. I tell you I am an endangered species. 
  3. Ah! So you pastors are now realising that you cannot negotiate with the devil. At least the devil has no doubt about his mandate. It is to kill, steal and destroy. Are you Pastors aware of yours? Please do not tell me about being deceived. You have Joshua in the Bible as an example, he was tricked because he did not seek the counsel of the Lord. Anyone comes to any of you with money you ask no question and these guys know the weakness of all of us. If I were you Pastors I would use the money to buy a cemetery to bury their dead members, that is if  you cannot refund it.
  4. As for you compromised #African leaders that is why Africa continues to be the way it is you have no political morality. You have all sold your countries for a mess of pottage. I want no one to apologise to me. You should all apologise to the one billion people suffering. The other two hundred thousand who are not suffering are you and your friends who are making the crooked deals.

The next part of my post: I tell you people after I got out of bed and wrote that prayer for America last night and then returned to bed.

  1. The first thing that came to me, is Bombardier trying to wreck Boeing? It looks logical only your friends know your secrets and they themselves have been having no ends of problems there in Canada, government bailouts and inability to complete contracts. I am just throwing it out there.
  2. Is Canada an international terrorist now? Looks to me like that is so. I am asking them to release the opposition leader of Mali as no foolishness is going to happen under my watch. They can cut deals with whomever they wish just do not let it affect anymore flat bridged nose black people.
  3. Then I continued to think and the plane crash in Kenya and another one came to mind and I said Daddy black people have indeed become collateral damage. I am telling Canada if you want to kill anymore of your Canadian criminals do not let any more of us flat bridged nose black people die. Kill them on your soil not our soil. Anybody else you kill, kill them on your soil or in some other country not Africa. The Somalian Canadian journalist etc next time kill them in Canada. Everybody is too smart, that is the problem. I don’t care whatever order you all belong to. I belong to the order of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah nothing can stop Him. I drink blood and eat flesh every time I have a chance to, none ah unuh nah cow mi down!!  Everything that you are all doing is counterfeit. Come to Jesus Christ of Nazareth the original. I should have told you people when the homosexual was here he placed the computer on a song being played by Goetita this goat with two big horns playing a violin. I sat there and I heard the wailing beside me. I looked and he was not there but the sound was going on. I just got up and turned off this demonic thing. I said devil you must be out of your mind. Goetita indeed! Satan is suffering from a severe head problem. I need Pastor Maxwell for all this high science. Only he could explain all these diabolical activities to me.
  4. Africa has allowed the colonial masters to get away with so much that everyone wants to take steps with flat bridged nose black people. Plus everywhere I go the French and their descendants are wicked, I suggest Quebec keeps its wickedness to itself.
  5. Then I remembered that immediately I heard about this germs all that came to mind was SARS. People if you go to Canada one of the first things you know about is SARS because it changed the way of life in Canada. Majority of the population walks around with their bottle of sanitiser in their handbag and everywhere you go and I mean everywhere there are sanitisers for you to wash your hands even at the supermarket with the trolleys. Even the Roman Catholic Church started giving Communion without wine. That is where that bit of rubbish came from. That is why I call it SARSII and I am convinced that the vaccine has already been produced and will be released at the appropriate time. In the meantime, I need to go research the SARS I because I was in Jamaica at the time and quite immune from the shenanigans of the so called superpowers. Now Jamaica seems to be in the centre of everything. I see!! They are to kill all of you crooked Politicians instead of the little people.
  6. Now I see Trudeau and his people are under serious pressure from the Caucasian population and the whole network of  homosexuals and Lesbians worldwide to bring this matter to a close. The desperation in #Sweden is palpable. I now see everybody is trying to appease Canada. I wonder why?

I keep remembering this saying by Dr. Gibbs in Canada he said, ‘Raphleta, a Black man’s best asset, is to be underestimated.’ Then I followed up with God ‘Is so mi look fool fool that everybody wan tek step wid mi.’ I mean everybody takes these people money and then I start to pray and fast and write and then people are telling me to have mercy and all types of foolishness. You came, you looked at me and then you decided to take the money. Why did you? You had a choice!!

These days I just release the prayer points and move out of God’s way. Look at New York and the USA do you people remember when I was in that country?

Father, continue to cushion Virginia may they come through not even smelling of smoke. I am still praying for them. Only the #USA has Whole foods where I can go and eat and no one sends me to prison.

#Zuckie trusts you and the girls are okay!! Keep safe!!

Well this is all for now up here in #crooked #Sweden with the ‘weep a river lady’ corrupt #Moroccan and the needle lady and the loud #Somalians and the crooked #Chinese et al. I am off to begin typing my #Blog.


I have a couple of other Blog topics which I remember from my stolen note books and Bible. However, in view of the season I just thought since I have the time and my mind is very relaxed and I have the equipment I would just explore this topic to ensure what I know is cemented in my mind. What are you saying? How can I be relaxed at a time like this? The bible says if you fail in the time of adversity then your strength is weak Proverbs 24 verse 10. Remember the Apostle Paul did his best writings in prison Ephesians 6 verses 19 – 20.

You all need to stop listening to the Nazis and Mafias, first thing, they do not know the Bible and second, everything they do is illegal. In view of the season let us go through this topic and continue to thank God that He only is omni: omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.


Exploring: 1. travel through (an unfamiliar area) in order to learn about it.

                     2. Inquire into (or discuss) a subject in detail.

Purpose: 1. The original intent of the maker of a thing Dr. Myles Munroe.

                   2. The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

                   3. A person’s sense of resolve or determination

Crucifixion: An ancient form of execution in which a person was nailed or bound to a cross.


In my research I drew on two experts in matters scriptural:

Dr. Mensa Otabil – International Christian Gospel Centre

Dr. Myles Munroe (Deceased) – Bahamas Faith ministries International

In my analysis of the sermons I have concluded that Dr. Myles emphasis was on the why? While Dr Otabil’s emphasis was on the how? Hence, the title of the sermons:

THE CROSS – Dr. Mensa Otabil

THE BIRTH OF DEATH – Dr. Myles Munroe


These sermons have cleared up a number of grey areas for me and just reinforced my beliefs in things like the efficacy and efficiency of the blood of Jesus. I just added that word efficient. It is not only effective, it is efficient, not one drop is wasted. Since, we always want to look at pretext, post text and context, let us begin in the Book of Genesis so we can garner the very heart of God.


  1. The vision of God was to colonise earth with heaven through mankind
  2. Man was given dominion over Earth to manifest the kingdom culture of heaven 
  3. Mankind was heaven’s colony on Earth. 
  4. The fall of man was the declaration of independence from the kingdom of heaven.


In Genesis 2 verses 16 – 18 Daddy had already pronounced the wages of Sin. However, in Genesis 3 verses 6 – 7 they did exactly what they were told not to do. What is sin? Sin is the rebellion against the authority of God. That is what Adam did in the garden, he and his wife deliberately ate the fruit that they were told not to eat. Hence, we can conclude that 

  1. God created death

Death existed before it killed

It was always present but it could not kill as long as Adam did not disobey God

  1. Death was created dead (it had not been activated)
  2. Death when it is given power is abnormal

This also established the principle of the scripture in Revelation 13 verse 8 Jesus died from the foundation of the world. God is omniscient; nothing takes Him by surprise.

The Tri-fold Nature of the Death of Man

Jesus fulfilled all the stages on the cross.

  1. Death is the departure of the Holy Spirit from man – The day Adam ate he died. He lived nine hundred and thirty years. Adam was a dead living man. A man without the Holy Spirit is a dead man. It doesn’t matter what you have achieved or accomplished, you are a successful dead. Adam had children which only indicates that dead people have children and produce after their own kind.
  2. Death is the departure of man from the presence of God – The trillion dollar question of God to Adam in Genesis 3 verse 9 – Adam where are you? God was not referring to location but to disposition. Immediately, he sinned the vertical relationship with God was broken. He was eventually kicked out of the Garden of Eden Romans 5 verse 12, 6 verses 22 – 23
  3. Death is the departure of man from his body – That was the so-called victory of death.

The Birth of death

  • Death was never God’s will for mankind.
  • God did not kill Adam, death killed Adam.
  • Death to Adam was a chore
  • Adam chose to be killed by death
  • Death was created by God without life
  • Death did not come through the man, it came through the act of man.
  • Death got its life when man disobeyed God

With the coming of Jesus God has put death back to sleep and we will see how as we progress Romans 5 verse 12.

The reasons why man had to die are 

  1. God is holy
  2. God is faithful
  3. God must keep His word
  4. God cannot lie
  5. God must fulfill his promises 
  6. God cannot ignore His word

The captioned points are summed up in the scripture Psalm 138 verse 2 and Hebrews 3 verse 8. The fact that we serve a God of integrity and in Him there is no variableness or shadow of turning. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Hebrew word name means ‘being.’ God has placed his word above Himself. Dr. Myles puts it this way ‘God is sovereign until He speaks. He is regulated by his own word. His word is established forever.


Satan capitalised on God’s instructions and instigated a rebellion. We forget to our detriment that Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, the Accuser, the Dragon, just some of his names is an anointed cherub, corrupted anointing but anointing anyway. Be reminded people that he has been to heaven and he walked on the fire stones around the throne. He was a part of God’s inner circle. God had three archangels or as Dr. Myles puts ‘generals’ in Heaven.

They were:

  1. Gabriel the Communicator He was in charge of the Ministry of Information. He brought all the messages. Mary and Joseph, the announcement of the birth of Jesus St. Luke 1 verses 26 -28
  2. Michael the Army General – He is the warrior. He is always dealing with the stubborn principalities and powers Daniel 10 verses 12 – 13.
  3. Lucifer – Son of the Morning – In charge of music Dr. Myles would say ‘Culture and Fine Arts.’ Culture is a powerful thing that shapes the value system of a nation. Hence, the reason why Lucifer was able to persuade one third of the angels to join him in rebellion Ezekiel 28 verses 12 – 18.

We laid the background so that you could see that Lucifer knew his boss. He knew that once God spoke that was it. He could not break His word people, that is very logical if God broke His word then we could not trust Him. His sceptre would no longer be that of justice and righteousness.

Lucifer knew that once man sinned that was it. God would have to kill Adam Genesis 2 verse 16. Adam being the first man and the prototype was carrying all the human race so we were all condemned before we were born. You can revise the story of the fall in Genesis 3 verses 6 – 7. When Adam and Eve fell and immediately their glory covering left they realised they were naked. In order to cover their nakedness they sewed leaves. Principle, without the shedding of blood there can be no atonement for sin Hebrews 9 verse 22. God sacrificed an animal and used the skin to cover them Genesis 3 verse 21.  The first killing in the Bible.

Through the ages the blood of bulls and goats were used. I tell you people I cannot imagine how bloody these services were. Let us stop here and thank God for the perfect sacrifice. Ooh wee! Thank God for Jesus!

Seven Reasons Why Jesus Had to Die

  1. Substitution – Taking our place
  2. The Flesh – overcame death
  3. God needed blood – Spirit has no blood
  4. Paid the Price for Sin – Sin was thrust upon him
  5. Had to be resurrected – Cannot resurrect living things
  6. Justification of man – Satisfy the demands of righteousness
  7. Destroy the Power of death – Put death back to sleep

When you die out of Christ you are not going to burn up. The fire does not quench you are going to burn forever St. Mark 9 verses 43 – 44St. Luke 16 verses 19 – 31


Before we look at the how of death let us look at the power of the blood. In Leviticus 17 verse 11 it says all life is in the blood. Because it also carries all the diseases in a man’s body.

Characteristics of the Blood

  1. All life is in the blood
  2. All healing is in the blood
  3. All nutrients are in the blood
  4. All protection is in the blood
  5. Immunity is when the blood takes all it has to fight against disease
  6. All sustenance is in the blood

We are all learning here together people. Even as a science student who did advanced level Biology I missed this part. Death is only possible in the absence of blood, for example bleed to death. Most prognosis of death is due to a lack of blood. Another thing is if you look at your body you will realise that all organs serve the blood; the heart pumps blood, the liver and pancreas purifies the blood etc. That is why it is so difficult to fight cancer because they are diseases of the blood. The blood is the protector of the body. That is why it is possible to have organ transplants.The reason God told the children of Israel and by extension all of us not to eat blood is because all diseases in the body are in the blood. The crux of the discussion on blood is that Jesus had pure blood which was free from sin and disease. We could only be redeemed by someone with uncontaminated blood. Due to the actions of God Adam knows he had to stay under the blood for continued protection. However, in terms of his two sons one did not seem to grasp the principle. Cain brought all his nice fresh vegetables thinking that he satisfies the requirement for a sacrifice. Abel brought a sheep.We know the end result, Abel’s sacrifice was accepted and Cain’s rejected which resulted in the first murder on Earth. Cain killed his brother Abel. Dr Myles not Raphleta, Cain represents all the religious people coming with all their rituals etc except the blood.

Another example of the importance of the blood covering in the Old Testament is the consecration of the priest  in Leviticus 14 verses 12 – 15. The blood is placed on his right ear all the better to hear God with; the thumb of his right hand all the better to work for God and on his right big toe for the protection of his walk with God. That covered their sins for one year. In Hosea 13 verse 14 God promised us that he would do something that we would not get sick and be destroyed anymore. 


Let us have some thanksgiving by listening to this song I am forever grateful. I wanted the version sung by Bishop Joseph Garlington but it has been removed from my YouTube. I first heard this gentleman at one of our conferences in Jamaica. I think I need to go listen to him again. That is where I first saw Dr. Mensa Otabil also at the Oceana Hotel, with Bishop Garlington it was the Jamaica Conference Centre. The name of the song is I Am Forever Grateful.

Jesus was crucified from the foundation of the Earth Revelation 13 verse 8. Death by the cross in the days of Jesus was the most painful and shameful way to kill someone. The crucifixion  was invented by the Phoenicians several hundred years earlier. However, the Romans perfected the art and made it a weapon of mass destruction. The crosses were always constructed in a public place  as a tool of deterrence and shame. 

As a part of the hideous process the accused was whipped; which is a very bloody process. The whipped used was made of leather and the leather had pieces of glass planted into the leather. The flesh was literally raked with the glass. Jesus was unrecognisable after going through the process Isaiah 52 verse 14.


The method chosen by God was not understood by most because of the perception surrounding the whole crucifixion process and the scriptures itself. Here are some prophecies that spoke to the type of death Jesus would suffer both Old and New Testaments Psalm 22 verses 1 – 18, Psalm 69 verse 21, St. Matthew 26 verses 1 – 2, St. John 3 verse 14, St. John 12 verses 32 – 33. Why is it a stumbling block and foolishness to some? I Corinthians 1 verse 18. In Deuteronomy 21 verse 23 it clearly states that anyone who hangs on a tree is accursed of God which is reinforced in Galatians 3 verse 13. Where did these curses originate from?

After man sinned God has been moving towards his project plan. All the stories in Old Testament were just types and shadows of things to come. God had to work with the raw material He had until the fullness of time. Hence, the reason for the nation of Israel which should be a prototype of what God wanted to do whole scale on the Earth. However, man born of a woman will sin Psalm 51 verse 5. God continues to implement safeguards to prevent us from sinning. The thing about the law is that it points out your sin.  Then there is the blessings and cursing system. The blessings on Mount Gerizim and the curses on Mount Ebal. In Deuteronomy 11 verses 26 – 29 the law was read out by the priests and the people said amen to all of them.Then in Deuteronomy 28 verses 1 – 13 and in Deuteronomy 28 verses 15 – 68 we have all the curses. When you read the curses you get an idea of the things God has redeemed you from.

The message of the Crucifixion is really one of 

  • Sacrifice – Jesus died to bear the sin of many
  • Shame – numbered among the transgressors
  • Suffering – excruciating pain, worst type of death at that time
  • Salvation – never forget what the blood has purchased for you. You have been bought with a price everything paid for in full, you have been reconciled with God through Christ.
  • Victory of Christ – over sin and death

Hence, you must never accept a curse over your life. No one can curse you, not even a man of God once you are a Kingdom citizen. Look at the story in Numbers 23 verses 7 – 11 regarding Balaam and Balak and the children of Israel. This was the old covenant and we are now under a new and better covenant. In the book of Proverbs it speaks to a causeless curse it cannot stick Proverbs 26 verse 2. If you are having challenges in your life and you are in right standing with God take His word and go to Him and sort out the matter. We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of  our testimony Revelation 12 verses 10 – 11.

The Narrative of the Cross

At about the sixth hour there was darkness all over the earth until the ninth hour. The sun was darkened and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. New Priesthood bigger and better covenant.

  1. He had to go through the same thing the first Adam went through He cried ‘I thirst’. They tried to give Him a mixture that they used to kill pain. He refused. He had to carry our pain.
  2. When Jesus had cried with a loud voice – This was the first time ever that He had suffered separation from His Father hence he cried out in pain at the agony of the separation. Jesus also said my Father and my God why have you forsaken me. The actual departure of His Father.
  3. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit:  He departed from the presence of God
  4. The final death, man left his body and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

  Corollary Scripture in Isaiah 53

In verse 4 – God killed Jesus and humiliated Him. As John the Baptist said in St. John 1 verse 29 ‘Behold the Lamb of God…’ God had provided for Himself a Lamb.

Verse 6 – All our sins were placed on Him.

Verse 10 – Goal of His death – guilt offering

Verse 11 – Purpose of His death – Justification 

I Corinthians 15 verses 20 – 26 Jesus whipped the final enemy which was death.

Let us listen to the song – I am not my Own – Marty Nystrom

I have explored quite a few fundamental doctrines in this Blog Post.  They are as follows:

  • The Purpose of Man
  • The Origin of death
  • The Blood Covenant
  • The Crucifixion

I would suggest that we become little Bereans and explore each theme in our own time. In terms of the pleading of the blood I do not agree with the statements made by Dr. Munroe. The exact terminology might not be in the Bible but the principle is there. This is how I plead the blood. I look at the fact that from the book of Genesis, the fact that the blood of Abel spoke from the ground Genesis 4 verse 10. Then I move over to the book of Exodus 12 verse 13 where the blood of bulls and goats were sufficient to protect the Children of Israel from the angel of death. I then remind God that I am under a better covenant and I quote where the blood of Jesus is greater than that of Abel Hebrews 12 verses 22 – 24. I then go over to the mercy seat and speak about what the blood of Jesus has done for us Hebrews 9. Then I continue to plead the blood. I say devil the warm efficacious blood of Jesus which is on the mercy seat is against you and all your works I am off limits. Tetelestai it is finished! You have a head problem, you cannot touch me. I pleeeaaddd the blllloooddddd!! How about you? How do you do it? I would love to know. You have to know your rights in this kingdom and the next.  Naturally, we  say ignorance of the law is no excuse. In this kingdom the more ignorant you are the happier the enemy is, I have experienced that, not anymore. There is a very good prayer on  Releasing the Power of the Blood of Jesus in the the prayer book Prayers That Rout Demons by John Eckhardt page 32.


In concluding, in this Good Friday season what a glorious victory, death has no more sting and the grave has no more victory hallelujah!! Jesus is Alive in the words of Ron Kenoly.

What the first Adam could not do the second Adam has done. God had the original all along from the before the foundations of the Earth. Redeemed, restored, revived, and reconciled! There is only one mediator between man and God. For thousands of years everyone brought their own lamb but now the Lamb of God has been slain. Price paid in full.

People, this is me Raphleta, coming to you from the evil country called Sweden. I have been told that all the devil worshippers in the world are trying to hold on to me. Thus far they have bruised my fingers in this criminal set up here.

This is Raphleta Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from up here in Stockholm, Sweden Migration Prison

À bientôt



Mon peuple, we are still in Senegal. Lucky for me I walked with my computer because this time around Senegal decided that they were going to hold on to me. I got no help at the airport. I had to sit down on the floor and apply for my visas. Then here was this Muslim gentleman looking at me and making up his face. I was actually in the corner where they prayed. I ignored him. I decided to try Guinea and Sierra Leone. I really would have preferred Guinea but they had all types of picture requirements. I tell you I did not have any of these challenges in Europe. The Black man! The visa for Sierra Leone came through. I bought my ticket online. Here comes another challenge I had to print the documents. One office with two girls in the airport charged me US$12. They actually said US$18. I told them I was not going to give them a cent over $US12 for six sheets of paper. Then I had to go and get my PCR Test at the Pasteur Institute. Finally, a place where one had nice restrooms and good food. However, as usual I was the project for the cleaners. They were told not to leave me. Any restroom I went to, they were there. Then the soldiers were ordered to have one exit and one entry. Lord help my Holy Ghost! The Senegal flight was uneventful. I really just retraced my steps back through Banjul, Bissau and then Freetown. The excitement started at Bangui Airport in Freetown. We had to pay immediately even before we cleared customs for the Covid Test. That was a whopping US$50. I will not give you the conversion in Leones.  When that was all finished and we had done the test we were told that we have to self isolate. That rule was introduced on October 4 a couple of days before we arrived. One major confusion! I ended up quarantining at the airport because the guest house where they took me, I had no intention of staying there. All high fences and bad roads. More like a prison than a guest house. 

I was cleared to leave Saturday night after a whole lot of foolish behaviourism. I took the ferry across to Freetown. That was a journey costing US$40. I wondered why the airport was not on the mainland. I am sure I will have to get in the mind of a European, so we will not go there.  The scenery from the boat was quite good. At Sea Coach I was introduced to a driver who charged me L$200,000 to take me into the city. Before I went to the heart of the city I asked him to take me to a villa I had visited online. The villa was located on a road which was extremely poor. At one stage when we were driving I was wondering if we were going to slide away off the road. The driver told me the mining office was located near the road. I said is that so? When we reached the villas it was behind another set of high fences. I just told the gentleman to take me to the heart of the city because I am not into that sort of living. He took me to Howden Street with two villas. The one I chose I paid L220,000. One thing about Africa is that it needs infrastructural renewal. Got my own bathroom with my little plastic bucket. Must be the reason everywhere I go these Nazis I notice are leaving a little plastic bucket. I would like to know what they expect me to do if they have thrown me out in the cold and they are watching my anus and vagina so much that every time I go to a washroom, to private, one of them comes to the door and tells me how long I have been in the washroom. Yes, people, especially the Chinese and Caucasians actually sit and time me in the bathroom. Moving along, the next day which was Sunday as I was about to do my FB post the light went immediately and did not return. Crooked Pakistanis and Indians from what I later gathered. This is where things get interesting and I meet the real character of the people of Sierra Leone.

I decided to stay by a Police Station which I found across from the Municipal Office on Wallace Johnson Street. The first night I requested use of their restroom and was introduced to a hole in the ground. I had to literally climb down to get there. Since I had no major problems coming along and the weather was so good. I thought Sierra Leone would be a breeze. I would just look around and then board my flight to leave the country. I was quite wrong, it seems the criminals had decided that I was just going to be stopped in Sierra Leone.  The first night my computer was stolen. When I went to the Police the gentleman said that he had told me to sit on a bench in the station and continued watching his black and white challenged television. That was the end of that. Realising that I was not going to get anywhere in this country with the legal system.  I decided the next day that I would just go to the Liberian/Sierra Leone Border. I also need to tell you about my trip to Bo. After my computer was stolen I decided I would just go to Liberia by going to the border. I eventually got the bus route. I had to take a bus to Bo. After the fact I learned that there were Public Buses which ran to the different States but you had to catch them at specific hours. I was actually there a couple of mornings when the buses were loading.  The people arrive as early as 6 a.m. to join a line to purchase their tickets. Then they would load and move out by around 7 a.m. The route which I used which was more expensive was to take a yellow bus. I think it was L2,000 because it was a local bus. We sat five to six in a row. I resisted the sixth person in my row. I could not take the squeeze.  It was one big scramble to get on the bus. You know Jamaica bus pushing style, downtown. All this time I was laughing at the similarities between Africa and Jamaica. I said Daddy I am home. Then I went to the back of the bus to jump up like the other people. Unfortunately, it was too high for me so I had to go to the door. Ah I thought you Jamaicans were good. In Jamaica we preach on the buses. This bus was a market. Everybody came and spoke about their products and then they sold. Everything from a pin to an anchor. I remember one fellow came with chocolate. He did not have enough hands to sell. You should hear those selling medical products. You would think they were Pharmacists. Then we reached the place where I could take the bus to Bo. Of course the government bus was full again. I had to take the private bus. To be encumbered with the inconveniences planned by the demonic criminal minds. My feet nearly killed me because they were so cramped.  It was the same scenario with all the marketers. They had a nice young preacher unfortunately for him he placed Christianity and Islam on the same level. There is nothing wrong in greeting our Brothers and Sisters the Muslim when one started to preach but to make them feel that everything was kosher and that Islam is equal to Christainity while you are preaching is erroneous. I could have slapped myself because I gave the fellow a good offering. It was when I sat and was evaluating the sermon that I realised the subtlety of the matter. Just to advise if you Africans are giving the Muslims in Africa a false sense of security that they are okay. You need to stop it. They need the Lord Jesus Christ just like any of us. There is only one way to the Father and that is through the Blood of Jesus St John 14 verse 6.  What can I say, entrance into the kingdom is a bloody matter. Just be glad you do not have to shed anymore. All along the bus route there were vendors. By the time I reached Bo It was too late to take the taxi to the border. Those who were there wanted to overcharge me. The fare was L200,000. When I went into the Taxi the fare automatically became L220,000 for the front seat. I just came out. I went to a little church in the community. The service was filled with young adults and children. The ratio was like eighty percent in favour of the young people and children to twenty percent in favour of the adults. It was a lively service. After the service the lady introduced me to her husband, the Pastor. He said I could stay the night because the fellows stayed the night because they were having a three day Crusade.  I am wondering why the church is in the middle of a yard. I see no room for expansion. The Pastor told me the property was donated to them. We spoke about my plan to go across the border and he told me I would pay US$10 for a document which would take me across the border. At that time I still had my handbag and my clothes bag. Only the computer bag had been stolen. In fact, that was the reason I was trying to get out of Sierra Leone.

In the early morning I requested use of the facilities. I did not know what happened that night. All I know is that I held a bench and went to sleep.  The next morning my blouse was soiled with a blue substance. I changed it and requested use of the restroom facilities based on what the Pastor had told me the previous night. For some reason that seemed to have changed. I had to go through garbage to an elevated hole in the ground. I did not want to climb up and stoop down so I had to be creative. People, you have to use your imagination.  Just be advised that I am never out of plastic bags and tissue paper. After thanking the fellows for their hospitality I went across the road to take my taxi. Here comes drama again! No one wanted to take me because they had been told what should happen at the border. One fellow who was willing to take me when the other fellows told him what was taking place he ran me out of his taxi. I ended up taking a taxi which was driven by a Liberian. The lady who took the front seat did not pay any extra and she was acting very religious. I think she said a prayer before we left. I just ignored her. My major problem is these demonic and diabolic people going before me and just slandering my name with all and sundry. We were eventually off and the driver had to stop to pick up a piece of iron. Then he had to go to the tire shop. Then the back seat was very uncomfortable because four of us were packed in the back. I noticed the three crooks in the back were eying my bag for the whole journey. I did not close my eyes and kept my bag under ‘raps’. On the way the criminals had him pick up six bags of coal. From the things I am telling you, you will realise why the growth of Africa has been stymied. The countries are being hijacked by all these criminals who are just looking to make money at the expense of the people. They are bankrupt of ideas and are not interested in the growth and well-being of the Continent. They are all parasites.  We eventually reached the border where I tried to process using my Canadian passport and was told that I had to pay someone to escort me across the border. I asked how much was that? The officer said it was dependent on the individual. I said I was not interested. I left! They said I should try the Liberians. I was escorted across the border by a nurse. Why a Nurse? The wry humour of the criminals. I was not even aware of that information. It was while we were on the Liberian side of the border that she revealed to the lady that she had to leave me because she was a nurse and could not speak to the matters at hand. She left and the lady was trying to facilitate my entry into the country after I told her why  I had to leave Sierra Leone. The process was really very straightforward. I am sure they must have done it thousands and thousands of times. I would be given the temporary document to facilitate my going to the relevant authorities and applying for my visa. It so happens that the taxi driver had also driven off with my bag across the border without informing me. I had to tell her my bag was in Liberia. She called and spoke to the commander and was in the process of getting me documented when a fair skin fellow driving a white SUVcame and spoke to her and then drove inside. When he drove out everybody had stopped speaking to me. The next minute I was escorted across the border. They wanted to give me a bike ride but I refused. Lucky for me at that time the Liberians decided not to keep my bag so it was returned. My troubles were just beginning people, I had the money to just get back on a taxi and return to town and look at the flying alternative which is what I told the Customs Officer. Another thing they keep bringing these highly bleached persons in my presence. I mean most of these people have been taking these chemicals so that their skin has become red. Then their hands, some parts are light and the other parts are black. That is what these people are doing to my hands in Canada. They did it already and constant rubbing with the vaseline and some other creams have restored my hands. Now they are back to the same thing. At night when I am asleep they rub this black substance on the sides of my hands and my fingers. My hands look like a Public Support Worker (PSW) or Sanitary Technician. The thing makes my hands rough and then I have to go to Walmart to use the vaseline to rub on my hands. I just had to throw away a tub of vaseline. They placed something in it which aggravated the haemorrhoids in my anus. I noticed my haemorrhoids were being inflamed frequently. It was most obvious when I was doing my bent over stretches. Then after I showered one Friday and did my usual whole body application of the petroleum jelly, Vaseline brand. My haemorrhoids started acting up so I had to just discard that bottle. The criminals say they are trying to give me Colon Cancer. Vaseline petroleum Jelly is my only beauty product, people. It is good all over from head to toe! African ladies you need to get a grip. If people are not accepting you the way you are, do you think cosmetic things will make them accept you?  That is why the crooked white people who have given the Reggae Album to a white group cannot abide the fact that the Reggae is from a black country. I have no problem with people singing Reggae. However, it is a distinct sound coming out of the island of Jamaica and we refuse to let the brand be diluted. If it evolves into something else then it is not Reggae. Give that something else a new name. One of the things with Reggae is that you have to be able to sing. Look at all our greats, everyone had a distinct style. If someone wakes you up in the middle of the night you can identify all of them individually. There is no faking this thing you either have it or you don’t. Back to you African ladies heads up if you do not like the colour of your skin be born again. If you think fair skinned people are getting all the breaks, God is trying to get a message over to you that you need to create your own economy instead of destroying yourself to become a part of the other. There was a lady in Gambia. I had to do a double take, is she white or is she black? Before I could determine she rode off in a bus.

As I said, my problems had just started. The taxis were given strict orders not to take me. Up to that time I had never ridden a pillion on a bike. I really did not want to because there was another alternative. I decided to start walking. The rest is history. I was robbed and compound living was offered to me. I was hungry and thirsty. It was on this back road that I saw a youngman with twenty to thirty children under a tree teaching with only a blackboard for teaching aid. I was lying on the ground resting my legs. I just said to myself there’s work to be done. It was on this back road where I saw electricity poles and fenced plantations but the people on the ground had no running water and no electricity. I could hardly see their compounds at night in the dark. As for water it was the well or I saw the children fetching water from the river. It was while I was walking this back street when I realized why there was a problem with rape in the country. Then I analysed and realised that it is not the black man who was the problem. It is the White man and foreigners. As an African you all grew up close to nature half naked together so naked flesh was no mystery to you. Then the Whiteman came and he was seeing all this dark flesh and not able to contain himself. It was very easy to rape the ladies. All they wore were wrappers. A piece of cloth strung around the waist. Remember the youngman who was with Jesus when they came to arrest Jesus he ran away naked and left his loincloth in the hands of the soldiers St. Mark 14 verses 51-52. Same scenario, the problem being these ladies cannot run fast enough.  Now they have the western blouse on top of it but most of them still do not wear brasserie. Hence, the reason they had to socialise the young ladies into wearing sanitary napkins and all the trappings of the White man is really to protect them. Most of the ladies still just wear the wrapper with a blouse. 

It was along this back road and in the town where I saw children going to school in their uniforms while other children were setting out their wares to sell along the streetside. We have mothers in Jamaica who are higglers, the children would assist in the morning to put out the goods but they were in their school uniforms and as soon as it was time the mother would give the child/children their lunch money and send them off to school. The child must come to something is the motto.  I tell you people I walked and was so tired I had to just lay down and rest on my bags in the dirt. They had not stolen my two bags yet. Anyway all night they had a couple of bike men shadowing me. Anyway I will have to give you the gory details of how my bags and my panty were raided and my US Dollars stolen. I walked until I reached a coconut orchard and lay down under a coconut tree until security came. I had to rest frequently because they have been working on my knees since I came to Africa, especially here in Sierra Leone. They called some police and they eventually got me to go on the bike back. What I was avoiding happened. There were three of us on the bike with the sick police officer on my back all the way. We reached this town called Zimmie, Munno River.  After many questions and stealing some of my money one of them escorted me to the Taxi stand in the town to get a car to Bo. When I reached there was no car going to Bo because they had cut a deal to keep me in the town. Anyway, a number of youngmen, the old man who had written the ticket and I sat down and we were talking. Two little boys came and I purchased two coconuts from them. When I was about to purchase the third, the young man who said he was going to University purchased it for me. We sat and continued talking about school and travels. Anyway I just sat there and was sharing with the young people after buying three coconut jelly from two little boys. To cut to the chase, it seems people had planned that I would be spending the night in that compound but by sitting and talking to the young people plans changed. I had to laugh. One of the things I said to the little boys listening to me. If I could I would give you all my Passport to go visit the USA and Canada because I know that eventually you would all return to Africa. Then the little old man who sold me the ticket to Bo placed his foot on the table. I just held it and said nothing that a little salt water cannot cure. Just soak it in salt water. Then I said my husband’s toenails could not be like that. That is why I am in no hurry. These people are Muslims. I HAVE LEARNT THAT GOD HAS HIS OWN EVERYWHERE. I will not tell you what the Christians have done to me. Anyway people, I met this nice young man who is attending one of those small universities in Africa. His name is Sherif. He has a four month old son and a girlfriend who is also studying. The young man sat beside me and showed me his family and in Adeboye style after admiring the baby. I just started praying for him like we were having a conversation. It shall be well with you, the things which used to be an obstacle shall be a stepping stone.. Reach out to him for me people and see how you can help them. Let us break the cycle of poverty for his son. People, I would like you all to reach out to this village. Let us help them to be a model community in that area.I rrigation, roads, electricity and agriculture. People if you see the size of the pineapples in Africa. Twice the size of those big ones in Jamaica. Let us help Africa to break the cycle of poverty one community at a time. You know what I like about these communities? They are fresh and have not been too tainted with the hang ups of the cities. They are virgin soil!

After returning I sought to purchase a plane ticket to get out of the country. After eventually finding (no one would give me any information) the section for travel Agents on Siskya Street, the travel Agent advised that it would cost me US$475 to fly to Togo. I said not a problem. I knew she was robbing me blind but it was that or stay in Sierra Leone and be abused which eventually happened. I advised her that unfortunately my Canadian Card had a CAN$500 limit. I had to make a hybrid payment  debit and cash. I also saw another Travel Agent right beside them and tried to book there to see how much they would charge me but they turned me down flat. They did not want my business. I went to the bank and withdrew around three million Leones, which was like US$240. Had to make a number of withdrawals it could not be done at once. This was the money which saved my life in my crisis or the people of Sierra Leone would have starved me to death. By the time I had done all of this the Travel Agency was closed. I should have told you I went to the Brussels Airlines people just to enquire about a flight and one young lady assisted me well. It was through her I found out about the Travel Agency. I went back just to ask another question one gentleman just told the Security Guard to help me. The lady who I spoke to previously was now dumb.  Of course there was no help forthcoming so I just left the building.

I decided I was going to protect my bag with my life and was able to do so up to about 4 a.m. but I made one fatal error. I sat down. I was by the Police Station but they had boarded up and battened down tight not even a mosquito could breach their defence. I sat down and nodded off to sleep and just left when the little young man was dragging my bag from under my legs. It was a little fellow about twelve or thirteen years old. He did not even run. He went in the same direction as the fellow who stole my computer bag. There went all my documents again in addition to my thirteenth Bible. I mean from I was in Canada the Nazis and Mafias were pecking away at my Bible I had to be using cellotape to keep the pages together. I was waiting until I reached somewhere nice and comfortable like when I was in Senegal to type my Blog. Those pages had gone. My bank card, passport, my papers and all my documents were gone again.  This is the third time. Twice in the USA and the first time in Africa. I saw some Foreign Affairs Ministry so I went and camped there. I was informed that I had to go to the police to make a report. On my way a Police Officer came to me and told me I should avoid the area because they could not protect me. I should tell you all this time that the Police and soldiers were the ones who were co-ordinating the crime against me in the night just like in North America. Any time I see a Police vehicle these days all I say to myself I wonder what criminality they are up to now. That is all! They were always busy coming and going. I reached out to the Police station where the incident took place. They advised me to go to another one further down the street. Then after questioning me, the lady who was doing the questioning was obviously trying to get on my nerves with the foolish questions she was asking. I was too angry at that stage to be pulled in by these ignorant people, foolishness. Then another officer in the room, seeing that I was not smiling, told me I had to go to the Office at Pademba Road for the matter to be dealt with properly. He followed me outside and of course there was something wrong with his legs. It would have been surprising if the criminals had not tried to send me some message. I walked up the incline to Pademba Road, the office of all the major crooks in the system. The officer who took the report advised that it would cost L300,000 for each item I listed in the report or I could just group everything together. Obviously the criminals did not want to record all the things that were stolen in my bag. I opted just to group everything and paid the L300,000 because there were quite a few items in my bag and I had no cosmetics. I had to get my photograph taken. The officers in the Guard Room told me it would cost L20,000 by the time I reached over to the criminal Cooley who ran the business and his black agent in criminality. I was told the pictures cost L50,000 and I could not get a soft copy. When I returned with the pictures I was told it should have been cropped a certain way. I am sure I stood my ground and said I was not going back. I had also asked for an official list of the fees charged for the services. All I was shown was something on the Officers telephone. I did not even look.

Finding the Canadian Embassy was another exercise. I do not even remember how I got the address. At the Travel Agency they told me it was on Booth or Howden Streets. I found both streets and did not find any Canadian Consulate. I think it must have been the Police who eventually told me. One thing I know and no one has to tell me is that I am dealing with some very sick individuals. In order to illustrate I am going to write about what is taking place with a lady right here in Toronto. I have to ask myself if I am the only one who sees what is happening. If no one can intervene on her behalf. The situation is pathetic. I know the purpose of the whole exercise is that they are trying to get a message over to me what they wish for me but Jesus Christ is my Lord. I am off limits to the devil. I eventually reached the Canadian Embassy as I have already told you the crooked and criminal Canadians had to observe me under camera and I realised I had to tell them that I had no intention of sleeping before the Consular General came out of hiding. I am discovering day by day that Canadians are not very nice people, not very nice people at all. That is one of the major reasons why I did not want to travel on a Canadian Passport any longer because as happened in the USA I knew they would leave me on a limb to dry. The Consular General Mr. Kofie McCauley told me that I had to reapply for Citizenship and one long story. I said I am not doing any such thing. When I was getting the Citizenship in the first place I had no problems. When my Citizenship card was stolen all I did was  apply for a Naturalisation Certificate filling out a simple form. All I need is a document to travel. I also advised that I would pay my own plane fare. I gave him my brother’s email address and asked him to contact him since I was not able to access my funds. He then told me about this document which would take a couple of weeks by November 19. I could not even use the internet at the Consular Office as I started to use it. It would go down. I had to laugh. I mean people, those were two of the worst weeks of my life. Mr. McCauley gave me an address to get the picture for the document.After I eventually located it I was charged L200,000 for the pictures.  The first batch I took was stolen the same day I took them. While I was sleeping. I had to go back on a number of occasion that is how I encountered this gentleman the Saturday who almost rape me in daylight and took away my package with my knife and toiletries. I was determined that they were not going to get my picture again.  The same thing is playing out in Canada with the government stealing my Birth Certificates because they do not want me to get my papers to leave Sodom and Gomorrah, Canada.

Let me backup a little to relate some more specific incidents. After going to the embassy I tried to get myself booked into a hotel again. I returned to the one I had stayed at Howden Street. The price was the same but the size of the room had been reduced drastically. I did not like the location and what I saw so I opted not to take it for my L220,000. I went across the road by the time the lady was taking me upstairs to show me the available rooms one gentleman ran in like a mad ant to say all the rooms were full. I did not fuss, I just left. I went to this brothel being run by a lady since on a previous occasion she had offered to rent me a room. She was very pleasant and invited me to sit in her Lounge. Of course sizing me up for the attack. Having made the mistake like everyone else that I was easy prey she eventually told me that I should return at 10 p.m that is the slow period. I left and said I would be in touch. Of course I did not return. Treacherous and cheap black people. We behave like Cannibals the manner in which we gobble up each other at the bidding of the White man. Unfortunately, my bag with my clothes was stolen in the early hours of the morning while I was relieving myself by fertilising some grass. I had quite a few nice pieces in that bag which I was looking forward to unfolding in Ghana and Nigeria as I attended church.

Talking about the Church, all major denominations are in Sierra Leone. Sad to say I did not see the salt of the earth, light of the world nature of our Christainity. The Churches I saw looked the same way like Freetown in need of some serious infrastructural overhaul. Of course while the scriptures were not on the heart of the people it certainly was on their vehicles. You had no problem knowing who were Muslims and who were Christians example God is Great (Christian) Allah is great (Muslim). In the area of transportation over-charges and sometimes the owners of labour lock down their system on me and I had to pay premium rates to get where I am going. The first time I went to the Canadian Consulate the so-called Christian robbed me blind. The other major challenge was in the area of the internet because person’s agendae was to shut me down completely and shut down my Social Media presence. I had great challenges in this area.  The first internet cafe I used the gentleman fiddled with my FB account and gave FaceBook the opportunity to illegally close me down for a number of months. The Spirit has been ministering to me about what is taking place in this area. Even though the criminals have all my legal documents at their disposal and I mean all. My name is the big obstacle. There is only one RAPHLETA ROSEMARIE TAYLOR. If anyone presents my documents without my presence they have to be able to answer some serious questions. No institution can tell me that they did not know. I am all over Social Media. All they have to do is ‘Google it’. That is why people harassed me and I had to change the name of my Canada Revenue Agency My Account. For the same reason they want to shut down my Yahoo and my FaceBook Accounts, because my name is unique. Normally any account I open I just use my first name. The only reason why they were able to steal my money from PayPal is because of internal help at TD Bank and Paypal. My account was supposed to have been closed. Canada is a dangerous place with all levels of criminality. This is saying especially to you people in the Caribbean these little common English names which you all are using, you need to go to God for names of your children. Cut out all these foolishness like the name of the year is ‘Charlotte’ for example. Did the Holy Spirit tell you that your child is a Charlotte?

That internet shop was on Siaka Stevens Street, I then used one on Howden Street. This institution needs to be cleaned up. Then I used an expensive one in Aberdeen on the road to Sea Coach. This one was expensive so they allowed me to do my work, then the criminals taught them their tricks. They actually blocked me while I was using my OneDrive. I had to circumvent them. Then they are calling their Pastor. One showed me his Bible school certificate. Lord help my Holy Ghost.  The other major challenge was the restrooms. I had to purchase my own tissue paper because people were told not to make  any available when I’m using the restroom. Not only that they would sometimes shut off the water on me. I had to be creative. One of the things in Jamaica is even if the area does not have water running in individual pipes you can always find a stand pipe as we call it, in the community. Where everyone can come and get water and socialise. I did not find much of that in Africa. They were going to the river. Then all the Pakistanis and Indians and Arabs shut down their facilities on me. I had to start doing things strategically. At one time I reached Sea Coach I was only able to use their restroom twice. Then I was ejected again. Then I tried the bus stop but there were holes in the ground again. The next major challenge was food. The Pakistanis, Indians and Arabs banned me from their stores again. I would not go to the market because that is open poisoning. The people were after poisoning me. I remember while I was in the Police Station they had this gentleman overlooking me. My chair was placed in a specific position.  The corrupt Police left him so he could look me over. All I did was wonder what happened to all these fools I was meeting.

The last thing I want to leave you with is how I escaped Sierra Leone.  These people were cooperating fully with the kingdom of darkness. Then one Sunday I was walking along Lumley Beach and met a Christ Embassy Church. I was so glad I could get a Bible. When I went over there the lady gave me two of their devotionals. I was so upset I just returned them and moved along. When I went to the Bible Store the prices for Bibles  were out of this world. 

NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE  I wanted to give you an example of my ordeal in Sierra Leone. I will give the last part because all the gory details are enough to fill a book. The Consular General told me to complete my document. I needed to get a picture. I went and got the picture that night while I was sleeping. It was stolen. The picture cost SLL200,000. I decided I was going back to the photographer to find out what I should do. During this time I was having serious difficulties settling at nights because it was constant harassment. I was having a problem with toilets. I used to use the Catholic Church in the mornings even though it did not have proper facilities. The pipe in the restroom was disconnected. One Sunday morning the Priest was waiting for me in his robe to tell me that I could not use his toilet. His goon was there to ensure that I did not. I just went around the front and did a number one. Here it is, I was going to be writing to you Roman Catholics in North America and Europe and tell you all that the reason you were falling into sin is that you are too pampered in comparison to your brothers in Africa. Here it is when I am in America and Europe there are prayer books and hymnals to spare. In fact the first thing I did was get my books when I entered any Roman Catholic Church. They had them to spare and very new. I tell you people there was none in this Catholic Church. All I saw them put out were some tattered song books and the prayer books looked quite ancient. In fact, the book is updated every year because it has all the sermons and prayers which will be preached for the year. Not like you unruly Evangelicals. Their things are done decently and in order. That is what I was going to be writing about and that you people need to correct this anomaly immediately. Is it not one church? Anyway cockroach nuh business inna fowl fight, dem run mi out a dem bruk dung toilet. Like Jesus and the Pharisees, unuh neva si dat mi foot dutty but she is washing my feet with her tears and drying it with her hair. Unuh guh wey fram mi unuh Far-you-sees and Sad-you-sees. Wid unuh bad heart. St Luke 7 verses 36 -50. TRANSLATION Anyway, cockroaches have no business getting involved in a fowl fight (fowl eat cockroaches), they ran me out of their broken down toilet. Similar to Jesus and the Pharisees, you did not see that my feet were dirty but she is washing my feet with her tears and drying it with her hair, get away from me you Pharisees and Sadducees. You have bad hearts!

I used to buy from another Pakistani and use his restroom. He told his security that I was no longer welcome. I bought a pine from a lady when I was by the beach peeling the pine. I found the pine was very battered on the inside. I found it suspicious so I threw away half of it. The pine is very sweet and juicy. However, this is why I buy in the supermarkets because I do not trust the natives. It used to be that they would shut the supermarket door when they saw me coming. I went by the beach. I would be bothered, one morning I got up there was a fellow in my bag. He said his name was Moses. Another night I was lying by the beachfront one fellow came off his bike and came to me to tell me that he wanted to F^&* me. I said ‘Oh yeah and went for my knife and said come F”^& me. Oh people, I forgot to tell you about the Police Station across from the Mayor’s office there in Freetown. After the officer told me that the police would not be able to protect me on Wallace Jackson Street every night when the police saw me coming they locked their door. The night my bag was stolen not only did they close the door but they also batten down with some ply board. See no evil hear no evil. Then someone tried to tell me that they were not police. I said what? You drive the vehicle and wear the clothes and you are not police? Since I was by the beach in Aberdeen which was near Lumley. I decided that in order to get my pictures I would stay by a Supermarket the night before which had 24 hours security near the top of Wilkinson Road by the Crossroads in Lumley. The people who took the pictures were located off Wilkinson Road on a street called Lower Border line. When I reached I rested on a bench beside the supermarket one fellow came and told me I could not stay there. I said no problem and went to sit by some water bottles on the supermarket side where the Security Guards were sitting. He came and said I could not stay there either. I told him he had no authority over that side and he was to go about his business. I was not doing any harm and the Security Guards were there. The next thing I know is the crook took out a whip and gave me two slaps. By the time I went after him he gave me two more. I was focused on getting my hand on him because I had no weapon. All I felt was when a second criminal hit me in my back with a chair. I went for one of the water bottles but they were full and too heavy. Then a third criminal hit me and I toppled over. I was looking for a weapon and fell over the water bottles from a lick that the first criminal gave me. I was on my back and looking up at the first criminal who had a piece of stick shaped like a post in his hand. All I remember saying was Daddy is this it? Because I am ready to go to the ultimate with these criminals. Then the Security Guards seemed to realise that things were going to get out of hand and they got the criminals off me and gave me my things. I had two cuts from the ordeal, one on my leg and one on my hand. I have the scars from this war. Because this is all out war!! Then I went across the street because I was determined that no crooks were going to get me out of my place. There were some residences and the people had a shed. I sat there and the crooks came again. This time one who was not involved in the first skirmish decided that he wanted a piece of the action. He came after me with a whip again. I just lifted up the bench I was sitting on and went after him. He scattered! Then another little foolish one came and he went for a dog. The dog did not even open its mouth once, a big German Shepherd. In order to stop the harassment because I realised there was a youngman who was driving the strife. One of those who wear their pants under their bottom who looked like a homosexual. I went and sat across the road near some business place for the rest of the morning until the supermarket opened. 

In the opening hours of the supermarket. The owners came and were very busy with some soldiers. I thought all the drama had ended from the night before and they were just securing the place. When I went to the supermarket door when it was opened one soldier was trying to stop me from entering. I just shook him off. I went in and used the restroom with a lot of harassment. When I was ready to shop the soldiers literally pushed me out of the store and lifted me up and carried me across the street. Literally pushed me out of the store for I was putting up a resistance. I needed juice and water and a knife. Anyway since it was still early I decided to go to Kroos Town to Chaitraim. This was the relative to the one on Rowdon Street who had told me I was persona non-grata. I told you the Indians and Pakistanis own the place. I was not seeing the Chinese but as soon as I started seeing them in the supermarkets and on the streets things got decidedly worse. I saw a one-eyed Chinese person. I saw a mad one and a number of others in the supermarket. When I reached this supermarket they wanted to stop me at the door but I just brushed them off again and went in and got a little knife, water and some juice. These people will poison your system. I was suspecting their water. Then I went back to the Photo Studio. One of the things which happened is that the owners of the transportation shut down the system on me. All the vehicles pass me by. Then some so-called Christian comes to your rescue but they are just as dishonest because they overcharge you. Now looking in hindsight it would seem that they do not own the vehicle. They only drive them. When I reached the studio no one wanted to deal with me. I just sat outside and slept until one of the Ethiopians came and gave me the pictures. I had been there on two previous occasions and were turned away and had no intention of leaving again. The pictures were actually taken by an Ethiopian. I walked from Lower Border Line out to Wilkinson Road. I sat by the store out front. To my surprise as I was just sitting and relaxing, one disgusting blackman attacked me. In our struggles he took away my plastic bag I had with the knife and some things. I tried to bite him to get him off me but he actually started to put his mouth on me.The man was full of pure demons telling me he wanted me to go home with him. In order to shake him I had to be running in the streets. This did not shake him at all because when I turned my back he started to feel up my bottom. What was amazing to me is that these crooked Indians, Pakistanis and Chinese have these black people so bound up that no one came to my rescue. People stood there looking and no one came to my rescue. I finally got rid of that demon and decided to start walking because no one would pick me up. If I stopped beside any vendors and they started moving. Then I move with them because it simply means people are preparing to attack me. It went like this until I reached the top of the road. Then I had a taxi man stop for me. You guessed people this time he said he was a Pastor. However, he took all of my money. I just hired him to take me to the other set of criminals, the Canadian Consulate. You guessed people he did not know where the Consulate was. I had to give him directions. When I reached the Consulate I was frazzled. I told the security I was not leaving until I saw the Consular. I gave the youngman who worked there the picture which everyone was after. After a while Mr. Koffie Macauley came on explaining the situation to him; the safest place he seemed to be able to offer was the hospital. I went to the hospital. They did not keep me for more than a couple of days because they said nothing was wrong with me. However, the Doctor said is that all you want to tell us, Miss Taylor? So that if the police asked. I think that was why they wanted to get rid of me so fast the circumstances under which I was there. Then they have this bad habit of waking me up while I was sleeping and asking questions. I don’t even know which part of the hospital I was in. All I know is one day I got up and a fellow was there in the room sleeping. At certain stages God just locks down your brain so you are not able to process certain things. I did not look at the criminal. 

I was moved to a Guest House. I am still analysing my experience because I know I had some nocturnal visitations. Then I was given some Indian and Pakistani old bruk which I am still trying to get rid of.Glad to say at this stage I have gotten rid of everything. The coat was the last.  The Pakistani and Indians did their usual art work with dirt. I had to get rid of it. The sneakers the Chinese did their business with. The swelling of my feet. They literally destroyed and tore up everything which belongs to me. I do not even like to see these people, the Chinese and Caucasians. The criminals let us drive overland to the airport which took all day. The sea trip only took 20 minutes and SLL 400, 000. Would you believe at the airport they tried to get the flight to leave me? I ordered some food, and they gave me what they pleased. I wanted the black chicken. They gave me the white one. It is more than tongue can talk. Before we go on the last day before I left one white fellow came and visited me. I mean in person. He would have known everything about me so I asked him his name. He told me John.

The next time we speak. I will tell you how the crooks in Canada stole my handbag with all my documents as I landed. I will also discuss my bout with Malaria. I am still wondering how that one happened. I never had to say ‘shoo’ to any mosquito while I was in Africa. We will also advise the crooks in charge of this operation that they are going to have to kill me but I do not want to know them. I want nothing to do with any of them.


Just stood in the immigration line in the Paris Airport, the wing built by the Chinese and wrote a blog. I first got the word ‘Well Blockers” out of Genesis 26 verses 12-15 even when you have reached Rehoboth there is still Beersheba, the place of constant flow and peace and rest. Then I wrote the Blog. 


Book – a major division of a treatise or literary work 

the books of the Bible 

Jeremiah From the Hebrew name וּהָמי ְרִ ְי) Yirmiyahu) meaning “YAHWEH will exalt”, from the roots וםּר) rum) meaning “to exalt” and הָי) yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is the name of one of the major prophets of the Old Testament, the author of the Book of Jeremiah 

and the Book of Lamentations (supposedly). He lived to see the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in the 6th century BC. 

Life Tha animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual. (how long you live for) 

Lessons An amount of teaching given at one time, a period of learning or teaching Plans An intention or decision about what one is going to do 

Purposes The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists 


VI. Declarations of Judah 52 

Chapter 52 Judgement on Judah 

This is the culmination Chapter focusing on Jewry. The culmination of Jeremiah’s prophecies.

Verse 1 Zedekiah’s Grandfather name is Jeremiah 

Just thought I would mention that!

Verse 2 Zedekiah the Idolater

Verse 3 Rebellion of Zedekiah against Nebuchadnezzar

Verse 4 Jerusalem Under Siege 

Verse 5 City Under Siege for the 11 years of Zedekiah’s Reign

Verse 6 Famine on the Land

Verse 7 City went Nuts/Army Flee

Verses 8 – 11 Judgement on King Zedekiah and his Sons

8 But the army of the Chaldeans pursued after the king, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho; and all his army was scattered from him.

9 Then they took the king, and carried him up unto the king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath; where he gave judgment upon him.

10 And the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes: he slew also all the princes of Judah in Riblah.

11 Then he put out the eyes of Zedekiah; and the king of Babylon bound him in chains, and carried him to Babylon, and put him in prison till the day of his death.

Verses 12 – 14 Jerusalem Burned

 12 Now in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, which served the king of Babylon, into Jerusalem,

13 And burned the house of the Lord, and the king’s house; and all the houses of Jerusalem, and all the houses of the great men, burned he with fire:

14 And all the army of the Chaldeans, that were with the captain of the guard, brake down all the walls of Jerusalem round about.

Verse 15 Jews Carted off to Baylon

Verse 16 Poor People Left to Keep the Land 

Verses 17 – 23 The Temple Destroyed

The Europeans in Africa acted like the looting Chaldeans. They took everything of value including the people.

17 Also the pillars of brass that were in the house of the Lord, and the bases, and the brasen sea that was in the house of the Lord, the Chaldeans brake, and carried all the brass of them to Babylon.

18 The caldrons also, and the shovels, and the snuffers, and the bowls, and the spoons, and all the vessels of brass wherewith they ministered, took they away.

19 And the basons, and the firepans, and the bowls, and the caldrons, and the candlesticks, and the spoons, and the cups; that which was of gold in gold, and that which was of silver in silver, took the captain of the guard away.

20 The two pillars, one sea, and twelve brasen bulls that were under the bases, which king Solomon had made in the house of the Lord: the brass of all these vessels was without weight.

21 And concerning the pillars, the height of one pillar was eighteen cubits; and a fillet of twelve cubits did compass it; and the thickness thereof was four fingers: it was hollow.

22 And a chapiter of brass was upon it; and the height of one chapiter was five cubits, with network and pomegranates upon the chapiters round about, all of brass. The second pillar also and the pomegranates were like unto these.

23 And there were ninety and six pomegranates on a side; and all the pomegranates upon the network were an hundred round about.

Verse 24   The Priests Taken into Captivity

Verse 25 Additional People Taken by The Captain of the Army to Babylon

Verses 26 -27 Nebuchadnezzar Killed the People They found Hiding

These are the people who acted contrary to Jeremiah’s warning.

26 So Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard took them, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah.

27 And the king of Babylon smote them, and put them to death in Riblah in the land of Hamath. Thus Judah was carried away captive out of his own land.


We made it we survive,

When the Enemy tried to take our lives 

No weapon formed against us shall prosper

We survive!

I survive the Europeans 

I survive the Canadians

I survive the Chinese

I survive the Pakistanis

I survive the Indians

I survive the South Americans

I made it I survive

I survive

My future is very bright..

I am an overcomer!!

Let us give the person who wrote the song the credit. Here is We Made It by Hezekiah Walker and Love Fellowship Choir.

Having made it through much bucking and nodding of the head we have come to the climax of the series The Book Of Jeremiah – Life Lessons in Plans and Purposes.

Let us review some of the things we have learned. The number one thing is to remember that you are not an accident Jeremiah 1 verse 5. God has a plan and a purpose for your life.  The end of your life has already been recorded Jeremiah 29 verse 11. Sorry you are not leaving Earth until you have accomplished that end Jeremiah 1 verse 5, Jeremiah 29 verse 11. Bad things happen to good people based on this book. He was cast into prison, the dungeon Jeremiah 20 verse 2, 38 verse 6. He was fed with bread and water . His scrolls were burnt Jeremiah 36 verse 23. He went into captivity. I am reminded of the calling of the Apostle Paul. It went like this: For I will show him the ‘great things he must suffer for my name’s sake’. Acts 9 verses 15 – 17. Did Paul suffer? II Corinthians 11 verses 21 – 33. I was reading a Psychologist in the Jamaica Gleaner on Sunday April 3. I suppose she would say that Paul has a lot of trauma he needs to deal with. This modern Christianity does not reconcile with what is in the Bible. 

The book of Jeremiah is full of  a number of noteworthy gems. I have one more project to do. That of collating all the warfare scriptures in the book. Overall it was a fantastic experience. I would not have given it up for the world. I am more blessed for having gone through the experience. My next project you will know about when I start writing. I do not want anyone preempting me. Until we communicate again:

This is Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from Toronto, Canada. The city of the CN Tower!

À bientôt 


The Book of Jeremiah – King James Version of the Bible


Read a Banned Book (Jeremiah 36:2-3) | For You


Mon peuple, Mon peuple In terms of my earlier writings I told you I would pick up after my flight from Wyoming. I had to return to Denver, Colorado. The last part of my trip is like a whirlwind because of the transportation situation. There are really three main transportation hubs in the North of the United States outside of New York.  They are Chicago, Illinois, Minneapolis, Minnesota and Columbus, Ohio. I have been through all three in terms of bus transportation. I also went through Cincinnati, Ohio at one point. Before I transitioned into Canada. I went to South Dakota. I can’t seem to remember much about this State. I used the map of the United States to jog my memory and discovered that all I did was pass through Sioux Falls. I did Omaha City, Omaha. They gave me so many problems with transportation and fare that I forgot to go look at Warren Buffet’s house.Then I did Des Moines, Iowa. There were some nice outlet cities in this city. This is where I started to try and post my money. Headed to Minnesota, Illinois and then my bags were stolen in Jackson, Michigan which I explain below.People if you have not realized by now this will help you in your travels. It does not matter how big the city is, they are all based on the European model. I suppose I will find the same thing in Africa. This model says most major government buildings are located within a five mile radius e.g I am in Toronto within that radius starting with the City Hall, in fact they have two, an old and a new almost side by side. You have the courthouse, the major theatre, ballet opera etc. You have the police Headquarters, you always have a library, the major bank, the major supermarket and the bus terminal or Central station. Always! Sometimes you will find the hospital or University as in the case of Toronto because it has the space. But the hospital and university are never far off. In the United States if you want to know a city, get the location of  four Walmarts, the one in the east, west, north and south then you will know the major transportation system and the city. That is how I got to know Des Moines, Salt Lake City and Billings Montana, quickly. I found the Walmarts. The reason why is out of the scope of this Blog. Just know it is for economic purposes. A lot of businesses cannot compete against the Walmart model, only the Dollar Stores.

I decided that before I do anything else I am going to exercise my squatters rights and get you people caught up on some of my activities and put some of your minds at ease by indicating that I am okay and I am really anticipating 2021. I have been anticipating it since 2017! Lord help my Holy Ghost! People I do not even remember where I left you because the main job of the Nazis and Mafias have been to shut me down at all cause. I am going to have to fill in the details as we go along but I want to pick up with you in Jackson, Michigan. I tell you I am typing and the peeping toms on the computer cannot even wait for me to develop the story. 

Anyway the Greyhound bus drove away with my bags. They could not believe their luck because I did not leave the bus without taking my bag with all my documents. This time because it was an official Greyhound bus terminal I just took my food bag to look for something to eat. I was careless because when I was in Chicago they did a simulation of the same thing, driving away with a young man’s bags. I keep telling you people in all of this the only mistake I keep making is to underestimate the integrity of criminals. As I hit the bathroom, the black woman in the office at the Jackson bus station closed the bathroom door. She just called out informing me that the bus was going away. It was all planned and beautifully executed. In order to continue stealing my money and using my accounts for money laundering they now have an original copy of my birth certificate and my citizenship certificate from Canada.

However, let me continue. They sent another criminal bus service, Miller’s, in the night with one black criminal passenger in the bus and charged me an additional US$32 to get to Detroit. I just paid it and cursed the two of them and told them that they were all criminals and that I had a knife if they planned to do anything. The first five rows in the bus were locked down because they had their plans. I just sat at row number three and told them I had no intention of sleeping until I reached heaven (I just added the last part; it sounds nice). The finer details are for the book or blog like I had to stand in the cold and pray from 6 p.m.  to 11:00 p.m. until the Miller’s crooks bus came. I went to the Jackson Police department twice to report my bags stolen and they did not even push out their heads. Since I knew the genesis of the criminality was from Germany I just walked away singing. Germany I shifted my prayer. Now I tell no one who I am praying for. Not after those fools in Ethiopia. Damn fools! I really rate the Nigerians. They have gotten a whole lot of you to do foolishness.What do they do ? Tell you all that they have an inside line to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia? I believe them.  The only inside line is a line to the Holy Spirit. This question came to mind, I wonder how much they offered Dr. Myles Munroe to become a Muslim? It is rhetorical!! 

Moving right along people! Detroit was something else. As soon as I reached there the border closed but there were vehicles going through. The reason I took this route and not a plane was because I wanted to go through the tunnel from Detroit to Windsor, Ontario. Bad choice!! Now people wanted me to stay in Detroit. I had to go to the Walmart to book my ticket at which time they changed my destination from Ontario, Canada to Ontario, California. Damn crooked #Caucasians! I ended up having to pay an additional US four hundred dollars to retrace my steps. Me again people, very careless!! Attention to details!! People expected me to be angry. I just kept asking for a Bible no one had any to offer. That is why I do my devotion every morning before making a step because my enemies are more than the hairs on my head especially now that they are removing most of my hair. Many times it is because of the guidance of the Holy Spirit why I just jump over every trap that has been set for me. In Ontario, California they had everything laid for me to leave the Airport. I said I am not moving one foot from here. I have already done California. I do not want to live in the USA. In Detroit on my way to the Airport after booking my flight they stole my knife and my bowl of soup and biscuits out of my bag. When I reached Detroit the Greyhound people evicted me off their compound. I went back for my bags before I left they had a white liar telling me I had to return to Jackson. People, I have enough sins in order not to have too much I just kept my mouth shut and left the integrityless white people and their place and just forward the case to the higher judge. In all of this I was grateful that the little black fellow who really should deal with the matter refused to lie to me. May God help him and his generations going forward.

I ended up buying a Bible in Salt Lake City, Utah. They were tired of me going around asking in every book store if they sold Bibles. It was one ugly pink thing. I have been saving up my money and waiting until this is all over to get me another Thomson Chain Reference Study Bible leather bound with black, brown or burgundy cover. My Bible is a serious tool, nothing frivolous about it. I do not need a pink Bible to know that I am a woman. Suffice it to say that my second night at the Toronto Pearson Airport the Pakistani and Indians  stole it. One Pakistani Security guard came to harass me in the middle of my devotion in Terminal Three and in my hurry to get away from the Lesbian I forgot my Bible in the bathroom. I normally use a book to block up the sensor that automatically flushes the toilet or it will flush every two minutes.Hence, the reason for my Bible not being among my things. It was covering the toilet sensor.  Fifteen minutes after I asked another security guard about it he told me no one saw it, US$27 stolen.  Another theft in Canada. Anyway people, I have to tell you this, during my flight I decided to go back to the original Raphleta. I decided to play Chess and Sudoku. I started with some brain teasers. The plane looked like a Boeing 737, very spacious with video displays. When I started playing Chess some of the Air Waiters came out and looked at me. By the time I reached the Sudoku game which had three levels. I started at the middle level and did it in a little over seven minutes. Then the Air waiters came and looked at me again. Then I moved to the hardest level. By the time I made a couple of mathematical moves the Air Waiters came again to look at me. May I  tell you why they kept coming? As usual the criminals had decided to evaluate me while I was flying. Obviously mad people do not play Chess and Sudoku. Me, myself and I have been doing it for years. On the return journey in order to lock me down on  the leg from Salt Lake City to Toronto they changed the plane to a smaller version with no video displays. I laughed throughout the whole flight with the little white lady in her black and white socks beside me, looking at me.

In Canada, I decided to use the library services to start putting my files together and continued to try and get a computer. The conclusion to that is that the Brampton Library went under partial lock down going back to curbside services. Mississauga Library was only giving me one hour and they did everything to cut that in half. They ran down the time, slowed down the computer and blocked most of my screens. I had to write a complaint and advise them that I walked out of the Brampton Library because of their foolishness. Can you imagine people? I am there using the computer and the crooks and criminals decided to send a foul smelling white guy to sit in front of me. I said enough, was enough and left!! Plus the Library staff and these Chinese termites give one no peace anywhere. Since I had already demonstrated in Brampton, Mississauga and Toronto I decided to just move on to the next set of Canadian terrorists in Ottawa. Lord help my Holy Ghost! In fact Toronto brought out the different bus services the first day I demonstrated. After filing my lawsuit against the Toronto Police at the Small Claims Court I just left. The people at the courthouse were another treat after I entered the building and was on the third floor. They are giving me a COVID questionnaire after they had abandoned their positions deliberately because they did not want to give me any information. I filled it out and returned it at the end of the day as per the information on the form.

I decided to go say hi to my brother Jack and told him no hard feelings and I wish him all the best for the New Year. I tell you it snowed so hard I just decided to stop at the Fairview Mall and shelter. I had a serious prayer session. I took on the thieving spirits which were molesting me. I had one lady offer me a fifty dollar bill. I told her thanks but no thanks I am well taken care of. I am realizing that people are trying to use money to bind me up. She placed it on me. I didn’t even touch it. I dropped it right where she gave me. Eventually the owners came for it. I have been having some serious reflections on the spirit of mammon. I have seen people do some things for money. The guys on the motivational circle would always say one of the first things you need to have worked out is your money philosophy. I now realize what they are talking about. The next day at around eleven I moved. Seems St. Catharines does not have a budget for removing snow because except for a few places all the snow was still on the road. I gingerly made my way to Mr. Taylor. I must stop here and say that is one of the things to be admired about Mississauga. When it comes to the removal of snow they are on the ball. I have never had a traffic hold up because of snow on the road in Mississauga. They need to teach the USA how it is done. A little snow fell. The next thing I know the road is closed, traffic jams, the bus is not moving and all the snow is still on the road. Happened to me in New Mexico. Well Mr. Taylor did not want to see me but I was able to get a shower and launder my one suit of clothes. Looks like the crooks placed some chemicals to shrink my clothes, especially my stockings. By the time a little fellow who is a sperm donor turned up I was ready to leave because Mr. Taylor was being very unco-operative and since I did not want him to be harassed any further I left, gingerly making my way through the mounds of snow on the road. 

I returned to Toronto and the next day attempted to make my way to Ottawa via Via Rail. At Union Station there were no machines to buy your tickets so I  promptly took a Go Train to Oshawa to buy a ticket from the machine not realizing that the corrupt Canadians had taken out all the machines. Why did I go through so much trouble? The last time I bought a ticket the crooks overcharged me by CAN$29. Here the story gets very interesting.

I reached early and had to wait a little over one hour, one hour for the cashiers to open and the next fifteen or so minutes  for the train. There was a Walmart nearby that I remember from my previous experience. I got a bus to the Walmart which was about fifteen minutes in all. Of course the dishonest white driver did not give me my transfer, mouthing some foolishness about COVID-19. I just ignored him. I tell you people my salvation is precious to me, I cannot waste it on dishonest white people.  I was almost at the bus stop when you know the bus had to turn up early and I missed it. This meant that I would miss the train. Not a problem, I got a ride to the bridge  from the next bus and then began to walk. Their snow was not so bad. I had walked for about five minutes when the Holy Spirit said to me finally, Raphleta I have got you to myself. You have been so busy. He just started linking events for me! Yes, Raphleta the flight that you saw on the arrivals board at Terminal 3 Pearson International from Montego Bay to Toronto, the fact that the PM of Canada had come out in support of Jamaica, the fact that the Consulate in Toronto had only confirmed that they have received your email to cancel your passport without giving you a proper reply, they are all linked to your stolen passport which is being used to steal your money and launder money. I said what? And dropped my bags in the snow! Then he started to link up more things for me. I took up my bags and said thank you Holy Spirit! I began to step strongly! When I was almost near the train station there blocking my way were some criminals sent by the top brass. Ah sey tell the Jamaican criminals dem sey fi cancel mi passport dem nah use my documents fi teef any more money and unuh move outta mi way unuh damn crooks di whole ah unuh!! Tell di Jamaican politicians dem fi gi up criminality if dem nuh rich yet and dem a teef suh long dem might as well gi up now and I walked and went to book for the next train to Ottawa. Interpretation  – I said tell the Jamaican criminals to cancel my passport and not use my documents to steal any more money. Remove yourselves out of my way, you are all crooks. Tell the Jamaican Politicians to give up criminality. If they have been stealing all this time and they are not rich as yet. They will never be rich. 

The train ride was the next treat. They actually lengthened the journey by disabling a CN Rail train on the track. We had to turn back. Instead of reaching 5:00 p.m. we reached 7:00 p.m. Thanks to the brilliance of the crooked and criminal Chinese. They had me surrounded in the train. This was supposed to be another evaluation session. When I realized what was taking place I just wrote on a piece of paper ‘DAMN WHITE CRIMINAL’ and showed it to the Whiteman who was sitting opposite me and was supposed to be evaluating me. I then continued to read my case and make my jottings. Then I did my devotion and read the Bible that someone placed in the Chapel at Pearson Airport from House of Praise with the Winners receipt in it and the couple scriptures marked in the Psalms and paid the whole crooked lot of them no mind. This time they only served dry biscuits. I almost laughed. When we reached the train station in Ottawa the  police were present. I had to say to myself. No wonder there is so much criminality in the world. It is the criminals who are in charge of the police and army. They had them steal my bags and now because they cannot get me illegally they are trying to intimidate me.

Thus far I have demonstrated twice once while it was snowing. One of my placard says:










After the first demonstration I went to the Rideau Centre to use the bathroom, all the different tribes were waiting for me. I ignored everyone! Then the Nigerian turned up speaking on the top of her voice and rebuking demons in the name of Jesus. I ignored her and started singing to drown out her conversation. After she left I said but Daddy my passports are Jamaican and Canadian. I have no GREEN PASSPORT, why are the Nigerians trying to woo me? If they are the one stealing my money all they have to do is replace it.

Anyway, I decided that after a number of attempts to get proper accommodation I would not be letting the new year catch me without proper shelter. The last attempt to rent somewhere the Whiteman had me standing around thirty minutes in the cold waiting to be picked up and taken to a prospective location. He had me like Oliver Samuels would say walking off mi (my) boot heel! I decided I would just book into a hotel. Since the process was seamless in the USA. I thought it would be the same thing in Canada. Oh Canada!! The thing the crooks and criminals are using against me is the fact that I do not have a credit Card. I only have debit or cash. If I do not have either? I do not flow. Suffice it to say after about ten attempts I ended up at Holiday Inn in Kanata. I was looking forward to presenting my bill to you for the $329 per room at Chateau Laurier but when I reached there to pay my money they changed their mind about over charging me and ran me out of the hotel. I had to give the young man a lesson in integrity. I said ‘Do not try to turn me into a liar just say that you have changed your mind.’  I was willing to pay $1,000 per night just to get some peace and quiet going into the new year.  When I left the Chateau Laurier the Nazis and Mafias sent one Whiteman to harass me. I went into him like the ‘Bananaman’. I was not very gentle. He called me racist. I said you have not seen anything yet, come near me and I will slash your throat. He called me a bitch etc! I said bring it on. We were at the stoplights white people right beside me and white people on the other side observing us. I just shouted and said the best stress reliever cursing white people better than tobacco, drugs and alcohol rolled into one and went on my way to Kanata. They gave me a double bedroom with many mirrors and charged me $308for two nights and a $250 deposit refundable. The first night they turned off the internet at 10:30 p.m. This is the time I was just getting into my stride. I had just completed downloading the The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom to go answer the law student who wanted to throw out my case because he said it was frivolous and vexatious to the spirit. The internet person wanted me to give him the IP address. I ignored him and hung up!! Then they violated my presence by entering my room when I was sleeping.  The Chinese and Germans continuously sprinkling powder on my feet to get them to swell. One of my feet is bigger than the other. I nearly lost both my feet because they slit the little toe on my right foot and then they put poison in the corn cushions I placed on my toes. I nearly lost my toe. I had to pray for my feet back to life. Then the chemical that the Germans placed on my feet is more deadly than that of the Chinese, Pakistanis and Indians. It just removed my epidermis. Now they are injecting me with foreign substances because I am not swelling to the size they want. Now do you see why good people for example in California have nothing to do with these people.

Well people, I have bought a computer which I do not control. Through many toils and snares I have typed this FB post. The system has been shut down on me a number of times.

The best picture I have of what took place is this cartoon by Clovis. I would use the different ethnicities, flags and clothing.


Saturday, December 26, 2020


Saturday, December 26, 2020

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What can I say, people now that I am in the Book of Jeremiah. I am enjoying it so much I even listen to it on Audio Bible King James Version reading by Alexander Scourby. I tell you people I thought I had seen Spiritual Warfare. I realized that I had just had a taste. The touching of this book of Jeremiah seems to be serious higher level warfare. After I had rewritten February’s Blog then my notes reappeared. I ignored them! They have all disappeared again.We continue to thank Daddy for the Spirit of completion.


Book – a major division of a treatise or literary work

the books of the Bible

Jeremiah From the Hebrew name יִרְמְיָהוּ (Yirmiyahu) meaning “YAHWEH will exalt”, from the roots רוּם (rum) meaning “to exalt” and יָה (yah) referring to the Hebrew God. This is the name of one of the major prophets of the Old Testament, the author of the Book of Jeremiah and the Book of Lamentations (supposedly). He lived to see the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in the 6th century BC.

Life Tha animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual. (how long you live for)

Lessons An amount of teaching given at one time, a period of learning or teaching

Plans An intention or decision about what one is going to do

Purposes The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists


IV.  Realization of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem 36-45

Chapter 36 The Scroll Read in the Temple

This is a very interesting chapter. This is where Jeremiah was thrown in prison and King Zedekiah the tattooed fornicator burnt his scroll piece by piece.

Verses 1 – 2 Instructions from God to Write

When I started to keep my journal I just heard,’ Raphleta start writing down your experiences.’

1  And it came to pass in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, that this word came unto Jeremiah from the Lord, saying,

2 Take thee a roll of a book, and write therein all the words that I have spoken unto thee against Israel, and against Judah, and against all the nations, from the day I spake unto thee, from the days of Josiah, even unto this day.

Verse 4 Baruch the Scribe

4 Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neriah: and Baruch wrote from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the Lord, which he had spoken unto him, upon a roll of a book.

Verses 5 – 6 Baruch Sent

5 And Jeremiah commanded Baruch, saying, I am shut up; I cannot go into the house of the Lord:

6 Therefore go thou, and read in the roll, which thou hast written from my mouth, the words of the Lord in the ears of the people in the Lord’s house upon the fasting day: and also thou shalt read them in the ears of all Judah that come out of their cities.

Verses 9 – 10 Jeremiah Read During the Time of Fasting

9 And it came to pass in the fifth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, in the ninth month, that they proclaimed a fast before the Lord to all the people in Jerusalem, and to all the people that came from the cities of Judah unto Jerusalem.

10 Then read Baruch in the book the words of Jeremiah in the house of the Lord, in the chamber of Gemariah the son of Shaphan the scribe, in the higher court, at the entry of the new gate of the Lord’s house, in the ears of all the people.

All the people heard the word. Michaiah heard the words and told the princes and scribes and some other people. The Princes then sent for Baruch to read in their presence. You know how royalty loves to summon people. If I summon you I am just exercising my right as a royal. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! We pick up the chapter there.

The Scroll Read in the Palace

Verses 14 – 16      First Reading in the Palace

Those of you who are saying that no black people are in the Bible Jehudi was of the lineage of Cush. We have already spoken about the Ethiopians!! We have passed the gentle Jesus meek and mild stage people. It is now time for black people to rightly divide the word of TRUTH!!

14 Therefore all the princes sent Jehudi the son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Cushi, unto Baruch, saying, Take in thine hand the roll wherein thou hast read in the ears of the people, and come. So Baruch the son of Neriah took the roll in his hand, and came unto them.

15 And they said unto him, Sit down now, and read it in our ears. So Baruch read it in their ears.

16 Now it came to pass, when they had heard all the words, they were afraid both one and other, and said unto Baruch, We will surely tell the king of all these words.

Verse 19 Princes Advise Baruch and Jeremiah to Go into Hiding

19 Then said the princes unto Baruch, Go, hide thee, thou and Jeremiah; and let no man know where ye be.

Verse 21- 23 The King Destroys Jeremiah’s Scroll

As I was praying by Rouge Hill the other night after I had written the statement at verse 14. It would not leave me. In fact, it was expanded. I was reminded that Jehudi was right there in the palace reading to the King. I cast my mind back to Simon of Cyrene who carried the cross of Jesus St. Luke 23 verse 26. This was not an accident that is black people’s territory, this is the Middle East everybody would mix and mingle. The fact that he was chosen was divine, not an accident. I tell you we black people have really been brainwashed. We need to get back to our place of dominion in our surroundings and world. Yul Brenner is now dead. Let us see if they are going to have any more shows with Pharaohs. He was a compromise for the real thing.

21 So the king sent Jehudi to fetch the roll: and he took it out of Elishama the scribe’s chamber. And Jehudi read it in the ears of the king, and in the ears of all the princes which stood beside the king.

22 Now the king sat in the winterhouse in the ninth month: and there was a fire on the hearth burning before him.

23 And it came to pass, that when Jehudi had read three or four leaves, he cut it with the penknife, and cast it into the fire that was on the hearth, until all the roll was consumed in the fire that was on the hearth.

Verse 26 The Lord Hid Jeremiah from the King

26 But the king commanded Jerahmeel the son of Hammelech, and Seraiah the son of Azriel, and Shelemiah the son of Abdeel, to take Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet: but the Lord hid them.

Verses 27 – 28 Jeremiah Rewrites the Scroll

27 Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, after that the king had burned the roll, and the words which Baruch wrote at the mouth of Jeremiah, saying,

28 Take thee again another roll, and write in it all the former words that were in the first roll, which Jehoiakim the king of Judah hath burned..

Verses 30 – 31 Judgment on Jehoiakim king of Judah and his Family

Note verse 30 is prophetic. So said so done!

30 Therefore thus saith the Lord of Jehoiakim king of Judah; He shall have none to sit upon the throne of David: and his dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost.

31 And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity; and I will bring upon them, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the men of Judah, all the evil that I have pronounced against them; but they hearkened not.

Verse  32 Scroll Rewritten

32 Then took Jeremiah another roll, and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of Neriah; who wrote therein from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire: and there were added besides unto them many like words.

Chapter 37 Zedekiah’s Vain Hope

After ignoring the commands of God, King Zedekiah who was reigning instead of his nephew Coniah sought prayer from Jeremiah. Humanity has not changed; we want things from God without obeying Him.

Verse 3 King Zedekiah asked Jeremiah for Prayer

I am wondering if the Zepheniah mentioned in  this verse is the same one who wrote the book of Zephaniah. Zephaniah the black prophet people Zephaniah 1 verse 1. These are the things you do not learn at Bible school. You might ask too many questions.

3 And Zedekiah the king sent Jehucal the son of Shelemiah and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest to the prophet Jeremiah, saying, Pray now unto the Lord our God for us.

Verse 4 Jeremiah was a Free Man at that time

4 Now Jeremiah came in and went out among the people: for they had not put him into prison.

Verses 7 – 10 Jeremiah Predicts Defeat

7 Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel; Thus shall ye say to the king of Judah, that sent you unto me to enquire of me; Behold, Pharaoh’s army, which is come forth to help you, shall return to Egypt into their own land.

8 And the Chaldeans shall come again, and fight against this city, and take it, and burn it with fire.

9 Thus saith the Lord; Deceive not yourselves, saying, The Chaldeans shall surely depart from us: for they shall not depart.

10 For though ye had smitten the whole army of the Chaldeans that fight against you, and there remained but wounded men among them, yet should they rise up every man in his tent, and burn this city with fire.

Verses 13 – 14 Jeremiah Accosted

13 And when he was in the gate of Benjamin, a captain of the ward was there, whose name was Irijah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah; and he took Jeremiah the prophet, saying, Thou fallest away to the Chaldeans.

14 Then said Jeremiah, It is false; I fall not away to the Chaldeans. But he hearkened not to him: so Irijah took Jeremiah, and brought him to the princes.

Verses 15 – 16 Jeremiah Struck and Imprisoned

15 Wherefore the princes were wroth with Jeremiah, and smote him, and put him in prison in the house of Jonathan the scribe: for they had made that the prison.

16 When Jeremiah was entered into the dungeon, and into the cabins, and Jeremiah had remained there many days;

Verse 17 King Zedekiah Seeks a Prophecy

17 Then Zedekiah the king sent, and took him out: and the king asked him secretly in his house, and said, Is there any word from the Lord? And Jeremiah said, There is: for, said he, thou shalt be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon.

Verses 18 – 20 Jeremiah Pleads for Mercy

18 Moreover Jeremiah said unto king Zedekiah, What have I offended against thee, or against thy servants, or against this people, that ye have put me in prison?

19 Where are now your prophets which prophesied unto you, saying, The king of Babylon shall not come against you, nor against this land?

20 Therefore hear now, I pray thee, O my lord the king: let my supplication, I pray thee, be accepted before thee; that thou cause me not to return to the house of Jonathan the scribe, lest I die there.

Verse 21 Jeremiah Fed Bread

21 Then Zedekiah the king commanded that they should commit Jeremiah into the court of the prison, and that they should give him daily a piece of bread out of the bakers’ street, until all the bread in the city were spent. Thus Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison.

Chapter 38 Jeremiah in the Dungeon

Jeremiah prophesied that those who surrendered to the Chaldeans would be saved and those who did not would die. As a result the Princes decided to put him in the dungeon because they thought he was demotivating the people. The dungeon was full of muck.

Verse 6 Dungeon full of Mire

6 Then took they Jeremiah, and cast him into the dungeon of Malchiah the son of Hammelech, that was in the court of the prison: and they let down Jeremiah with cords. And in the dungeon there was no water, but mire: so Jeremiah sunk in the mire.

Verse 7 The Ethiopian Made Aware of Jeremiah’s Situation

7 Now when Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, one of the eunuchs which was in the king’s house, heard that they had put Jeremiah in the dungeon; the king then sitting in the gate of Benjamin;

Verses 8 – 13 Ebed-Melech Pleaded for the Release of Jeremiah

Ebed-Melech is an Ethiopian; he was right there in the king’s palace and reasoned with the king. It shall be well with all us Ethiopians.

8 Ebedmelech went forth out of the king’s house, and spake to the king saying,

9 My lord the king, these men have done evil in all that they have done to Jeremiah the prophet, whom they have cast into the dungeon; and he is like to die for hunger in the place where he is: for there is no more bread in the city.

10 Then the king commanded Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, saying, Take from hence thirty men with thee, and take up Jeremiah the prophet out of the dungeon, before he die.

11 So Ebedmelech took the men with him, and went into the house of the king under the treasury, and took thence old cast clouts and old rotten rags, and let them down by cords into the dungeon to Jeremiah.

12 And Ebed Melech the Ethiopian said unto Jeremiah, Put now these old cast clouts and rotten rags under thine arm holes under the cords. And Jeremiah did so.

13 So they drew up Jeremiah with cords, and took him up out of the dungeon: and Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison.

Verses 14 – 16 Zedekiah’s Fears  

14 Then Zedekiah the king sent, and took Jeremiah the prophet unto him into the third entry that is in the house of the Lord: and the king said unto Jeremiah, I will ask thee a thing; hide nothing from me.

15 Then Jeremiah said unto Zedekiah, If I declare it unto thee, wilt thou not surely put me to death? and if I give thee counsel, wilt thou not hearken unto me?

16 So Zedekiah the king sware secretly unto Jeremiah, saying, As the Lord liveth, that made us this soul, I will not put thee to death, neither will I give thee into the hand of these men that seek thy life.

Verses 17- 18 Jetremiah’s Advice

17 Then said Jeremiah unto Zedekiah, Thus saith the Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel; If thou wilt assuredly go forth unto the king of Babylon’s princes, then thy soul shall live, and this city shall not be burned with fire; and thou shalt live, and thine house:

18 But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon’s princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand.

He also gave some more advice!

Verses 24 – 25 Jetremiah Sworn to Secrecy

24 Then said Zedekiah unto Jeremiah, Let no man know of these words, and thou shalt not die.

25 But if the princes hear that I have talked with thee, and they come unto thee, and say unto thee, Declare unto us now what thou hast said unto the king, hide it not from us, and we will not put thee to death; also what the king said unto thee:

Verse 27 – 28 Jeremiah Obeyed

27 Then came all the princes unto Jeremiah, and asked him: and he told them according to all these words that the king had commanded. So they left off speaking with him; for the matter was not perceived.

28 So Jeremiah abode in the court of the prison until the day that Jerusalem was taken: and he was there when Jerusalem was taken.

Chapter 39 The Fall of Jerusalem

Verses 2 – 7 King Zedekiah did not Obey Jeremiah’s Instructions

2 And in the eleventh year of Zedekiah, in the fourth month, the ninth day of the month, the city was broken up.

3 And all the princes of the king of Babylon came in, and sat in the middle gate, even Nergalsharezer, Samgarnebo, Sarsechim, Rabsaris, Nergalsharezer, Rabmag, with all the residue of the princes of the king of Babylon.

4 And it came to pass, that when Zedekiah the king of Judah saw them, and all the men of war, then they fled, and went forth out of the city by night, by the way of the king’s garden, by the gate betwixt the two walls: and he went out the way of the plain.

5 But the Chaldeans’ army pursued after them, and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho: and when they had taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he gave judgment upon him.

6 Then the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah in Riblah before his eyes: also the king of Babylon slew all the nobles of Judah.

7 Moreover he put out Zedekiah’s eyes, and bound him with chains, to carry him to Babylon.

Verse 8 Chaldeans Destroy the City

8 And the Chaldeans burned the king’s house, and the houses of the people, with fire, and brake down the walls of Jerusalem.

Verse 9 People Taken into Captivity to Babylon

9 Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away, that fell to him, with the rest of the people that remained.

Verse 10 The Disenfranchised given Vineyards and Fields

10 But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, which had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

Verses 12 -14 Jeremiah Goes Free

12 Take him, and look well to him, and do him no harm; but do unto him even as he shall say unto thee.

13 So Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard sent, and Nebushasban, Rabsaris, and Nergalsharezer, Rabmag, and all the king of Babylon’s princes;

14 Even they sent, and took Jeremiah out of the court of the prison, and committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, that he should carry him home: so he dwelt among the people.

Verses 15 – 18 Jeremiah Prophecies to Ebed-Melech the Ethiopian

I tell you #Ethiopia it is well with you. It does not matter what the enemy is doing.

15 Now the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah, while he was shut up in the court of the prison, saying,

16 Go and speak to Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring my words upon this city for evil, and not for good; and they shall be accomplished in that day before thee.

17 But I will deliver thee in that day, saith the Lord: and thou shalt not be given into the hand of the men of whom thou art afraid.

18 For I will surely deliver thee, and thou shalt not fall by the sword, but thy life shall be for a prey unto thee: because thou hast put thy trust in me, saith the Lord.

Chapter 40 Jeremiah with Gedaliah the Governor

Verses 5 – 6 Jeremiah Handed over to the Governor of Judah

5 Now while he was not yet gone back, he said, Go back also to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, whom the king of Babylon hath made governor over the cities of Judah, and dwell with him among the people: or go wheresoever it seemeth convenient unto thee to go. So the captain of the guard gave him victuals and a reward, and let him go.

6 Then went Jeremiah unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam to Mizpah; and dwelt with him among the people that were left in the land.

Verses 9 – 12 The Remnant Prospers

The formula to God’s prosperity just be where He says you are to be. No long complicated formula and He needs no one’s permission. All the rich people were in captivity but the people were having an abundant harvest. Reminds me of David and the four hundred indebted and disgruntled people he began with I Samuel 22 verse 2.

9 And Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan sware unto them and to their men, saying, Fear not to serve the Chaldeans: dwell in the land, and serve the king of Babylon, and it shall be well with you.

10 As for me, behold, I will dwell at Mizpah, to serve the Chaldeans, which will come unto us: but ye, gather ye wine, and summer fruits, and oil, and put them in your vessels, and dwell in your cities that ye have taken.

11 Likewise when all the Jews that were in Moab, and among the Ammonites, and in Edom, and that were in all the countries, heard that the king of Babylon had left a remnant of Judah, and that he had set over them Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan;

12 Even all the Jews returned out of all places whither they were driven, and came to the land of Judah, to Gedaliah, unto Mizpah, and gathered wine and summer fruits very much.

Verses 13 – 16 The Enemy turns up to bring Confusion

13 Moreover Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces that were in the fields, came to Gedaliah to Mizpah,

14 And said unto him, Dost thou certainly know that Baalis the king of the Ammonites hath sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to slay thee? But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam believed them not.

15 Then Johanan the son of Kareah spake to Gedaliah in Mizpah secretly saying, Let me go, I pray thee, and I will slay Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and no man shall know it: wherefore should he slay thee, that all the Jews which are gathered unto thee should be scattered, and the remnant in Judah perish?

16 But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam said unto Johanan the son of Kareah, Thou shalt not do this thing: for thou speakest falsely of Ishmael.

Chapter 41 Insurrection against Gedaliah

Verses 1- 3 Gedaliah is Killed

Lessons learnt: be careful who you break bread with and do not be careless with your life.

1 Now it came to pass in the seventh month, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah the son of Elishama, of the seed royal, and the princes of the king, even ten men with him, came unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam to Mizpah; and there they did eat bread together in Mizpah.

2 Then arose Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and the ten men that were with him, and smote Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan with the sword, and slew him, whom the king of Babylon had made governor over the land.

3 Ishmael also slew all the Jews that were with him, even with Gedaliah, at Mizpah, and the Chaldeans that were found there, and the men of war.

Verses 4 – 7 Ishmael the mass Murderer

4 And it came to pass the second day after he had slain Gedaliah, and no man knew it,

5 That there came certain from Shechem, from Shiloh, and from Samaria, even fourscore men, having their beards shaven, and their clothes rent, and having cut themselves, with offerings and incense in their hand, to bring them to the house of the Lord.

6 And Ishmael the son of Nethaniah went forth from Mizpah to meet them, weeping all along as he went: and it came to pass, as he met them, he said unto them, Come to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam.

7 And it was so, when they came into the midst of the city, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah slew them, and cast them into the midst of the pit, he, and the men that were with him.

Verse 8 Ten Escaped Death because they had Resources

People have not changed! I tell you!!

8 But ten men were found among them that said unto Ishmael, Slay us not: for we have treasures in the field, of wheat, and of barley, and of oil, and of honey. So he forbare, and slew them not among their brethren.

Verse 9 Pit Used as Burial Place in the Mass Murder was built by King Asa

9 Now the pit wherein Ishmael had cast all the dead bodies of the men, whom he had slain because of Gedaliah, was it which Asa the king had made for fear of Baasha king of Israel: and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah filled it with them that were slain.

Verse 10  Ishmael took Away the People

10 Then Ishmael carried away captive all the residue of the people that were in Mizpah, even the king’s daughters, and all the people that remained in Mizpah, whom Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had committed to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam: and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah carried them away captive, and departed to go over to the Ammonites.

Verses 15 – 18 People Recovered Location changed because of Fear

15 But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with eight men, and went to the Ammonites.

16 Then took Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces that were with him, all the remnant of the people whom he had recovered from Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, from Mizpah, after that he had slain Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, even mighty men of war, and the women, and the children, and the eunuchs, whom he had brought again from Gibeon:

17 And they departed, and dwelt in the habitation of Chimham, which is by Bethlehem, to go to enter into Egypt,

18 Because of the Chaldeans: for they were afraid of them, because Ishmael the son of Nethaniah had slain Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, whom the king of Babylon made governor in the land.

Chapter 42 The Flight to Egypt Forbidden 

Verses 1- 3 The People seek Direction from the Lord

 1 Then all the captains of the forces, and Johanan the son of Kareah, and Jezaniah the son of Hoshaiah, and all the people from the least even unto the greatest, came near,

2 And said unto Jeremiah the prophet, Let, we beseech thee, our supplication be accepted before thee, and pray for us unto the Lord thy God, even for all this remnant; (for we are left but a few of many, as thine eyes do behold us:)

3 That the Lord thy God may shew us the way wherein we may walk, and the thing that we may do.

Verse 5 The People Promised to Obey God

5 Then they said to Jeremiah, The Lord be a true and faithful witness between us, if we do not even according to all things for the which the Lord thy God shall send thee to us

Verse 6 Jeremiah Received an Answer in Ten Days

People it is okay to wait on God. 

6 Whether it be good, or whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the Lord our God, to whom we send thee; that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the Lord our God.

Verses 9 – 12 God’s Answer to the People

9 And said unto them, Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, unto whom ye sent me to present your supplication before him;

10 If ye will still abide in this land, then will I build you, and not pull you down, and I will plant you, and not pluck you up: for I repent me of the evil that I have done unto you.

11 Be not afraid of the king of Babylon, of whom ye are afraid; be not afraid of him, saith the Lord: for I am with you to save you, and to deliver you from his hand.

12 And I will shew mercies unto you, that he may have mercy upon you, and cause you to return to your own land.

Verses 13 – 22 Jeremiah Predicts Destruction in Egypt

13 But if ye say, We will not dwell in this land, neither obey the voice of the Lord your God,

14 Saying, No; but we will go into the land of Egypt, where we shall see no war, nor hear the sound of the trumpet, nor have hunger of bread; and there will we dwell:

15 And now therefore hear the word of the Lord, ye remnant of Judah; Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; If ye wholly set your faces to enter into Egypt, and go to sojourn there;

16 Then it shall come to pass, that the sword, which ye feared, shall overtake you there in the land of Egypt, and the famine, whereof ye were afraid, shall follow close after you there in Egypt; and there ye shall die.

17 So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them.

18 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; As mine anger and my fury hath been poured forth upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem; so shall my fury be poured forth upon you, when ye shall enter into Egypt: and ye shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach; and ye shall see this place no more.

19 The Lord hath said concerning you, O ye remnant of Judah; Go ye not into Egypt: know certainly that I have admonished you this day.

20 For ye dissembled in your hearts, when ye sent me unto the Lord your God, saying, Pray for us unto the Lord our God; and according unto all that the Lord our God shall say, so declare unto us, and we will do it.

21 And now I have this day declared it to you; but ye have not obeyed the voice of the Lord your God, nor any thing for the which he hath sent me unto you.

22 Now therefore know certainly that ye shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence, in the place whither ye desire to go and to sojourn.

Chapter 43 Jeremiah Taken to Egypt

Verses 2 – 4 The People Ignore Jeremiah

2 Then spake Azariah the son of Hoshaiah, and Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the proud men, saying unto Jeremiah, Thou speakest falsely: the Lord our God hath not sent thee to say, Go not into Egypt to sojourn there:

3 But Baruch the son of Neriah setteth thee on against us, for to deliver us into the hand of the Chaldeans, that they might put us to death, and carry us away captives into Babylon.

4 So Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces, and all the people, obeyed not the voice of the Lord, to dwell in the land of Judah.

Verses 5 – 7 Everybody off to Egypt including Jeremiah

5 But Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces, took all the remnant of Judah, that were returned from all nations, whither they had been driven, to dwell in the land of Judah;

6 Even men, and women, and children, and the king’s daughters, and every person that Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan, and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch the son of Neriah.

7 So they came into the land of Egypt: for they obeyed not the voice of the Lord: thus came they even to Tahpanhes.

Verses 8 – 13 Jeremiah Predicts the King of Babylon to take over Egypt

8 Then came the word of the Lord unto Jeremiah in Tahpanhes, saying,

9 Take great stones in thine hand, and hide them in the clay in the brickkiln, which is at the entry of Pharaoh’s house in Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of Judah;

10 And say unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will send and take Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will set his throne upon these stones that I have hid; and he shall spread his royal pavilion over them.

11 And when he cometh, he shall smite the land of Egypt, and deliver such as are for death to death; and such as are for captivity to captivity; and such as are for the sword to the sword.

12 And I will kindle a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt; and he shall burn them, and carry them away captives: and he shall array himself with the land of Egypt, as a shepherd putteth on his garment; and he shall go forth from thence in peace.

13 He shall break also the images of Bethshemesh, that is in the land of Egypt; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire.

Chapter 44 The Israelites will be Punished in Egypt

Jeremiah is reminding those in Egypt that the reason they are where they are is because of the same things they are now doing which resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem and Judah. Jeremiah is prophesying that if they remain hard hearted and continue the same actions that is exactly what is going to happen.

Verses 7 – 10 Provocation by the people 

7 Therefore now thus saith the Lord, the God of hosts, the God of Israel; Wherefore commit ye this great evil against your souls, to cut off from you man and woman, child and suckling, out of Judah, to leave you none to remain;

8 In that ye provoke me unto wrath with the works of your hands, burning incense unto other gods in the land of Egypt, whither ye be gone to dwell, that ye might cut yourselves off, and that ye might be a curse and a reproach among all the nations of the earth?

9 Have ye forgotten the wickedness of your fathers, and the wickedness of the kings of Judah, and the wickedness of their wives, and your own wickedness, and the wickedness of your wives, which they have committed in the land of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem?

10 They are not humbled even unto this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers.

Verses 11 – 14 Jeremiah Pronounces Judgment  

11 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will set my face against you for evil, and to cut off all Judah.

12 And I will take the remnant of Judah, that have set their faces to go into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, and they shall all be consumed, and fall in the land of Egypt; they shall even be consumed by the sword and by the famine: they shall die, from the least even unto the greatest, by the sword and by the famine: and they shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach.

13 For I will punish them that dwell in the land of Egypt, as I have punished Jerusalem, by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence:

14 So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape.

The people objected because they were burning incense. They were also depending on Pharaoh to save them. Jeremiah told them the end of Pharaoh also.

Verses 26 – 30 The End of the Remnant in Egypt

26 Therefore hear ye the word of the Lord, all Judah that dwell in the land of Egypt; Behold, I have sworn by my great name, saith the Lord, that my name shall no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, The Lord God liveth.

27 Behold, I will watch over them for evil, and not for good: and all the men of Judah that are in the land of Egypt shall be consumed by the sword and by the famine, until there be an end of them.

28 Yet a small number that escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or their’s.

29 And this shall be a sign unto you, saith the Lord, that I will punish you in this place, that ye may know that my words shall surely stand against you for evil:

30 Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I will give Pharaohhophra king of Egypt into the hand of his enemies, and into the hand of them that seek his life; as I gave Zedekiah king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, his enemy, and that sought his life.

Chapter 45 Assurance to Baruch

Trust me people stick with God. It does not matter how the situation looks. He will not forget you. He is the number one attention to detailer.  The language is dynamic not static. I suppose after all Baruch had done and all Jeremiah is going through he might have thought God had forgotten him. Not so!! Read below!!

Verses 2 – 5 God Remembered Baruch

2 Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, unto thee, O Baruch:

3 Thou didst say, Woe is me now! for the Lord hath added grief to my sorrow; I fainted in my sighing, and I find no rest.

4 Thus shalt thou say unto him, The Lord saith thus; Behold, that which I have built will I break down, and that which I have planted I will pluck up, even this whole land.

5 And seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not: for, behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith the Lord: but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest.


Well Mon peuple nothing in life that is worth having is going to come easy. However, in the face of all the challenges one keeps moving forward and continues to look unto Jesus the author and the Finisher. It is not over until He says it is over. We will continue to thank Walmart because even when the Library is closed. I am outside of Walmart pecking away on the computer. We would also like to thank Loblaws and Real Canadian SuperStore. They have nice tables, chairs and microwaves and of course the Toronto and Brampton Libraries all for their wi-fi services. I also thank Via Rail. The problem with GO wi-fi is that the crooks just shut me down when they feel I am doing too much work. They even had Starbucks turn off theirs at night so I cannot access it. I thank you all!! I do not want to pray anymore special prayer for Walmart they might become a superpower. Lord help my Holy Ghost!!

The scriptures which I have already highlighted Jeremiah 36 verses 14 – 16 and 21 – 23. Enjoy going through the scriptures with me. Until my next post.

This is Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl  coming to you from Toronto, Canada.

À bientôt


The Book of Jeremiah – King James Version of the Bible



Impacts of 5G (Part 1): Technology, Device Growth, & Costs

Mon peuple, mon Peuple it is the best of times and the worst of times. Having passed through the USA and had some serious experiences I thought it could not get any worse. How wrong can one be? There is so much to write. I want to get it all on paper very quickly. I have to calm myself and deal with one theme at a time. However, let us deal with some housekeeping matters. I would suggest that all of you sell those large flat screen televisions which you have and buy a plane ticket and come and experience the United States of America which you are all pining after.  I pick up where off in the October Blog  You need to be patient with me people I am writing this blog and the previous September and October and my myriad of articles which i am walking around with and are tearing off my shoulders. I really did not know paper was so heavy. Then I have this study on the Book of Jeremiah. Thank God for the Prophet Jeremiah; he keeps me very sane and sober. That Blog is entitled The Book of Jeremiah – Life Lessons in Plans and Purposes. God was so direct with the Prophet Jeremiah that every time I am reading I  have to laugh.  I mean I have the letter of the law and all that rhetoric but I have to read the book to get  the Spirit of the law. 

Well people, i seem to have left you over there in Dickson, Tennessee ooh la la la what a big bang! We have a lot of catching up to do because as we speak I am now in Independence Missouri at the QuikTrip Gas Station a little up the road is the YMCA Retreat site. I was actually in Kansas City, Missouri the night before with a whole bag of Nazis and Mafias circling around in their usual plot and counter plots. The Nazis and Mafias prevented me from going to the airport the previous night. The usual story with the Transit system.

Well people I wrote some in Missouri I am now in Indianapolis, Indiana, at the airport it is 9:51 p.m. and to prevent myself from sleeping I need to complete this introduction or the Nazis and Mafias who are planning for me are going to have a field day. I got a ride with a gentleman from Greenup, Illinois directly to Indianapolis he was on his way to Wisconsin. I had made a jotting of all the things I wanted to say only to realize that the crooked Nazis and Mafias have gone through my notes and stolen the section on West Virginia and Kentucky. I knew they would want to hide this information. Let me get back to Tennessee over there in Dickson where I left you hanging. At 3 a.m.  the Pilot ran me out saying I was sleeping. But of course that is not rocket science. It is the middle of the night and I have never had any probl;ems at any other Pilot at that hour. They were upset with me because they had people eating hamburgers with all sorts of gooey stuff at all hours of the early morning and ignored them all.I spent the night on the verandah of the shoe store across the road. They had some real good looking boots. I then refreshed myself at the Shell Gas Station with the Dunkin Donuts and then returned to my bombing spot but still no one stopped. I decided to walk up T46 with my Chariot of Fire (Walmart Shopping Cart) which I had gotten from the Walmart at Dickson. Then I got a ride from a gentleman who was a Pastor in the Church of Christ circle. His card was stolen out of my bag. He fed me and then left me along T100. I walked a little way on this winding hilly road having difficulties controlling my chariot. Anyway a little up the road while I was eating  my salad one gentleman stopped. He did not seem too familiar with the road. Then the Pastor returned and said his conscience was bothering him for having left me along the way. He took me straight to German Town in Tennessee. He gave me the impression I was very near Mephis turns out that after sitting and refreshing myself with four hot dogs at Ikea. He bought me two and they were so small I bought two more. I even ate a pack of chips. The hot dogs were seventy five cents not the size of the ones for  three Dollars in Canada. By the time I started walking and reached the Walmart which was about two miles. I kept seeing bus stops but no buses. I had walked two miles on inquiring with a gentleman he told me I was ten miles from Memphis.  I decided to lie on some grass. The police came and said I could not do so. THen one of them offered me five dollars. I ignored him and went to lie  by the light post. They stayed there until they left. Then I sat under the bus stop and rested my weary feet. I had done around five miles in total for the day. The next day I stayed by the Walmart hoping to see a bus. To no avail, I saw the disabled bus but people were under order not to share any information with me so i could not get anywhere with the driver. While at Walmart I decided to make some scientific observations. I was doing a study of the derriere of black people. Lord help my Holy ghost! I had to say to myself where did these people get these bottoms which shaped so funny? How did they get so gigantic? I saw one lady whose bottom looked like it had a cushion on it, shaped like a chair seat. The shapes and sizes of these people were out of this world. I had to say to myself these people are the descendants of slaves. Slaves from Africa were never this big and had those funny shapes. I concluded that most of them got this way from too much medication and overeating. I mean I saw a huge lady. She was overflowing in the Walmart Mechanical shopping cart and when she entered the store she went directly for the sweets section. I nearly told her to put it back and start looking after herself. Anyway before they threw me out of the store since no bus was coming from Memphis I decided to move out with my Walmart chariot of fire again. This time I got as far as the Centreville German Town and I saw a bus number 50 I think it was.I walked a couple of bus stops and then waited until the bus returned and took it into Memphis. I took another bus which took me to the Greyhound Station which was near the Airport. Unfortunately, I don’t know how near or i would have walked it. I returned to the town and then did some exploring for the night. The next day I got the bus to the airport and was abandoned by the bus when I was ready to leave. I walked it to the bus stop and got on a bus. I was removed from the bus because I refused to go behind the first rows of seats. Yes people, criminality just finds the most foolish ways to annoy people. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I  pulled out my placard and started protesting. All who were there and a part of the plot scattered and they had dirtied the compound with faeces they got the water truck and washed off the place immediately. I eventually got a bus to where I was going and realized it was the wrong bus. I was going around in circles. I walked right back to the city of Memphis. I just took a tour on the Trolley bus around the city and the streetcar down Main Street. Then I went by the riverfront. This is the mighty Mississippi River because I realized all that I needed to do was walk across the river to be in Arkansas from via Highway 55. I spent the night by the riverfront. The next day I did my devotion overlooking the river. Then the next morning I did another long walk (these things happen when you do not have a map) to the bridge. As I reached the bridge someone stopped for me. I am so sorry I took the ride because I was looking forward to walking across the bridge like I did the one in New York. From the conversation I realized the Nazis and Mafias might have told them that I might commit suicide because he told me about his friend’s father who committed suicide on the bridge. Suicide? Me suicide? Every step I take is motivated by the thought of ringing the necks of a couple criminals. Murder more like it, never suicide. I have just started to live.

The young man dropped me at the Visitor’s Center in Arkansas which is in West Memphis. As Visitor’s Centers go this is one of the top class one. It was very pretty and well organized but as i entered i realized they were up to no god. Went to the washroom and had someone knocking me up after fifteen minutes. This has never happened to me at a visitor’s centre before no one monitors you in the bathroom. Asked the lady for a number of materials she had none. Then the Caucasian left and a black lady came out along with the black Sanitary Technician who knocked me up in the bathroom. I decided to leave the building immediately. I went and lay on the grass under a tre to read all the literature I had only to be visited by the police who advised that they did not want me on the property and was asking me to leave. I protested to no avail. The police were giving me a ride to a Park nearby where they had their set piece as per usual when on the way I saw a Walmart and asked him to leave me there instead. I did some shopping and stayed by the Walmart and made my salad and refreshed myself. Then I moved off with my Walmart Chariot of Fire.  I didn’t even stop by the park which the police were taking me to because I realized it was the usual deception taking place. I rested at a truck place across the road.  The grass was extremely green and comfortable. 

The Chariot of Fire carried me to Forrest City around forty miles from west Memphis. All along Highway 70. Outside of Maddison, people literally tried to knock me off the road because they were telling me I could not walk so far. Of course I do what I always did IGNORE THEM and kept on saying like Confucius  the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Near to Lehi the gas station two foolish black people stopped to give me a ride. The lady was puffing away at her cigarettes. I just politely declined advising them it was just a couple of miles and I could walk that. Seems they live in the community behind the gas station. Then the next night I stopped at a little shop at Junction 70/129. The store owner carried his weapon on his side. I asked him if it was real. He said Yes! It was at the beginning of st. Francis County. The next morning I stopped at Shell Lake at a gas station, got some snacks and did my devotion in the grass close to the side of the store. In Maddison I stopped at the Baptist Church under the canopy at about 2 a.m. When I reached Forrest City and stopped at a gas station in the town. They decided they were going to steal my six cents. I bought a pack of soup and had to return it because they would not give me any hot water. Then I insisted I wanted my money and they called the police to have me ejected.  I went outside and camped and unfurled my placard. They ended up offering me a hotel room etc. I refused their offer and went looking for the library. Of course the Caucasian police officer gave me directions to the Cemetery. I eventually found the library and then moved on with my Walmart Chariot of fire to the Walmart Store on Washington boulevard. There was a serious thunder storm that night. I spent the night under the gazebo by the bank praying. In the morning I got some food from Walmart then went to the library to book my passage out of there. I asked to use the restroom and the ladies put me in the room used by the Janitor. The computer was another scenario where they had plastic over the keys. I had difficulty using it this way. The lady said it was either this way or gloves. I tried the gloves, it was even worse. I just booked my Greyhound ticket and left. They overcharged me for the printing. I tell you some people act like bile and are very bitter. 

Ooh la la Little Rock Arkansas they were waiting for me Lord help my Holy Ghost! The bus service most of the buses were not running especially the one to the airport. Then no ends of skulduggery with the bus passes.  The evening I was leaving my pass was prematurely cancelled. I had to pay another fare. I tried walking out of the city but ended up going in a circle and that night the black people sent a little fool to come and challenge me and tell me that he would damage me. He advised that he had been to prison and that he had a head problem. One night I suspected that they wanted to abandon me again so I took another bus to the city. It was number 18 McClymont. It certainly changed my outlook at one stage. I wondered if I was in one of the less developed areas in Jamaica. Hardly any road, the light bulbs on poles like sticks. The driver wanted to stop in a dark place to take a break. I advised him not to. It was too dark at that particular spot. Then at the library they gave me one hour per day on the computer. The second day they decided they were going to get up to some tricks. I just got up from the computer and advised the Computer Operator I do not have any time to waste. If they were going to play games they should kick me off the computer but do not waste my time. Then they brought out this little young miss who was a Security Guard with a shaved head and dressed like a boy. I told her that tomorrow I would give her a tract. The second day I did not have enough time so I took her email address. On my way out I ended up at the Pulaski Library. I sent her the email from there and printed some tracts. I had confronted the Church of Christ Pastor on the subject. I said with the number of churches you people have in America I am at a loss as to the gains these people have made in society. It would seem to me that you have all been dumb down and are a fraid to confront the issue. Is it because it will affect the collection plate?  People America is not short of churches every community no matter how remote has a number of churches. They are not massive churches, they are small community churches. One of my regrets is the fact that I was not writing down the names of churches and banks. I wonder who said the American banking system would have crashed with the debacle that took place in 2008. It would not have. The invisible hand was adjusting the system by getting rid of greed and inefficient institutions feeding off people’s ignorance. There are all these small banks which are insured by the FDIC the system would not have crashed. Then I read what happened to the footballer in Jamaica and made the connections. On the night before I left I went to the Greyhound Station thinking they would be opened. They were closed but they had two people there to watch out for me. I said okay what do you do when you do not want to sleep and the night is cold? You pray! I started by the first half an hour the people who were hiding in the dark started to talk to reveal themselves by the time I prayed about the fact that the blackpeople have not been paid for slavery they were talking louder by the  I got down on my knees and started crying to God about the rampant stealing of the resources of the black people and about the fact that the wanton stealing of the resources of black people has got to stop.  They decided that it was time to leave II Samuel 22 verse 46 and Psalm 18 verse 45.  Then other people started coming and eventually I had to stop praying, too much distraction. I also had a feeling that because I did not have a ticket they were planning to leave me. I had an e-ticket and I had no telephone. The girl came and opened up and printed my ticket etc and the bus also left late. Their way of getting back at me further was to drop me off in Van Buren instead of Fort Smith. I had to walk the seven miles from Van Buren to Fort Smith. I went to the library and they were prepared for me with the usual one hour. Keep her off the computer at all cost. I used it and then decided against going to Walmart. I was right because the bus system in Fort Smith comes to a halt at 5:30 p.m. I walked it cross the Arkansas River into Oklahoma. 

I walked into Moffet, Oklahoma then I got a ride to Roland. The latter was upset, seems everyone I met used to live in California. This gentleman used to live in california and had nothing good to say about the state of Oklahoma or the people. He told me most of the people were on speed and did not dress properly nor wash their vehicle. I had to ask him why he was still living in Oklahoma? Anyway after listening to him vent. We went our separate ways. I went to the stores in Roland and then to the Pilot Truck Stop where I stayed the night. I was even given free tea. And one gentleman bought me Burger King breakfast. Of course I had to decline his offer. I am off fatty food for a season. The next morning after inquiring about the bus system and finding out that I would have to backtrack to Fort Smith to take the Greyhound. I went to the Interstate to  hitchhike and left after around fifteen minutes. Then one old gentleman picked me up.  The seat in his van could not even stand up straight. We had a lively conversation on the way to Sallisaw. He left me by the Highway but I just decided that I would follow him to Walmart. I bought some food and sat on Walmart’s lawn and made my salad boneless chicken wings, tomatoes and cucumber. There were a lot of native Indians in this city. I fired up my chariot and moved out after taking a nap. While on the back roads I was stopped by a police officer. I really did not know what was happening but he kept spitting continuously. I nearly asked him if he was pregnant. Then another office came to join the party. His assignment was to bring confusion to the whole matter. An old couple passed and looked quite concerned at me. However, we assured them that everything was okay. Here is what they tried to do: mix up my new passport with the old one which was stolen. I had to stop them in their tracks and tell them that I came into Chicago O’Hare Airport with my new passport. I have not heard anything from them about the old one which has now been cancelled. Then I continued to tell them about my experience with Greyhound and the reason I just decided to walk. Then I told them I had sent one of my tracts about homosexuality to a young lady in Little Rock and that has added to my persecution. I was about to show them a copy of the tract but they declined and moved speedily. I laughed until I almost dropped. One of them had a black ring on his right ring finger. I was curious about what was happening here. I saw one of the gentlemen in Don Moen’s music video with the same type of ring on his finger. I eventually Googled it only to find out that that is a way of identifying that you are homosexual. Then after they left a lady police came and offered me a ride but I refused. She ended up giving me a flashlight which the Nazis and Mafias have now damaged. I am very grateful to her because it has really enlightened my path on those dark back streets. It is one of those expensive police flashlights.Iit is going to take an arm and a leg to replace, not  the cheap one the Nazisa and Mafias destroyed for me which I bought at the dollar store. My intention was to walk from Sallisaw to Mukogee the mileage was longer than from West Memphis to Forrest City which was about forty miles.  Anyway I had another old fellow give me a ride from the back road to Dare. This fellow was a smoker of Medical Marijuana. He had some accidents which left him in pain. When he dropped me in Dare I just gave him a blessing by praying for his back. I tell you people I am enjoying being a travelling Evangelist. I felt so good. I was looking forward to the next time. Then I had Robert pick me up as I was on the road in Dare and take me to Warner. It was a medium size town. It has a college. This time I was blessed. This gentleman was really very concerned about me. I appreciated that. He took me to the store and then to McDonald’s. Of course the same people tried to analyze me while I was eating and then meditating. I really wonder why Caucasians like to disturb me so much. Everywhere I go once I settle down to have my own time. Here they come along with all the other lackey’s with all sorts of set pieces. It is still not my season to eat McDonald’s. I was fed a lot of poison to my system by the Indians and Pakistanis in Canada and Sweden. I am still cleaning out my system.  Eventually I just took my Chariot of Fire and left. Yes people, we have been travelling together everybody the Nazis and Mafias sent with a van because I refuse to leave my Chariot of Fire for any ten miles ride.  I prayed for Robert in my quiet time that God would send him a nice wife who would care for him. While I was on my way out of Warner one couple drove me down and wanted me to turn back with them. I just advised my destination was Muskogee and it was ahead not behind. Waste of time, people!

I walked all of that night. It was some eighteen miles from Warner to Muskogee. I had to take a rest at a church in one of the small villages. The Baptist church had a nice foyer. I thanked God for them. Then it was full speed ahead. I am very grateful the road had a very wide sidewalk, so danger was minimal. At one point the cows were moving all I said was whoever is there leave the cows alone. Cows do not move people, they just stand and give you a baleful stare.  I also passed two little cute dogs, one in a jacket barking at me. I looked at the owner and laughed and he smiled and waved at me. I tell you the two little dogs were really motivated. That section of Oklahoma had a lot of real ranches people like those we saw on the TV series Dallas. 

I reached Muskogee in the middle of the morning at about 4 a.m. went to the gas station by the Highway and got myself a cup of tea. That is another challenge I had people, the custom in states like  Arkansas and West Virginia people drink cold cups of tea and hot coffee. I had a serious problem getting tea bags. With my cup of tea and plate of hot water to lengthen the tea, I doubled back to Grandview Baptist Church and camped out in the early morning. Unfortunately, I stayed until the people came for church. They welcomed me in and I did my ablutions. I also did my laundry. I stayed for the service. They were warm. We will not spoil it with the negatives. I got a ride from one of the ladies to Tulsa but before taking me to Tulsa we did a tour of the Muskogee. It has potential but as with a lot of cities in America people are leaving because of the lack of infrastructure, no public transportation etc. For business to grow you need interaction not only on line but face to face. I will pick up next month with Tulsa. That has to be by itself for the most part. Let us complete the Blog on 5G. The mechanics of the technology.


This 5G Technology promises to be really very revolutionary. We do not want to play catch up like we did with Cloud Technology so right from the outset let us familiarize ourselves with the jargon. At present most of the literature is predictive. Let us not be caught flat footed especially in the emerging economies.


The definitions this month is going to be more extensive because of the technical nature of the matter. Most of you are walking around with a very powerful instrument in arm in the form of your cellular telephone and are not aware of the capabilities. That is why some person can use the same instrument and make applications where they earn millions and billions of dollars and all you use it for is social media and silly conversation. Yuh cook yet the pot fininh! Wey yuh sey?

5G – 5G is the fifth generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects and devices.

5G wireless technology is meant to deliver higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds, ultra low latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and a more uniform user experience to more users. Higher performance and improved efficiency empower new user experiences and connects new industries.

Invention of 5G – No one company or person owns 5G, but there are several companies within the mobile ecosystem  that are contributing to bringing 5G to life. Qualcomm has played a major. The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the industry organization that defines the global specifications for 3G UMTS (including HSPA), 4G LTE, and 5G technologies. 

Underlying Technologies of 5G – 5G is based on OFDM ( Orthogonal Frequency – Division Multiplexing) a method of modulating a digital signal across several different channels to reduce interference. 5G uses 5G NR air interface alongside OFDM principles. 5G also uses wider bandwidth technologies such as sub 6 GHz and millimetreWave (mmWave).

Like 4G LTE, 5G OFDM operates based on the same mobile networking principles. However, the new 5G NR air interface can further enhance OFDM to deliver a much higher degree of flexibility and scalability. This could provide more 5G access to more people and things for a variety of different use cases.

5G will bring wider bandwidths by expanding the usage of spectrum resources, from sub-3GHz used in 4G to 100 GHz and beyond. 5G can operate in both lower bands (e.g., sub-6 GHz) as well as mmWave (e.g. 24 GHz and up) which will bring extreme capacity, multi-Gbps throughput, and low latency.

5G is designed to not only deliver faster, better mobile broadband services compared to 4G LTE, but can also expand into new service areas such as mission-critical communications and connecting the massive IoT. This is enabled by many new 5G NR air interface design techniques, such as a new self contained TDD  

 The differences between the previous generations of mobile networks and 5G – The previous generations of mobile networks are 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G.

First generation – 1G 

1980s: 1G delivered analog voice.

Second generation – 2G

Early 1990s: 2G introduced digital voice (e.g. CDMA– Code Division Multiple Access).

Third generation – 3G

Early 2000s: 3G brought mobile data (e.g. CDMA2000).

Fourth generation – 4G LTE

2010s: 4G LTE ushered in the era of mobile broadband.

1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G all led to 5G, which is designed to provide more connectivity than was ever available before. 5G is a unified, more capable air interface. It has been designed with an extended capacity to enable next-generation user experiences, empower new deployment models and deliver new services. With high speeds, superior reliability and negligible latency, 5G will expand the mobile ecosystem into new realms. 5G will impact every industry, making safer transportation, remote healthcare, precision agriculture, digitized logistics — and more — a reality.

Latency – (computing) the delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer. (How long it takes to transfer data)

Nascent – just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential. 

Ubiquity – the fact of appearing everywhere or of being very common

Technology – the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

   a: food miraculously supplied to the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness

b: divinely supplied spiritual nourishment

c: a usually sudden and unexpected source of gratification, pleasure, or gain. 

5th generation mobile network (5G) logo.jpg

3GPP’s 5G logo

In telecommunications, 5G is the fifth generation technology standard for cellular networks, which cellular phone companies began deploying worldwide in 2019, the planned successor to the 4G networks which provide connectivity to most current cell phones. Like its predecessors, 5G networks are cellular networks, in which the service area is divided into small geographical areas called cells. All 5G wireless devices in a cell are connected to the Internet and telephone network by radio waves through a local antenna in the cell. The main advantage of the new networks is that they will have greater bandwidth, giving higher download speeds, eventually up to 10 gigabits per second (Gbit/s). Due to the increased bandwidth, it is expected that the new networks will not just serve cellphones like existing cellular networks, but also be used as general internet service providers for laptops and desktop computers, competing with existing ISPs such as cable internet, and also will make possible new applications in internet of things (IoT) and machine to machine reas. Current 4G cell phones will not be able to use the new networks, which will require new 5G enabled wireless devices.

The increased speed is achieved partly by using higher-frequency radio waves than current cellular networks. However, higher-frequency radio waves have a shorter range than the frequencies used by previous cell phone towers, requiring smaller cells. So to ensure wide service, 5G networks operate on up to three frequency bands, low, medium, and high. A 5G network will be composed of networks of up to 3 different types of cells, each requiring different antennas, each type giving a different tradeoff of download speed vs. distance and service area. 5G cell phones and wireless devices will connect to the network through the highest speed antenna within range at their location:

Low-band 5G uses a similar frequency range to current 4G cell phones, 600-700 MHz, giving download speeds a little higher than 4G: 30-250 megabits per second (Mbit/s). Low-band cell towers will have a range and coverage area similar to current 4G towers. Mid-band 5G uses microwaves of 2.5-3.7 GHz, currently allowing speeds of 100-900 Mbit/s, with each cell tower providing service up to several miles in radius. This level of service is the most widely deployed, and should be available in most metropolitan areas in 2020. Some countries are not implementing low-band, making this the minimum service level. High-band 5G currently uses frequencies of 25-39 GHz, near the bottom of the millimeter wave band, although higher frequencies may be used in the future. It often achieves download speeds of a gigabit per second (Gbit/s), comparable to cable internet. However, millimeter waves (mmWave or mmW) have a more limited range, requiring many small cells. They have trouble passing through some types of walls and windows (they do not have a glorified body). Due to their higher costs, current plans are to deploy these cells only in dense urban environments and areas where crowds of people congregate such as sports stadiums and convention centers. The above speeds are those achieved in actual tests in 2020, and speeds are expected to increase during rollout.

The industry consortium setting standards for 5G is the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). It defines any system using 5G NR (5G New Radio) software as “5G”, a definition that came into general use by late 2018. Minimum standards are set by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Previously, some reserved the term 5G for systems that deliver download speeds of 20 Gbit/s as specified in the ITU’s IMT-2020 document.


5G networks are digital cellular networks, in which the service area covered by providers is divided into small geographical areas called cells. Analog signals representing sounds and images are digitized in the telephone, converted by an analog-to-digital converter and transmitted as a stream of bits. All the 5G wireless devices in a cell communicate by radio waves with a local antenna array and low power automated transceiver (transmitter and receiver) in the cell, over frequency channels assigned by the transceiver from a pool of frequencies that are reused in other cells. The local antennas are connected with the telephone network and the Internet by a high-bandwidth optical fiber or wireless backhaul connection. As in other cell networks, a mobile device crossing from one cell to another is automatically “handed off” seamlessly to the new cell. 5G can support up to a million devices per square kilometer, while 4G supports only up to 100,000 devices per square kilometer.The new 5G wireless devices also have 4G LTE capability, as the new networks use 4G for initially establishing the connection with the cell, as well as in locations where 5G access is not available.

Verizon and a few others are using millimeter waves.[ Millimeter waves have a shorter range than microwaves, therefore the cells are limited to a smaller size. Millimeter waves also have more trouble passing through building walls. Millimeter wave antennas are smaller than the large antennas used in previous cellular networks. Some are only a few inches (several centimeters) long.

Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) was deployed in 4G as early as 2016 and typically used 32 to 128 small antennas at each cell. In the right frequencies and configuration, it can increase performance from 4 to 10 times. Multiple bitstreams of data are transmitted simultaneously. In a technique called beamforming, the base station computer will continuously calculate the best route for radio waves to reach each wireless device and will organize multiple antennas to work together as phased arrays to create beams of millimeter waves to reach the device.

Application areas

The ITU-R has defined three main application areas for the enhanced capabilities of 5G. They are Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC), and Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC). Only eMBB is deployed in 2020; URLLC and mMTC are several years away in most locations.

Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) uses 5G as a progression from 4G LTE mobile broadband services, with faster connections, higher throughput, and more capacity.

Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications (URLLC) refers to using the network for mission critical applications that require uninterrupted and robust data exchange.

Massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC) would be used to connect to a large number of devices, 5G technology will connect some of the 50 billion connected IoT devices. Most will use the less expensive Wi-Fi. Drones, transmitting via 4G or 5G, will aid in disaster recovery efforts, providing real-time data for emergency responders. Most cars will have a 4G or 5G cellular connection for many services. Autonomous cars do not require 5G, as they have to be able to operate where they do not have a network connection. While remote surgeries have been performed over 5G, most remote surgery will be performed in facilities with a fiber connection, usually faster and more reliable than any wireless connection.



5G speeds will range from ~50 Mbit/s to over a gigabit. The fastest 5G is known as mmWave. As of July 3, 2019, mmWave had a top speed of 1.8 Gbit/s[ on AT&T’s 5G network.

Sub-6 GHz 5G (mid-band 5G), by far the most common, will usually deliver between 100 and 400 Mbit/s, but will have a much farther reach than mmWave, especially outdoors.[14]

Low-band spectrum offers the farthest area coverage but is slower than the others.

5G NR speed in sub-6 GHz bands can be slightly higher than the 4G with a similar amount of spectrum and antennas, although some 3GPP 5G networks will be slower than some advanced 4Gnetworks, such as T-Mobile’s LTE/LAA network, which achieves 500+ Mbit/s in Manhattan and Chicago. The 5G specification allows LAA (License Assisted Access) as well, but LAA in 5G has not yet been demonstrated. Adding LAA to an existing 4G configuration can add hundreds of megabits per second to the speed, but this is an extension of 4G, not a new part of the 5G standard.

The similarity in terms of throughput between 4G and 5G in the existing bands is because 4G already approaches the Shannon limit on data communication rates. 5G speeds in the less common millimeter wave spectrum, with its much more abundant bandwidth and shorter range, and hence greater frequency reusability, can be substantially higher.


In 5G, the “air latency” in equipment shipping in 2019 is 8–12 milliseconds. The latency to the server must be added to the “air latency” for most comparisons. Verizon reports the latency on its 5G early deployment is 30 ms: Edge Servers close to the towers can reduce latency to 10–20 ms; 1–4 ms will be extremely rare for years outside the lab.


Initially, the term was associated with the International Telecommunication Union‘s IMT-2020 standard, which required a theoretical peak download speed of 20 gigabits per second and 10 gigabits per second upload speed, along with other requirements.[23] Then, the industry standards group 3GPP chose the 5G NR (New Radio) standard together with LTE as their proposal for submission to the IMT-2020 standard.

The first phase of 3GPP 5G specifications in Release-15 is scheduled to complete in 2019. The second phase in Release-16 is due to be completed in 2020.

5G NR can include lower frequencies (FR1), below 6 GHz, and higher frequencies (FR2), above 24 GHz. However, the speed and latency in early FR1 deployments, using 5G NR software on 4G hardware (non-standalone), are only slightly better than new 4G systems, estimated at 15 to 50% better.

IEEE covers several areas of 5G with a core focus in wireline sections between the Remote Radio Head (RRH) and Base Band Unit (BBU). The 1914.1 standards focus on network architecture and dividing the connection between the RRU and BBU into two key sections. Radio Unit (RU) to the Distributor Unit (DU) being the NGFI-I (Next Generation Fronthaul Interface) and the DU to the Central Unit (CU) being the NGFI-II interface allowing a more diverse and cost-effective network. NGFI-I and NGFI-II have defined performance values which should be compiled to ensure different traffic types defined by the ITU are capable of being carried. The 1914.3 standard is creating a new Ethernet frame format capable of carrying IQ data in a much more efficient way depending on the functional split utilized. This is based on the 3GPP definition of functional splits. Multiple network synchronization standards within the IEEE groups are being updated to ensure network timing accuracy at the RU is maintained to a level required for the traffic carried over it.


5G NR (New Radio) is a new air interface (therein lie the Canadian Virus connection) developed for the 5G network. It is supposed to be the global standard for the air interface of 3GPP 5G networks.

Pre-standard implementations

  • 5GTF: The 5G network implemented by American carrier Verizon for Fixed Wireless Access in late 2010s uses a pre-standard specification known as 5GTF (Verizon 5G Technical Forum). The 5G service provided to customers in this standard is incompatible with 5G NR. There are plans to upgrade 5GTF to 5G NR “Once [it] meets our strict specifications for our customers,” according to Verizon.
  • 5G-SIG: Pre-standard specification of 5G developed by KT Corporation. Deployed at Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics.

Internet of things

In the Internet of things (IoT), 3GPP is going to submit evolution of NB-IoT and eMTC (LTE-M) as 5G technologies for the LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) use case.


5G 3.5 GHz Cell Site of Deutsche Telekom in Darmstadt, Germany

5G 3.5 GHz Cell Site of Vodafone in Karlsruhe, Germany

Beyond mobile operator networks, 5G is also expected to be used for private networks with applications in industrial IoT, enterprise networking, and critical communications.

Initial 5G NR launches depended on existing LTE (4G) infrastructure in non-standalone (NSA) mode (5G NR software on LTE radio hardware), before maturation of the standalone (SA) mode (5G NR software on 5G NR radio hardware) with the 5G core network.

As of April 2019, the Global Mobile Suppliers Association had identified 224 operators in 88 countries that have demonstrated, are testing or trialling, or have been licensed to conduct field trials of 5G technologies, are deploying 5G networks or have announced service launches. The equivalent numbers in November 2018 were 192 operators in 81 countries. The first country to adopt 5G on a large scale was South Korea, in April 2019. Swedish telecoms giant Ericsson predicted that 5G internet will cover up to 65% of the world’s population by the end of 2025. Also, it plans to invest 1 billion reais ($238.30 million) in Brazil to add a new assembly line dedicated to fifth-generation technology (5G) for its Latin American operations.

When South Korea launched its 5G network, all carriers used Samsung, Ericsson, and Nokia base stations and equipment, except for LG U Plus, who also used Huawei equipment. Samsung was the largest supplier for 5G base stations in South Korea at launch, having shipped 53,000 base stations at the time, out of 86,000 base stations installed across the country at the time.

The first fairly substantial deployments were in April 2019. In South Korea, SK Telecom claimed 38,000 base stations, KT Corporation 30,000 and LG U Plus 18,000; of which 85% are in six major cities. They are using 3.5 GHz (sub-6) spectrum in non-standalone (NSA) mode and tested speeds were from 193 to 430 Mbit/s down. 260,000 signed up in the first month and 4.7 million by the end of 2019.

Nine companies sell 5G radio hardware and 5G systems for carriers: Altiostar, Cisco Systems, Datang Telecom/Fiberhome, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, Qualcomm, Samsung, and ZTE.


Large quantities of new radio spectrum (5G NR frequency bands) have been allocated to 5G. For example, in July 2016, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) freed up vast amounts of bandwidth in underused high-band spectrum for 5G. The Spectrum Frontiers Proposal (SFP) doubled the amount of millimeter-wave unlicensed spectrum to 14 GHz and created four times the amount of flexible, mobile-use spectrum the FCC had licensed to date.[53] In March 2018, European Union lawmakers agreed to open up the 3.6 and 26 GHz bands by 2020.

As of March 2019, there are reportedly 52 countries, territories, special administrative regions, disputed territories and dependencies that are formally considering introducing certain spectrum bands for terrestrial 5G services, are holding consultations regarding suitable spectrum allocations for 5G, have reserved spectrum for 5G, have announced plans to auction frequencies or have already allocated spectrum for 5G use.

Unlicensed spectrum

MNO’s are increasingly using unlicensed spectrum in the 2.4- and 5-gigahertz (GHz) frequency bands. 4G and 5G networks also use these bands to offload traffic in heavily congested areas and provide connectivity for billions of IoT devices. Advancements in Wi-Fi, LTE in Unlicensed spectrum (LTE-U), License Assisted Access (LAA), and MulteFire use 4G & 5G technologies in these bands.

5G devices

Samsung Galaxy S10 5G, the first smartphone able to connect to 5G networks

In March 2019, the Global Mobile Suppliers Association released the industry’s first database tracking worldwide 5G device launches. In it, the GSA identified 23 vendors who have confirmed the availability of forthcoming 5G devices with 33 different devices including regional variants. There were seven announced 5G device form factors: (telephones (×12 devices), hotspots (×4), indoor and outdoor customer-premises equipment (×8), modules (×5), Snap-on dongles and adapters (×2), and USB terminals (×1)). By October 2019, the number of announced 5G devices had risen to 129, across 15 form factors, from 56 vendors.

In the 5G IoT chipset arena, as of April 2019 there were four commercial 5G modem chipsets and one commercial processor/platform, with more launches expected in the near future.

On March 6, 2020 the first-ever all-5G smartphone Samsung Galaxy S20 was released. According to Business Insider, the 5G feature was showcased as more expensive in comparison with 4G; the line up starts at US$1,000, in comparison with Samsung Galaxy S10e which started at US $750. On March 19, HMD Global, the current maker of Nokia-branded phones, announced the Nokia 8.3, which it claimed as having a wider range of 5G compatibility than any other phone released to that time. The mid-range model, with an initial Eurozone price of €599, is claimed to support all 5G bands from 600 MHz to 3.8 GHz.



New radio frequencies

The air interface defined by 3GPP for 5G is known as New Radio (NR), and the specification is subdivided into two frequency bands, FR1 (below 6 GHz) and FR2 (mmWave), each with different capabilities.

Frequency range 1 (< 6 GHz)

The maximum channel bandwidth defined for FR1 is 100 MHz, due to the scarcity of continuous spectrum in this crowded frequency range. The band most widely being used for 5G in this range is 3.3–4.2 GHz. The Korean carriers are using 3.5 GHz although some millimeter wave spectrum has also been allocated.

Frequency range 2 (> 24 GHz)

The minimum channel bandwidth defined for FR2 is 50 MHz and the maximum is 400 MHz, with two-channel aggregation supported in 3GPP Release 15. In the U.S., Verizon is using 28 GHz and AT&T is using 39 GHz.[65] The higher the frequency, the greater the ability to support high data-transfer speeds.

FR2 coverage

5G in the 24 GHz range or above use higher frequencies than 4G, and as a result, some 5G signals are not capable of traveling large distances (over a few hundred meters), unlike 4G or lower frequency 5G signals (sub 6 GHz). This requires placing 5G base stations every few hundred meters in order to use higher frequency bands. Also, these higher frequency 5G signals cannot penetrate solid objects easily, such as cars, trees, and walls, because of the nature of these higher frequency electromagnetic waves. 5G cells can be deliberately designed to be as inconspicuous as possible, which finds applications in places like restaurants and shopping malls. 

Cell typesDeployment environmentMax. number ​of usersOutput power ​(mW)Max. distance from ​base station
5G NR FR2FemtocellHomes, businessesHome: 4–8Businesses: 16–32indoors: 10–100outdoors: 200–100010s of meters
Pico cellPublic areas like shopping malls,airports, train stations, skyscrapers64 to 128indoors: 100–250outdoors: 1000–500010s of meters
Micro cellUrban areas to fill coverage gaps128 to 256outdoors: 5000−10000few hundreds of meters
Metro cellUrban areas to provide additional capacitymore than 250outdoors: 10000−20000hundreds of meters
Wi-Fi(for comparison)Homes, businessesless than 50indoors: 20–100outdoors: 200–1000few 10s of meters

Massive MIMO

Massive MIMO (multiple input and multiple output) antennas increases sector throughput and capacity density using large numbers of antennas and Multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO). Each antenna is individually-controlled and may embed radio transceiver components. Nokia claimed a five-fold increase in the capacity increase for a 64-Tx/64-Rx antenna system. The term “massive MIMO” was coined by Nokia Bell Labs researcher Dr. Thomas L. Marzetta in 2010, and has been launched in 4G networks, such as Softbank in Japan.

Of more than 562 separate 5G demonstrations, tests or trials globally of 5G technologies, at least 94 of them have involved testing Massive MIMO in the context of 5G.

Edge computing

Edge computing is delivered by computing servers closer to the ultimate user. It reduces latency and data traffic congestion.

Small cell

Small cells are low-powered cellular radio access nodes that operate in licensed and unlicensed spectrum that have a range of 10 meters to a few kilometers. Small cells are critical to 5G networks, as 5G’s radio waves can’t travel long distances, because of 5G’s higher frequencies.


Beamforming, as the name suggests, is used to direct radio waves to a target. This is achieved by combining elements in an antenna array in such a way that signals at particular angles experience constructive interference while others experience destructive interference. This improves signal quality and data transfer speeds. 5G uses beamforming due to the improved signal quality it provides. Beamforming can be accomplished using phased array antennas.

Convergence of Wi-Fi and cellular

One expected benefit of the transition to 5G is the convergence of multiple networking functions to achieve cost, power, and complexity reductions. LTE has targeted convergence with Wi-Fiband/technology via various efforts, such as License Assisted Access (LAA; 5G signal in unlicensed frequency bands that are also used by Wi-Fi) and LTE-WLAN Aggregation (LWA; convergence with Wi-Fi Radio), but the differing capabilities of cellular and Wi-Fi have limited the scope of convergence. However, significant improvement in cellular performance specifications in 5G, combined with migration from Distributed Radio Access Network (D-RAN) to Cloud- or Centralized-RAN (C-RAN) and rollout of cellular small cells can potentially narrow the gap between Wi-Fi and cellular networks in dense and indoor deployments. Radio convergence could result in sharing ranging from the aggregation of cellular and Wi-Fi channels to the use of a single silicon device for multiple radio access technologies.

NOMA (non-orthogonal multiple access)

NOMA (non-orthogonal multiple access) is a proposed multiple-access technique for future cellular systems via allocation of power.


Initially, cellular mobile communications technologies were designed in the context of providing voice services and Internet access. Today a new era of innovative tools and technologies is inclined towards developing a new pool of applications. This pool of applications consists of different domains such as the Internet of Things (IoT), web of connected autonomous vehicles, remotely controlled robots, and heterogeneous sensors connected to serve versatile applications. In this context, network slicing has emerged as a key technology to efficiently embrace this new market model.

Channel coding

The channel coding techniques for 5G NR have changed from Turbo codes in 4G to polar codes for the control channels and LDPC (low-density parity check codes) for the data channels.

Operation in unlicensed spectrum

Like LTE in unlicensed spectrum, 5G NR will also support operation in unlicensed spectrum (NR-U). In addition to License Assisted Access (LAA) from LTE that enable carriers to use those unlicensed spectrum to boost their operational performance for users, in 5G NR it will support standalone NR-U unlicensed operation that will allow new 5G NR networks to be established in different environments without acquiring operational license in licensed spectrum, for instance for localized private network or lower the entry barrier for providing 5G internet services to the public.

Electromagnetic interference

The spectrum used by various 5G proposals will be near that of passive remote sensing such as by weather and Earth observation satellites, particularly for water vapor monitoring. Interference will occur and will potentially be significant without effective controls. An increase in interference already occurred with some other prior proximate band usages. Interference to satellite operations impairs numerical weather prediction performance with substantially deleterious economic and public safety impacts in areas such as commercial aviation.

The concerns prompted U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine in February 2019 to urge the FCC to delay some spectrum auction proposals, which was rejected. The chairs of the House Appropriations Committee and House Science Committee wrote separate letters to FCC chair Ajit Pai asking for further review and consultation with NOAA, NASA, and DoD, and warning of harmful impacts to national security. Acting NOAA director Neil Jacobs testified before the House Committee in May 2019 that 5G out-of-band emissions could produce a 30% reduction in weather forecast accuracy and that the resulting degradation in ECMWF model performance would have resulted in failure to predict the track and thus the impact of Superstorm Sandy in 2012. The United States Navy in March 2019 wrote a memorandum warning of deterioration and made technical suggestions to control band bleed-over limits, for testing and fielding, and for coordination of the wireless industry and regulators with weather forecasting organizations.

At the 2019 quadrennial World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), atmospheric scientists advocated for a strong buffer of −55 dBW, European regulators agreed on a recommendation of −42 dBW, and US regulators (the FCC) recommended a restriction of −20 dBW, which would permit signals 150 times stronger than the European proposal. The ITU decided on an intermediate −33 dBW until September 1, 2027 and after that a standard of −39 dBW.] This is closer to the European recommendation but even the delayed higher standard is much weaker than that pleaded for by atmospheric scientists, triggering warnings from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) that the ITU standard, at 10 times less stringent than its recommendation, brings the “potential to significantly degrade the accuracy of data collected”. A representative of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) also warned of interference, and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), sternly warned, saying that society risks “history repeat[ing] itself” by ignoring atmospheric scientists’ warnings (referencing global warming, monitoring of which could be imperiled). In December 2019, a bipartisan request was sent from the US House Science Committee to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to investigate why there is such a discrepancy between recommendations of US civilian and military science agencies and the regulator, the FCC.[87]



Due to fears of potential espionage of users of Chinese equipment vendors, several countries (including the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom as of early 2019) have taken actions to restrict or eliminate the use of Chinese equipment in their respective 5G networks. Chinese vendors and the Chinese government have denied these claims.

A report published by the European Commission and European Agency for Cybersecurity details the security issues surrounding 5G while trying to avoid mentioning Huawei. The report warns against using a single supplier for a carrier’s 5G infrastructure, specially those based outside the European Union. (Nokia and Ericsson are the only European manufacturers of 5G equipment.)

It has been alleged that the United States via the FBI, the UK via GCHQ and other intelligence agencies have sought to adjust 5G standards through 3GPP in order to allow as much metadata as possible to be collected for mass surveillance purposes.

Environmental impact

In August 2019, a court in the United States decided that new construction projects for 5G towers could not be expedited without reviewing the environmental impact and historic preservation implications of that construction.

Security concerns

On October 18, 2018, a team of researchers from ETH Zurich, the University of Lorraine and the University of Dundee released a paper entitled, “A Formal Analysis of 5G Authentication”.] It alerted that 5G technology could open ground for a new era of security threats. The paper described the technology as “immature and insufficiently tested,” the one that “enables the movement and access of vastly higher quantities of data, and thus broadens attack surfaces”. Simultaneously, network security companies such as Fortinet, Arbor Networks, A10 Networks, and Voxility Advised on personalized and mixed security deployments against massive DDoS attacks foreseen after 5G deployment.

IoT Analytics estimated an increase in the number of IoT devices, enabled by 5G technology, from 7 billion in 2018 to 21.5 billion by 2025. This can raise the attack surface for these devices to a substantial scale, and the capacity for DDoS attacks, cryptojacking, and other cyberattacks could boost proportionally.


The scientific consensus is that 5G technology is safe and arguments to the contrary are based on a conspiratorial red herring that cites the newness of the technology as a reason not to trust it. Misunderstanding of 5G technology has given rise to conspiracy theories claiming it has an adverse effect on human health.

In 2019, 180 scientists from 36 countries wrote to the European Union requesting a pause on 5G rollout, because of their concerns about possible health risks. In April 2019, the city of Brussels in Belgium blocked a 5G trial because of radiation laws. In Geneva, Switzerland, a planned upgrade to 5G was stopped for the same reason. The Swiss Telecommunications Association (ASUT) has said that studies have been unable to show that 5G frequencies have any health impact.

According to CNET, “Members of Parliament in the Netherlands are also calling on the government to take a closer look at 5G. Several leaders in Congress have written to the Federal Communications Commission expressing concern about potential health risks. In Mill Valley, California, the city council blocked the deployment of new 5G wireless cells. Similar concerns were raised in Vermont and New Hampshire. After campaigning by activist groups, a series of small localities in the UK, including Totnes, Brighton and Hove, Glastonbury, and Frome passed resolutions against the implementation of further 5G infrastructure.

There have been a number of concerns over the spread of disinformation in the media and online regarding the potential health effects of 5G technology. Writing in The New York Times in 2019, William Broad reported that RT America began airing programming linking 5G to harmful health effects which “lack scientific support”, such as “brain cancer, infertility, autism, heart tumors, and Alzheimer’s disease”. Broad asserted that the claims had increased. RT America had run seven programs on this theme by mid-April 2019 but only one in the whole of 2018. The network’s coverage had spread to hundreds of blogs and websites.

Arson attacks

During the COVID-19 pandemic, several conspiracy theories circulating online posited a link between severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and 5G. This has led to dozens of arson attacks being made on telecom masts in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, etc.), Ireland (Belfast, Cork, etc.), Cyprus, Scotland, Wales, England (Dagenham, Huddersfield, Birmingham and Liverpool[), Belgium (Pelt), Italy (Maddaloni), Croatia (Bibinje) and Sweden. It led to at least 61 suspected arson attacks against telephone masts in the United Kingdom alone] and over twenty in The Netherlands.

Marketing of non-5G services

In various parts of the world, carriers have launched numerous differently branded technologies, such as “5G Evolution“, which advertise improving existing networks with the use of “5G technology”. However, these pre-5G networks are an improvement on specifications of existing LTE networks that are not exclusive to 5G. While the technology promises to deliver faster speeds, and is described by AT&T as a “foundation for our evolution to 5G while the 5G standards are being finalized,” it cannot be considered to be true 5G. When AT&T announced 5G Evolution, 4×4 MIMO, the technology that AT&T is using to deliver the faster speeds, had already been put in place by T-Mobile without being branded with the 5G moniker. It is claimed that such branding is a marketing move that will cause confusion with consumers, as it is not made clear that such improvements are not true 5G.


  • In April 2008, NASA partnered with Geoff Brown and Machine-to-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Corp to develop 5G communications technology.
  • In 2008, the South Korean IT R&D program of “5G mobile communication systems based on beam-division multiple access and relays with group cooperation” was formed.
  • In August 2012, New York University founded NYU Wireless, a multi-disciplinary academic research centre that has conducted pioneering work in 5G wireless communications.
  • On October 8, 2012, the UK’s University of Surrey secured £35M for a new 5G research centre, jointly funded by the British government’s UK Research Partnership Investment Fund (UKRPIF) and a consortium of key international mobile operators and infrastructure providers, including Huawei, Samsung, Telefonica Europe, Fujitsu Laboratories Europe, Rohde & Schwarz, and Aircom International. It will offer testing facilities to mobile operators keen to develop a mobile standard that uses less energy and less radio spectrum, while delivering speeds faster than current 4G with aspirations for the new technology to be ready within a decade.
  • On November 1, 2012, the EU project “Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty-twenty Information Society” (METIS) started its activity toward the definition of 5G. METIS achieved an early global consensus on these systems. In this sense, METIS played an important role of building consensus among other external major stakeholders prior to global standardization activities. This was done by initiating and addressing work in relevant global fora (e.g. ITU-R), as well as in national and regional regulatory bodies.
  • Also in November 2012, the iJOIN EU project was launched, focusing on “small cell” technology, which is of key importance for taking advantage of limited and strategic resources, such as the radio wave spectrum. According to Günther Oettinger, the European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society (2014–2019), “an innovative utilization of spectrum” is one of the key factors at the heart of 5G success. Oettinger further described it as “the essential resource for the wireless connectivity of which 5G will be the main driver”.[136] iJOIN was selected by the European Commission as one of the pioneering 5G research projects to showcase early results on this technology at the Mobile World Congress 2015 (Barcelona, Spain).
  • In February 2013, ITU-R Working Party 5D (WP 5D) started two study items: (1) Study on IMT Vision for 2020 and beyond, and; (2) Study on future technology trends for terrestrial IMT systems. Both aiming at having a better understanding of future technical aspects of mobile communications toward the definition of the next generation mobile.
  • On May 12, 2013, Samsung Electronics stated that they had developed a “5G” system. The core technology has a maximum speed of tens of Gbit/s (gigabits per second). In testing, the transfer speeds for the “5G” network sent data at 1.056 Gbit/s to a distance of up to 2 kilometers with the use of an 8*8 MIMO.
  • In July 2013, India and Israel agreed to work jointly on development of fifth generation (5G) telecom technologies.
  • On October 1, 2013, NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone), the same company to launch the world’s first 5G network in Japan, won the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award at CEATEC for 5G R&D efforts.
  • On November 6, 2013, Huawei announced plans to invest a minimum of $600 million into R&D for next generation 5G networks capable of speeds 100 times faster than modern LTE networks.
  • On April 3, 2019, South Korea became the first country to adopt 5G. Just hours later, Verizon launched its 5G services in the United States, and disputed South Korea’s claim of becoming the world’s first country with a 5G network, because allegedly, South Korea’s 5G service was launched initially for just six South Korean celebrities so that South Korea could claim the title of having the world’s first 5G network.[144] In fact, the three main South Korean telecommunication companies (SK Telecom, KT, and LG Uplus) added more than 40,000 users to their 5G network on the launch day.
  • In June 2019, Philippines became the first in Southeast Asia to roll out 5G network after Globe Telecom commercially launched its 5G data plans to customers.
  • AT&T bring 5G service to consumers and businesses in December 2019 ahead of plans to offer nationwide[which?] 5G in the first half of 2020.
  • On November 12, 2019 a declaration between Austria and Belarus was signed with the participation of A1 in Vienna, which implies assistance in information and communication technology for boosting the development of broadband and digital technology, including 5G. On January 23, 2020 the company MTS Belarus launched the test zones of 5G NSA network in Minsk at frequencies in the band between 3600 and 3700 MHz. The demonstration zone is working on the operator’s infrastructure based on Huawei and Cisco equipment. On February 27, 2020 a Memorandum of cooperation was signed in the Chinese-Belarusian Great Stone Industrial Park, in terms of which Huawei became the equipment supplier for constructing the exemplary 5G zone. On May 22, 2020 A1 in partnership with ZTE launched in test mode the first 5G SA network in the Belarus in the Oktyabr’skaya square in Minsk, and on May 25 it made the first call in the CIS by means of VoNR (Voice over New Radio) technology for the 5G burst transmission of voice. The 5G test network by A1 is working in the band of 3,5 GHz. On May 22, 2020 the company MTS Belarus launched the pioneer 5G SA network in 2 bands — at 1800 MHz and 3500 MHz in the Minsk-arena sport center. On May 28, 2020 the belarussion infrastructure operator beCloud launched in test mode the 5G NSA network in the bands of 3500 MHz and 2600 MHz. The pilot zone was deployed in Minsk and consists of 20 basic stations.

Other applications


5G Automotive Association has been promoting the C-V2X communication technology that will first be deployed in 4G. It provides for communication between vehicles and communication between vehicles and infrastructures.

Public safety

Mission-critical push-to-talk (MCPTT) and mission-critical video and data are expected to be furthered in 5G.

Fixed wireless

Fixed wireless connections will offer an alternative to fixed line broadband (ADSL, VDSL, Fiber optic, and DOCSIS connections) in some locations.Wireless video transmission for broadcast applications

Sony has tested the possibility of using local 5G networks to replace the SDI cables currently used in broadcast camcorders.


5 Conclusions and Policy Implications 

26. The previous sections have discussed the very substantial social and sales-enabling benefits stemming from the application of 5G technology in the automotive industry. These benefits may amount to trillions of dollars annually for the U.S. economy (as an example) from increased productivity (e.g., saved commute times, and ability to work and process information while commuting in the car); increased environmental quality, which has a dollar value in its own right; and reductions in traffic collisions and fatality rates. Beyond this, we have discussed the sales enablement effects—the 5G-enabled increase in sales of the automotive sector, key using sectors, and the upstream sectors that form the “supply chain” of the automotive sector. Beyond this, of course, there will be significant changes—likely with huge consumer conveniences and social savings, but with unpredictable impacts on which some firms “win” and other firms “lose.” The advent of “Mobility-as-a-service”, for instance, promises to change patterns of car ownership and commuting, but with potential impacts on existing conventional models of ownership and provision of transportation. The car as an ever-richer “connected” environment also offers challenges and opportunities for firms; but is likely to be highly beneficial for consumers and society. 

27. Are there constructive policies that can ensure and even accelerate the realisation of these benefits? It is obvious that public policy must not stand in the way of the fundamental research and development activity currently underway to facilitate the ultra-reliable and ultra-low latency systems that 5G enables. Economic literature demonstrates that social returns from key innovations dominate private returns—that is, what society gets by way of additional value from these innovations far exceeds the value that the innovator is able to realize.15 This fundamental facet of innovation means that great care must be taken to ensure that policy interventions in the area of intellectual property are appropriately aware of the risk that socially valuable innovation is foregone because policy interventions create wariness among innovators about their ability to recognize appropriate value for their contributions to standards. Inasmuch as much of the technology must be licensed for it to impact standards and have impact, licensors must be fairly rewarded or the R&D spigot will quietly close and downstream implementers suffer too. 

28. At a more focused level, some proposed policy measures that could facilitate the benefits discussed above are: (a) requiring or incentivizing the co-installation of fiber and power as a routine part of road repair works—this would facilitate the emergence of intelligent transportation systems that utilize cellular mobile connectivity; (b) requiring V2X equipment in cars for certification purposes; (c) lanes and parking spaces for autonomous vehicles, e.g., lanes for cars equipped with vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle communications that are able to “platoon”, (d) improved location accuracy requirements for calls and data transmission from wireless devices, and (e) faster speed limits for autonomous cars. 15 This economic literature goes back many decades. Two pioneering studies in this regard are: Griliches, Z. (1957), “Hybrid Corn: An Exploration in the Economics of Technological Change”, Econometrica, Volume 25, Number 4, pp.501-522; and Mansfield, E., J.Rapaport, A. Romeo, S. Wagner and G. Beardsley (1977), “Social and Private Rates of Return from Industrial Innovations, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 91, Issue 2, pp.221-40. 13 29. Finally, spectrum regulatory policies also have an enabling role to play. The 5.9 GHz spectrum band is being considered globally for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and safety applications – and also for the above mentioned V2X communications. In Europe, for example, the 3.5 GHz spectrum is useful for augmenting V2X operation in 5.9 GHz to support network-based 5G automotive use cases with high bit-rate usage, thus supporting many broader industrial and consumer-oriented applications. Given the “mission critical” nature of some automotive applications, timely release of a sufficient amount of dedicated spectrum for ITS would appear to take on importance in this case especially in view of the future of connected and automated driving. The re-use of ITS infrastructure by mobile operators deploying 5G, perhaps even through collaborative efforts that overcome any hurdles related to the business case for such deployments, would be other important policy measures that would foster the benefits we discuss above


It was my pleasure bringing you another series on a current topic affecting our universe. You are responsible for what you know and continue to keep yourself update. You might also want to get in the inventive mode.  As I leave this month I want to leave with Beresford Hammond the man with the velvet voice – Putting up a Resistance.

This is me Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Asia Pacific Telecommunity for the Asia Pacific (APAC)

Augmented Reality (AR)  

Code Division Multiple Access CDMA)

Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB)

European Union (EU)

Federal Communication Commission (FCC)

Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)

Gigabit Per second (Gbps)

Global Link Model (GLM)

Intellectual Property (IP)

International Telecommunications Union (ITU)

International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Revision 4 system (ISIC)

Licensed-Assisted access (LAA) 

Licensed Shared Access (LSA)

Long Term Evolution (LTE) 

Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC).

Machine-to-machine (M2M)

Millimetre Wave (mmWave)

Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)

Massive Internet of Things (MIoT) 

Mission Critical Services (MCS).

Mobile Broadband (MBB)

Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)

Next Generation Fronthaul Interface -( NGFI-I) 

Non-Standalone (NSA)

Standalone (SA)

The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)

Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC) 

Virtual Reality (VR) 

Wi-Fi link aggregation (LWA)


5G – Wikipedia

5G Mobile: Disrupting the Automotive Sector


What Is 5G Technology And How Must Businesses Prepare For It?


Mon peuple it was that time of the month. How are you feeling? It’s Raining by Marvia Providence. It is that time of the month  It was that time of the month again people. I can no longer say that Blog time is warfare time. It is now continuous warfare now that there are many out of work politicians in Jamaica. I will deal with all of that in a separate post reminding the People’s National Party that in 2011 when I returned to Jamaica and sought official membership of the party and the Portia Simpson-Miller government in 2011 not only did they double the membership fee but they ran me from their Old Hope Road head office. I would like for these lame Jamaican politicians to advise me why they are following me all over the world. On to matters more sublime, I am on a bus heading from Nashville International Airport  (BAN) every airport has their own unique symbol Detroit (TDW) and Pearson in Toronto is (YYZ) etc left for the September 18 but you know the transportation system in the USA even with the Greyhound, atrocious. The Regional bus does not run on a weekend and does two trips during the week. We will not complain it is saving us hundreds of dollars on Greyhound. Now you see why people do not want public transportation to expand.

As I have already written in another blog you cannot complain about what you tolerate. I was extremely lenient with the people in Chicago, Detroit, Louisville, Kentucky because when I looked at their low estate I was terribly sorry for them. I did think of  it many times.  When they would harass me at Rosemont Station I would stand and look across  the street at the Fire Station and look to the left and see the Hyatt regency Hotel which belonged to the Governor of the State. Then I would look to the right and there was the Westin Hotel and the Business District.  My motto in life is that you do not kick a man when he is down. Between homelessness, obesity, alcoholism, drugs, over medication, sloppy and untidy they are almost beaten. However, that does not augur well for me because they thought I was a walkover. I had to show them why the police in Europe left me when I was demonstrating before the Hall of Nations in Geneva, before the Nationale Assemblee in Paris, Reichstag in Berlin, HauptBahnhof in Munich, International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, the Central Train Stations in Amsterdam and Brussels and Trafalgar Square in London just to name a few. The bus people in Nashville decided to mess with me one lady with her head wrapped stopped the bus and took a 30 minutes break at the penultimate stop on the route. Then they sent another driver on the return trip especially for me. She had on no uniform. At the most convenient stop I came off  because as in Detroit I want no Jezebelic spirit to deal with I have enough of them pursuing me. Then in the night they decided to bring the police in the matter threatening me with arrest. My crime was I was riding on the same bus twice. The crooks and criminals in their operations can do it but I am not allowed. The Security Guards came then the police, and the little Ahab like Supervisor came. He told me I could take the next trip. Then the big fat Jezebel Supervisor came (black woman of course) ‘You are not riding, you are not riding on this trip or the next trip or for the rest of the night or any other bus.’ Of course I bowed on my knees before her and said you said ‘your highness.’ Then having had the lackeys to do his work the white Manager told me that I had to leave which was reinforced by the white police man. I asked about my refund for my $4.00 day pass. Your ‘highness’ said there will be no refund. I said okay and I left. I walked through the Bicentennial Monument and Park towards the flea market. I found a nice green patch of grass. I spread my coat and lay down. Then it hit me Raphleta, you have only yourself to blame, you know that you are dealing with criminals and that anything you tolerate only magnifies. The Pakistanis and Indians even stole my panty and destroyed one in Ashland, Kentucky. I fell asleep while waiting at 2:35 a.m. Greyhound bus to come. The Baron bus that passed through earlier my laundry was airing out so they decided to leave with my panty on moving out. I decided to deal with the matter most decisively in Nashville. Having come to a decision I started to explore the city. I ended up walking to the riverfront in a very circuitous route. I ended up passing the Stock Yards and passing the (I nearly said leper’s colony) but it was the homeless colony under the bridge along the riverfront. Then I found another one by Church Street  where it began at the riverfront and I walked all the way down to Broadway, the street of action. Across the river was the Nissan Stadium. I sat by the Information Centre and had quite a number of visitors in the night including the police. I headed downtown to the Transit Centre in the morning. I had an extra sheet of cartridge paper from my many protests. I went to Walmart and paid taxes on my fruits without a murmur.

I placarded the city on Saturday and it was not a very nice placard. There are a number of lessons coming out of this not only in the USA but also on the world scene. This is what is destroying the political and social fibre of society. Any society which has strong men with strong self concept is automatically a strong society because that is the order of God. God, the man, the woman and the children. However, I am observing a strong spirit of Ahab, which is actually transforming women into Jezebels. They are putting women in the front to do the fighting. Then they claim the spoils. What took place in MTA, Nashville at Wyatt Drive is just a microcosm of what is taking place in the rest of the world. I was reading the Guardian online and saw the women from Belarus fighting with the policemen. Where were the men? Then I hear people talking about we need more women in politics. Really!What we need are more men with strong integrity and character to make ethical decisions. You only have to look to Europe to confirm what I am saying. Panty wearing men and underpants wearing women who want to evangelize the world with their perverted doctrines.The fact that they are trying to use children to advance even the fight on environmental issues. They returned Greta Thunberg to school and then I saw them having children in Portugal taking out a lawsuit on environmental changes. Where in the Bible have we seen God put women and children in the front? The only time we saw a lady in the front of battle Deborah, was because of the insecurity of the man Barak Judges 4 verses 6 – 22. In Jamaica I hear people talking about the record number of women in Parliament and in the senate.

Jamaica beware! Is this the time we have had the lowest representation of the polls? Is this the best representation male or female that Jamaica has to offer? I leave you to answer those questions. As for me and my house we do not mind following 100 ft. behind a secure man of God because if he is really secure and a Man of God he will want us to walk beside him. After I gave the people of Tennessee a little taste of who I am, their faces became long and they brought out their garbage truck which says ‘No One Trashes Tennessee’. I said to myself that was before you met Raphleta. On Sunday, when I went to the Walmart at Chesapeake Hill on Route 23 they were prepared for me with the police. They supposedly did not want me to stay up there because there were no Pakistanis or Indians on that side of the world as on the 52, 52A, 52B, 52S routes  . That was the exact reason why I left that side too many of them. I have to be asking for the first time anywhere in the world I am being charged tax on fruits and vegetables. When I questioned it one lady in the Walmart advised that Nashville charges taxes on everything including fruits and vegetables. Not even in Europe was this done. I have some research into Sales Taxes in the United States. I have kept all my bills. Even the Dollar Tree in Detroit ( if anybody should be charging taxes it should be Detroit) was I charged taxes. All the Dollar Tree stores here in Nashville are charging me taxes. At the Walmart they asked me to leave my bags at the door. I told them they were all crooks including the police and left. I went behind the Walmart to dry my laundry and do my devotion since it was Sunday morning. The Security Guard came and advised that I could not stay. I went behind the barbed wire fence and hung my laundry on the fence including my panty and placed my placard under my laundry. I saw a trail and ignored it and camped under a tree.  Trust Raphleta to find herself in another situation. Seems some veterans decided they could not take society anymore, they built their camps in the bushes behind the fence near the Walmart. They were near enough to civilization but not too near to be bothered, Far from the Maddening Crowd. Anyway the Nazis and Mafias decided to start using one of them against me to pull down my sign and disturb my peace with their set piece. When they saw it was not working they left me alone. Of course their ambulance etc. was waiting in the background. The gentleman told me I did not like white people. I said all my beliefs are in my Blog go and read it. Then he asked if I like sex? I said I do not have to ask you white people. You love it so much you have gone to the anus, even having homosexual in the army. One gentleman in the bushes came up and then everything stopped. It is amazing to me these days that people are so desperate that all you have to do is to be offered some money. No questions are necessary and no research is done even though the research is as far away as your Smartphone.  

I returned later to Walmart and bought my things without a whimper from anyone, they just turned off their computer on me. I paid them no mind. Of course every time I go into Walmart the computers that I would buy are out of stock. Today I went into the store and a little fellow with earring in his ears told me the ‘Special Buy’ for $199 was out of stock. I had to literally dig the information out of him. Could you please scan the barcode and let me know the price? I said I need to actually see in the cupboard that you are out of stock? He kept looking at me. I said I had no intention of dealing anymore with any man who wears earrings that is why they sent you in the first place; they know you will tell the lies. Brings me to the gall of these worthless Pakistanis and Indians! On Saturday, one gentleman came to me at the bus stop and wanted to show me his leg. He had the gall to be touching me. I said do not touch me I had to repeat it a number of times. I am not interested in anything you have to say. The Pakistanis and Indians justify their actions because they are the only ones suffering. Atrocities are not being committed on a daily basis in Africa.  As for me it is chlorophyll I have running through my veins based on Darwin’s Theory one of these days I am going to photosynthesize into a tree because my daughter and I are not humans. If any of you Nazis and Mafias and your cohorts come near me I will do you like Phineas, the son of Eleazar, the grandson of Aaron did to the man and his pregnant concubine who were defiling the camp of Israel Numbers 25 verses 6 – 11. You are all defiling my presence with your criminality. Everywhere I go all these recycled criminals and never do well people who will do anything for a cigarette. 

It is 12 a.m. and I am in a Wendy’s at a Pilot gas station in Dickson, Tennessee. I left Nashville at 4:50 p.m. They did not run the first trip at 4:10 p.m. because they did not want me to arrive early in the city. I was dropped at a Walmart and listened to a sermon by Pastor Mensa Otabil  ‘What are you Running After’ . Then I got my cart and started walking towards Centreville leaving all that I bought right there in the store. The gold plated knife I bought for forty five cents must have been the problem. First time I have seen a knife for such a low cost. It looked like providence because I had a funny feeling about that forty five cents gold plated knife I bought. I decided I had walked too far to turn back. I could get a needle and thread at another store on my way.

I went to the Junction of highways I40 and T46 to bomb a ride to no avail. I left the corner at 11:30 p.m. to get a cup of tea at the Pilots and rest my legs. The Nazis and Mafias must have their crooked Psychiatrists all over the place having people harassed at all times. Can you imagine people want to tell me to eat hamburgers at 12 a.m. in the morning? I do not know what kind of craziness is that. Sick white people! They are all over the place. We black people have been putting up with them so long it has become a habit to them to want to dictate to all of us. This reminds me that in terms of interpersonal relationship in comparison to the southern part of the United States, the northern part is the pits. The Democrats need to change their stinking thinking. They remind me of the Jamaica Labour Party in Jamaica, very coarse and uncouth. Did I tell you people? I saw a towering branch of UBS right there in the middle of Centreville, Nashville. It is too much, but actions cannot lie, birds of a feather flock together. Lovers of Mammon all. Remember the book Lucifer’s Banker. I analysed that one on FaceBook. It also speaks to the fact that a lot of money is in Nashville, the Swiss would not be there if it was not so. This is the first one I am seeing outside of New York. 

What is it with all these bars on wheels in the streets? People, in the middle of the Sunday morning in Detroit the people are pedaling, drinking and singing at the top of their voices. Then when I reached Nashville, they had all these trucks with men and women gyrating, nobody observing  any social distance and drinking. Then when I went to find a nice quiet spot to read my Bible and commune with my God I am being evaluated because I am supposed to be mad; you already know that I am being followed by nothing but criminals. Gyrating, gallivanting and singing loudly on a truck back while you consume alcohol is not crazy but finding a nice quiet spot to read is??? Churches are all locked tightly! Churches do you see why we need to take back our individual societies before it is too late.

I really need to share this unpleasant experience, coming out of Cleveland the Greyhound went to Cincinnati, then to Columbus. There I was waiting for my connection to Huntington, West Virginia. The Greyhound people had one whole cadre of Psychologists or Psychiatrists all over the place examining me when we should be loading the bus to leave. They also did this foolishness when I was on my way to Louisville. Then the second time around they went to Cincinnati with the same foolishness. In Louisville, Kentucky Greyhound wanted to charge me ten dollars to print an e-ticket. I said you can charge me USA one hundred dollars. I want a receipt to get back my money. Constant hassle with the Greyhound for the expensive ride. When I saw  the cost for Nashville to Tulsa, Oklahoma I said I will bus and walk. Hence, the reason I was in Dickson which did not have any bus apart from the regional bus from Nashville. Now you see why Europe is so rude to everybody.  

In this Blog we will be exploring the whole area of 5G Technology this technology is still really in the experimental stage. I call it the new manna because as we speak it is still not a given as to the reach of this technology.

PART I will be looking mainly at the financial part of the business 

PART II The Technical Part of the business


This 5G Technology promises to be really very revolutionary. We do not want to play catch up like we did with Cloud Technology so right from the outset let us familiarize ourselves with the jargon. At present most of the literature is predictive. Let us not be caught flat footed especially in the emerging economies.


The definitions this month is going to be more extensive because of the technical nature of the subject matter. Most of you are walking around with a very powerful instrument in your arm in the form of your cellular telephone and are not aware of the capabilities. That is why some person can use the same instrument and make applications where they earn millions and billions of dollars and all you use it for is social media and silly conversations. Yuh cook yet, the pot finish! Wey yuh sey? (Have you cooked as yet, is the pot finished cooking! What did you say?)

5G – 5G is the fifth generation mobile network. It is a new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G networks. 5G enables a new kind of network that is designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machines, objects and devices.

5G wireless technology is meant to deliver higher multi-Gigabit Per second (Gbps) peak data speeds, ultra low latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and a more uniform user experience to more users. Higher performance and improved efficiency empower new user experiences and connects new industries.

Invention of 5G – No one company or person owns 5G, but there are several companies within the mobile ecosystem  that are contributing to bringing 5G to life. Qualcomm has played a major role. The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the industry organization that defines the global specifications for 3G UMTS (including HSPA), 4G LTE, and 5G technologies. 

Underlying Technologies of 5G – 5G is based on OFDM ( Orthogonal Frequency – Division Multiplexing) a method of modulating a digital signal across several different channels to reduce interference. 5G uses 5G NR air interface alongside OFDM principles. 5G also uses wider bandwidth technologies such as sub 6 GHz and millimetreWave (mmWave).

Like 4G LTE, 5G OFDM operates based on the same mobile networking principles. However, the new 5G NR air interface can further enhance OFDM to deliver a much higher degree of flexibility and scalability. This could provide more 5G access to more people and things for a variety of different use cases.

5G will bring wider bandwidths by expanding the usage of spectrum resources, from sub-3GHz used in 4G to 100 GHz and beyond. 5G can operate in both lower bands (e.g., sub-6 GHz) as well as mmWave (e.g. 24 GHz and up) which will bring extreme capacity, multi-Gbps throughput, and low latency.

5G is designed to not only deliver faster, better mobile broadband services compared to 4G LTE, but can also expand into new service areas such as mission-critical communications and connecting the massive IoT. This is enabled by many new 5G NR air interface design techniques, such as a new self contained TDD  

The differences between the previous generations of mobile networks and 5G – The previous generations of mobile networks are 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G.

First generation – 1G 

1980s: 1G delivered analog voice.

Second generation – 2G

Early 1990s: 2G introduced digital voice (e.g. CDMA– Code Division Multiple Access).

Third generation – 3G

Early 2000s: 3G brought mobile data (e.g. CDMA2000).

Fourth generation – 4G LTE

2010s: 4G LTE ushered in the era of mobile broadband.

1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G all led to 5G, which is designed to provide more connectivity than was ever available before. 5G is a unified, more capable air interface. It has been designed with an extended capacity to enable next-generation user experiences, empower new deployment models and deliver new services. With high speeds, superior reliability and negligible latency, 5G will expand the mobile ecosystem into new realms. 5G will impact every industry, making safer transportation, remote healthcare, precision agriculture, digitized logistics — and more — a reality.

Latency – (computing) the delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer. (How long it takes to transfer data between machines)

Nascent – just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential. 

Ubiquity – the fact of appearing everywhere or of being very common (pervasive).

Technology – the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

1 a: food miraculously supplied to the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness

b: divinely supplied spiritual nourishment

c: a usually sudden and unexpected source of gratification, pleasure, or gain. 

5th generation mobile network (5G) logo.jpg

3GPP’s 5G logo

The printing press, The internet, Electricity, The Steam Engine, The Telegraph, Each of these discoveries or inventions is part of an elite class of socioeconomic mainsprings known as general purpose technologies (GPTs). Established through pervasive adoption across multiple industries, GPTs are often catalysts for transformative changes that redefine work processes and rewrite the rules of competitive economic advantage. The profound effects arising from these innovations range widely, from the positive impacts for human and machine productivity to ultimately elevating the living standards for people around the world.

IHS Markit views 5G as a catalyst that will thrust mobile technology into the exclusive realm of GPTs. In the 2017 edition of this landmark study and now for the 2019 update, IHS Markit evaluated the potential of 21 unique 5G use cases that will affect productivity and enhance economic activity across the broad range of industry sectors. IHS Markit further examined the central role the 5G value chain will play in continually strengthening and expanding the mobile technology platform. Finally, IHS Markit determined the net contribution of 5G to positive, sustainable global economic growth. While this study focuses on long term economic contributions of 5G, it is important to recognize that the 5G economy is beginning to emerge, and since the 2017 study, numerous deployments of commercial 5G have launched, creating the potential for economic contributions of 5G, it is important to recognize that the 5Geconomy is beginning to emerge, and since the 2017 study, numerous deployments of commercial 5G have launched, creating the potential for economic contributions starting in 2020. 

Economic Impact

  • Compared to the 2017 study, the 2035 forecast for 5G Technology’s impact on global economic output has increased by -$1 trillion due, in a large part, to the early completion of the first 5G standard and the resulting earlier-than-anticipated commercial 5G launches by major operators.
  • In 2035, 5G will enable $13.2 trillion of global economic output. That is nearly equivalent in current dollars to US consumer spending ($13.9 trillion)and the combined spending by consumers in China, Japan, Germany, UK, and France ($13.4 trillion) in 2018.
  • The Global 5G value chain will generate $3.6 trillion in economic output and support 22.3 million jobs in 2035. This is approximately the combined revenue of the top-10 companies on the 2019 Fortune Global 1000-a list that includes Walmart, Sinopec Group, Royal Dutch Shell, China National Petroleum, state Grid, Saudi Aramco BP, ExxonMobil, Volkswagen and Toyota. Fortune estimates these companies employ almost 6.5 million workers. Thus, for the same level of output, the 5G value will support 3.4 times as many jobs.
  • The 5G value chain will invest an average of $235 billion annually to continually expand and strengthen the 5G technology base within network and business application infrastructure. This figure represents nearly 80% of total US Federal, state and local government spending on transportation infrastructure in 2017.
  • The investment in and deployment of 5Gwill fuel sustainable long-term returns to global real GDP. For the study period of 2020 – 2025, 5G’s stream of annual contributions to real global GDP yields a net present value of $2.1 trillion, equivalent to the present-day size of Italy’s economy, currently the eight-largest in the world. Monetary base is 2016 US dollars.

To date, mobile technology has progressed from a predominantly people-to-people platform (3G) toward people-to-information connectivity on a global scale (4G). 5G can leverage and extend the research and development (R&D) and capital investments made in prior mobile technologies to advance mobile to a platform that delivers the much-needed ubiquity, low latency and adaptability required for future uses. 5G will make possible new classes of advanced applications, foster business innovation and spur economic growth. The emergence of 5G is a fulcrum in the evolution of mobile technology from a technology that had a transformative impact on personal communications to a true GPT that promises to transform entire industries and economies.

The Use of 5G

Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB)

Two key facets of eMBB will drive adoption and value creation in the 5G economy. The first is extending cellular coverage into a broader range of structures including office buildings, industrial parks, shopping malls, and large venues. The second is improved capacity to handle a significantly greater number of devices using high volumes of data, especially in localized areas. These improvements to the network will enable more efficient data transmission, resulting in lower cost-per-bit for data transmission which will be an important driver for increased use of broadband applications on mobile networks.

Massive Internet of Things (MIoT)

5G will build upon earlier investments in traditional Machine-to-machine (M2M) and IoT applications to enable significant increases in economies of scale that drive adoption and utilization across all sectors. 5G’s improved low power requirements, the ability to operate in licensed and unlicensed spectrum, and its ability to provide deeper and more flexible coverage will drive significantly lower costs within MIoT settings. This will in turn enable the scale of massive IoT and will drive much greater uptake of mobile technologies to address MIoT applications.

Mission Critical Services (MCS)

MCS represents a new market opportunity for mobile technology. This significant growth area for 5G will support applications that require high reliability, ultra-low latency connectivity with strong security and availability. This will allow wireless technology to provide an ultra-reliable connection that is indistinguishable from wireless to support applications such as autonomous vehicles and remote operation of complex automation equipment where failure is not an option.


Following an incubation period, a GPT hits an adoption tipping point that leads to transformational, and often disruptive, changes to industries and entire economies. GPTs share some common attributes, including pervasive use across many industries, continual improvement over time, and the ability to spawn new innovations. GPTs lead to deep and sustained impacts across a broad range of industries that often redefine economic competitiveness and transform societies. IHS Markit anticipates that as 5G technology advances and becomes embedded within devices, machines, and processes, wireless communication will be elevated to the pantheon of GPTs.

Digital mobile technology has steadily progressed from interconnecting people to serving up the data people depend on in both their personal and professional lives. For example, mobile technology is often cited as playing a basic yet essential role in connecting remote citizens in emerging economies to vital services, such as the rise of mobile banking in Nigeria. Accordingly, many of the advancements in mobile technology to date have delivered the increasingly higher bandwidth necessary to provide nearly ubiquitous voice and data coverage. While some M2M and early IoT applications have emerged, these typically employ older technologies for specific use cases. Driven by media and investor hype for companies at mobile vanguards such as Uber, mobile technologies are still primarily used to address consumer and enterprise use cases and have yet to make significant inroads in radically transforming the industrial or public sectors of economies. While these early mobile generations have been foundational for mobile technology’s journey to ubiquity. 5G will be the technology platform that connects cars and cities, hospitals and homes and people to everything around them in more meaningful ways. Legacy cellular technologies (2G, 3G and 4G) currently enable a range of connected car applications such as Wi-fi internet, infotainment, usage-based insurance, engine monitoring and many others. With 5G, connected cars will also be able to communicate with other cars and roadside infrastructure , such as traffic lights.

The planned advancements for 5G are expected to explicitly address the incredibly diverse set of use cases present inIoT. Different aspects of the standard are being ‘purpose built’ to address MIoT-type applications, as well as mission-critical use cases that include autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, and telehealth. This expansion of capabilities is being implemented as part of one unified design, which means that the same 5G infrastructure can be used to support a wide range of use cases. The widening diffusion across industries and processes where wireless currently has limited penetration will position mobile technologies for a deep and sustained impact across a broad range of sectors. 

The 5G economy will introduce a new level of complexity to policy making and regulation as new business models emerge and the old ways of delivering goods and services are either dramatically altered or abandoned completely. Areas where policy and regulatory modernization will be required for a 5G-ready world include public safety; cybersecurity; privacy; spectrum allocation; public infrastructure; healthcare; spectrum licensing and permitting and education, training, and development. The challenge for policy makers in the 5G economy is that they must be prepared to address the ubiquity of 5G in everyday life

Without creating regimes that stunt the continued innovation that will be critical to the success of the 5G economy. Policies that safeguard the ability of firms to take risks, make investments, and continue the relentless pursuit of innovation-particularly rules governing intellectual property protection-are the optimal vehicle for leveraging and capturing the full value of the 5G economy.

By 2035, the ubiquity of 5G will result in impacts that advance beyond the capability of existing technologies, platforms, and industries, yet the proliferation of 3G and 4G mobile technology provide important analogs as the 5G economy blossoms. As large as 5G private-sector-led investment is expected to be, it is nonetheless, additive to the infrastructure investment and R&D spending that was preceded by 3G and 4G. The prospect of 5G ubiquity is a continuum of 3G and 4G investments that emerge from technology and spectrum licensing dynamics that incentivized R&D and big economic wagers on the prospect of an increasingly wireless reliant economy. Policies and incentives that encourage investments and the availability of risk capital, aided by strong intellectual property protections, will remain the hospitable environment that will allow the 5G economy to flourish.

The HIS Markit analysis of the 5G economy assesses both a technology perspective-how 5G improves upon existing and enables new use cases-and how 5G technology will impact the global economy. Ultimately, the test of any investment is how much it improves the quality of life globally. The HIS Markit analysis documents how 5G technology will improve the ability of people and machines to interact with each other and more quickly share information to achieve greater return on their time and capital in pursuit of their personal and professional goals and outcomes. The economic effect of new investment, R&D, and technological innovation alone indicates 5G will have a profound and sustained impact on global growth. IHS Markit further asserts that the diffusion of 5G technologies across wide swaths of the global economy represents one of the fundamental contributors to expansion in the global economy over the next two decades.


Gutenberg invented the printing press around 1440. Prior to this, books had to be laboriously hand copied one at a time. With the printing press, books could be mass produced, helping spread ideas throughout Europe as it entered the Renaissance in the early 16th century.

Before the steam engine, large factories needed to be located near rivers, which were not always reliable sources of power for equipment. The steam engine broke the dependency while also allowing factories to be located closer to raw inputs or transportation routes.

Electricity took it a step further. In steam driven factories, equipment still needed to be organized around a system of belts that delivered power. Electricity allowed machinery to be designed with integrated power supplies. This allowed new, more efficient configurations of machines, including the assembly line, which redefined manufacturing practices and competitive dynamics on a global scale.

Prior to the widespread use of the telegraph in the 1860s, long-distance communications could travel only as fast as a physical asset could carry a message from point A to point B. The telegraph virtually eliminated the time constraints of long-distance communications, setting the world on the path that led to today’s sophisticated, instantaneous telecommunications infrastructure.

Other technologies that qualify as GPTs include rail systems, the automobile and the internet.


5G mobile networks represent the next major phase of mobile telecommunications standards beyond the current Long Term Evolution (LTE) standards. 5G technology will do far more than usher in new service opportunities for mobile network operators (MNOs). Indeed, HIS Markit expects 5G will be set as a catalyst that turns mobile into a robust and pervasive platform that fosters the emergence of new business models and transforms industries and companies around the globe. 5G Technology will advance mobile networks by heightening the mobile broadband experience while evolving to address the emergent requirements of Massive Internet of Things (MIoT) and Mission Critical Services (MCS).

Initially, 5G deployments are centering on enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) applications that address human-centric needs for access to multimedia content, services, and data.  eMBB use cases will include new application areas, requirements for improved performance, and an increasingly seamless user experience beyond what is possible using existing mobile broadband applications. For example, many future wide area coverage applications will require seamless coverage, medium to high quality, and a much improved user data rate compared with existing data rates. Further, eMBB applications may require hotspots, areas characterized by high user density, very high traffic capacity, low mobility, and user data rates higher than that of wide area coverage. These improvements to the network will enable more efficient data transmission, resulting in lower cost per bit for data transmission, which will be an important driver for increased use of broadband applications on mobile networks. As of writing, South Korea’s operators have already attracted 3 million 5G subscriptions since launch in April 2019. The country’s three operators have deployed 5G using both 3.5GHz spectrum and 28GHz millimetre Wave (mm Wave); in Seoul hotspots using mm Wave have been deployed.

As integration of 5G progresses, industry and governments-as much as consumers- will be chief drivers of 5G deployments. MCS will include autonomous vehicles, many drone applications, and telemedicine. These applications will require ultra-reliable and low latency communications, with stringent requirements for capabilities such as throughput, latency and availability. Many industries and municipalities will also deploy MIoT-applications characterized by large numbers of connected devices typically transmitting relatively low volumes of low-priority data. Enabled by low-cost, long-life modules with sensors and connectivity, MIoT applications will range from asset tracking to smart cities to the monitoring of utilities and vital infrastructure.

HIS Markit assessed three facets of potential economic contribution 5G could make to the global economy by 2035, assuming the regulatory environment is favorable to growth. They are:

  • Potential sales of products and services that will be enabled by the pervasive use of 5G across a broad spectrum of industries to optimize their core processes and establish new business models.
  • A vibrant 5G value chain will continue to deepen the underlying 5G technology base through focused R&D efforts, infrastructure investments, and application development.
  • Mobile technology enhanced by 5G holds the potential to drive long-term, sustainable growth of global GDP-the ultimate gauge of healthy economic progress.

When at the cusp of an era that promises transformational technological change and a revamping of countless activities within everyday life, public policy is often strained to keep pace with technology advancements. The 5G economy will introduce a new level of complexity to policy making and regulation as new business models emerge and the old ways of delivering goods and services are either dramatically altered or abandoned completely. In the 4G era, the policy changes born of the ‘sharing economy’ with disruptors such as Lyft and Airbnb are emblematic of the nascent tidal wave of policy challenges that will emerge in the 5G economy.

To realize the economic potential of the 5G economy, it will be necessary to continue the investment and R&D that are already driving innovation and advancing this new generation of technology. An understanding of the need for swift progress was evidenced by the initial 5G standard being completed ahead of schedule. Hastening the ongoing journey to the 5G economy requires that policymaking bodies:

  • Enable firms to make long-term investments and R&D 
  • Engender public-private co-operation on development of 5G standards
  • Ensure regulation and permitting keep pace with the rate of innovation

The challenge for policy makers in the 5G economy is that they must be prepared to address the ubiquity of 5G in everyday life without creating regimes that stunt continued innovation. This was less the case in prior generations of wireless technology that addressed the requirements of voice, data, and digital content via mobile devices. As 5G diffuses across home and business, leisure and workplace activity, and public and private spaces, modernization of policy becomes essential.

Furthermore, policymaking will be affected at all levels of government-national, state/provincial, and local. The pervasiveness of 5G technology and pace of technology change evident in the use cases outlined in this study; place an even greater burden on policymakers to try to keep up with the ways that 5G will transform lives and industries. Public safety; cyber security, privacy, public infrastructure; healthcare, spectrum licensing and permitting; and education; training; and development are merely a few of the areas where policy and regulatory modernization are required for a 5G-ready world. 

In summary, while consumers and industry have voted with their spending with respect to integrating more technology into day-to-day existence, policymakers will be under new challenges to adapt policies and regulations to the many innovations engendered by 5G technology. In the mid-20th century, government investment led the way in transforming the global economy through massive investments in public infrastructure. Early in the 21st century, private investment in technology infrastructure is shaping how goods and services are delivered, and private investment will likely continue to transform the global economy.  Policy frameworks that safeguard the ability of firms to take risks, make investments, and continue the relentless pursuit of innovation are important vehicles for continuing on the path to the 5G economy and ensuring growth.

On the trek to the 5G economy, policymakers should ensure adequate intellectual property protections for standardized technology in order for growth to materialize over the investment cycle. Firms at the vanguard of 3G and 4G mobile technology invested heavily in R&D based on an investment risk calculus that factored in adequate intellectual property protections for innovations. To realize the investment and economic potential of the 5G economy, similar conditions that stimulate continued R&D and risk capital must endure.


5G Overview

5G mobile networks are the focus of mobile telecommunication standards now that LTE is inching toward a decade of  deployment and the planned improvements have been released. Since the 2017 edition of this study, LTE Advanced (LTE-A) and LTE Advanced Pro (LTE-A Pro) standards were completed and are essential building blocks for 5G. Additionally, the first 5G standard, Release 15, was completed ahead of schedule, in 2018, and will be discussed further below.

Each successive generation and mobile network technology has improved to address the voice experience as well as the data throughput, efficiency, and capacity challenges presented by the current set of mobile broadband applications. The current technical roadmap for 5G is expected to take this a step further-not only improving the mobile broadband experience, but also evolving to address the particular requirements of MIoT deployments and MCS use cases.

Initially, 5G deployments are centering on enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) and fixed wireless access applications. eMBB addresses the human-centric use cases for access to multimedia content, services, and data. In particular, video is expected to play an important role across a broad range of Mobile Broadband (MBB) devices. One of the key benefits of 5G is that it will also enable mobile networks to operate more efficiently, driving a lower cost per bit for data transmission. This will be critical for mobile network operators to address new use cases that are media and data intensive, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) applications. The eMBB usage scenario will come with new application areas and requirements, in addition to existing mobile broadband applications for improved performance and an increasingly seamless user experience. This covers a range of cases, including wide area coverage and hotspots, which have different requirements.

  • Hotspots are areas with high user density. Very high traffic capacity is needed, the requirement for mobility is low, and the user data rate is higher than that of wide area coverage.
  • Wide area coverages need seamless coverage. Medium to high mobility are desired, with a much improved user data rate compared with existing data rates; however, the data rate requirement might be relaxed compared with hotspots.

Beyond the eMBB use cases, the proposed 5G specifications also include features that will significantly extend the capabilities of current mobile and fixed-line technologies. These will allow 5G to address a range of use cases, including MCS and MIoT applications.

MCS use cases require ultra-reliable and low latency communications, with stringent requirements for capabilities such as throughput, latency, and availability. Some examples include autonomous vehicles, wireless control of industrial manufacturing or production processes, telemedicine, and distribution automation in a smart grid.

While the MCS use cases require extremely high performance, the MIoT use cases are characterized by a very large number of connected devices typically transmitting a relatively low volume of non-delay-sensitive data. Consequently, these devices are required to be low cost and have a very long battery life.

There are several important standards efforts underway for 5G. The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) completed Release 15. The first full set of 5G standards in 2018. This release primarily enables eMBB use cases. Future 5G standards based on Release 16 and 17 will be developed in the next few years and address MIoT and MCS requirements.


There is significant commercial work underway by the entire ICT ecosystem, from chipset and device suppliers to network infrastructure players. As of August 2019, the GSA reported 39 operators who had launched 3GPP 5G services.

For the purpose of this study, specifically the issue of looking at an assessment of the economic impact of 5G networks, the decision was made to 2035 as the measurement point. This is based on the following assumptions:

  • The 5G standard development milestones continue to be met
  • The pre-standard development work will accelerate development of 5G capable chipsets and devices
  • Standards-compliant 5G radio access network deployments continue in 2020 and are widely commercially available from 2022 onward
  • Prices on 5G radios for end devices  (all types-eMBB, MCS, and MIoT) are very competitive, driven in part by economies of scale

Based on these assumptions, HIS Markit expects that, by the year 2035, 5G will have had over 10 years of broad commercial availability. By this point, even the new use cases targeting markets like industrial, which has historically been slower to adopt new technologies, are expected to be in heavy use.

5G Use Cases

For this study, HIS Markit assessed the technological diffusion cycle, adoption, and potential long-term economic contribution of 21 foreseeable 5G use cases described below, which fall into the three broad classifications of eMBB, MIoT, and MCS. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of likely 5G use cases, merely a representative sample that highlights what the technical innovations of 5G will make possible. The following sections provide a brief overview of each use case segment, with a detailed description for all 21 use cases located in Appendix A of this report.

Use case adoption timeline variance between this and the 2017 edition are highlighted at the end of each section.

Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB)

Two key facets of eMBB will drive adoption and value creation in the 5G economy. The first is extending cellular coverage into a broader range of structures, including office buildings, industrial parks, shopping malls, and large venues. The second is improved capacity to handle a significantly greater number of devices using high volumes of data, especially in localized areas. The net result of these two improvements is that end users will have an improved, and more consistent, experience using mobile broadband applications regardless of location.

  • Enhanced indoor wireless broadband coverage
  • Enhanced outdoor wireless broadband
  • Fixed wireless broadband deployments
  • Enterprise teamwork/collaboration
  • Training/education
  • Augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR, respectively)
  • Extending mobile computing
  • Enhanced digital signage 

The eMBB use cases most likely to have a near-term impact. These are largely an extension of the existing 4G value proposition and should see relatively quick uptake in the market as 5G networks become commercially available. While there are going to be significant impacts to global economic activity as a result of the eMBB use cases (such as operators now being able to offer stadium coverage services, AR/VR capabilities and support extended mobile computing), because these are largely enhancements to existing services, the net economic impact of 5G will be less transformative than with the MIoT and MCS cases.

Variance between the January 2017 report and this report are limited in eMBB use cases. On the one hand , some operators have taken advantage of the early completion of 5G NSA NR by launching 5G commercial service in 2019. On the other hand, other operators and countries, such as Japan, have engaged in extensive field trials (using mid-band and mm Wave spectrum) ahead of commercial 5G launches in 2020. Operators will benefit from a quickly growing range of 5G handsets coming on stream over the next few years. In its Design Forecast Tool (mobile Handsets, August 2019), HIS Markit forecasts that 22 5G handset models will be introduced in 2019, rising to 119 in 2021 and over 200 in 2023.

With its enhanced capacity and available bandwidth, 5G is much better placed to address the requirements of households and businesses than 4G LTE, which failed to gain significant traction  as a fixed wireless technology. Nevertheless, the short- and long-term impact of 5G fixed wireless are typically rolling out coverage gradually as they focus on providing a consistent, reliable quality for this new type of service. They are also still working out how best to price 5G fixed wireless (both the service and hardware, customer premise equipment or CPE, elements) including differentiation based on speeds or data allowances. The fragmented nature of the spectrum hands used across the world for 5G fixed wireless access, from sub-6GHz (3.3-3.8GHz) to mm Wave (28GHz and 39GHz), may require the development of region-or-country-specific CPE, inhibiting potential economies of scale.

In the long-term, 5G is well placed to address geographical areas where fixed broadband (DSL, cable or FTTP) are either unavailable or supports limited bandwidth: typically, rural or suburban, rather than urban areas that are typically well served by DSL, cable or FTTP. Operators will need to weigh the cost and opportunity of deploying 5G fixed wireless against extending out or upgrading their current fixed broadband networks to uncovered or underserved areas.

 Massive Internet of Things (MIoT)

5G builds upon earlier investments in M2M and traditional IoT applications to enable significant increases in economies of scale that drive adoption and utilization across all sectors. Improved low-power requirements, the ability to operate in licensed and unlicensed spectrum, and improved coverage will all drive significantly lower costs within the MIoT. This will, in turn, enable the scale of MIoT and will drive much greater uptake of mobile technologies to address MIoT applications:

  • Asset tracking
  • Smart agriculture
  • Smart cities
  • Energy/utility monitoring
  • Physical infrastructure
  • Smart homes
  • Remote monitoring
  • Beacons and connected shoppers

The MIoT use cases are where we start to see the transformative impact of 5G. Many of these applications are being serviced today by a mix of older generations of cellular technologies and low power wireless technologies operating in unlicensed spectrum. The roadmap for LTE includes purpose built cellular technologies such as Cat MI (eMTC) and Cat-NBI (NB-IoT), which are starting to incorporate low-power improvements to address the growing cellular IoT market. These technologies are establishing the foundation for 5G MIoT, which will continue to improve upon the extended low-power operation capabilities, as well ad the ability to utilize both licensed and unlicensed spectrum. HIS Markit believes 5G has the potential to address a much larger segment of the M2M and IoT Markets, as well as reducing costs because of economies of scale. The use cases outlined above are expected to see update in the near to medium term, with faster growth once 5G MIoT modules are widely commercially available.

There is greater variance between the January 2017 report and this report for MIoT than eMBB. Overall, the ‘ramp-up’ of 5G MIoT has been pushed back, reflecting the postponement of work items related to MIoT among other topics from Release 15 to Release 16 and 17 and the ability of deployed 4G based NB-IoT and eMTC (also known as LTE-M) to address most use cases, 

NB-IoT and eMTC were standardized in Release 13 in 2016. Subsequently, Releases 14 and 15 added new capabilities around positioning, power consumption and other elements. The number of commercial NB-IoT and eMTC networks now exceeds 140, although less than half of these provide full country coverage. To date, adoption of NB-IoT and eMTC has largely been restricted to use cases such as smart metering and asset management that were historically served by 2G. Wide Scale adoption of the truly massive IoT, including new use cases, is several years off. Extensive field trials will be required to assess the commercial feasibility (return-on-investment) of the most promising new use cases.

Mission Critical Services (MCS)

MCS represents potentially huge growth area for 5G to support applications that require high reliability, ultra-low latency connectivity with strong security, and availability, including:

  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • Drones
  • Industrial automation
  • Remote patient monitoring/telehealth
  • Smart grid

The use cases outlined in this section highlight many genuinely new applications for mobile technologies. The potential to support applications with high reliability, ultra-low latency, and widely available networks with strong security creates significant growth opportunities. Many of the use cases are still emerging markets (autonomous vehicles, commercial drones, and remote medical treatment), so growth will be dependent on market innovation and development of appropriate regulation, as well as the deployment of 5G networks. As a result, growth may take longer to accelerate, but given the broad implications of some of these use cases, the overall impact to society is expected to be tremendous.

As explained below, work items related to MCS (uRLLC) among other topics have been pushed back from Release 15 to Release 16 and 17. This may slightly delay the introduction of technical features that specific applications require, such as near-ubiquitous coverage availability and guaranteed levels of latency.

In the MIoT space, 5G faces competition from several unlicensed connectivity technologies. This is less the case in MCS, where no other wireless technology can support 5G’s characteristics of mobility, deep coverage, high speed, and low latency. Therefore, industry-specific factors, such as regulation on autonomous driving and line of sight operation of drones, will have the most impact on 5G MCS ranp-up.

 In this report the, the forecasted impact of 5G on autonomous vehicles and drones has been delayed to reflect the regulatory factors; however, the outlook for industrial automation, medica and energy/smart grid has remained unchanged. Several countries, such as the US and Germany, are planning to provide dedicated spectrum for private networks. These have attracted some initial interests from industries such as manufacturing and mining that want to have control over network performance (availability, bandwidth and latency), costs and their data. Should the private model prove successful, more countries are likely to follow suit and create an upside case for faster MCS adoption.

5G Ecosystem Development and Upstream Dependencies

There are several factors that will contribute to the overall success and relative growth of the 5G ecosystem. These include issues related to the development of the standard, policy questions around spectrum allocation and use, market and application specific drivers, and inhibitors. The following section looks at these factors in more detail.

5G Standard Development

In January 2017, when this study was last published, the first set of 5G standards, based on 3GPP Release 15, had not been completed. At that time, HIS Markit’s expectation was that 3GPP Release 15 work items would be completed in mid-June 2018 and commercial 5G launches, based on 3GPP Release 15, would occur from mid-2019.

Subsequent to the publication of that report, there was a strong push for various stakeholders that wished to launch 5G as soon as possible and accelerate completion of Release 15. The specification of 5G non-standalone (NSA) NR in Stage 3 was completed in December 2017, six months ahead of schedule. 5G standalone (NSA) NR was completed by 14 June 2018 and enabled 5G deployments in a standalone (SA) mode. Please note that the acceleration of Release 15 menat that a range of items (such as vehicle to everything (V2X), URLLC enhancements through PDCCH and processing time enhancements, NR MTC for industrial sensors, among many other items) have been pushed back to 3GPP Release 16 and 17.


One of the critical improvements that 5G offers over previous generations of cellular technologies is support for a much broader range of spectrum, extending from 400 MHz to 100 GHz. The increased range of spectrum that 5G can theoretically utilize is a potential benefit, but there are challenges. The different spectrum ranges each have physical properties that are best suited to enable different types of 5G implementations and use cases.

·         Low band (below 1 GHz): works well for large-area coverage

·         Mid-band  (1-6GHz): works well for urban deployment with increased capacity

·         High band (6-100GHz): millimeter wave (mm Wave) for multi-giga bit data rates, ultra-low latency, and much more capacity.

As a result, no single band can meet every 5G requirement and fulfill the promises of 5G.

In addition to the expanded range of licensed spectrum that 5G can utilize (if available), another unique feature of 5G is the ability to utilize both licensed and unlicensed spectrum, as well as shared spectrum. As with many other features in 5G, the foundational work for shared spectrum use actually began with LTE and work that was done for licensed-assisted access (LAA), Wi-Fi link aggregation (LWA), and licensed shared access (LSA). While the more efficient and flexible use of existing spectrum utilizing these capabilities is important, making new spectrum available for 5G is also critical for future development.

To that end, there are a number of initiatives globally that are looking at opening up spectrum in a variety of bands for 5G use. This includes activities by the European Commission for the European Union (EU), the Asia Pacific Telecommunity for the Asia Pacific (APAC) region and the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in the United States.

5G Network Deployments

The accelerated completion of Release 15 enabled the first 5G launches in 2019, a year ahead of previous expectations. According to the GSA Report, Evolution from LTE to 5G: Global Market Status (August 2019), as of 6 August, 39 operators had launched 3GPP 5G service.

Based on HIS Markit’s assessment during the first half of 2019 (5G Technology and Market Development Report, September 2019), there are three types of fundamentally different 5G launches:

·         Large scale: massive numbers (over 10,000) of 5G NR/gNBs (China and South Korea);

·         Small scale: tactical rollouts of pockets (100s) of 5G NR/gNBs (Australia, UK, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, UAE, and the US);

·         Laggards: places where 4G LTE is underdeveloped, such as Antel Uruguay, Claro Chile, Claro Colombia, and Personal Argentina, which are deploying 5G and may be leapfrogging full-blown 4G services.

As of September 2019, all commercial 5G networks were based on 5G NSA NR. HIS MArkit’s July 2019 published survey (Evolution from 4G to 5g Service Provider Survey), based on interviews in May and June 2019 found that 78% of 18 service providers, accounting for half of the world’s telecom capex and revenue, had launched 5G NSA NR, and 83% were planning to, by the end of 2019. Furthermore, based on the same survey, 33% of the 18 were planning to launch 5G SA NR in 2020.

An analysis of 37 commercial 5G  launches (source: HIS Markit 5G Technology Market Development Report, September 2019) found that 11 of these were fixed wireless access (FWA) only, 18 eMBB only, and 8 both FWA and eMBB. The GSA’s 5G Devices Ecosystem Report from September 2019 report cited 129 announced 5G devices across 15 form factors, including 41 smartphones (of which 16 were commercially available ), 9 hotspots (of which at least 5 were commercially available). The rapid development of a broad ecosystem of smartphones and other devices contrasts with the early experience with 4G LTE, when the first commercial devices available were USB dongles.

IHS MArkit’s Evolution from 4G to 5G Service Provider Survey – 2019found that most existing 5G NR commercial deployments and service launches and those planned for the rest of 2019 will use mid-band spectrum (3-6 GHZ), particularly 3.5 GHz and 4.5 GHz. This is the most widely used spectrum inAsia Pacific and EMEA. 6-39 GHZ spectrum, which includes the mmWave bands of 28GHz and 39 GHz, is the next widely used spectrum (e.g. deployments from AT&T and Verizon in the US). Sub-1GHZ and 1-3 GHZ represent the least commonly utilized spectrum. As of writing, China’s telecoms operators are deploying extensive 5G networks using mid-band spectrum; however; they have yet to launch commercial 5G services.

5G Applications, Content and Services

The increased bandwidth and latency capabilities of eMBB 5G will enable the development of new applications and services, such as for multi-player gaming and augmented reality (AR) applications that could not be supported by previous cellular technologies. Interoperability between operating systems and app stores will help propel the introduction of hosting access to compelling applications, content and services.

5G Industry-specific Factors Impacting Adoption

In addition to the key dependencies above that impact all industries, there are also certain factors that will have industry-specific impacts on adoption of 5G.  These include:

·         Certification: In industries such as medical (human health and social work) and energy (utilities), device vendors must adhere to rigorous safety and environmental rules. Devices may require to be tested and certified to meet these rules. Increasingly, security issues are being considered and factored into certification processes, as breaches of devices could have serious implications such as taking remote control of a medical device or disrupting power supply to critical infrastructure.

·         Integration with other protocols and standards: The industrial automation space (manufacturing) represents a fragmented landscape of legacy and new technology protocols and standards. Some leading industry bodies such as PI and OPC UA have included or are considering the inclusion of 5G into the roadmaps for their technologies. The pace of this development work will shape the readiness of manufacturing to adopt 5G.

·         Skill Sets and Business-model outfit: Wireless (cellular is particular) plays a limited role in the manufacturing space. Concerns over coverage/reliability and questions over the security of public cellular networks are two common inhibitors. Because most industrial automation connectivity is based on private wired technologies, manufacturers often lack the in-house skill sets to manage cellular-enabled machines and devices. The preference for private wired over public cellular connectivity also means that manufacturers are not accustomed to an opex (i.e. monthly fees for connectivity) business model. Shifting from a capex-centric to an opex-centric business model would require a fundamental change in how companies in the manufacturing space operate.

5G Adoption by Industry

5G technology will allow mobile to move beyond consumer and enterprise use into industry, thereby allowing humans to interact with the physical world like never before. As previously discussed, the technical specifications and capabilities of 5G are significantly different from the generation that came before. There are multiple classes of radios that can be used in a wide range of end devices to accomplish diverse sets of tasks. The standard has the potential to utilize not only licensed and unlicensed spectrum, but also shared spectrum, as well as operating on private and public networks. This incredible flexibility means tha 5G will be able to address an unprecedented number of industrial use cases. For mobile ecosystem players to penetrate these markets successfully, it will be critical to develop a deep understanding of the different industries and use cases they are trying to address. Many of these markets will have life cycles that will span 10 years or more. Others may have network requirements and necessitate either a private network, or a guaranteed slice of the network, and service assurance.

This diversity of use cases and device types is one of the key factors in the economic impact assessment and why there is more rapid uptake in some markets than others. Mobile ecosystem players that understand the full potential of 5G and all the different enhancements, and that develop a strong understanding of the target vertical applications they are going after, are more likely to succeed and establish an important foothold in the market.


Transportation and logistics, manufacturing, utilities and agriculture are among the industries most likely to be impacted by 5G technology adoption. In the future, these industries will benefit from some or all of the capabilities of eMBB, MIoT, and MCS, including very high levels of availability, deep coverage, very high bandwidth and very low latency, reduced network energy usage, 10-year battery life for low power IoT devices, and increased cell density-the ability to connect I million nodes per square kilometer. These capabilities will gradually become available as new standards (3GPP Release 16, 17 and beyond) are released, networks deployed, and devices become available.

Among the leading benefits enabled by 5G (alongside other capabilities and technologies, such as analytics and AI), will be increased operational efficiencies, more flexible production techniques, improved customer experience, and new revenue opportunities.

Transportation and Storage is a broad industry, ranging from commercial freight carriage, public transport and the rental of transport equipment. Among the top priorities for both commercial freight carriers and retailers with their own fleets are the management of costs and maximizing levels of reliability: getting goods from A to B on time and in the right condition. These users have already embedded cellular and other forms of connectivity in their vehicles to comply with regulation (e.g. on driver hours), provide infotainment services to drivers, monitor driver behavior, engine performance and the condition of goods in transit.

5G enhancements are able to address these requirements and further drive cost benefits and higher levels of reliability through the transition to autonomous. Both leading freight carriers and large online and physical retailers are engaged in extensive autonomous (electric) vehicles which if successful and allowed by regulation could lead to large scale deployments in the longer term and the transformation of the transportation industry.

Reliable, resilient 5G connectivity could also transform the public transportation industry by enhancing the online experience for passengers and providing improved monitoring of on-board electrical and mechanical systems and visibility into external risks (such as obstacles on a train line ) that could result in disruption or damage.

For transport equipment rental companies, 5G will enable a shift to autonomous and a transition to ‘as-a-service’ business models based on usage or consumption rather than traditional day/week-based charging.

Manufacturing will be affected by 5G in several ways. First, it will benefit from the need to mass produce 5G components, infrastructure, and devices. Second, 5G connectivity for inherently mobile or moving devices such as automated guided vehicles (AGV), handheld devices and robotic arms can improve monitoring and operation including, collaboration between devices. 5G can also enable more flexible production techniques, more rapid time to market with new products, and greater product customization. Although there will be potential for 5G wireless retrofitting to enable applications such as real-time closed-loop communications and hands-free remote monitoring and control, the dominance of wired technologies on the factory floor and lengthy fixed equipment replacement cycles means this benefit will evolve over the long term, utilizing the eMBB and MCS capabilities of 5G. Third, the integration of 5G connectivity into manufactured products, such as white goods, will enable OEMs to directly offer customers (and monetize) after-sale services such as remote monitoring and maintenance.

As of writing, there is increased interest among factories for private LTE and 5G: networks that facilities can build and operate themselves. Mainly originating in Germany, thanks to the country’s Industry 4.0 initiatives, the concept is gaining attention in other markets with spectrum regulations offering deterministic spectrum allocations for campus area networks.

In contrast to Wi-Fi, private LTE and 5G demand spectrum certainty for maximum performance and high tool density, an assurance provided by licensed spectrum. The United States ‘ initial commercial deployment (ICD) of CBRS spectrum paves the way for factories in the US to embrace the concept while France’s ARCEP agency has allocated a band of 2.6 GHZ LTE spectrum for industrial deployments. IHS Markit believes more countries will move to offer a licensed industrial spectrum option. Or those countries that do not, we expect local mobile network operators  (MNO) to create focused service offers aimed at providing virtualized private network environments over a dedicated spectrum band supplied by the local MNO. For 5G, this concept will be a realization of the Network Slicing concept promised in advanced versions of the 5G network technology.

Support for private LTE and 5G allows factories to limit opex spend (i.e., connectivity fees payable to operators), geofence sensitive data, and scale up their networks based on their requirements. Initial LTE and 5G private deployments in factories emerged in proof-of-concept factories operated by mobile telecom equipment suppliers such as Nokia, Ericsson, and Samsung. In June 2019, German automaker Daimler announced its plan for the world’s first 5G mobile network for automobile production. Deployed in partnership with Telefonica Deutschland and Ericsson, the Mercedes-Benz ‘Factory 56’ is intended to provide direct experience with emerging private LTE and 5G capabilities, Daimler plans to leverage the learnings gained by the project into plans for future plant evolution.

Utilities can benefit from the MIoT and MCS capabilities of 5G for smart metering and smart grid automation. Currently, smart metering deployments are enabled by a range of different cellular , mesh, and wired technologies. 5G’s ability to support private networks, use licensed and unlicensed spectrum, and radio hopping/mesh renders it a flexible, multi-purpose technology for both greenfield and replacement deployments. Alongside the general economies of scale, the deep coverage and low power characteristics of 5G will enable utilities to benefit from automated meter reading (reducing the need for manual readings or inspector visits), more accurate customer billing, and fraud prevention.

There is an ongoing trend for renewable energy, such as solar or wind, to be integrated onto the grid; however, the fragmented and irregular nature of this supply makes integration complex. 5G alongside analytics that can identify the optimal time for different sources of energy to come on to the grid (i.e., managing supply and demand), can enable automated real-time grid switching.

Agriculture will benefit from 5G in several ways. 5G sensors equipped with long battery life and the ability to connect remote locations can monitor many types of equipment and conditions such as tank levels, soil moisture, and chemical content. This can then reduce tuck roll expense related to replenishment and can optimize schedules for watering and the application of fertilizer. Similarly, tracking devices attached to livestock can geofence their location (reducing the likelihood of loss) and monitor their movement and vital signs, which can help in the early identification of illness that if unrecognized would otherwise have a negative impact on farm output. The eMBB and MCS capabilities of 5G can also be leveraged by agriculture, notably through the remote operation of drones (with embedded cameras and sensors) to monitor crops and herds in real time and the monitoring and control of driver-operated and autonomous agricultural vehicles.


As discussed in the ‘5G technology and use cases’ section, the early years of the 5G economy will be characterized by efforts to constantly strengthen the infrastructure and technology base followed by an ever deepening global deployment of the 5G use cases. Increasingly, businesses around the world will leverage 5G technologies to grow sales through increased efficiency, engage existing and new customers, and continually evolve their business models. Early deployments will be skewed toward eMBB applications; MIoT and MCS applications will gain traction in the medium to long-term as 5G drives mobile technology deeper into industrial and municipal applications.

By 2035, the entire range of 5G use cases will be fully ramped up and organizations will have evolved their business models to take full advantage of 5G. Experts at HIS Markit projected forward to 2035 and looked at the economic conditions of 5G through three lenses. The first lens viewed the level of sales enabled by 5G, above and beyond what would be possible with the current trajectory of 4G. HIS Markit considered how 5G would enhance sales activity in 16 major industry sectors, based on the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Revision 4 system (ISIC). Developed by the United Nations ISIC provides standardized reporting of economic indicators regardless of country (definitions of the ISIC industries are provided in Appendix B). The Comparative Industry Service, a proprietary product of IHS Markit, which is consistent with ISIC, was leveraged to integrate additional economic information, as needed, to enhance the analysis.

The second lens focused on how the combination of investment in 5G infrastructure plus R&D will foster the emergence of a value chain that continually deepens the 5G technology base. HIS Markit used industry-standard input-output economic modeling techniques to conduct this assessment. These models were built using data from the European Commission funded World Input-Output Database (WIOD) program. The 5G infrastructure and R&D investment could generate economic value beyond the 5G value chain. Therefore, the third lens used HIS Mark it’s proprietary Global Link Model (GLM) to assess the macroeconomic impact of these investments on global GDP. The methodologies used for the three assessments build upon those used in the original 2017 study, which HIS Markit developed in partnership with Dr. David Teece, Chairman and Principal Executive Officer of the Berkeley Research Group and the Thomas W. Tusher Professor in Global Business at the Haas Business School at the University of California Berkeley, and Kalian Dasgupta, Principal at the Berkeley Research Group. The reader is referred to Appendix C for a discussion of the modeling technologies.

IHS Markit’s outlook for the global economy has changed since the 2017 study was published, which leads to subtle changes to our projected impacts of 5G. Perhaps most notable is a lower growth rate for the global economy due, in large part to a slowdown in China’s growth rate. Paradoxically, the country is also expected to increase its share of global manufacturing output, a sector where 5Gwill have a significant impact. A brief discussion of the drivers behind the differences in economic contributions from the 2017 study is presented in Appendix D.

Global Output: The $13.2 Trillion Global Opportunity

5G deployments will positively affect virtually every industry sector. Indeed, adoption and integration across many industry sectors will solidify the role of 5G in transforming mobile technology into a GPT. Industries have differing economic and regulatory structures that will affect the timing and adoption of the new business models that 5G will enable, which is why HIS MArkit focused on a longer time horizon and chose 2035 as the analysis year. Assuming the standards process, regulatory environment, and industry adoption proceed as discussed earlier in this report, HIS Markit estimates that potential global sales activity across multiple industry sectors enabled by 5G could reach $13.2 trillion in 2035. This represents 5.0% of all global real output in 2035.

A word of caution is warranted concerning the sales enablement metric. Specifically the sales enablement metric is not a direct measure of contribution to global GDP and should not be interpreted as such. Rather, sales enablement is a measure of global sales activity that 5G will enable across the 16th ISIC industry sectors. This includes both intermediate purchases required to make and deliver goods and services plus sales to end users (i.e., final demand). Intermediate purchases include for example, when a car manufacturer  buys components (tires, batteries etc) needed to build a vehicle  from suppliers. The car is assembled, sold To a dealership (another intermediate purchase), and eventually sold to a consumer (final demand). The sales enablement metric captures the sales transactions that occur at every point of the journey from initial assembly to the consumer driving the car off the showroom floor. GDP, on the other hand, measures the value of final demand for goods and services within an economy.In our example, only the final purchase by the consumer would be included in a GDP calculation. Thus, relative to GDP, the sales enablement metric will be significantly larger.

The following infographic presents the consolidated findings by industry, ranked from highest impact (manufacturing) the lowest impact (arts and entertainment). Manufacturing will garner almost $4.7 trillion, or 36%, of the $13.2 trillion in sales enablement. This might appear high until one considers that implementing any of the 5G use cases will stimulate, at a minimum, complementary spending on equipment, all of which will be produced by the manufacturing sector. For example drones will enable sales within the transportation sector; however, this will require the transportation sector to buy additional drones from the manufacturing sector. Muse cases will require complementary spending on 5G-ready equipment from the manufacturing sector, which will see the second largest share of 5G-enabled economic activity, at almost $1.6 trillion. Implementing any of the 5G use cases will require spending on communication and content services. A detailed look at specific use cases driving industry adoption of 5G is provided in the next section.


 While 5G could enable about 5.% of global real output in 2035, the 5G-enabled sales percentage by industry will vary from a high of 10.7% in the information and communications sector to a low 2.2% in the hospitality sector. The sheer size of the manufacturing sector , which will account for over 31% of global real output in 2035, along with the fact that much of the 5G-enabled manufacturing sales will be secondary (i.e equipment sales in support of use case)will lead to a percentage (5.4%) that is slightly below the overall average. Perhaps more notable is the fact that 5G could enable 6.3%of public service (government) and 5.3% of agricultural output in 2035, driven by smart city and smart agriculture deployments, respectively.

To put these findings in a broader context, one must also consider the secondary linkages across multiple industries for a given use case. For example, the availability of autonomous vehicles and drones will do more than stimulate sales of driverless cars and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to consumers. They will also be deployed in agricultural and mining applications ranging from surveillance of natural resources to autonomous transport of ores to self-driving tractors. They will be widely used in the transportation sector for driverless transport and delivery of commercial and consumer goods. Municipalities will integrate autonomous vehicles into their transit systems while using drones for monitoring functions. In manufacturing, autonomous vehicles will also be used in intra-plant stocking and retrieval systems. Finally,   autonomous vehicles will also positively affect the insurance industry as vehicle accident rates decrease.

Use Cases Driving 5G Adoption and Industry Output

Each industry will identify different use cases and benefits of 5G technology. The most near-term use cases for each industry are discussed below, presented in order of those industries that will have the greatest sales enabled by 5G.

  • Manufacturing: Adoption will benefit in the short-to-medium term from enhanced indoor wireless broadband coverage. Other early use cases include asset tracking (visibility over incoming and outgoing components and goods in the supply chain) and industrial automation, such as connectivity from moving assets such as AGVs.
  • Information and communication: This industry includes telecommunications, broadcasting, and video. THe provision of enhanced outdoor wireless broadband (particularly smartphone) connectivity is the main early  use case.
  • Wholesale and retail: Enhanced indoor wireless broadband coverage (enabling consumers to access product information, offers, and store maps) via their smartphones is a key early use case. Out-of-store tracking of vehicles and condition monitoring of perishables in transmit will also leverage eMBB/MIoT capabilities.
  • Public Service: This segment includes government activity, including smart cities development and defense. Energy/Utilities (e.g. smart metering) is a key early use case for smart cities, enabling not only more accurate customer billing but also more insight into consumption at different times of the day and year. This can be a useful tool for governments and suppliers to predict future demand and manage supply, including the integration of non-traditional forms of energy on the grid.
  • Construction: The remote monitoring and control of both driver-operated and autonomous construction vehicles will be an early use case.
  • Transportation and storage: This includes land, water and air transport, transport via pipelines, and warehousing and support activities for transportation. In the short-to-medium term, asset tracking (including fleet management) and drones will drive 5G adoption in this industry.
  • Financial and insurance: Early use cases will include enterprise teamwork/collaboration and training/education. 5G’s role in monitoring remote patient conditions will be among the earliest use cases investigated by health insurance companies.
  • Professional services: Enterprise teamwork/collaboration and extending mobile computing (remote access to cloud-based information and applications) will be among the earliest 5G use cases.
  • Health and social work: The dispersed, mobile nature of the healthcare and social work force will drive enterprise teamwork/collaboration as an early use case. Medical applications such as remote patient monitoring and treatment guidance from hospital-based clinicians to field workers (nurses, paramedics) will be early use cases.
  • Agriculture, forestry and fishing: In the short-to-medium term, asset tracking (including fleet management) and drones will drive 5G adoption in this industry. Livestock and soil monitoring (MIoT) will be an early use case. The increasing integration of 4G LTE into agricultural vehicles provides an upgrade opportunity for eMBB-based 5G.
  • Real estate activities: Hosting 5G  cell infrastructure represents a near term use case for real estate.
  • Mining and quarrying: The remote monitoring of high-value mining equipment to drive efficient usage and prevent outage will be the key early use case.
  • Utilities: Early use cases will include smart metering (electricity, gas, and water) and monitoring of power and sewer infrastructure.
  • Education: Key early use cases will include enterprise teamwork/collaboration and training/education as well as AR, particularly in research-intensive scientific disciplines.
  • Hospitality: As with arts and entertainment, enhancing the customer experience (through enhanced indoor wireless broadband coverage) will be a short-term driver.
  • Arts and entertainment: Enabling a better audience experience through reliable connectivity and the ability to share live video is driving stadium owners’ interest in eMBB 5G.

The 5G Value Chain in 2035: $3.6 Trillion in Output and 22.3 Million Jobs

Achieving the sales enablement potential of 5G will require ongoing investments by firms in the 5G value chain to continually improve and strengthen the foundational technology base. The 5G value chain will encompass a broad spectrum of technology firms, including but not limited to:

  • Network operators
  • Providers of core technologies and components
  • OEM device manufacturers
  • Infrastructure equipment manufacturers
  • Content and application developers

IHS Markit modeled the economic activity of the 5G value chain for seven countries that are expected to be at the forefront of 5G development: the United States, China, Japan, Germany, South Korea, the United Kingdom and France. From 2020 to 2035, IHS Markit anticipates the collective investment in R&D and capex by firms that are part of the 5G value chain within these countries will average over $235 billion annually. In the early years, foundational R&D and network infrastructure deployments will dominate 5G investment activities. Subsequently, IHS Markit expects the overall investment in R&D and capex to slowly taper. During this period, the focus of investments will shift from primarily infrastructure towards development of applications and services that exploit the unique capabilities of 5G. The sustained investment cycle is another indicator that 5G is a ‘long game’ that will see investment priorities shift as infrastructure is deployed , the underlying technology base is continually strengthened, new business models come online, and replacement cycles for many of the use cases are lengthened.

The United States and China are expected to dominate 5G R&D and capex, investing a total of $1.3 trillion and $1.2 trillion, respectively, over the 16-year time horizon of this study. IHS Markit estimates that the United States will account for about 26.7% of global 5G investment, closely followed by China at 25.5%. While not a primary focus of this study, spending beyond the seven core countries will make up about 21% of the global 5G investments. Additional details on the methodology are provided in Appendix C.


Average Annual Share of Value Chain R&D and Capex Country, 2020-35

Ultimately, the investments in R&D and capex will facilitate bringing the 5G use cases online. This will enable sales across virtually all industry sectors while also driving sales throughout the 5G value chain and its associated networks. IHS Markit estimates that, by 2035 the 5G value chain alone will drive $3.6 trillion of economic output and support 22.3 million jobs. Not surprisingly, given the relative size of the population and the investments made, 5G will support the highest number of jobs in China. The analysis also indicates how investments made by these seven countries will affect the rest of the world. Many developing and emerging economies are already leapfrogging older technology and becoming more mobile oriented, and 5G will have significant economic impact on these mobile-enabled economies. Value chain economic activity stimulated in the rest of the world is slightly less than that of the United States (the biggest investor in 5G).


Sustainable Global Economic Growth

Another measure of the economic contribution of 5G will make to the global economy is an assessment of its net effect on global GDP. The sales enablement and value chain activity, while extremely large and positive, may have offsetting effects because of investments and spending that otherwise might have occurred in other sectors of the global economy that could have stimulated growth and positive productivity effects. If  a net positive contribution is made to global GDP, then 5G can be considered a source of global expansion and growth.

IHS Markit used its proprietary Global Link Model (GLM), a system that captures the interconnected nature of the global economy, with two primary sets of inputs. The first was the annual investments  (capex and R&D) made by the 5G value chain within each of the seven countries that were the primary focus of the IHS Markit research for the 2020-35 period. This captures the effects of strengthening the country-level economy by making investments (determined as part of the sales enablement analysis). This captures the economic knock-on effects attributable to companies increasing their efficiency and launching new business models enabled by 5G technology.

For the 2020-35 period, IHS markit forecasts global real GDP will grow at an average annual rate 2.5%, of which 5G will contribute almost 0.2% of that growth. From 2020 to 2035, the annual GDP contributions of 5G will total almost $2.7 trillion . While this figure is in real (inflation-adjusted) dollars, a simple sum does not factor in potential global risk. Therefore, IHS Markit took the net present value of GDP contributions, discounted at a modest 3% rate, to derive a risk adjusted value of $2.1 trillion. To put that in perspective, from 2020 to 2035, the total contribution of 5G to real global GDP growth will be equivalent to the current GDP of Italy-the eight largest economy in the world. Based on this assessment, IHS Markit concludes 5G will be a  source of positive global economic expansion and growth.



Based on the analysis of the technical contributions, IHS Markit translated the development and deployment of 5G technology into economic inputs. IHS Markit used these inputs to assess the economic impact through three different lenses (at the micro and macro levels). The models revealed that 5G technology would contribute very large and sustainable economic benefits across all sectors of the global economy. Like prior generations of mobile technologies, 5G will have profound effects on how people live , work and interact, but 5G will transcend the communications field and help fundamentally alter how a vast and diverse group of industries operate. IHS Markit, therefore, views 5G as a catalyst that will thrust mobile technology into the exclusive realm of GPTs. By 2035, mobile applications will experience pervasive adoption across multiple industries, initiating transformative changes that will redefine work processes and spur innovations that rewrite the rules of competitive economic advantage. These innovations will have extraordinary effects on human and machine productivity, and ultimately may help elevate living standards for people around the world.

IHS Markit evaluated the potential of 21 unique 5G use cases that will drive productivity improvements and enhance economic activity across a broad range of industry sectors. Further, IHS Markit assessed the central role the 5G value chain will play in continually strengthening and expanding the current mobile technology platform. Finally, IHS Markit determined that, in large part because of 5G, use of mobile technology will lead to sustainable economic growth on a global basis.

The 5G economy will introduce a new level of complexity to policy making and regulations new business models emerge and the old ways of delivering goods and services are either dramatically altered or abandoned completely. Areas where policy and regulatory modernization will be required for a 5G-ready world include public safety; cybersecurity; privacy; public infrastructure; healthcare; spectrum licensing and permitting; and education, training and development. THe challenge for policymakers in the 5G economy is that they must be prepared to address the ubiquity of 5G in everyday life without creating regimes that stunt continued innovation. The policy frameworks that safeguard the ability of firms to take risks, make investments, and continue the relentless pursuit of innovation are the important vehicles for continuing on the path to the 5G economy.

In conclusion, the emergence of 5G signals a tipping point in the evolution of mobile from a mostly personal technology dominated phenomenon to a platform that enables new classes of advanced applications, fosters business innovation, and spurs economic growth. IHS Markit concludes that, by 2035, 5G has the potential to stimulate $13.2 trillion in global sales activity across a broad spectrum of industries and use cases. This is an increase of $900 billion as  compared to the 2017 edition of this same report, due in a large part to the early completion of the first 5G standard and the resulting earlier-than-anticipated commercial 5G network launches by major operators. THe 2019 edition of this study further identified that 5G technology will support a global value chain ecosystem that generates $3.6 trillion in output and supports 22.3 million jobs in 2035, leading to long-term sustainable contributions to the growth of global GDP.


At present the technology is still in the embryonic stage, most of the information are projections.  However, to date all the projections in the past have been surpassed in reality.  Africa and the Caribbean are at the stage where they can decide their own destiny; in terms of the rollout of this technology. One of the major things to safeguard themselves against  is the  major economies dumping old outdated technology on them. To date they are not even at the table but going forward they will be able to control the pace of their development once they educate themselves.  Most of the countries in Africa need a serious health care system. At this time they can use best practices in order to develop this sector. Let me attach the conclusion to a study done by Berkeley University specifically related to the Health Sector. Next month I will include the conclusion on Autonomous Vehicles. 

The information related to the Appendices can be found in the original report. African Scientists need to get on the ball. Businesses need to start researching the area. To date the only country in Africa with  5G is the Republic of South Africa. Hence, the impact by the Canadian Virus. You can research the human interface feature of 5G.


 Concluding Remarks  

45. The advent of 5G technology represents an important augmentation of the role of mobile technology in the wider economy. Mobile technology will go from a significant enabling technology to one that is pervasive and transformative in many uses across the economy, i.e., a “general purpose technology.” The health care sector provides an excellent illustration of this transition. The reliability and ubiquity of 5G networks, combined with the role of such networks in facilitating “computing at the edge”, will directly enable the personalization of healthcare. The personalization of health care means “more prevention” and “more precision”, improving patients’ quality of life, improving health outcomes and reducing costs to the health care system. 5G will enable substantial advances in health informatics and thus fuel both new business opportunities and significantly facilitate a perhaps-needed transition to “outcome-based” health care. 

46. However, public policy has an important role to play in unleashing the full potential of 5G technology. With standardization, and the desire to make wireless technology widely available, licensing is the main mechanism, or business model, by which the developers of wireless technology can be rewarded, absent government subsidies. This puts an onus on policy makers and the courts to make sure licensing enables technology to be both developed and adopted. Public policy towards  INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) can impact—positively or negatively—the rate at, and extent to, which the 5G technology develops, by encouraging or retarding core innovation. Public policy in other areas—e.g., tax, regulation, privacy law—can also ensure that incentives to invest in technology development are robust and artificial barriers to effective adoption and use of 5G are minimized.’


5G is in 20+ countries and growing in 2020.

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bahrain
  • Canada
  • China
  • Czech Republic
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Kuwait
  • Maldives
  • Monaco
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Oman
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Puerto Rico
  • Qatar
  • Romania
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Thailand
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America
  • Virgin Islands, U.S.


5G news

JUL 29, 2020 | News

Ericsson delivers first U.S. manufactured 5G base station to Verizon

JUL 28, 2020 | News

Ericsson to supply millimeter wave equipment and services to U.S. Cellular

JUL 10, 2020 | News

Ericsson to deploy private mobile network at Paris Airports for Groupe ADP, Hub One and Air France

JUL 07, 2020 | News

Ericsson President and CEO, Börje Ekholm: Once 5G infrastructure is established, the killer app will emerge

JUL 03, 2020 | News

Ericsson powers Vodafone UK Standalone 5G network at Coventry University


We made it again people, through many trials and tribulations we survive a new month. Well you have the first section the technology is new go and be your awesome self. It is anybody’s game. I have never been analysed more than in these Blogs. Hundreds of people examined me and are examining me while I was completing this blog and the one for November. Plots and counterplots from so called respectable people. I am amazed I did not know the world had deteriorated to this level. Let us leave with one of my old time favourites. No weapon formed against me shall prosper Virgil Meares.

Once again, this is me Raphleta Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Asia Pacific Telecommunity for the Asia Pacific (APAC)

Augmented Reality (AR)  

European Union (EU)

Federal Communication Commission (FCC)

Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)

Gigabit Per second (Gbps)

Global Link Model (GLM)

Intellectual Property (IP)

International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Revision 4 system (ISIC)

Licensed-Assisted access (LAA) 

Licensed Shared Access (LSA)

Long Term Evolution (LTE) 

Machine-to-machine (M2M)

Millimetre Wave (mmWave)

Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)

Massive Internet of Things (MIoT) 

Mission Critical Services (MCS).

Mobile Broadband (MBB)

Non-Standalone (NSA)

Standalone (SA)

The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)

Virtual Reality (VR) 

Wi-Fi link aggregation (LWA)


The 5G Economy – How 5G will Contribute to the Global Economy – IHS Markit

5G Mobile: Impact on the Health Care Sector – David J. Teece

What is 5G Sascha Segan


How should Catholics respond to fears of a climate change apocalypse? |  America Magazine

Mon peuple, mon peuple it’s that time of the month again we are finally back on schedule. My hands are hurting the Nazis and Mafias tried to just wipe me out last night.  I am still in Indiana. However, before we proceed there is something I must do. I should have done it from July’s Blog but God in His wisdom knew you can only take so much and no more.  It is this thing about Destiny Helpers. Let just put the thing out there because there are a lot of people who are being held back, those who are selling their souls and the matter is quite simple. I remember when I first went to House of Praise in Mississauga. One night the Pastor was having a session. I really do not quite remember if it was getting to know you or just to get an idea of where people were in their life. I remember he asked about one’s  major challenges in the church. I mean from those days people were trying to get into my head and I was being manipulated and had no clue. I tell you if Jesus could have been more plain about some things this is one of the scriptures he must have explained to the disciples in detail: Being wise as a Serpent and harmless as a dove St. Matthew 10 verse 16. I got the mike so I said to the Pastor who was moderating the session. Well my major problem is that I have never really been able to find someone to be my mentor. He was stumped; he never volunteered. He mumbled something inconsequential. I do not even remember what it was. However, I am now realizing that Spirit knows Spirit. I have met few people in my life who would be able to mentor me. One of the only people who I was flowing with the enemy tried to destroy. Let us get back to what I was dealing with, that of Destiny Helper. I really do not know why there is such confusion in this area or I should say I do know man ignoring God and doing his own thing.  Ever since I have started to think of this area it is as if I am hearing the Spirit say ’Hey, hey I am over here yuh hoo, halloo, remember what the word says I am the Helper, the Comforter the One who will teach you all things St John 14 verses 16 – 17, 26. I am the one who helped the white man remember he used to believe in me also. He used to believe in the Gospel and evangelized the world. I am the one who helped him. I am also waiting for you to call on me and ask me for help so that I can show you great and mighty things which you do not know about Jeremiah 33 verse 3. Your, what you call it, your Destiny Helper I will show you the way to walk in. Isaiah 48 verse 17, Isaiah 30 verse 21. Let us take it down to brass tack people. Who led the Prophet Samuel to David in the backside of the desert? Even his biological father forgot about him. When the Prophet Samuel asked do you have another son? Jesse said oh yes i forgot he is in the fields keeping sheep. Then who led David to Saul? Saul to Prophet Samuel? I will not go any further. People stop working up things.

Then I forgot to tell you that I had to throw away my new brand ten dollars pair of shoes in Chicago when I bought my new boots. The Sales Associate in the store who was from Botswana I told her I was not going to take off the new boots and asked her to dispose of the other shoes. She said you are going to throw away these shoes. I said, ‘Yes! when you are a soldier and at war you cannot walk around with excess weight. Everything which you have must be essential.’ She said,’That is true and laughed.’ A lovely young lady from Botswana who says Jamaica is one of her must go to places. I tell you I need a piece of property in Jamaica I could be doing some serious hospitality business. All i would say is how much can you afford? This is the number of my Property Manager call him and tell him you spoke to me and tell him the terms we agreed on. I will call and confirm later. Love it!!

Coming into Fort Wayne I had to do some serious walking. All these townships in the United States which are in malice. I would really like someone to tell me why the People’s National Party and the Jamaica Labour Party are so adamant about destroying me. I broke up a corruption ring and left Jamaica because they blocked all my opportunities on the island. However, they have never given me an inch. Is there any honest person out there who can tell me why because I have no intention of giving them the light of day. They are just too evil for me. The things they all get up to. I walked from Marion almost to Fontaine before the Nazis and Mafias tried to abduct me again. The lady wanted to give me a ride but I was to go with her to the clinic for her to take her medicine. I said, ‘You go ahead and I will wait on you right here under the tree.’ While I was there with my Meijer Shopping Cart three cars from the Sheriff’s office came. I just continued eating my apple. They asked me for my identification and the usual questions. I did not even look at them but gave them the passport. Then they went on their way. Then they all decided to send the lady so I would not be suspicious. Happens that the lady has a daughter who is a drug addict in the system who has been given sixteen years. The usual story needs compromised people to do their criminal acts. The lady sounds like a nice person. When I was in Anderson they had their big abduction plan and when they saw that I would be praying all night they gave me no end of trouble. I eventually left at 4:30 a.m. walking along Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard. Unfortunately, Anderson was an industrial township however with the closure of General Motors the township has been impacted negatively not a lot of activity in the township. It also needs some money to be spent on it. Africans learn, do not build any village based on any one industry. When the industry crashes then the community crashes. To make matters worse in that side of the world the townships are insular, no buses only cars or feet. However, while Anderson’s economy has slowed down Marion City is booming. Wesleyan University is in the South of the city, houses are going up and new shopping malls. Then the buses in Fort Wayne stops running at 9 p.m. making it difficult for one to explore at nights as per usual. 

Talk about ramshackled, the Detroit Transportation gives new meaning to the word ramshackled. It would take all my blog to write about all the incidents which took place. We will just highlight a few. The first thing is the fact that the Nazis and Mafias are insisting that I wear a mask everywhere I go.. All the little black heads in the Transit in Indianapolis and Detroit kept shouting at you when you got on the bus. 

Incident I 

Here it is people this bright Sunday morning I took the number 4 bus from down the bottom  of Woodward at the State Fair Transit stop. The driver was telling people to put on their mask every stop in a loud voice. Then she stopped the bus and got out of her seat and said ‘Listen up, here especially you men, you gotta put on that mask and keep it on or I am gonna let you off this bus (best Detroit accent).’ At this stage before she went on I said let me out of here I do not want any Spirit of Jezebel to be transferred to me. Open the door and let me out that made the white people in the background pulling the strings hate me even more.  

Incident II 

This is Saturday and by this time I had decided to leave because I had discovered that the libraries would be closed until the end of September. Then I met a fellow earlier in the day, when I found the library who was offering me money to shack up with him (cohabit).  He told me he was a Christian so I told him the Christian way of looking for a spouse. That one is for the book. It is too long.  How could I forget to tell you this  piece? When I arrived in Detroit and went to the Rosa Parks Transit Centre I was taken aback. The lady must be turning over in her grave. The place gave new meaning to the word indecent and disorderly. It would be too much to describe how the place looked and what took place. I will just give you this piece. I had to stand behind a barrier made up of yellow caution tapes and some other things flung together. The person you spoke to was so far off you had to be shouting. In my case they sent a lady as moderator. I eventually got three bus schedules because I was told that is what I would be entitled to. Of course, they gave me the bus schedule that passes the Social Assistance office. I tell you the white people do not miss a beat. The fact that  I told the Canadian people to stick their Social Assistance up you know where, they have not missed an opportunity to remind me of the way they have made me destitute. 

Anyway, back to my incident I needed to find out which bus would take me the furthest south. I remembered that I saw a map at the State Fair Transfer Center. However, on my way there it became dusk. I decided against my better judgement to continue with the 461 Express bus to the end of the line. However, I out-argued myself that it was early and the bus ran late into the night at least 11 p.m. I had at least three hours to reach and return. I forgot that I was in Detroit and anything goes. They dropped me at the final stop which was across from a children’s hospital. Then all the buses passed me for the night. I did a little exploring, you get tired of the concrete, steel and glass. After exploring I returned to the hospital and sewed up my bag handle which the Nazis and Mafias had destroyed. Then I went to the front and did my prayer session with the myriad of internet Doctors and Psychiatrists watching. At about 2 a.m. I saw this Dr. Jekyll comes out with his scrubs and gloves all ready to do surgery walking around inside the hospital for about fifteen minutes. I paid him no mind but continued to eat my biscuits. At 2:30 a.m. I sought permission to use the restroom they said it was not available. I went to the hotel nearby Marriott Courtyard, earlier I had asked them permission to use the internet and was turned down by a receptionist giving out red pens. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! I returned to borrow the restroom and was given permission. I know that they wanted me to stay so I did just that. The temperature had dropped sharply that night. It was actually very chilly. I ensured that I did not take out my Bible but prayed in the Spirit. People once I took out my Bible they would have asked me to leave. The routine: ‘Are you a guest? No! I am afraid I am going to have to ask you to leave yahda yahda! You have to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove St. Matthew 10 verse 16. However, I said Raphleta, you sleep and you are a dead woman. I counted no sheep. At the usual witching hour of 4 a.m. people realized that I would not be sleeping and sent the security with the questions above. I said no problem, I am out of here. I stayed at the front of the hotel until after 6:30 a.m. Then I returned to the bus stop and camped under a tree. I was almost asleep when I heard a noise only to find out that the bus had left me again. I decided to start walking. I reached up to Wattle and Crooks Streets and camped on a property to rest my legs. The gentleman came out to find out if I was okay. I told him yes and I was on my way to Detroit not realizing I was following the wrong set of bus signs and going north instead of south, when the police came they informed me. These are the same set of police from the same station down at Troy Civic Centre who had the gall to ask me why I left the centre I should have stayed. Anyway I walked back to Beaver and Crooks where I found the correct bus stop and got a bus to State Fair Transfer. I researched the map and the route I needed to take in a southerly direction. 

Incident III 

Having done my research I was making my way to the Airport when it was decided that I should not return. All the bus kept passing mw whichever stop i went to. So I walked to Trumbull, then I took another bus to Livernois, this bus was not going to the Airport. A bus came and stopped around 9 metres down; we had to move to meet it. There was another fellow at this bus stop with me. He was Caucasian so he had to listen to my reasoned arguments about the wickedness of the Caucasians. When I reached the door the driver came out like a Miss Lashie ready to argue. The problem seemed to be the fact that I had the mask under my chin and not on my face. This is after three people and I have been trying to get a bus from after 12 p.m. I was booking no foolishness. I just told him to get back in (on) the bus and open the door to stop waste mi (wasting my) time wid deh (with the) foolishness and I was not speaking softly. He went back in and then the traitorous Caucasian told him something derogatory about me and he let him through the front door and drove off and left me standing with my bags. By this time you had this fool with his two children standing behind me making a lot of noise. I just took up my prayer sheet and started moving from left to right and started praying. The place suddenly became clean of all the cars which were parked for observation scattered.  The next bus that came stopped at the bus stop and was driven by an Indian and was sending out the Canadian Virus. No one said anything to me about a mask. I reached the Airport, refreshed  myself and then went to the Westin Hotel to get some hot water for my noodles. Then I discovered the computer automatically shut me down every five minutes. They do not even want me to read the Jamaican Newspapers. My kudos to the person who ran the Detroit International Airport (DTW). I could not have remained in Detroit that long if I did not have that sanctuary. However, they need to get some caterers in the place to sell food. It is the first airport I have been to and could not get anything to buy.When all is said and done the Airport people are doing an excellent job. 

Incident IV 

On Monday, Labour Day even though I moved out very early at the third sto; I was informed that my connections did not  run on a Sunday or holiday. I decided to purchase some food and hang out for the day and dry my laundry. First Starbucks ran me off their patio. Then Meijer decided I could not sleep in their grass. Harassment from the Nazis and Mafias looking for someone to run around with them. The Police came and moved me because I paid them no mind when they told me this the first time. I was at Eureka Road. I had a lovely time resting and just fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit on the grass while my laundry hung from the trees. When the police moved me I went to the grass by Comerica Bank. This was nicer. Then I returned to purchase something in the supermarket before leaving. On Tuesday, I made another attempt to leave by going directly to the Greyhound Terminal. I am terrible without a map so I walked around in a circular motion in the rain. Got wet and then dry and eventually found the Greyhound office. When I reached everybody had vacated the counter. As I say to people I choose my battles. I went to Walmart to use the computer to purchase my ticket online. I will not tell you about the scam that the Nazis and Mafias  have on computers, charging people US$5 to print a ticket at the Greyhound office. When I left Walmart they tried to stop me getting into town again. I had to use the emergency button at the bus stop to get information. This leads me to my last day on Wednesday. 

I left the Airport early in the morning and went to dry my laundry. On my way from the latter I decided that I needed some fruits. Several stops down the road  I decided to take the bus and head back in the direction I was coming from to go to the stores. One lady in green turned up at the bus stop and waved off one bus  Then we all got on the express. When I rang the bell that is when the driver decided to start driving.  He eventually stopped,  Madame in green decided she was going to continue her operations. I dispatched her in no uncertain terms. Then the whole network manifested aim being to try and stop me from catching the Greyhound bus. Like five buses passed me in total because after the first one passed I started walking and I did go after all the black people along the way. There was a taxi man following me up.  I will not tell you what I did to him. Pray my soul in the Lord  I dropped my pants and showed him my derriere. I wear four layers, people. He only saw layer three, my tights.  After approximately ten bus stops along the route  a bus stopped because I was bombing a ride and going into the streets and asked that the police be called. The bus crawled at a snail pace until we finally reached. On the bus me and one young lady clashed. She was in the back of the bus with her sound system. I told all the black people in no uncertain terms that they had allowed white people to destroy them with Social Assistance and ODSP. I said look at you all big men spaced out on medication, twitching (there was a gentleman with a big man who was right there ) I said look at this big ‘trappting’ man twitching  believing a lie destroying himself for so called easy money, dragging your feet  all because you had bought into a lie. I said there was no easy money. I told them some other things and advised them that the Canadians had given me the same option and I told them in no uncertain terms what to do with their money and special diet. The men were as quiet as a lamb, you could hear a pin drop in the bus. I told them I was there to liberate them. Anyway they changed the route and dropped me off at the incorrect final stop hoping I would lose my way but I just walked straight to the Greyhound Terminal. 

I tell you people from Indianapolis I have been wandering what was happening, big, strong, hearty black men without on leg pushing walkers and  very obese.  Here in Detroit young men walking around obviously spaced out on drugs, dragging their feet. Pastor Adeboye,we need some Divine Visitation to save these black people in this part of the world. I know the feeling people time and time again the Canadians have shown me that this was their desire for me.  The bus service is Baron’s bus, a new partner with Greyhound. However, I much prefer Megabus, much more efficient and lean operations. However, everytime I pull them up they are not operating in most cities. I am wondering what is happening. Cockroach nuh business inna fowl fight (You are not to get involved in certain controversies). The journey into Cleveland was uneventful.  It is very sad about the Detroit Transit system in terms of coverage. it is very effective, one of the best I  have seen in recent times, with proper training it could be one of the best bus services in the United States.  

What can I say about Cleveland, the Caucasians decided that they would try oppression and suppression. I decided it is Blog time one hour per day at the library was a waste of my time. I have already wasted two months in Canada. I need to move on as we speak. I am on the Baron’s bus to Akron, Ohio, the first leg of my trip to Huntington, West Virginia. When I went to the library this morning Sept 10 and saw the elaborate system of suppression from them I used my one hour to book my passage out of Cleveland. When I went to the sixth floor where the Geography books were found to look at the road atlas the specific page 225 to 226 with West Virginia was removed  I said where have I seen  this happening before? At the Jamaica Racing Commission! I had to laugh, people change, spirits do not. At the Airport the previous night they sent a police lady with an Agenda she was as loud as her bottom was broad. I paid her no mind threatening me with arrest. I did not bother to remind her that I have been arrested  illegally twice by the whiteman. When I was leaving she was clapping me. I said yes you Nazis and Mafias are being thwarted at your own game. Oh! People I forgot to tell you this, how could I?  Remember when we started out the Nazis and Mafias and their Jamaican Politician friends used to laugh and mock me. Now everywhere I go they are calling me Anancy, squirrel or sending rabbits my way. I even saw a lady driving up in the parking lot  in Carleston, Indiana with a horseshoe on her vehicle. I said to myself this is no luck. This is all the Holy Spirit. I  am just thanking God for the promotion both physically and spiritually. After the raucous police woman ran me out of the airport. The bus into town set me down right in the path of Jack’s Casino. It is a nice Casino but they had no free beverage for moochers you had to be gaming, to get a hot beverage. I used the nice washroom and then left. Of course, I do not live my life by chance I live by faith so I was not in the least tempted. It is a progression people, I have been at Caymanas Park right there in the Commissioners’ box with the big wigs and was not tempted to gamble once. I was more interested in the mathematical part of the exotic betting and how numerate illiterates can be.  Hence, the reason I can enter the casino and leave thinking people really waste money that way? Anyway onto weightier matters the thing that that you have all been waiting on, the inexpert analysis of the Jamaica 2020 Elections. I must thank Wikipedia they were on the ball. The Jamaica 2020 Elections, there was I coming against my prayer point ‘The People’s National Party shall be cleared of all’. You can stick that into Google to get the complete point. I had read the Jamaica Gleaner and was alarmed. Anyway I decided to play it safe and used King David’s prayer in II Samuel 12 verses 22 – 23. I prayed during the elections but once the polling stations were closed I said ‘Daddy it is up to you’. I HAVE BEEN PRAYING FOR THE CLEANUP OF THE PARTY FOR OVER ONE YEAR.

  1. The first important piece of information is that thirty seven percent (37%) of the number of people eligible to vote participated in the polls. It follows logically that sixty three percent (63%) of the Jamaican electorate was not interested in participating in the 2020 elections. That is almost two thirds of the voting population did not vote Electoral Commission Preliminary Report 2020.   I remember when Mali was having its elections and Africanews.com said only thirty six percent of the electorate had participated. I said to myself President Ibrahim Baboucar Keita did not have a mandate. Away with him!! He did some other foolishness taking bad advice and was eventually removed Isaiah 44 verse 25.  The THIRTY SEVEN PERCENT  (37%) represent a decrease over the 2016 Elections 48.37% a decrease of 11.37%.

 In effect the forty eight seats held by the ruling party represents 21% of the number of persons eligible to vote  Voters List July 31, 2020.and Jamaica Elections 2020 Voters List July 31, 2020 

Jamaica House of Representatives 2020.svg
Jamaica Labour Party408,37657.07+6.9949+17
People’s National Party305,95042.76–6.9514–17
Valid votes715,51198.78
Invalid/blank votes8,8061.22
Total votes724,317100.00
Registered voters/turnout1,913,41037.85
Source: Electoral Commission of Jamaica
Voting results
Jamaica Labour Party 57.07%
People’s National Party 42.76%
Others 0.17%
Seat distribution
Jamaica Labour Party 77.78%
People’s National Party 22.22%
Others 0%

While the fourteen seats held by the PNP represents 16%of the total number of persons eligible to vote. The Independents are a negligible 0.0006%. This means that the Jamaica Labour Party has not really been able to engender the confidence of the Jamaica people. It is the funding that oiled the wheel of the votes, not confidence in the party or the progress of the party.

  1. What we have is a very volatile situation in Jamaica. 

a) 11% of voters deliberately disengaged themselves from the process

b) The overall vote for both parties decreased, the slide for the PNP was much greater. There was also a slide for the Independents.

  1. The global percentage spread for thirty five  seats is 5% . Based on the number of persons who voted in 2020 it is a 14.31% spread. 
  2. What do you think, people? Do you think these people got offers they could not refuse? I leave it up to your reasoning. The wheel seemed to have gotten a lot of mullah to help it to turn. What I do know is that we Jamaicans are not going to allow foreigners to take over our country, anymore. This government just had what I would call a very ugly win. With some transient votes. My next order of business is to examine the profiles of all 63 members of parliament to see what new raw material we have in order to gauge capacity. 
  3. As soon as I can I will be putting in my Private Members bill stating that you have to be born in Jamaica to be Prime Minister, Governor General, Commissioner of Police or Chief of the Staff of the Army. 
  4. The FINSAC Report needs to be completed there are many persons who are suffering while the Texan has their real estate on his portfolio.Yes! People, the Texan! It is a whole network. That is why I was FINSACed so I could have insider information. I remember when they told me my house valued US$20,000. I said Whoopee! That is bread for me. The Jamaican dollar was about JAD$35 to US$1 then. In a very short time it moved to JAD$70 to US$1. I said my God! Raphleta, you live and you learn. The dollar is now at almost JAD$150:US$1. Now you realize the dilemma of the people, we have become money machines for foreigners. I would go as far as to say this is a crime against humanity. We as a country need to deal with this matter head on and as quickly as possible. Professor Trevor Munroe’s suggestion is right on about the Integrity Commission et al. Jamaicans, going forward any whiff of corruption and the person does not want to resign we are taking to the streets. We are 63% strong we have nothing else for foreigners to steal. 


  1. Understanding Why Jesus Was Resurrected – Dr. Myles Munroe  Now to the church you all have played a role in bringing the country to this level you are going to have to work in a tangible way to get us out under God. I see this government as a transition government God giving the church time to clean up its act. My suggestion in this area came to me while I was praying up there in Troy, Michigan where the people abandoned me in the cold in front of the Children’s Hospital. 
  2. The Church needs to deliberately ask their membership who would like to represent God by running for public office at whatever level?  
  3. Having done this and gotten a response whether positive or negative. You are going to call a special meeting with those who are interested. This is a brainstorming meeting just to share ideas and see what and how people are thinking to deal with any misunderstandings. No one should be discriminated against because of their level of education. Help them to get up to speed once they are willing to subject themselves to training. The Church needs to formalize this group and give them a special name like the Ekklesia Group or Nation Building Group etc.. I leave this to your imagination and creativity.  
  4. You are going to have specific training for this group. We are leaving nothing to chance. We are going to pay for the best instructions if it cannot be found in the fellowship. 
  5. People I am going by memory because these days I tear up everything I write immediately. I do not want to generate anymore snap elections anywhere. 
  6. Defining and Understanding Law Part I – Dr. Myles Munroe The training program for the group must be specific and targeted  The first thing is education on the Jamaican Constitution . This session can be called – Know Your Rights. The Representation of the People’s Act etc. Those who are interested and do not have a financial base can participate , but those who are in finance must do the The Financial and Audit Act. Other topics include Parliamentary Procedures, Report Writing, Meeting Management, Proposal Writing, Leadership, Financial Management. I suggest that the members of the group shadow the Parliament of the nation. That is they should be up on, if not all the Bills going through Parliament, then the major ones. These things should also be discussed on a general basis in the church.  I guarantee you will not have a problem with attendance at prayer meeting or Bible Study.
  7. This group should also make it a point of their duty to visit the Parliament when it is in session. A discussion should take place on how they could improve the operations and procedures of the Parliament. 
  8. I reiterate no one should be excluded because of their level of education.  Work with them to indicate how they can improve so they can be more effective. Visits should also be made to the Bank of Jamaica and the Jamaica Stock Exchange and any other institutions the group deem necessary. 
  9. A proper curriculum should be developed by the Education Department of the Church. With the specific guidelines and timelines for the programme. 
  10. The church should also develop a campaign management team to ensure that the candidates are not handled in an arbitrary manner or by unsaved people. You cannot mix holy and unholy and the just with the unjust.. You can work based on denomination or individual fellowships. It is up to you and your capacity. I have given you the skeleton now go put on more flesh. By the way Jamaican politicians et al you are talking about ladders and rack. My Daddy has a descalator by the name of lightning that moves at the speed of light. Some of you just experienced it  Whooshh! St. Luke 10 verse 18. NEXXXXTTT!!! 

Well people, I was in Huntington, West Virginia yesterday and now I am in Charleston, West Virginia. I tell you people after praying and worshiping all night last night and praying under the portico of a church and meditating on the political situation while I walked about the city. I was reflecting from the seventies and about the maximum leader Rt Hon. Michael Manley (Nazis and Mafias fix unuh face) I realized that all that is taking place is coming from the seventies. People, you see the importance of telling the children our history. I realized that persons have been carrying a grudge for us Jamaicans. Statements such as the bank is too white and there are five flights leaving to Miami. In addition, to the fact that PM Manley ran circles around all world leaders at that stage, as a member of the Non-Aligned Movement. I tell you our profile on the world stage  has never been bigger.

People, I tell you that is why I left Canada because I realized that those Caucasians were not very nice people. These people are very malicious and vindictive. The banks and financial sector was nationalized by PM Manley and that is how Delroy Lindsay (may his soul rest in peace) acquired a bank. Hence, the reason why he was killed. I am now realizing that Michael Lee Chin is just the front for a syndicate which is after the total control of the financial sector of Jamaica. Remember the big banks we had in Jamaica in the seventies were Barclays Bank, Royal Bank of Canada and Jamaica Citizens Bank. Since I have been up north I have been seeing Citizens Bank. BNS was small potatoes then.

It is no accident that Lee Chin has gone after JMMB and Guardian Life. I do not think they are going after Sagicor; this seems to be owned by their billionaire friend in Barbados.  Hence, the reason they are trying to rattle Jamaica National. I need to research what is happening to Victoria Mutual Building Society. Barita was recently sold. We need to know who are the persons who are buying up our assets or we will reach the stage where we are going to need permission to drive and live in certain places in our own country. We need to go behind the veil and see which syndicate Michael Lee Chin and the politicians who are supporting him belong to including the Texan who got the residential properties on FINSAC books. As I was making my way to the riverfront I just heard St Aubyn Hill is a mole. He is a spy. He is there to protect other people’s interest not those of the Jamaican people. I went to the riverfront and for the rest of the night was in prayer. The next day, which was Sunday I went to Walmart. This Walmart was by far the most unique I have been to. One had to cross over a river then through an old train yard. Then there was the store nestled in a nice little enclosure. I had to laugh. However, because of the distance to the store and the terrain. I did not disembark from the bus because the Nazis and Mafias in that area had abandoned me at a next store. The place was very hilly with a lot of winding roads. When you have the goods people will find you anywhere. I returned to the town and used the computer at the Marriott Hotel to book my passage via Greyhound to Huntington, West Virginia. Just to advise the person or persons who have placed whatever in my right hand in Fort Wayne, Indiana while I slept by the Library to remove it or look out for my prayer point. Remove it or dissolve it you criminals. Fort Wayne County Library please do not destroy the video. I need it for my lawsuit. MetroLinx told me they destroyed the video showing the robbery of my funds and bank cards that took place in the bus, lying Canadians. I need to secure a lot of videos. DFDS over there in New Haven Port, South East, London do not destroy the video. All you airports and Hilton Hotels do not destroy the videos. I am going to sue you all for peekaboos and letting people inject me while I sleep and poison my food. Greyhound for that debacle in Columbus, Ohio on Friday morning, September 11, I am going to sue you! Enough is enough.

I am off to work on my blog. Daddy has been looking for someone to deal with the situation but the Church in Jamaica has been so mesmerized by the crooks they were of no use. The Bible says we Believers shall judge angels. I might as well start walking out my destiny on the Earth. I hope they are now realizing what we are all up against. Those who were supposed to be the counsellors were being counselled.  People do not worry about me, they cannot touch me. I am on assignment. When God is done He will deal with my fleeces.  The blood and prayers of poor people have come up to His ears. Now we see why people have been suffering so much in Jamaica the wealth of Jamaica is leaving in droves. Michael Lee Chin and his syndicate need to be stripped and they all need to leave Jamaica. That is why they do not like Hon. Michael Manley, he  was not impressed with them or their money. Rt. Hon Manley was born into money so he had the right perspective on money. Plus he had a proper concept of himself. 

I do not have to tell people where I am, they know my itinerary. I tell you people I sat in Detroit looking across the Hart Plaza at Windsor, Canada and started singing the Canadian National Anthem. Then I realized that I have not sung my own Anthem in a long time and the Holy Spirit just reminded me that it was a prayer. I started singing immediately and realized that I had forgotten most of it.  Then I realized that I have been remiss. I need to go do my homework. Eternal Father bless our land indeed.

This month we are looking to conclude on Climate Change hoping to put this phenomenon in its proper perspective. We will be looking at why it is not all doom and gloom and why the United Nations continue to contribute to the whole confusion in this area.

Extinction risk from global warming

The extinction risk of global warming is the risk of species becoming extinct due to the effects of global warming. This may be Earth’s sixth major extinction, often called the Anthropocene or Holocene extinction.

Latest consensus on projections

The scientific consensus in the 2014 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report is that:

A large fraction of both terrestrial and freshwater species faces increased extinction risk under projected climate change during and beyond the 21st century, especially as climate change interacts with other stressors, such as habitat modification, over-exploitation, pollution, and invasive species. Extinction risk is increased under all RCP scenarios, with risk increasing with both magnitude and rate of climate change. Many species will be unable to track suitable climates under mid- and high-range rates of climate change during the 21st century. Lower rates of climate change will pose fewer problems.

— IPCC, 2014

Extinction risks reported


In one study published in Nature in 2004, between 15 and 37% of 1103 endemic or near-endemic known plant and animal species will be “committed to extinction” by 2050. More properly, changes in habitat by 2050 will put them outside the survival range for the inhabitants, thus committing the species to extinction.

Other researchers, such as Thuiller et al., Araújo et al., Person et al., Buckley and Roughgarden, and Harte et al. have raised concern regarding uncertainty in Thomas et al.‘s projections; some of these studies believe it is an overestimate, others believe the risk could be greater. Thomas et al. replied in Nature addressing criticisms and concluding “Although further investigation is needed into each of these areas, it is unlikely to result in substantially reduced estimates of extinction. Anthropogenic climate change seems set to generate very large numbers of species-level extinctions.” On the other hand, Daniel Botkin et al. state “… global estimates of extinctions due to climate change (Thomas et al. 2004) may have greatly overestimated the probability of extinction…”

Mechanistic studies are documenting extinctions due to recent climate change: McLaughlin et al. documented two populations of Bay checkerspot butterfly being threatened by precipitation change. Parmesan states, “Few studies have been conducted at a scale that encompasses an entire species” and McLaughlin et al. agreed “few mechanistic studies have linked extinctions to recent climate change.” All conjecture!! I suppose further down the road people will want to blame a scenario like this on Climate Change with these arbitrary studies: 1000 Aborted Sea Pups Mysteriously Washed Ashore on the Namibian Coast. It is sheer malice! 


In 2008, the white lemuroid possum was reported to be the first known mammal species to be driven extinct by man-made global warming. However, these reports were based on a misunderstanding. One population of these possums in the mountain forests of North Queensland is severely threatened by climate change as the animals cannot survive extended temperatures over 30 °C. However, another population 100 kilometres south remains in good health.


According to research published in the January 4, 2012 Proceedings of the Royal Society B current climate models may be flawed because they overlook two important factors: the differences in how quickly species relocate and competition among species. According to the researchers, led by Mark C. Urban, an ecologist at the University of Connecticut, diversity decreased when they took these factors into account, and that new communities of organisms, which do not exist today, emerged. As a result, the rate of extinctions may be higher than previously projected. Disconnect here?


According to research published in the 30 May 2014 issue of Science, most known species have small ranges, and the numbers of small-ranged species are increasing quickly. They are geographically concentrated and are disproportionately likely to be threatened or already extinct. According to the research, current rates of extinction are three orders of magnitude higher than the background extinction rate, and future rates, which depend on many factors, are poised to increase. Although there has been rapid progress in developing protected areas, such efforts are not ecologically representative, nor do they optimally protect biodiversity. In the researchers’ view, human activity tends to destroy critical habitats where species live, warms the planet, and tends to move species around the planet to places where they don’t belong and where they can come into conflict with human needs (e.g. causing species to become pests).


In 2016 the Bramble Cay melomys, which lived on a Great Barrier Reef island, was reported to probably be the first mammal to become extinct because of sea level rises due to human-made climate change. Probably?

Extinction risks of the Adelie penguin are being reported because of global warming. The Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) species is declining and data analysis done on the breeding colonies is used to estimate and project future habitat and population sustainability in relation to warming sea temperatures. By 2060, one-third of the observed Adelie penguin colony along the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) will be in decline. The Adelie penguins are a circumpolar species, used to the ranges of Antarctic climate, and experiencing population decline. Climate model projections predict sanctuary for the species past 2099. The observed population is similarly proportional to the species-wide population (one-third of the observed population is equal to 20% of the species-wide population).

Sex ratios for sea turtles in the Caribbean are being affected because of global warming (Sorry people Global Warming is affecting us). Environmental data were collected from the annual rainfall and tide temperatures over the course of 200 years and showed an increase in air temperature (mean of 31.0 degree Celsius). These data were used to relate the decline of the sex ratios of sea turtles in the North East Caribbean and climate change. The species of sea turtles include Dermochelys coriacea, Chelonia mydas, and Eretmochelys imbricata. Extinction is a risk for these species as the sex ratio is being afflicted causing a higher female to male ratio. Projections estimate the declining rate of male Chelonia mydas as 2.4% hatchlings being male by 2030 and 0.4% by 2090.In all life the male species is at risk.


According to the World Wildlife Fund, the jaguar is already “near threatened” and the loss of food supplies and habitat due to the fires make the situation more critical.

The fires affect water chemistry (such as decreasing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water), temperature, and erosion rates, which in turn affects fish and mammals that depend on fish, such as the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis).


The unprecedented fires of the 2019–20 Australian bushfire season that have swept through 18 million acres (7 million hectares) have claimed 29 lives and have stressed Australia’s wildlife. Before the fires, only 500 tiny Kangaroo Island dunnarts (Sminthopsis aitkeni) lived on one island; after half the island was burned, it is possible only one has survived. Bramble Cay melomys (Melomys rubicola) became the first known casualty of human-caused climate change in 2015 due to rising sea levels and repeated storm surges; the greater stick-nest rat (Leporillus conditor) may be next.

Emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) are not in danger of extinction, although they might be wiped out in Australia. The loss of 8,000 koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in NSW alone broke hearts around the world, but the animals are endangered but not functionally extinct.

A February 2020 study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America found that one-third of all plant and animal species could be extinct by 2070 as a result of global warming. Lots of conjecture!Kilimanjaro Fires – I suppose in days to come we will be hearing that these fires were by Climate Change. Arson as it was in Australia and California.


Ann Mongoven

To claim climate change poses a catastrophic crisis is an understatement. All science, empirical evidence, and experiential observation underscore the severity of the crisis. Yet some ways of talking about “crisis” can overwhelm, paralyze, and de-motivate, instead of motivating change. Crisis language poses a paradoxical crisis. How can we acknowledge the severity of the crisis while inspiring dramatic creative response, rather than fatalism?

A first start will be to think reflectively about the metaphors we use to describe dangers posed by climate change. Many calls for environmental attention go beyond describing crisis to invoking apocalypse. “Apocalypse now” summarizes the tone of much rhetoric about climate change. 

Metaphorically, apocalypse refers to a destructive end-time in which the world is utterly destroyed. Its biblical referent is the Book of Revelation, which vividly describes the fiery, violent end of the world inflicted by God. Christianity is not the only religious tradition with apocalyptic stories. We Have already looked at the religious dogma surrounding this theme. 

Secular critics also highlight negative social consequences of religious apocalyptic stories. They decry the troubling integration of two elements: That combination can result both in the normalization of violence, and in a fatalistic pessimism about human power to change history for the better.

Yet many environmentalists seem deaf to warnings about the downsides of apocalyptic rhetoric. Indeed, some secular environmentalists have become the most fanatically apocalyptic prophets of our time. They speak metaphorically of Gaia’s (the earth goddess’) revenge and Poseidon’s (the sea god’s) wrath and they foretell the heat-death of nature. They frequently describe heightened floods, storms, heatwaves, and droughts as “warnings” and “signs”—biblical rhetoric bespeaking messages from a petulant god losing patience—rather than straightforwardly as consequences of human behavior and resultant climate change. In the words of Guardian columnist Brendan O’Neil, environmentalists who unreflectively invoke images of apocalypse are now the ones who “instill in people that debilitating sense of ‘The End’ and of man’s smallness in the face of Gaia’s/God’s judgement. [They] have taken the place of the priests in spreading fear, fatalism and resignation over man’s fate.”

To address the crisis of crisis language, we must consider what makes apocalypse categorically different from crisis. First, apocalyptic visions are tied to a unidirectional vision of sacred history. The climate crisis, however, is unfolding in ecological history: a real world of patterns, cycles, and stages. Indeed, one reason resisters refuse to accept the evidence for climate change is their own apocalyptic framework. That framework precludes understanding that global warming does not cause simple consistent heat increases, but also events such as polar vortexes and severe winter storms. When environmentalists employ apocalyptic metaphors, they unintentionally reinforce the very worldview that entrenches resistance.

Second, a vengeful divinity whose power dwarfs that of humankind plays the leading role in apocalyptic stories. Too many environmentalists simply project onto nature the moral emotions of the God of Revelation. But this rhetorical move makes nature the powerful intentional actor in the story of climate change—not humans. Humans, the true powerful intentional moral actors causing climate change, can understandably feel defeated in advance when metaphorically matched against an overwhelmingly stronger moral force. To be sure, nature is a strong force—but it is not intentional—and it is the victim, not the god, in the real story.

Lastly, apocalyptic stories are pessimistic about the power of good people. The fiery destruction of the world in the apocalypse occurs because the good people remain a tiny remnant of the populace, loyal to divine command but unable to convert the masses. Even the good are powerless to influence fallen humanity, or to stop the apocalypse. Environmentalists who unthinkingly adopt apocalyptic rhetoric foster an “us-versus-them” mentality. That mentality fails to address the complexity of mass human embeddedness in environmentally-damaging socio-economic systems. It also fails to inspire “conversion,” or collective action. Yes, we face a terrible crisis with climate change. Yes, damage is already catastrophic and will get worse even if radical mass action grips the moment constructively. Yes, we have already passed some tipping points. 

Paul Krugman

The past week’s images from Australia have been nightmarish: walls of flame, blood-red skies, residents huddled on beaches as they try to escape the inferno. The bush fires have been so intense that they have generated “fire tornadoes” powerful enough to flip over heavy trucks.

The thing is, Australia’s summer of fire is only the latest in a string of catastrophic weather events over the past year: unprecedented flooding in the Midwest, a heat wave in India that sent temperatures to 123 degrees, another heat wave that brought unheard-of temperatures to much of Europe.

And all of these catastrophes were related to climate change.

Notice that I said “related to” rather than “caused by” climate change. This is a distinction that has flummoxed many people over the years. Any individual weather event has multiple causes, which was one reason news reports used to avoid mentioning the possible role of climate change in natural disasters.

In recent years, however, climate scientists have tried to cut through this confusion by engaging in “extreme event attribution,” which focuses on probabilities: You can’t necessarily say that climate change caused a particular heat wave, but you can ask how much difference global warming made to the probability of that heat wave happening. And the answer, typically, is a lot: Climate change makes the kinds of extreme weather events we’ve been seeing much more likely.

And while there’s a lot of randomness in weather outcomes, that randomness actually makes climate change much more damaging in its early stages than most people realize. On our current trajectory, Florida as a whole will eventually be swallowed by the sea, but long before that happens, rising sea levels will make catastrophic storm surges commonplace. Much of India will eventually become uninhabitable, but killing heat waves and droughts will take a deadly toll well before that point is reached.

Put it this way: While it will take generations for the full consequences of climate change to play out, there will be many localized, temporary disasters along the way. There are some hopeful signs. One is that the news media has become much more willing to talk about the role of climate change in weather events.

Not long ago it was all too common to read articles about heat waves, floods and droughts that seemed to go to great lengths to avoid mentioning climate change. My sense is that reporters and editors have finally gotten over that block.

The public also seems to be paying attention, with concern about climate change growing substantially over the past few years.

Furthermore, this isn’t just a U.S. problem. Even as Australia burns, its current government is reaffirming its commitment to coal and threatening to make boycotts of environmentally destructive businesses a crime.

The sick irony of the current situation is that anti-environmentalism is getting more extreme precisely at the moment when the prospects for decisive action should be better than ever.

On one side, the dangers of climate change are no longer predictions about the future: We can see the damage now, although it’s only a small taste of the horrors that lie ahead.

On the other side, drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions now look remarkably easy to achieve, at least from an economic point of view. In particular, there has been so much technological progress in alternative energy that the Trump administration is trying desperately to prop up coal against competition from solar and wind.

But the wave of climate-related catastrophes may be changing the political calculus. 

Michael Shellenberger

Environmental journalists and advocates have in recent weeks made a number of apocalyptic predictions about the impact of climate change. Bill McKibben suggested climate-driven fires in Australia had made koalas “functionally extinct.” Extinction Rebellion said “Billions will die” and “Life on Earth is dying.” Vice claimed the “collapse of civilization may have already begun.” 

Few have underscored the threat more than student climate activist Greta Thunberg and Green New Deal sponsor Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The latter said, “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change (ridiculous).” Says Thunberg in her new book, “Around 2030 we will be in a position to set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will lead to the end of our civilization as we know it (such wisdom for a teenager).” 

Sometimes, scientists themselves make apocalyptic claims. “It’s difficult to see how we could accommodate a billion people or even half of that,” if Earth warms four degrees, said one earlier this year. “The potential for multi-breadbasket failure is increasing,” said another. If sea levels rise as much as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts, another scientist said, “It will be an unmanageable problem.” 

Apocalyptic statements like these have real-world impacts. In September, a group of British psychologists said children are increasingly suffering from anxiety from the frightening discourse around climate change. In October, an activist with Extinction Rebellion (”XR”) — an environmental group founded in 2018 to commit civil disobedience to draw awareness to the threat its founders and supporters say climate change poses to human existence — and a videographer, were kicked and beaten in a London Tube station by angry commuters. And last week, an XR co-founder said a genocide like the Holocaust was “happening again, on a far greater scale, and in plain sight” from climate change.

Climate change is an issue I care passionately about and have dedicated a significant portion of my life to addressing. I have been politically active on the issue for over 20 years and have researched and written about it for 17 years. Over the last four years, my organization, Environmental Progress, has worked with some of the world’s leading climate scientists to prevent carbon emissions from rising. So far, we’ve helped prevent emissions increasing the equivalent of adding 24 million cars to the road. 

I also care about getting the facts and science right and have in recent months corrected inaccurate and apocalyptic news media coverage of fires in the Amazon and fires in California, both of which have been improperly presented as resulting primarily from climate change. 

Journalists and activists alike have an obligation to describe environmental problems honestly and accurately, even if they fear doing so will reduce their news value or salience with the public. There is good evidence that the catastrophist framing of climate change is self-defeating because it alienates and polarizes many people and exaggerating climate change risks distracting us from other important issues including ones we might have more near-term control over.

I feel the need to say this up-front because I want the issues I’m about to raise to be taken seriously and not dismissed by those who label as “climate deniers” or “climate delayers” anyone who pushes back against exaggeration.

With that out of the way, let’s look whether science supports what’s being said. First, no credible scientific body has ever said climate change threatens the collapse of civilization much less the extinction of the human species. “‘Our children are going to die in the next 10 to 20 years.’ What’s the scientific basis for these claims?” BBC’s Andrew Neil asked a visibly uncomfortable XR spokesperson last month. “These claims have been disputed, admittedly,” she said. “There are some scientists who are agreeing and some who are saying it’s not true. But the overall issue is that these deaths are going to happen.”

“But most scientists don’t agree with this,” said Neil. “I looked through IPCC reports and see no reference to billions of people going to die, or children in 20 years. How would they die?”

“Mass migration around the world is already taking place due to prolonged drought in countries, particularly in South Asia. There are wildfires in Indonesia, the Amazon rainforest, Siberia, the Arctic,” she said. But in saying so, the XR spokesperson had grossly misrepresented the science. “There is robust evidence of disasters displacing people worldwide,” notes IPCC, “but limited evidence that climate change or sea-level rise is the direct cause” 

What about “mass migration”? “The majority of resultant population movements tend to occur within the borders of affected countries,” says IPCC. It’s not like climate doesn’t matter. It’s that climate change is outweighed by other factors. Earlier this year, researchers found that climate “has not affected organized armed conflict within countries. However, other drivers, such as low socioeconomic development and low capabilities of the state, are judged to be substantially more influential.”

Last January, after climate scientists criticized Rep. Ocasio-Cortez for saying the world would end in 12 years, her spokesperson said “We can quibble about the phraseology, whether it’s existential or cataclysmic.” He added, “We’re seeing lots of [climate change-related] problems that are already impacting lives.”

That last part may be true, but it’s also true that economic development has made us less vulnerable, which is why there was a 99.7% decline in the death toll from natural disasters since its peak in 1931. 

In 1931, 3.7 million people died from natural disasters. In 2018, just 11,000 did.  And that decline occurred over a period when the global population quadrupled.

What about sea level rise? IPCC estimates sea level could rise two feet (0.6 meters) by 2100. Does that sound apocalyptic or even “unmanageable”?

Consider that one-third of the Netherlands is below sea level, and some areas are seven meters below sea level. You might object that the Netherlands is rich while Bangladesh is poor. But the Netherlands adapted to living below sea level 400 years ago. Technology has improved a bit since then.

What about claims of crop failure, famine, and mass death? That’s science fiction, not science. Humans today produce enough food for 10 billion people, or 25% more than we need, and scientific bodies predict increases in that share, not declines. 

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) forecasts crop yields increasing 30% by 2050. And the poorest parts of the world, like sub-Saharan Africa, are expected to see increases of 80 to 90%.

Nobody is suggesting climate change won’t negatively impact crop yields. It could. But such declines should be put in perspective. Wheat yields increased 100 to 300% around the world since the 1960s, while a study of 30 models found that yields would decline by 6% for every one degree Celsius increase in temperature.

Rates of future yield growth depend far more on whether poor nations get access to tractors, irrigation, and fertilizer than on climate change, says FAO.

All of this helps explain why IPCC anticipates climate change will have a modest impact on economic growth. By 2100, IPCC projects the global economy will be 300 to 500% larger than it is today. Both IPCC and the Nobel-winning Yale economist, William Nordhaus, predict that warming of 2.5°C and 4°C would reduce gross domestic product (GDP) by 2% and 5% over that same period.

Does this mean we shouldn’t worry about climate change? Not at all. 

One of the reasons I work on climate change is because I worry about the impact it could have on endangered species. Climate change may threaten one million species globally and half of all mammals, reptiles, and amphibians in diverse places like the Albertine Rift in Central Africa, home to the endangered mountain gorilla.

But it’s not the case that “we’re putting our own survival in danger” through extinctions, as Elizabeth Kolbert claimed in her book, Sixth Extinction. As tragic as animal extinctions are, they do not threaten human civilization. If we want to save endangered species, we need to do so because we care about wildlife for spiritual, ethical, or aesthetic reasons, not survival ones.  

And exaggerating the risk, and suggesting climate change is more important than things like habitat destruction, are counterproductive.

For example, Australia’s fires are not driving koalas extinct, as Bill McKibben suggested. The main scientific body that tracks the species, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, or IUCN, labels the koala “vulnerable,” which is one level less threatened than “endangered,” two levels less than “critically endangered,” and three less than “extinct” in the wild. 

Should we worry about koalas? Absolutely! They are amazing animals and their numbers have declined to around 300,000. But they face far bigger threats such as the destruction of habitat, disease, bushfires, and invasive species. 

Think of it this way. The climate could change dramatically — and we could still save koalas. Conversely, the climate could change only modestly — and koalas could still go extinct. 

The monomaniacal focus on climate distracts our attention from other threats to koalas and opportunities for protecting them, like protecting and expanding their habitat.

As for fire, one of Australia’s leading scientists on the issue says, “Bushfire losses can be explained by the increasing exposure of dwellings to fire-prone bushlands. No other influences need be invoked. So even if climate change had played some small role in modulating recent bushfires, and we cannot rule this out, any such effects on risk to property are clearly swamped by the changes in exposure.” Nor are the fires solely due to drought, which is common in Australia, and exceptional this year. “Climate change is playing its role here,” said Richard Thornton of the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre in Australia, “but it’s not the cause of these fires.”

The same is true for fires in the United States. In 2017, scientists modeled 37 different regions and found “humans may not only influence fire regimes but their presence can actually override, or swamp out, the effects of climate.” Of the 10 variables that influence fire, “none were as significant… as the anthropogenic variables,” such as building homes near, and managing fires and wood fuel growth within, forests.

Climate scientists are starting to push back against exaggerations by activists, journalists, and other scientists. 

“While many species are threatened with extinction,” said Stanford’s Ken Caldeira, “climate change does not threaten human extinction… I would not like to see us motivating people to do the right thing by making them believe something that is false.”

I asked the Australian climate scientist Tom Wigley what he thought of the claim that climate change threatens civilization. “It really does bother me because it’s wrong,” he said. “All these young people have been misinformed. And partly it’s Greta Thunberg’s fault. Not deliberately. But she’s wrong.”

But don’t scientists and activists need to exaggerate in order to get the public’s attention?

“I’m reminded of what [late Stanford University climate scientist] Steve Schneider used to say,” Wigley replied. “He used to say that as a scientist, we shouldn’t really be concerned about the way we slant things in communicating with people out on the street who might need a little push in a certain direction to realize that this is a serious problem. Steve didn’t have any qualms about speaking in that biased way. I don’t quite agree with that.”

Wigley started working on climate science full-time in 1975 and created one of the first climate models (MAGICC) in 1987. It remains one of the main climate models in use today.

“When I talk to the general public,” he said, “I point out some of the things that might make projections of warming less and the things that might make them more. I always try to present both sides.”

Part of what bothers me about the apocalyptic rhetoric by climate activists is that it is often accompanied by demands that poor nations be denied the cheap sources of energy they need to develop. I have found that many scientists share my concerns. NOTE THIRD WORLD NATIONS!

“If you want to minimize carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 2070  you might want to accelerate the burning of coal in India today,” MIT climate scientist Kerry Emanuel said. 

“It doesn’t sound like it makes sense. Coal is terrible for carbon. But it’s by burning a lot of coal that they make themselves wealthier, and by making themselves wealthier they have fewer children, and you don’t have as many people burning carbon, you might be better off in 2070.” 

Emanuel and Wigley say the extreme rhetoric is making political agreement on climate change harder. 

“You’ve got to come up with some kind of middle ground where you do reasonable things to mitigate the risk and try at the same time to lift people out of poverty and make them more resilient,” said Emanuel. “We shouldn’t be forced to choose between lifting people out of poverty and doing something for the climate.” (emphasis mine)

Happily, there is  plenty of middle ground between climate apocalypse and climate denial. 

Roger Pielke

In recent years the issue of climate change has taken a decidedly apocalyptic turn.  Earlier this week United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres warned, “If we don’t urgently change our way of life, we jeopardize life itself.” A group of scientists writes that we “might already have lost control” over “tipping points” in the Earth’s climate, warning that the “stability and resilience of our planet is in peril.”

It’s true that apocalyptic narratives have always had a place in discussions of climate. In 1989 the United Nations warned that the world had “a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.” (UN is always a part of the problem) But the escalation of apocalyptic climate rhetoric in recent years is unprecedented. The drumbeat of doom has led some prominent figures to turn on the mainstream climate community, complaining that “climate scientists have been underestimating the rate of climate change and the severity of its effects.” In reality, climate science has not just accurately anticipated unfolding climate change, but has done so consistently for the past 50 years.

There is thus an inconsistency here. Discussions of climate change have become more apocalyptic, but climate science has not. I have been working hard to understand this inconsistency, and while I don’t yet have all the answers, I have identified a big part of the puzzle, which I can report here for the first time.

Herein lies the crux of the Climate change Dilemma Confusion by the United Nations

Discussions of climate change are directly and indirectly shaped by the work of experts who work under the umbrella of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or IPCC. The IPCC was established in the 1980s to assess and summarize climate science to inform policy makers, and since then has produced five major assessment reports, along with periodic topical assessments.

I have testified before the U.S. Congress on multiple occasions on the critical importance of the IPCC. The IPCC plays such an important role that if it didn’t exist, we’d have to invent it. Research on climate change results in a large and varied literature that would be impossible to comprehend without expert assessments like those of the IPCC. The IPCC thus serves a crucial role at the intersection of science and policy.

Human-caused climate change is of course real and a significant concern. I have argued for decades about the importance of policies to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions and the need to better adapt to climate variability and change. But effective policy making is presently threatened by the apocalyptic turn in the climate debate.

Decisions made within the IPCC have contributed to the apocalyptic turn in discussions of climate, moving us away from constructive discussions, scaring children and contributing to overheated rhetoric. To understand the role of the IPCC in the recent rise of climate doom requires understanding how the body performs its assessments.

Underpinning everything that the IPCC does in its scientific assessments are scenarios of the future. Such scenarios are used to project future climate change, to project the impacts of such change on society and the environment, and to project the costs and benefits of mitigation action intended to reduce those impacts.

In order to produce such projections, in its scenarios the IPCC has long differentiated between “baseline scenarios” of the future which describe where the world is headed in the absence of climate policies and “mitigation scenarios” which describe a world where climate policies are put into place. Baseline scenarios are often referred to as “business as usual.”

The rise of the new climate apocalypse can be traced directly to a consequential but little appreciated change in how the IPCC presents its scenarios. The consequences of this change have reverberated through the scientific community, media reporting, policy discussions and civic advocacy.

Almost two decades ago the IPCC developed a set of scenarios as the basis for integrating the work of its three working groups on science, impacts and mitigation. The scenarios were created to serve as the basis for projecting future climate change, the impacts of climate change and the consequences of mitigation action. Such coordination across the assessment work of the IPCC makes obvious sense.

At the time the IPCC recognized that “the future is inherently unpredictable and so views will differ as to which of the storylines and representative scenarios could be more or less likely. Therefore, the development of a single “best guess” or “business-as-usual” scenario is neither desirable nor possible.” Based on this perspective, the IPCC developed a set of scenarios for our collective futures but did not identify any of them as more probable than another, explaining that, “the term “business-as-usual” may be misleading” and “most climate scenarios considered in this report can be regarded as exploratory.”

The result of this approach was that projected futures in the absence of climate policies encompassed a very wide range of possible outcomes. The fourth assessment report of the IPCC published in 2007 acknowledged this wide range of futures, “There is still a large span of [carbon dioxide] emissions across baseline scenarios in the literature, with emissions in 2100 ranging from 10 GtCO2 [billion tons of carbon dioxide] to around 250 GtCO2.”

In other words, when it came to carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and the associated climate consequences, the long-term future included possibilities that spanned from the highly optimistic (the 10 billion ton scenario) to the highly pessimistic (the 250 billion ton scenario), and everything in between. Climate change was not necessarily apocalyptic, but possibly could be if we made decisions leading to bad outcomes.

An enormously consequential change in approach occurred from the fourth IPCC assessment report in 2007 to the fifth in 2013. The IPCC abandoned its earlier acknowledgement of fundamental uncertainties and ignorance about the future and instead fully endorsed the notion of choosing a “business as usual” scenario for the future. The “business as usual” scenario adopted by the fifth IPCC assessment was associated with one of its most extreme scenarios of the future.

The fifth IPCC assessment report states that while future greenhouse gas emissions were uncertain, “between 1970 and 2010, emissions increased 79%, from 27 Gt of [greenhouse gases] to over 49 Gt [billion tons]. Business-as-usual would result in that rate continuing.” An increase of that rate to 2100 would result in 189 billion tons of greenhouse gases being emitted at the end of the century, which is in the 99th percentile of all scenarios included in the database of reference scenarios of the fifth assessment report.

The fifth assessment report went further and explicitly identified a subset of reference scenarios that characterized where the IPCC believed the world was heading in the absence of climate policies. The IPCC fifth assessment report’s range of 2100 carbon dioxide emissions for “business as usual” is 50 GtCO2 to 106 GtCO2 (which it describes as the 10% to 90% percentiles of its scenario database). The report went further and identified a single scenario as “business as usual” with 2100 carbon dioxide emissions of more than 80 billion tons of carbon dioxide (this scenario is called RCP 8.5).

From the IPCC’s fourth to fifth assessment report our collective future, as envisioned by the IPCC, changed dramatically. The world was no longer heading for a wide range of possible futures, conditioned on enormous uncertainties, but instead was heading with some certainty toward a future characterized by an extreme level of carbon dioxide emissions. Quantitatively, futures with less than 50 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2100 simply disappeared from the IPCC reference scenarios and the focus was placed on a “business as usual” scenario of more than 80 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2100.

The apocalypse had been scheduled. The United Nations had muddy the water. Damn crooked Europeans!! They have killed us all!!

The decision by the IPCC to center its fifth assessment report on its most extreme scenario has been incredibly consequential. Thousands of academic studies of the future impacts of climate change followed the lead of the IPCC, and have emphasized the most extreme scenario as “business as usual” which is often interpreted and promoted as where the world is heading. For instance, so far in 2019 two new academic studies have been published every day that present this most extreme scenario as “business as usual” and predict extreme future impacts. Journalists promote these sensationalist findings, which are amplified by activists and politicians and as a consequence climate change becomes viewed as being more and more apocalyptic.

The problem with the extreme “business as usual” scenario of the IPCC’s fifth assessment report is that it is already out of date. For 2020 the scenario wildly overstates emissions, and has been critiqued in the academic literature as a highly unlikely if not impossible future. The International Energy Agency has proposed scenarios for the next several decades that diverge greatly from the favored scenario of the IPCC. It is of course possible that the world will collectively choose to emit massive quantities of carbon dioxide, which would require a massive increase in coal burning. But that scenario is certainly not preordained, and other futures are certainly possible.

Remarkably, the IPCC is set to repeat its reliance on extreme scenarios as “business as usual” in its forthcoming sixth assessment report, even though these scenarios are already out of date.

I will have much more to say on this subject in coming columns, as this topic is an active focus of my research. The bottom line for today is to understand that a fateful decision by the IPCC to selectively anoint an extreme scenario from among a huge range of possible futures has helped to create the climate apocalypse, a scary but imaginary future. CONCLUSION

We really finally made it. In this issue of Climate Change as for me and my house we will continue to serve the Lord and take care of our garden. In terms of the Third World I think they are in a more advantageous position than the first world and able to shape their democracies based on the best practices. Learning from the mistakes of the First World nations who are the major contributors to this climate crisis based on their actions not only in the past but also at present. They seem to throw themselves around to the detriment of the other nations especially the Third World nations in Africa. The UN information is already out of date and the predictions did not happen.

We have finally come to the end of this series and I must say we are much more aware and can speak intelligently to the issues surrounding not only our communities but also our planet. It is a serious balancing act. However, from our reading of the many articles it is apparent that the causes of any weather event is not conclusive because the systems of the environment are intertwined. Until we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Climate Change is responsible for many of the events which have taken place. We need to just be mindful of our planet and stop breaking natural laws willy-nilly and take care of the planet in the same manner we do our gardens and ignore all the outlandish claims by people with questionable motives. 

Let us get Chris Tomlin to take us out of here with God of Wonders. As I was browsing I found this other video by Elijah Oyelade. God is a God of variety two different songs with the same theme. Whichever one you prefer He is still the God of  Wonders. You already have the blog post The ‘I AM’ Statements of Jesus and The Different Names of God.

This is me Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from all the way up here in Indianapolis, Indiana again!!

À bientôt


Climate Apocalypse – Wikipedia

Climate Crisis – Wikipedia

Economic Collapse – Wikipedia

Effects of Global warming on Humans – Wikipedia

End Time – Wikipedia

Extinction Risk from Global Warming – Wikipedia

Climate Change: Crisis NOT Apocalypse – Ann Mongoven – Markkula Center

Apocalypse becomes the New Normal – Paul Krugman – New York Times

The Climate change Apocalypse Problem – Ted Nordhaus

Why Apocalyptic Claims about Climate Change are Wrong – Michael Shellenberger – Forbes

The Incredible Story of How Climate Change Became Apocalyptic – Roger Pielke


Human civilisation 'will COLLAPSE by 2050' if we don't tackle climate change  - Mirror Online


Well, Mon peuple it was that time of the month, it is now August 15, 2020 at around 12:30 a.m. in the morning. I am seated under the strange sculptor by the courthouse at Clarke and Randolph Streets, downtown Chicago. I suppose one can only find the interpretation of the sculptor in the mind of the artist. I walked it from the center of town  Jackson Boulevard to be exact, along South State Street. The Place is full of police and they seem to have some issues taking place. Black people issues as usual people, of course the sticky fingers of the Canadians are always involved. After my ordeal on the 13th – people locking down their bus systems on me in the night at around 8 p.m.in the vicinity of one gas station etc. Since I really had no intention of walking, I just found a nice comfortable bus stop to rest my weary feet and rested my eyes. When I was revived I started walking again and ended up at Des Plaines. I was in the wrong township. I had to turn back and find myself in the right direction. I did some walking then fell down in a nice grassy area to rest my feet only to wake up after 6:00 a.m. I continued walking again until I reached another bus stop. I got in the bus and went directly to Walmart to return the telephone. The owner for the telephone had shut it down after my FB post about being stranded because of the bus. Then the log-off button on my G-Mail account disappeared. This must be the Chinese. This is what the little Chinese lady in Sweden did to my Twitter. The Home Button was also malfunctioning. I just took the opportunity to return it. The Indians and Pakistanis at Walmart wanted to download my information. I was not having any of that. I asked a little Phillipino in the store to assist me with resetting the telephone. The Philippino returned the phone to me because I was speaking of people’s criminality. Be that as it may, I eventually reset the phone. Then I was given a partial refund because I used the PIN Reference number on the card.  I am still going to be seeking a refund on the card.

I refreshed myself by Walmart and fell asleep twice in the grass outside. Then I did my prayer points.Only to discover that pages 53-54 were missing again. Then I found out  that pages 107 – 108 have been stolen also. Then I went to get the train to leave Chicago. I cannot find the train station.It is supposed to be at Van Buren. I decided to refresh myself again before I started walking. To date I have not found the station. I sat in a little park downtown calling people mash up crackers. He sweet biscuit not you mash up crackers! Of course the world and his wife came with their dogs. Then, I walked to the courthouse to start  writing my Blog.

On Saturday I just got up and did my ablutions and went to get the train. However, instead of walking it to the station I took the train into the Loop where I got further directions and ended up at Washington/Wabash Station and eventually at Millenium Station by this time the train I wanted to catch had left so I got the train schedule and the necessary fare information. The fare was fourteen dollars and twenty five cents for the three hour ride to South Bend International Airport Indiana by the South Bound Line. Armed with my new information I went off to Walmart to stock up on food for the journey. On the return journey to the train station the people tried to block me again. I reached the train station after 8 p.m. to catch the last train leaving at 9:15 p.m. Unfortunately, I did not get to see much of Chicago because of the constant harassment. However, it has trained me for Indianapolis because I am familiar with the operations of the transit people so on Friday August 21, when they decided they would be blocking me. I just took a taxi for Forty Dollars from the Airport. That was my food money. God worked that one out. I needed to fast anyway.

Let me back up anyway, coming into Indianapolis was a drama. After leaving South Bend by bus to Elkhart I was blocked and the last bus left me so that I got a ride into Elkhart from a Pastor’s wife, and a gentleman. The last bus had left in Elkhart so I had to wait until morning to get the Red Line to Goshen. Having arrived in Goshen there was no bus system so I had to start footing it again on my way. I saw some nice grass by a Baptist Church so I lay down there for most of the day and read, slept and ate.In the cool of the evening. I began to walk again. This time I was picked up by Christian people who dropped me at Nappanee at a supposedly Greyhound bus stop. No bus turned up and I saw the usual crooks, one fellow with Tattoos all over and a twenty four hours laundromat with the bathroom closed. Raphleta, you have a place to stay all night you cannot go to the washroom but if you sleep we have the needle man here ready for you. I was actually in Hamish Country. You saw the bicycles and horses and buggies. It was five miles to the next town. What people forgot to tell me was that there was literally no electricity in Hamish Country. The five miles walk was dark and reminded me of a set of three towns in Quebec. At one point when I stopped  to put on my hoodie I heard cat calls. So I told the person they were to come.  I also heard the hooves of horses behind me in the middle of the dark night. I suspect I was being escorted out of Hamish country. They certainly did not want anything to happen to me on that stretch. Prior to reaching Bremen I stopped because my feet were tired and there was something about a detour. I could not wrap my head around that at that hour of the morning. I stopped at a business place but the lightning was poor so I could not complete my Bible Study. As soon as I shut my eyes there was the police telling me the business owners were on site and I had to move. Coming to think of it I am sure they were not. Some people had no intention of putting up with the behaviour of the Nazis and Mafias on their property. I went on to the town, completed my devotion by the Historic Society building and left for Rochester on the way to Indianapolis. I was given a ride by a decent young man who took me to Rochester, right by another Baptist Church with green grass. I tell you criminals are very predictable. I continued walking up Highway 31. I was twelve minutes away from a food store when a little lying black fellow picked me up in a truck, telling me lies about he is from Atlanta and the truck belonged to him. Foolish people trying to do another abduction attempt. Of course I gave him a little of my story and he got the message that I took no prisoners. We stopped at a Pilot Gas Station. I got some food on our way. He told me that we might pass weighing stations and he would have to ask me to go in the back of the truck cabin. I said no problem! I had to do that once in Canada. He asked me if I had ever driven in a truck before I said yes! Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario in Canada with all types of people.  I also informed him that the reason I was required to go in the rear was because there were three of us in the cabin at the time and that was not allowed. Since there were only two of us I really do not know why I would have to go in the rear of the cabin. I suppose it was then that they decided  I was too hot to handle and the Nazis and Mafias had lied to them all. I tell you people it is too much! I thought I would share this story with you. These Nazis and Mafias are too much. They wanted me to have an English Bible again. I suppose after I mentioned in my June’s Blog that the French Bible spoke to money and not talents like the King James version. However, you know they do not want me to have a good study Bible with a proper Concordance etc. I went into Dollar Tree in Ottawa and saw a Bible for one dollar twenty five cents. I tell you people, talk about a No Frills Bible. It is published  by Kappa Books out of the USA. The Title was introduced on Page one and the Bible began on page two written in three columns in one of the finest prints you have ever seen. There is no break between books; it is one continuous typing straight to the last page. When I looked at it I had to laugh. I have never seen a Bible like that.  

Here it is now people I was in Chicago shopping for shoes and had a flashback. When I came to Canada I had a bag full of stiletto shoes. I was thinking that in my day’s of stiletto shoes I was rapture ready. Now here I am in Chicago. In fact, from I was in Canada. I tell you the Holy Spirit led me right into the closing down sale of an Addition Elle store. The bargains were fantastic. Only God can do these things.  I got a pair of nice shoes for Canadian ten dollars. It was a bit big because it was ten wide but, these days the emphasis is on comfort. So here I am in Chicago again the bargains are fantastic. I saw a pair of nice black, leather work pumps in Neiman Marcus for twenty six dollars. I had to cut my eyes and move along in this dispensation of my life. The emphasis is on comfort and some serious boots. I had reserved one in Saks Fifth Avenue but I found a better one in Bloomingdales with a thicker sole for fifty five dollars and eleven cents which should give the Nazis and Mafias some challenge when they are trying to destroy it. As I have told you people, the shopping in Chicago reminds me of New York, Nordstrom, JCPenney, Ross, Chicago Fashion Outlet they are all there in abundance. I am in the USA now once you leave the big cities transportation is almost none existent. The car lobbyists in Washington concept of building a nation is that everyone should have a car.That means a lot of walking for me. I might as well prepare because the Nazis and Mafias love to block my rides.

Nazis and Mafias I am going to ask you to stop taking my blood illegally. I am not going to have any diabetes. It is not in my lineage. I am tired of telling you all that you need to get saved and read the scriptures. The fact that my earthly father and my brothers have diabetes does not mean a thing to me. That is the old Raphleta. I am now a child of God. My DNA is of the Lord Jesus Christ while He was on Earth He never sneezed. He only wept! It never affected Jesus; it cannot affect me. It is called the new covenant which speaks of better things than the old covenant. You can take as much blood and test as much as you want and hope all you want to hope. I will not have any diabetes. Damn evil people!!

Let us speak of mental illness, in my opinion but then again I might be wrong. Persons who deliberately sexually abused a young lady who is a special child and not able to oppose them. Not only that, give directions for a so called respectable doctor to remove the foetus. This to me can only be done by persons who are not only mentally challenged but warp and twisted and have sold their souls to the devil. Jamaica do not let me call you out. Writing articles in the daily newspapers does not make one respectable. Neither does being in Gordon house, in fact people have used Parliamentary immunity to carry out their dark deeds.

You twisted people stop stealing my prayer points and papers and putting your poison on them. Stop placing your poison on the things in my bags. You are not going to destroy my hands. Stop injecting and doping my drinks with your poison you should know by now that Jesus Christ is Lord. Had to take care of those business people. I have written down my songs to do my YouTube list and they have stolen my song sheet. I cannot hold my prayer sheets now, all sorts of chemicals on them. I have to be very careful about the things  I hold. I dare not pick up any pens I see lying around full of chemicals. Let us move along!


I tell you people I am wondering what is going to happen when I issue Part II what is going to happen. All the Environmentalists have come from out of the woodworks. The river that I am seeing in Kenya that is rising looks like Kenya has aquifers which are flowing into the lake. They should have been investigating that from a long time. Then there are Australian and California bushfires. I have seen scientists etc. Let us complete this teaching then do our recommendations..


Apocalypse –

  1. The complete final destruction of the world, as described in the Biblical book of Revelation.
  2. An event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale.

Climate Change – A change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels

Effects of Global Warming on Humans

Global warming has brought about possibly irreversible alterations to Earth’s geological, biological and ecological systems. These changes have led to the emergence of large-scale environmental hazards to human health, such as extreme weather, ozone depletion, increased danger of wildland fires, loss of biodiversity, stresses to food-producing systems and the global spread of infectious diseases. In addition, climatic changes are estimated to cause over 150,000 deaths annually.

To date, much less research has been conducted on the impacts of climate change on health, food supply, economic growth, migration, security, societal change, and public goods, such as drinking water, than on the geophysical changes related to global warming. The consequences of these changes can help or hurt local human populations. For example, climatic changes in Siberia, for instance, are expected to improve food production and local economic activity, at least in the short to medium term. Whereas, Bangladesh has experienced an increase in climate-sensitive diseases such as malaria, dengue, childhood diarrhoea, and pneumonia, among vulnerable communities. Numerous studies suggest, however, that the net current and future impacts of climate change on human society are and will continue to be overwhelmingly negative. Pourquoi? Speaking of Bangladesh they have come a long way in mitigating against the effects of the weather.

The majority of the adverse effects of climate change are experienced by poor and low-income communities around the world, who have much higher levels of vulnerability to environmental determinants of health, wealth and other factors, and much lower levels of capacity available for coping with environmental change. A report on the global human impact of climate change published by the Global Humanitarian Forum in 2009, estimated more than 300,000 deaths and about $125 billion in economic losses each year, and indicating that most climate change induced mortality is due to worsening floods and droughts in developing countries.

Key vulnerabilities

Most of the key vulnerabilities to climate change are related to climate phenomena that exceed thresholds for adaptation; such as extreme weather events or abrupt climate change, as well as limited access to resources (financial, technical, human, institutional) to cope. In 2007, the IPCC published a report of key vulnerabilities of industry, settlements, and society to climate change. This assessment included a level of confidence for each key vulnerability:

  •       Very high confidence: Interactions between climate change and urbanization: this is most notable in developing countries, where urbanization is often focused in vulnerable coastal areas.
  •         High confidence:

o Interactions between climate change and global economic growth: Stresses due to climate change are not only linked to the impacts of climate change, but also to the impacts of climate change policies. For example, these policies might affect development paths by requiring high cost fuel choices.

o Fixed physical infrastructures that are important in meeting human needs: These include infrastructures that are susceptible to damage from extreme weather events or sea level rise, and infrastructures that are already close to being inadequate.

  •         Medium confidence: Interactions with governmental and social cultural structures that already face other pressures, e.g., limited economic resources.


Climate change poses a wide range of risks to population health – risks that will increase in future decades, often to critical levels, if global climate change continues on its current trajectory. The three main categories of health risks include: 

(i) direct-acting effects (e.g. due to heat waves, amplified air pollution, and physical weather disasters), 

(ii) impacts mediated via climate-related changes in ecological systems and relationships (e.g. crop yields, mosquito ecology, marine productivity), and 

(iii) the more diffuse (indirect) consequences relating to impoverishment, displacement, resource conflicts (e.g. water), and post-disaster mental health problems.

Climate change thus threatens to slow, halt or reverse international progress towards reducing child under-nutrition, deaths from diarrheal diseases and the spread of other infectious diseases. Climate change acts predominantly by exacerbating the existing, often enormous, health problems, especially in the poorer parts of the world. Current variations in weather conditions already have many adverse impacts on the health of poor people in developing nations, and these too are likely to be ‘multiplied’ by the added stresses of climate change.

A changing climate thus affects the prerequisites of population health: clean air and water, sufficient food, natural constraints on infectious disease agents, and the adequacy and security of shelter. A warmer and more variable climate leads to higher levels of some air pollutants. It increases the rates and ranges of transmission of infectious diseases through unclean water and contaminated food, and by affecting vector organisms (such as mosquitoes) and intermediate or reservoir host species that harbour the infectious agent (such as cattle, bats and rodents). Changes in temperature, rainfall and seasonality compromise agricultural production in many regions, including some of the least developed countries, thus jeopardising child health and growth and the overall health and functional capacity of adults. As warming proceeds, the severity (and perhaps frequency) of weather-related disasters will increase – and appears to have done so in a number of regions of the world over the past several decades. Therefore, in summary, global warming, together with resultant changes in food and water supplies, can indirectly cause increases in a range of adverse health outcomes, including malnutrition, diarrhoea, injuries, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and water-borne and insect-transmitted diseases.

Health equity and climate change have a major impact on human health and quality of life, and are interlinked in a number of ways. The report of the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health points out that disadvantaged communities are likely to shoulder a disproportionate share of the burden of climate change because of their increased exposure and vulnerability to health threats. Over 90 percent of malaria and diarrhoea deaths are borne by children aged 5 years or younger, mostly in developing countries.Other severely affected population groups include women, the elderly and people living in small island developing states and other coastal regions, mega-cities or mountainous areas.

Psychological impacts

A 2011 article in the American Psychologist identified three classes of psychological impacts from global climate change:

  •         Direct – “Acute or traumatic effects of extreme weather events and a changed environment”
  •         Indirect – “Threats to emotional well-being based on observation of impacts and concern or uncertainty about future risks”
  •         Psychosocial – “Chronic social and community effects of heat, drought, migrations, and climate-related conflicts, and postdisaster adjustment.” A psychological impact is shown through peoples’ behaviours and how they act towards the actual situation. The topic of climate change is very complex and difficult for people to understand, which affects how they act upon it. Ranney and Clark (2016) have shown that informing people about climate science promotes the change in behaviour towards mitigation of climate change.

Extreme weather events

This trend towards more variability and fluctuation is perhaps more important, in terms of its impact on human health, than that of a gradual and long-term trend towards higher average temperature. Infectious disease often accompanies extreme weather events, such as floods, earthquakes and drought. These local epidemics occur due to loss of infrastructure, such as hospitals and sanitation services, but also because of changes in local ecology and environment.


Climate change may lead to dramatic increases in prevalence of a variety of infectious diseases. Beginning in the mid-’70s, there has been an “emergence, resurgence and redistribution of infectious diseases”. Reasons for this are likely multi-causal, dependent on a variety of social, environmental and climatic factors, however, many argue that the “volatility of infectious disease may be one of the earliest biological expressions of climate instability”. Though many infectious diseases are affected by changes in climate, vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever and leishmaniasis, present the strongest causal relationship. One major reason that change in climate increases the prevalence of vector borne disease is that temperature and rainfall play a key role in the distribution, magnitude, and viral capacity of mosquitoes, who are primary vectors for many vector borne diseases. Observation and research detect a shift of pests and pathogens in the distribution away from the equator and towards Earth’s poles. A tool that has been used to predict this distribution trend is the Dynamic Mosquito Simulation Process (DyMSiM). DyMSiM uses epidemiological and entomological data and practices to model future mosquito distributions based upon climate conditions and mosquitos living in the area. This modeling technique helps identify the distribution of specific species of mosquito, some of which are more susceptible to viral infection than others.

Beyond distribution, rising temperatures can decrease viral incubation time in vivo in vectors increasing the viral transmissibility leading to increases in infection rates.


Increased precipitation like rain could increase the number of mosquitos indirectly by expanding larval habitat and food supply. Malaria, which kills approximately 300,000 children (under age 5) annually, poses an imminent threat through temperature increase. Models suggest, conservatively, that risk of malaria will increase 5–15% by 2100 due to climate change. In Africa alone, according to the MARA Project (Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa), there is a projected increase of 16–28% in person-month exposures to malaria by 2100. Africa we have to deal with this. I see more dams being built to capture the rainfall and provide potable water and the installation of proper waste management facilities.


There are 4 distinct viruses responsible for Dengue: DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. Dengue fever is spread by the bite of the female mosquito known as Aedes aegypti. This species of mosquito can travel up to 400 meters in search of water to lay their eggs, but often remain closer to human habitation. A mosquito becomes infected with dengue when it bites and takes the blood of an infected human. After approximately one week, the mosquito can then transmit the dengue infection to other humans through her bite. While dengue cannot be spread from person to person, an infected person can infect more mosquitos, thus, furthering the spread of the disease. Overall, the female mosquito is a highly effective vector of this disease.

When bitten by an infected mosquito, dengue has an incubation period of 4–10 days. Once infected with the dengue virus, humans experience severe flu-like symptoms. Also known as “break-bone fever”, dengue can affect infants, children, and adults and can be fatal. Those infected exhibit a high fever (40 °C/ 104 °F) along with at least two of the following symptoms: severe headache, pain behind the eye, nausea, vomiting, swollen glands, muscle and joint pains, and rash. These symptoms usually last 2–7 days. Dengue can become fatal due to plasma leaking, fluid accumulation, respiratory distress, severe bleeding, or organ impairment. Warning signs of this include a decrease in temperature decrease (below 38 °C/ 100 °F) in conjunction with: severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, rapid breathing, bleeding gums, blood in vomit, and/or fatigue and restlessness.

Where the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, lives and the amount of mosquitos present is strongly influenced by the amount of water-bearing containers or pockets of standstill water in an area, daily temperature and variation in temperature, moisture, and solar radiation. While dengue fever is primarily considered a tropical and subtropical disease, the geographic ranges of the aedes aegypti are expanding. Globalization, trade, travel, demographic trends, and warming temperatures are all attributed to the recent spread to this primary vector of dengue.

Dengue is now ranked as the most important vector-borne viral disease in the world. Today, an estimated 50–100 million dengue fever infections occur annually. In just the past 50 years, transmission has increased drastically with new cases of the disease (incidence) increasing 30-fold. Once localized to a few areas in the tropics, dengue fever is now endemic in over 100 countries in Southeast Asia, the Americas, Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Western Pacific with Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific regions being the most seriously affected. Recently the number of reported cases has continually increased along with dengue spreading to new areas. Explosive outbreaks are also occurring. Moreover, there is the possible threat of outbreak in Europe with local transmission of dengue being reported for the first time in France and Croatia in 2010.

One country that has seen significant impacts from dengue is Bangladesh. Dengue has been endemic in Bangladesh since its first major outbreak in 2000. With its high population, shifting weather patterns, and low and flat geography that is only one meter above sea level, Bangladesh is also one of the world’s most vulnerable countries when it comes to climate change. Climate change is predicted to increase temperatures and precipitation, both of which affect dengue transmission, as dengue is weather dependent, and most often occurs in wetter and warmer climates. Standing water allows habitats and breeding grounds for the mosquito vector, while warmer temperatures assist in larval development, replication of the virus, and period of infectivity. Studies have found lag effects of, on average, two months between high temperatures and dengue transmission, indicating the time that has lapsed between observed weather changes and new observed dengue cases.

Dhaka is Bangladesh’s biggest city, and also the highest risk area in Bangladesh for transmission of dengue, with its tropical climate and population of approximately 11.8 million people. The annual average temperature in Dhaka is 25 °C and almost all of the average rainfall occurs during May through September. If higher temperature and increased precipitation continue, we could see temperatures increase and the rainy season extended, leading to an increased transmission period for dengue.

There were 25,059 cases of dengue in Dhaka from 2000 to 2010, with an average of 168 cases a month. While dengue testing is frequently performed in the private health care setting; it is frequently underperformed in the public health care setting, due to lack of testing accessibility. This indicates that there are potentially more cases of dengue than are getting diagnosed or reported.

Dengue incidence has only increased in the last few decades, and is projected to continue to do so with changing climate conditions. There have been prediction models of temperature created to project the effects of global warming on the planet. Based on these, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that the mean annual temperature of Southeast Asia will have increased by 3.3 degrees Celsius by 2100, assuming no other changes. Taking this estimate, researchers predict an increase of 16,030 cases in Dhaka, Bangladesh by the year 2100. This represents a 40-times increase in dengue incidence.

Increased public health surveillance and preparation is needed in areas like Bangladesh that are seeing an upward trend in climatic changes and vector-borne disease like dengue virus.

Non-climatic determinants

Sociodemographic factors include, but are not limited to: patterns of human migration and travel, effectiveness of public health and medical infrastructure in controlling and treating disease, the extent of anti-malarial drug resistance and the underlying health status of the population at hand. Environmental factors include: changes in land-use (e.g. deforestation), expansion of agricultural and water development projects (which tend to increase mosquito breeding habitat), and the overall trend towards urbanization (i.e. increased concentration of human hosts). Patz and Olson argue that these changes in landscape can alter local weather more than long term climate change. For example, the deforestation and cultivation of natural swamps in the African highlands has created conditions favourable for the survival of mosquito larvae, and has, in part, led to the increasing incidence of malaria. The effects of these non-climatic factors complicate things and make a direct causal relationship between climate change and malaria difficult to confirm. It is highly unlikely that climate exerts an isolated effect.

Preparing for the Future

Effective policies which take into consideration predictive climate change models and measures are key to preparing for and managing changes in incidence and reestablishment of diseases. As climate change continues to alter where diseases are prevalent, harmonizing surveillance systems on a multi-national scale will be vital to improve evidence-based disease control and decision making. Implementation of vaccination and other prevention measures as well as increasing community education and awareness and education of the impacts of the disease and other adverse health events among public decision makers will help prepare and combat changes in disease rates and location.


Climate change may dramatically impact habitat loss, for example, arid conditions may cause the deforestation of rainforests, as has occurred in the past.


A sustained wet-bulb temperature exceeding 35 °C is a threshold at which the resilience of human systems is no longer able to adequately cool the skin. A study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) from 2013 concluded that heat stress will reduce labor capacity considerably under current emissions scenarios.There is evidence to show that high temperatures can increase mortality rates among fetuses and children. Although the main focus is often on the health impacts and risks of higher temperatures, it should be remembered that they also reduce learning and worker productivity, which can impact a country’s economy and development.

Low temperature

Climate change contributes to cold snaps due to disruptions in the polar vortex, which in turn is caused by a decline in Arctic sea ice, and will cause frigid, cold air to spill from the Arctic and into areas of the northern hemisphere that usually don’t experience such cold temperatures, such as the North American southeast, mid-west, northeast, and parts of Europe. This is a predicted short-term effect of climate change in the winter. This brings along extreme cold temperatures for a short period of time, and results in large scale disruption to human life. A statistic from data on the winter season of 2013-14 found that of the most notable of the winter storms – most of which were caused by the disruption of the polar vortex – caused $263 million in damage, 32 fatalities, and 9 injuries. Furthermore, infrastructure damage in the form of closed roads, schools, airports, and other civil functions occurred throughout the northeast, and in some parts of the Midwestern and Southeastern United States. A commercial airliner skidded off the runway and into a nearby snowbank at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York during the 2014 cold snap. The winter season of 2013-2014 also caused some crop damage as shown in Ohio losing 97% of their grape harvest. Further harvests in the following years were also affected as freeze damage reached deep into the trunks of some plants killing off the plant. The total damages extended to roughly $4 million, impacting Ohio’s economy and wine production. Cold Events are expected to increase in the short term while in the long term the increasing global temperature is going to give way to more heat related events.


The freshwater resources that humans rely on are highly sensitive to variations in weather and climate. In 2007, the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported with high confidence that climate change has a net negative impact on water resources and freshwater ecosystems in all regions. The IPCC also found with very high confidence that arid and semi-arid areas are particularly exposed to freshwater impacts.

As the climate warms, it changes the nature of global rainfall, evaporation, snow, stream flow and other factors that affect water supply and quality. Specific impacts include:

  •         Warmer water temperatures affect water quality and accelerate water pollution.
  •         Sea level rise is projected to increase salt-water intrusion into groundwater in some regions. This reduces the amount of freshwater available for drinking and farming.
  •         In some areas, shrinking glaciers and snow deposits threaten the water supply. Areas that depend on melted water runoff will likely see that runoff depleted, with less flow in the late summer and spring peaks occurring earlier. This can affect the ability to irrigate crops. (This situation is particularly acute for irrigation in South America, for irrigation and drinking supplies in Central Asia, and for hydropower in Norway, the Alps, and the Pacific Northwest of North America.)
  •         Increased extreme weather means more water falls on hardened ground unable to absorb it, leading to flash floods instead of a replenishment of soil moisture or groundwater levels.
  •         Increased evaporation will reduce the effectiveness of reservoirs.
  •         At the same time, human demand for water will grow for the purposes of cooling and hydration.
  •         Increased precipitation can lead to changes in water-borne and vector-borne diseases.

Displacement and migration

Climate change causes displacement of people in several ways, the most obvious—and dramatic—being through the increased number and severity of weather-related disasters which destroy homes and habitats causing people to seek shelter or livelihoods elsewhere. Effects of climate change such as desertification and rising sea levels gradually erode livelihood and force communities to abandon traditional homelands for more accommodating environments. This is currently happening in areas of Africa’s Sahel, the semi-arid belt that spans the continent just below its northern deserts. Deteriorating environments triggered by climate change can also lead to increased conflict over resources which in turn can displace people.

According to a study published in May 2020, for every degree of temperature rise there will be 1 billion people that will live in areas with temperatures considered as too high for a normal life. Humans generally live in areas where the average temperature is between 6°C and 28°C, where the majority live in regions with a temperature of 11°C – 15°C. A temperature of 29 degrees or higher is considered as too hot for normal life and found now only in 0.8% of the land surface mainly in Sahara desert. But if the global temperature will rise by 3°C, 30% of the human population will live in this area.

The IPCC has estimated that 150 million environmental migrants will exist by the year 2050, due mainly to the effects of coastal flooding, shoreline erosion and agricultural disruption. However, the IPCC also cautions that it is extremely difficult to measure the extent of environmental migration due to the complexity of the issue and a lack of data.

According to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, more than 42 million people were displaced in Asia and the Pacific during 2010 and 2011, more than twice the population of Sri Lanka. This figure includes those displaced by storms, floods, and heat and cold waves. Still others were displaced by drought and sea-level rise. Most of those compelled to leave their homes eventually returned when conditions improved, but an undetermined number became migrants, usually within their country, but also across national borders.

Asia and the Pacific is the global area most prone to natural disasters, both in terms of the absolute number of disasters and of populations affected. It is highly exposed to climate impacts, and is home to highly vulnerable population groups, who are disproportionately poor and marginalized. A recent Asian Development Bank report highlights “environmental hot spots” that are particularly at risk of flooding, cyclones, typhoons, and water stress.

Some Pacific Ocean island nations, such as Tuvalu, Kiribati, and the Maldives, are considering the eventual possibility of evacuation, as flood defense may become economically unrealistic. Tuvalu already has an ad hoc agreement with New Zealand to allow phased relocation. However, for some islanders relocation is not an option. They are not willing to leave their homes, land and families. Some simply don’t know the threat that climate change has on their island and this is mainly down to the lack of awareness that climate change even exists. In Vutia on Viti Levu, Fiji’s main island, half the respondents to a survey had not heard of climate change (Lata and Nuun 2012). Even where there is awareness many believe that it is a problem caused by developed countries and should therefore be solved by developed countries.

Governments have considered various approaches to reduce migration compelled by environmental conditions in at-risk communities, including programs of social protection, livelihoods development, basic urban infrastructure development, and disaster risk management. Some experts even support migration as an appropriate way for people to cope with environmental changes. However, this is controversial because migrants – particularly low-skilled ones – are among the most vulnerable people in society and are often denied basic protections and access to services.

Climate change is only one factor that may contribute to a household’s decision to migrate; other factors may include poverty, population growth or employment options. For this reason, it is difficult to classify environmental migrants as actual “refugees” as legally defined by the UNHCR. Neither the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change nor its Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement on climate change, includes any provisions concerning specific assistance or protection for those who will be directly affected by climate change.

In small islands and megadeltas, inundation as a result of sea level rise is expected to threaten vital infrastructure and human settlements. This could lead to issues of statelessness for populations in countries such as the Maldives and Tuvalu and homelessness in countries with low-lying areas such as Bangladesh.

The World Bank predicts that a “severe hit” will spur conflict and migration across the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa.


Climate change has the potential to exacerbate existing tensions or create new ones — serving as a threat multiplier. It can be a catalyst for violent conflict and a threat to international security. A meta-analysis of over 50 quantitative studies that examine the link between climate and conflict found that “for each 1 standard deviation (1σ) change in climate toward warmer temperatures or more extreme rainfall, median estimates indicate that the frequency of interpersonal violence rises 4% and the frequency of intergroup conflict rises 14%.” The IPCC has suggested that the disruption of environmental migration may serve to exacerbate conflicts, though they are less confident of the role of increased resource scarcity.[11] Of course, climate change does not always lead to violence, and conflicts are often caused by multiple interconnected factors.[73]

A variety of experts have warned that climate change may lead to increased conflict. The Military Advisory Board, a panel of retired U.S. generals and admirals, predicted that global warming will serve as a “threat multiplier” in already volatile regions. The Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Center for a New American Security, two Washington think tanks, have reported that flooding “has the potential to challenge regional and even national identities,” leading to “armed conflict over resources.” They indicate that the greatest threat would come from “large-scale migrations of people — both inside nations and across existing national borders.” However, other researchers have been more skeptical: One study found no statistically meaningful relationship between climate and conflict using data from Europe between the years 1000 and 2000.

The link between climate change and security is a concern for authorities across the world, including United Nations Security Council and the G77 group of developing nations. Climate change’s impact as a security threat is expected to hit developing nations particularly hard. In Britain, Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett has argued that “An unstable climate will exacerbate some of the core drivers of conflict, such as migratory pressures and competition for resources.” The links between the human impact of climate change and the threat of violence and armed conflict are particularly important because multiple destabilizing conditions are affected simultaneously.

Experts have suggested links to climate change in several major conflicts:

  •       War in Darfur, where sustained drought encouraged conflict between herders and farmers
  •       Syrian Civil War, preceded by the displacement of 1.5 million people due to drought-induced crop and livestock failure
  •       Islamist insurgency in Nigeria, which exploited natural resource shortages to fuel anti-government sentiment. Poor public policies being exploited by insurgency.
  •       Somali Civil War, in which droughts and extreme high temperatures have been linked to violence. No, this is definitely destabilization.
  •       Herder–farmer conflicts in Nigeria, Mali, South Sudan and other countries in the Sahel region are exacerbated by climate change.
  •       Northern Mali conflict, in which droughts and extreme high temperatures have been linked to violence. Destabilization again!

Additionally, researchers studying ancient climate patterns (paleoclimatology) have shown that long-term fluctuations of war frequency and population changes have followed cycles of temperature change since the preindustrial era.[91] A 2016 study finds that “drought can contribute to sustaining conflict, especially for agriculturally dependent groups and politically excluded groups in very poor countries. These results suggest a reciprocal nature–society interaction in which violent conflict and environmental shock constitute a vicious circle, each phenomenon increasing the group’s vulnerability to the other.”

Social impacts

The consequences of climate change and poverty are not distributed uniformly within communities. Individual and social factors such as gender, age, education, ethnicity, geography and language lead to differential vulnerability and capacity to adapt to the effects of climate change.

Disproportionate effects on children

Climate change effects such as hunger, poverty and diseases like diarrhoea and malaria, disproportionately impact children; about 90 percent of malaria and diarrhoea deaths are among young children. Children are also 14–44 percent more likely to die from environmental factors, again leaving them the most vulnerable. Those in urban areas will be affected by lower air quality and overcrowding, and will struggle the most to better their situation.

Social effects of extreme weather

As the World Meteorological Organization explains, “recent increase in societal impact from tropical cyclones has largely been caused by rising concentrations of population and infrastructure in coastal regions.” Pielke et al. (2008) normalized mainland U.S. hurricane damage from 1900 to 2005 to 2005 values and found no remaining trend of increasing absolute damage. The 1970s and 1980s were notable because of the extremely low amounts of damage compared to other decades. The decade 1996–2005 has the second most damage among the past 11 decades, with only the decade 1926–1935 surpassing its costs. The most damaging single storm is the 1926 Miami hurricane, with $157 billion of normalized damage.

The American Insurance Journal predicted that “catastrophe losses should be expected to double roughly every 10 years because of increases in construction costs, increases in the number of structures and changes in their characteristics.” The Association of British Insurers has stated that limiting carbon emissions would avoid 80% of the projected additional annual cost of tropical cyclones by the 2080s. The cost is also increasing partly because of building in exposed areas such as coasts and floodplains. The ABI claims that reduction of the vulnerability to some inevitable effects of climate change, for example through more resilient buildings and improved flood defences, could also result in considerable cost-savings in the long term.

Human settlement

A major challenge for human settlements is sea level rise, indicated by ongoing observation and research of rapid declines in ice-mass balance from both Greenland and Antarctica. Estimates for 2100 are at least twice as large as previously estimated by IPCC AR4, with an upper limit of about two meters.[98] Depending on regional changes, increased precipitation patterns can cause more flooding or extended drought stresses water resources.

Coasts and low-lying areas

For historical reasons to do with trade, many of the world’s largest and most prosperous cities are on the coast. In developing countries, the poorest often live on floodplains, because it is the only available space, or fertile agricultural land. These settlements often lack infrastructure such as dykes and early warning systems. Poorer communities also tend to lack the insurance, savings, or access to credit needed to recover from disasters.

In a journal paper, Nicholls and Tol (2006) considered the effects of sea level rise:

The most vulnerable future worlds to sea-level rise appear to be the A2 and B2 [IPCC] scenarios, which primarily reflects differences in the socio-economic situation (coastal population, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GDP/capita), rather than the magnitude of sea-level rise. Small islands and deltaic settings stand out as being more vulnerable as shown in many earlier analyses. Collectively, these results suggest that human societies will have more choice in how they respond to sea-level rise than is often assumed. However, this conclusion needs to be tempered by recognition that we still do not understand these choices and significant impacts remain possible.

The IPCC reported that socioeconomic impacts of climate change in coastal and low-lying areas would be overwhelmingly adverse. The following impacts were projected with very high confidence:

  •         Coastal and low-lying areas would be exposed to increasing risks including coastal erosion due to climate change and sea level rise.
  •         By the 2080s, millions of people would experience floods every year due to sea level rise. The numbers affected were projected to be largest in the densely populated and low-lying mega-deltas of Asia and Africa; and smaller islands were judged to be especially vulnerable.

A study in the April 2007 issue of Environment and Urbanization reports that 634 million people live in coastal areas within 30 feet (9.1 m) of sea level. The study also reported that about two thirds of the world’s cities with over five million people are located in these low-lying coastal areas.

Projections for cities in 2050

In 2019 the Crowther Lab from ETH Zürich paired the climatic conditions of 520 major cities worldwide with the predicted climatic conditions of cities in 2050. 22% of the major cities are predicted to have climatic conditions that do not exist in any city today. 2050 London will have a climate similar to 2019 Melbourne, Athens and Madrid like Fez, Morocco, Nairobi like Maputo. New York will have a climate similar to Virginia Beach today, Virginia Beach like Podgorica, Montenegro. 2050 Seattle will be like 2019 San Francisco, Toronto like Washington D.C., Washington D.C. like Nashville. Berlin and Paris like Canberra, Australia. Canberra and Vienna will be like Skopje. The Indian city Pune will be like Bamako in Mali, Bamako will be like Niamey in Niger. Brasilia will be like Goiânia. 

Energy sector


Climate Change increases the risk of wildfires that can be caused by power lines. In 2019, after a “red flag” warning about the possibility of wildfires was declared in some areas of California, the electricity company “Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)” began to shut down power, for preventing inflammation of trees that touch the electricity lines. Millions can be impacted. The climatic conditions that cause this warning, became more frequent because of climate change. If the temperatures keep rising, such power outage could become common

Oil, coal and natural gas

Oil and natural gas infrastructure is vulnerable to the effects of climate change and the increased risk of disasters such as storms, cyclones, flooding and long-term increases in sea level. Minimising these risks by building in less disaster prone areas, can be expensive and impossible in countries with coastal locations or island states. All thermal power stations depend on water to cool them. Not only is there increased demand for fresh water, but climate change can increase the likelihood of drought and fresh water shortages. Another impact for thermal power plants, is that increasing the temperatures in which they operate reduces their efficiency and hence their output. The source of oil often comes from areas prone to high natural disaster risks; such as tropical storms, hurricanes, cyclones, and floods. An example is Hurricane Katrina‘s impact on oil extraction in the Gulf of Mexico, as it destroyed 126 oil and gas platforms and damaged 183 more.

However, previously pristine arctic areas will now be available for resource extraction.


Climate change, along with extreme weather and natural disasters can affect nuclear power plants in a similar way to those using oil, coal, and natural gas. However, the impact of water shortages on nuclear power plants cooled by rivers will be greater than on other thermal power plants. This is because old reactor designs with water-cooled cores must run at lower internal temperatures and thus, paradoxically, must dump more heat to the environment to produce a given amount of electricity. This situation has forced some nuclear reactors to be shut down and will do so again unless the cooling systems of these plants are enhanced to provide more capacity. Nuclear power supply was diminished by low river flow rates and droughts, which meant rivers had reached the maximum temperatures for cooling. Such shutdowns happened in France during the 2003 and 2006 heat waves. During the heat waves, 17 reactors had to limit output or shut down. 77% of French electricity is produced by nuclear power; and in 2009 a similar situation created a 8GW shortage, and forced the French government to import electricity. Other cases have been reported from Germany, where extreme temperatures have reduced nuclear power production 9 times due to high temperatures between 1979 and 2007. In particular:

Similar events have happened elsewhere in Europe during those same hot summers. Many scientists agree that if global warming continues, this disruption is likely to increase.


Changes in the amount of river flow will correlate with the amount of energy produced by a dam. Lower river flows because of drought, climate change, or upstream dams and diversions, will reduce the amount of live storage in a reservoir; therefore reducing the amount of water that can be used for hydroelectricity. The result of diminished river flow can be a power shortage in areas that depend heavily on hydroelectric power. The risk of flow shortage may increase as a result of climate change. Studies from the Colorado River in the United States suggests that modest climate changes (such as a 2 degree change in Celsius that could result in a 10% decline in precipitation), might reduce river run-off by up to 40%. Brazil in particular, is vulnerable due to its having reliance on hydroelectricity as increasing temperatures, lower water flow, and alterations in the rainfall regime, could reduce total energy production by 7% annually by the end of the century.


An industry directly affected by the risks of climate change is the insurance industry. According to a 2005 report from the Association of British Insurers, limiting carbon emissions could avoid 80% of the projected additional annual cost of tropical cyclones by the 2080s. A June 2004 report by the Association of British Insurers declared “Climate change is not a remote issue for future generations to deal with; it is, in various forms here already, impacting on insurers’ businesses now.” The report noted that weather-related risks for households and property were already increasing by 2–4% per year due to the changing weather conditions, and claims for storm and flood damages in the UK had doubled to over £6 billion over the period from 1998–2003 compared to the previous five years. The results are rising insurance premiums, and the risk that in some areas flood insurance will become unaffordable for those in the lower income brackets.

Financial institutions, including the world’s two largest insurance companies: Munich Re and Swiss Re, warned in a 2002 study that “the increasing frequency of severe climatic events, coupled with social trends could cost almost 150 billion US$ each year in the next decade.” These costs would burden customers, taxpayers, and the insurance industry, with increased costs related to insurance and disaster relief.

In the United States, insurance losses have also greatly increased. It has been shown that a 1% climb in annual precipitation can increase catastrophe loss by as much as 2.8%. Gross increases are mostly attributed to increased population and property values in vulnerable coastal areas; though there was also an increase in frequency of weather-related events like heavy rainfalls since the 1950s.

In March 2019, Munich Re noted that climate change could cause home insurance to become unaffordable for households at or below average incomes.


Roads, airport runways, railway lines and pipelines, (including oil pipelines, sewers, water mains etc.) may require increased maintenance and renewal as they become subject to greater temperature variation. Regions already adversely affected include areas of permafrost, which are subject to high levels of subsidence, resulting in buckling roads, sunken foundations, and severely cracked runways.

End time

The end time (also called end times, end of time, end of days, last days, final days, doomsday, or eschaton) is a future described variously in the eschatologies of several world religions (both Abrahamic and non-Abrahamic), which teach that world events will reach a climax.

The Abrahamic religions maintain a linear cosmology, with end-time scenarios containing themes of transformation and redemption. In Judaism, the term “end of days” makes reference to the Messianic Age and includes an in-gathering of the exiled Jewish diaspora, the coming of the Messiah, the resurrection of the righteous, and the world to come. Some sects of Christianity depict the end time as a period of tribulation that precedes the second coming of Christ, who will face the Antichrist along with his power structure and usher in the Kingdom of God.

In Islam, the Day of Judgement is preceded by the appearance of the al-Masih al-Dajjal, and followed by the descending of Isa (Jesus). Isa will triumph over the false messiah, or the Antichrist, which will lead to a sequence of events that will end with the sun rising from the west and the beginning of the Qiyamah (Judgment day).

Non-Abrahamic religions tend to have more cyclical world-views, which is a way of saying they do not really have an end time. The end-time eschatologies characterized by decay, redemption, and rebirth. In Hinduism, the end time occurs when Kalki, the final incarnation of Vishnu, descends atop a white horse and brings an end to the current Kali Yuga. In Buddhism, the Buddha predicted his teachings would be forgotten after 5,000 years, followed by turmoil. A bodhisattva named Maitreya will appear and rediscover the teaching of dharma. The ultimate destruction of the world will then come through seven suns.

Since the development of the concept of deep time in the 18th century and the calculation of the estimated age of the Earth, scientific discourse about end times has considered the ultimate fate of the universe. Theories have included the Big Rip, Big Crunch, Big Bounce, and Big Freeze (heat death).

For those of us who have never been exposed to the religions of the world. Let us look at how much faith these people have. There is so much uncertainty in these religions.

Cyclic cosmology

Indian religions


There is no classic account of beginning or end in Buddhism; Masao Abe attributes this to the absence of God. History is embedded in the continuing process of samsara or the “beginningless and endless cycles of birth-death-rebirth”. Buddhists believe there is an end to things but it is not final because they are bound to be born again. However, the writers of Mahayana Buddhist scriptures establish a specific end-time account in Buddhist tradition: this describes the return of Maitreya Buddha, who would bring about an end to the world. This constitutes one of the two major branches of Buddhist eschatology, with the other being the Sermon of the Seven Suns. End time in Buddhism could also involve a cultural eschatology covering “final things”, which include the idea that Sakyamuni Buddha‘s dharma will also come to an end.

The Buddha described his teachings disappearing five thousand years from when he preached them, corresponding approximately to the year 4300, since he was born in 623BCE. At this time, knowledge of dharma will be lost as well. The last of his relics will be gathered in Bodh Gaya and cremated. There will be a new era in which the next Buddha Maitreya will appear, but it will be preceded by the degeneration of human society. This will be a period of greed, lust, poverty, ill will, violence, murder, impiety, physical weakness, sexual depravity and societal collapse, and even the Buddha himself will be forgotten.

This will be followed by the coming of Maitreya when the teachings of dharma are forgotten. Maitreya was the first Bodhisattva around whom a cult developed, in approximately the 3rd century CE.

The earliest known mention of Maitreya occurs in the Cakavatti, or Sihanada Sutta in Digha Nikaya 26 of the Pali Canon. In it, Gautama Buddha predicted his teachings of dharma would be forgotten after 5,000 years.

Maitreya currently resides in Tushita, but will come to Jambudvipa when needed most as successor to the historic Śākyamuni Buddha. Maitreya will achieve complete enlightenment during his lifetime, and following this reawakening, he will bring back the timeless teaching of dharma to this plane and rediscover enlightenment. The Arya Maitreya Mandala, founded in 1933 by Lama Anagarika Govinda, is based on the idea of Maitreya.

Maitreya eschatology forms the central canon of the White Lotus Society, a revolutionary movement during British colonial rule. It later branched into the Chinese underground criminal organization known as the Triad, which exists today as an international underground criminal network.

Note that no description of Maitreya occurs in any other sutta in the canon, casting doubt as to authenticity of the scripture. In addition, sermons of the Buddha normally are in response to a question, or in a specific context, but this sutta has a beginning and an ending, and its content is quite different from the others. This has led some to conclude that the whole sutta is apocryphal, or tampered with.

Sermon of the Seven Suns

In his “Sermon of the Seven Suns” in the Pali Canon, the Buddha describes the ultimate fate of the Earth in an apocalypse characterized by the consequent appearance of seven suns in the sky, each causing progressive ruin till the planet is destroyed:

All things are impermanent, all aspects of existence are unstable and non-eternal. Beings will become so weary and disgusted with the constituent things that they will seek emancipation from them more quickly. There will come a season, O monks when, after hundreds of thousands of years, rains will cease. All seedlings, all vegetation, all plants, grasses and trees will dry up and cease to be … There comes another season after a great lapse of time when a second sun will appear. Now all brooks and ponds will dry up, vanish, cease to be.

— Aňguttara-Nikăya, VII, 6.2 Pali Canon

The canon goes on to describe the progressive destruction of each sun. The third sun will dry the Ganges River and other rivers, whilst the fourth will cause the lakes (e.g. Lake Michigan) to evaporate; the fifth will dry the oceans (e.g. the Atlantic Ocean). Later:

Again after a vast period of time a sixth sun will appear, and it will bake the Earth even as a pot is baked by a potter. All the mountains will reek and send up clouds of smoke. After another great interval a seventh sun will appear and the Earth will blaze with fire until it becomes one mass of flame. The mountains will be consumed, a spark will be carried on the wind and go to the worlds of God. …Thus, monks, all things will burn, perish and exist no more except those who have seen the path.— Aňguttara-Nikăya, VII, 6.2 Pali Canon

The sermon completes with the Earth immersed into an extensive holocaust. The Pali Canon does not indicate when this will happen relative to Maitreya.


In Hindu eschatology, time is cyclic and consists of kalpas. Each lasts 4.1–8.2 billion years, which is a period of one full day and night for Brahma, who will be alive for 311 trillion, 40 billion years. Within a kalpa there are periods of creation, preservation and decline. After this larger cycle, all of creation will contract to a singularity and then again will expand from that single point, as the ages continue in a religious fractal pattern.Within the current kalpa, there are four epochs that encompass the cycle. They progress from a beginning of complete purity to a descent into total corruption. The last of the four ages is Kali Yuga, our current time, during which will be characterized by impiety, violence and decay. The four pillars of dharma will be reduced to one, with truth being all that remains. As written in the Gita:

Whenever there is decay of righteousness O! Bharata

And a rise of unrighteousness then I manifest Myself!

At this time of chaos, the final avatar, Kalki, endowed with eight superhuman faculties will appear on a white horse. Kalki will amass an army to “establish righteousness upon the earth” and leave “the minds of the people as pure as crystal.”

At the completion of Kali Yuga, the next cycle will begin with a new Satya Yuga, in which all will once again be righteous with the reestablishment of dharma. This, in turn, will be followed by epochs of Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and again another Kali Yuga. This cycle will then repeat till the larger cycle of existence under Brahma returns to the singularity, and a new universe is born.

Norse religion

Norse mythology depicts the end of days as Ragnarök, an Old Norse term translatable as “twilight of the gods”. It will be heralded by a devastation known as Fimbulvetr which will seize Midgard in cold and darkness. The sun and moon will disappear from the sky, and poison will fill the air. The dead will rise from the ground and there will be widespread despair.

There follows a battle between – on the one hand – the Gods with the Æsir, Vanir and Einherjar, led by Odin, and – on the other hand – forces of Chaos, including the fire giants and jötunn, led by Loki. In the fighting Odin will be swallowed whole by his old nemesis Fenrir. The god Freyr fights Surtr but loses. Víðarr, son of Odin, will then avenge his father by ripping Fenrir’s jaws apart and stabbing the wolf in the heart with his spear. The serpent Jörmungandr will open its gaping maw and be met in combat by Thor. Thor, also a son of Odin, will defeat the serpent, only to take nine steps afterwards before collapsing to his own death.

After this people will flee their homes as the sun blackens and the earth sinks into the sea. The stars will vanish, steam will rise, and flames will touch the heavens. This conflict will result in the deaths of most of the major Gods and forces of Chaos. Finally, Surtr will fling fire across the nine worlds. The ocean will then completely submerge Midgard.

After the cataclysm, the world will resurface new and fertile, and the surviving Gods will meet. Baldr, also a son of Odin, will be reborn in the new world, according to Völuspá. The two human survivors, Líf and Lífþrasir, will then repopulate this new earth. I tell you these end times read like something out of a sci-fiction movie!

Linear cosmology

Abrahamic religions

When you read most of the things which have taken place in the name of Christianity then you realize that people are really very ignorant of the Bible or are very opportunistic..

Bahá’í Faith

The founder of the Bahá’í Faith, Bahá’u’lláh, claimed he was the return of Christ as well as prophetic expectations of other religions.The inception of the Bahá’í Faith coincides with Millerite prophesy, pointing to the year 1844. They also believe the Battle of Armageddon has passed and that the mass martyrdom anticipated during the End Times had already passed within the historical context of the Bahá’í Faith.[21][22] Bahá’ís expect their faith to be eventually embraced by the masses of the world, ushering in a golden age.



Some first-century Christians believed Jesus would return during their lifetime. When the converts of Paul in Thessalonica were persecuted by the Roman Empire, they believed the end of days to be imminent.

While some who believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible insist the prediction of dates or times is futile, others believe Jesus foretold signs of the end of days. The precise time, however, will come like a “thief in the night” (1 Thess. 5:2). They may also refer to Matthew 24:36 in which Jesus is quoted as saying:

“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.”

Great Tribulation

In the New Testament, Jesus refers to this period preceding the end times as the “Great Tribulation” (Matthew 24:21), “Affliction”(Mark 13:19), and “days of vengeance”(Luke 21:22).

The Book of Matthew describes the devastation:

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand). Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains. Let him which is on the housetop not come down … Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes, and woe unto them that are with child … For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.

Matthew 24:15–22

The resulting chaos will affect pregnancies, newborns, and a scourge will spread throughout the flesh, save for the elect. The vivid imagery of this section is repeated closely in Mark 13:14–20.

The Gospel of Luke describes a complete unraveling of the social fabric, with widespread calamity and war:

Then he said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. But before all this they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name’s sake. This will be your opportunity to bear witness. Settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict. You will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and some of you they will put to death. You will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your lives.

“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and let those who are inside the city depart, and let not those who are out in the country enter it, for these are days of vengeance, to fulfill all that is written. Alas for women who are pregnant and for those who are nursing infants in those days! For there will be great distress upon the earth and wrath against this people. They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive among all nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

And he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. As soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near. Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all has taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

Luke 21:10–33

In the Book of Revelation, the “great tribulation” (Rev. 7:14b) refers to a time of affliction upon God’s people. Although some scholars see this period as a time of intense suffering immediately before the second coming of Christ or Parousia, other scholars view the “great tribulation” as the period between the first advent of Christ and his second advent at the end of times. The “great tribulation” thus corresponds to the in-between times—a symbolic period of three and a half years between Christ’s exaltation and his return to defeat evil.

Catholicism and Orthodoxy
The Profession of Faith addresses Catholic beliefs concerning the Last Days. Catholicism adheres to the amillennial school of thought, promoted by Augustine of Hippo in his work The City of God.
Protestants are divided between Millennialists and Amillennialists. Millennialists concentrate on the issue of whether the true believers will see the tribulation or be removed from it by what is referred to as a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Amillennialists believe the end times encompass the time from Christ’s ascension to the Last day, and maintain that the mention of the “thousand years” in the Book of Revelation is meant to be taken metaphorically (i.e., not literally, or ‘spiritually’), a view which continues to cause divisions within evangelical Christianity.

There is a range of eschatological belief in Protestant Christianity. Christian premillennialists who believe the End Times are occurring now, are usually specific about timelines that climax in the end of the world. For some, Israel, the European Union, or the United Nations are seen as major players whose roles were foretold in scripture. Within dispensational premillennialist writing, there is the belief that Christians will be summoned to Heaven by Christ at the Rapture, occurring before a “Great Tribulation” prophesied in Matthew 24–25; Mark 13 and Luke 21. The Tribulation is described in the book of Revelation.

“End times” may also refer to the passing of an age or long period in the relationship between man and God.[26] Adherents to this view cite the Second Epistle to Timothy and draw analogies to the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.

Post-Exilic Hebrew books of prophecy such as Daniel and Ezekiel are given new interpretations in this Christian tradition, while apocalyptic forecasts appear in the Judeo-Christian Sibylline Oracles which include the Book of Revelation ascribed to John, the apocryphal Apocalypse of Peter, and the Second Book of Esdras.

Most fundamentalist Christians anticipate biblical prophecy to be literally fulfilled. They see current wars, natural disaster and famine as the birth pangs which Jesus described in Matthew 24:7–8 and Mark 13:8. They believe mankind began in the garden of Eden, and point to the Valley of Megiddo as the place where the current world system will terminate, after which the Messiah will rule for 1,000 years.

Contemporary use of the term End Times has evolved from literal belief in Christian millennialism. In this tradition, Biblical apocalypse is believed to be imminent, with various current events as omens of impending Armageddon. These beliefs have been put forward by the Adventist movement (Millerites), Jehovah’s Witnesses, and dispensational premillennialists. In 1918 a group of eight well known preachers produced the London Manifesto, warning of an imminent second coming of Christ shortly after the 1917 liberation of Jerusalem by the British.

Religious movements which expect that the second coming of Christ as a cataclysmic event are generally called adventism. These have arisen throughout the Christian era, but were particularly common after the Protestant Reformation. Emanuel Swedenborg considered the second coming to be symbolic, and to have occurred in 1757. Along with others, he developed a religious system around the second coming of Christ, disclosed by new prophecy or special revelation not described in the Bible. The Millerites are diverse religious groups which similarly rely upon a special gift of interpretation for predicting the second coming.

The difference between the 19th-century Millerite and Adventist movements and contemporary prophecy is that William Miller and his followers, based on Biblical interpretation, predicted the time of the Second Coming to have occurred in 1844. Contemporary writing of end time has suggested the timetable will be triggered by future wars and moral catastrophe, and that this time of tribulation is close at hand.

Seventh-day Adventists believe Biblical prophecy to foretell an end time scenario in which the United States works in conjunction with the Catholic Church to mandate worship on a day other than the true Sabbath, Saturday, as prescribed in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:8–11). This will bring about a situation where one must choose for or against the Bible as the will of God.

I will sort out pre and post millennium in another Blog. It is outside the scope of this Blog.

Another view of the end times is preterism. It distinguishes the time of the end from the end of time. Preterists believe the term Last Days (or Time of the End) refers to, neither the last days of the Earth, nor the last days of humankind, but the end of the Old Covenant between God and Israel; which, according to preterism, took place when the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 CE.

Preterists believe that prophecies—such as the Second Coming, the desecration of the Jewish Temple, the destruction of Jerusalem, the rise of the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, the advent of The Day of the Lord, and a Final Judgment—had been fulfilled when the Romans sacked Jerusalem and completely destroyed its Temple.

Proponents of full preterism do not believe in a coming resurrection of the dead. They place this event (as well as the Second Coming) in the year 70. Advocates of partial preterism do believe in a coming resurrection. Full preterists contend that partial preterists are merely futurists, since they believe the Second Coming, the Resurrection, the Rapture, and the Judgment are yet to come.

Many preterists believe first-century Christians experienced the Rapture to rejoin the Christ.

According to Preterism’s interpretation of end times, many “time passages” in the New Testament foretell a Second Coming of Christ, with Last Days to take place within the lifetimes of his disciples: Matt. 10:23, Matt. 16:28, Matt. 24:34, Matt. 26:64, Rom. 13:11–12, 1 Cor. 7:29–31, 1 Cor. 10:11, Phil. 4:5, James 5:8–9, 1 Pet. 4:7, 1 Jn. 2:18.

Dispensationalist prophecies

Dispensationalism is an evangelical futurist Biblical interpretation that foresees a series of dispensations, or periods, in which God relates to human beings under different Biblical covenants. The belief system is primarily rooted in the writings of John Nelson Darby and is premillennial in content. The reestablishment of Israel in 1948 provided a major impetus to the dispensationalist belief system. The wars of Israel after 1948 with its Arab neighbors provided further support, according to John F. Walvoord. After the Six-Day War in 1967, and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, it seemed plausible to many Fundamentalist Christians in the 1970s that Middle East turmoil may well be leading up to the fulfillment of various Bible prophecies and to the Battle of Armageddon.

Members of the dispensationalist movement such as Hal Lindsey, J. Dwight Pentecost, John Walvoord, all of whom have Dallas Theological Seminary backgrounds, and some other writers, claimed further that the European Economic Community, which preceded the European Union, would become a United States of Europe, which would in turn become a Revived Roman Empire ruled by the Antichrist. The Revived Roman Empire also figured into the New Testament writers’ vision of the future. The fact that in the early 1970s, there were (erroneously thought to be) seven nations in the European Economic Community was held to be significant; this aligned the Community with a seven-headed beast mentioned in Revelation. This specific prophecy has required revision, but the idea of a Revived Roman Empire remains.

Dispensationalism, in contrast to the Millerite Adventist movement, had its beginning in the 19th century, when John Nelson Darby, founder of the Plymouth Brethren religious denomination, incorporated into his system of Biblical interpretation a system of organizing Biblical time into a number of discrete dispensations, each of which marks a separate covenant with God. Darby’s beliefs were widely publicized in Cyrus I. Scofield‘s Scofield Reference Bible, an annotated Bible that became popular in the United States.

Since the majority of the Biblical prophets were writing at a time when the Temple in Jerusalem was still functioning, they wrote as if it would still be standing during the prophesied events. According to preterism, this was a fulfillment of the prophecies. However, according to Futurists, their destruction in AD 70 put the prophetic timetable on hold. Many such believers therefore anticipated the return of Jews to Israel and the reconstruction of the Temple before the Second Coming could occur.

Post-tribulation pre-millennialists

A view of the Second Coming of Christ as held by post-tribulational pre-millennialists holds that the Church of Christ will have to undergo great persecution by being present during the great tribulation.

Specific prophetic movements

In 1843, William Miller made the first of several predictions that the world would end in only a few months. As his predictions did not come true (referred to as the Great Disappointment), followers of Miller went on to found separate groups, the most successful of which is the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Members of the Bahá’í Faith believe Miller’s interpretation of signs and dates of the coming of Jesus were, for the most part, correct. They believe the fulfillment of biblical prophecies of the coming of Christ came through a forerunner of their own religion, the Báb. According to the Báb’s words, 4 April 1844 was “the first day that the Spirit descended” into his heart. His subsequent declaration to Mullá Husayn-i Bushru’i that he was the “Promised One”—an event now commemorated by Bahá’ís as a major holy day—took place on 23 May 1844. It was in October of that year that the Báb embarked on a pilgrimage to Mecca, where he openly declared his claims to the Sharif of Mecca. The first news coverage of these events in the West was in 1845 by The Times, followed by others in 1850 in the United States. The first Bahá’í to come to America was in 1892. Several Bahá’í books and pamphlets make mention of the Millerites, the prophecies used by Miller and the Great Disappointment, most notably William Sears‘s Thief in the Night.

Restorationism (Christian primitivism)

End times theology is also significant to restorationist Christian religions, which consider themselves distinct from both Catholicism and Protestantism.

Jehovah’s Witnesses

The eschatology of Jehovah’s Witnesses is central to their religious beliefs. They believe Jesus Christ has been ruling in heaven as king since 1914 (a date they believe was prophesied in Scripture), and that after that time a period of cleansing occurred, resulting in God’s selection of the Bible Students associated with Charles Taze Russell to be his people in 1919. They also believe the destruction of those who reject the Bible’s message and thus willfully refuse to obey God will shortly take place at Armageddon, ensuring that the beginning of the new earthly society will be composed of willing subjects of that kingdom.

The religion’s doctrines surrounding 1914 are the legacy of a series of emphatic claims regarding the years 1799, 1874, 1878, 1914, 1918 and 1925 made in the WatchTower Society’s publications between 1879 and 1924. Claims about the significance of those years, including the presence of Jesus Christ, the beginning of the “last days”, the destruction of worldly governments and the earthly resurrection of Jewish patriarchs, were successively abandoned. In 1922 the society’s principal journal, The Watchtower, described its chronology as “no stronger than its weakest link”, but also claimed the chronological relationships to be “of divine origin and divinely corroborated … in a class by itself, absolutely and unqualifiedly correct” and “indisputable facts”, while repudiation of Russell’s teachings was described as “equivalent to a repudiation of the Lord”.

The Watch Tower Society has admitted its early leaders promoted “incomplete, even inaccurate concepts”. The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses says that, unlike Old Testament prophets, its interpretations of the Bible are not inspired or infallible. Witness publications say Bible prophecies can be fully understood only after their fulfillment, citing examples of biblical figures who did not understand the meaning of prophecies they received. Watch Tower publications often cite Proverbs 4:18, “The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established” (NWT) to support their view that there would be an increase in knowledge during “the time of the end”, as mentioned in Daniel 12:4. Jehovah’s Witnesses say this increase in knowledge needs adjustments. Watch Tower publications also say that unfulfilled expectations are partly due to eagerness for God’s Kingdom and that they do not call their core beliefs into question.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe there will be a Second Coming of Jesus to the earth sometime in the future. The LDS Church and its leaders do not make any predictions of the actual date of the Second Coming.

According to church doctrine, the true gospel will be taught in all parts of the world prior to the Second Coming. They also believe there will be increasing war, earthquakes, hurricanes, and man-made disasters prior to the Second Coming. Disasters of all kinds will happen before Christ comes. Upon the return of Jesus Christ, all people will be resurrected, the righteous in a first resurrection and the unrighteous in a second, later resurrection. Christ shall reign for a period of 1000 years, after which the Final Judgement will occur.


Muslims believe there are three periods before the Day of Judgment, also known as ashratu’s-sa’ah or alamatu qiyami’s-sa’ah, with some debate as to whether the periods could overlap. According to Harun Yahya, the first period is said to have begun with the death of Muhammad. The second began with the passing of all his Companions, and ended a thousand years later. Another event of the second period was the Tartar invasion, occurring 650 years after Muhammad. The Mongols, led by Hulagu Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, attacked Baghdad in 1258 AD and brought the Abbasid caliphate to an end. They massacred millions of Muslims, and the water of the river Tigris turned red with blood. A traditional narration also predicted a fire at Madinah in the Hijaz near Busra in Syria, which Islamic scholars believe occurred in 654 AH. Following the second, the third and final period will be heralded by the appearance of the Mahdi.


Sunnis believe the dead will then stand in a grand assembly, awaiting a scroll detailing their righteous deeds, sinful acts and ultimate judgment. Muhammad will be the first to be resurrected. Punishments will include adhab, or severe pain and embarrassment, and khizy or shame. There will also be a punishment of the grave between death and the resurrection. Several Sunni scholars explain some of the signs metaphorically.

The signs of the coming end time are divided into major and minor signs:

Following the second period, the third is said to be marked by the ten major signs known as alamatu’s-sa’ah al- kubra (The major signs of the end). They are as follows:

  1.   A huge black cloud of smoke (dukhan) will cover the earth.
  2.   Three sinkings of the earth, one in the east.
  3.   One sinking of the earth in the west.
  4.   One sinking of the earth in Arabia.
  5.   The false messiah—anti-Christ, Masih ad-Dajjal—shall appear with great powers as a one-eyed man with his right eye blind and deformed like a grape. Although believers will not be deceived, he will claim to be God, to hold the keys to heaven and hell, and will lead many astray. In reality, his heaven is hell, and his hell is heaven. The Dajjal will be followed by seventy thousand Jews of Isfahan wearing Persian shawls.
  6.   The return of Isa (Jesus), from the fourth sky, to kill Dajjal.
  7.   Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj (Gog and Magog), a Japhetic tribe of vicious beings who had been imprisoned by Dhul-Qarnayn, will break out. They will ravage the earth, drink all the water of Lake Tiberias, and kill all believers in their way. Isa, Imam Al-Mahdi, and the believers with them will go to the top of a mountain and pray for the destruction of Gog and Magog. God eventually will send disease and worms to wipe them out.
  8.   The sun will rise from the west.
  9.   The Dabbat al-ard, or Beast of the Earth, will come out of the ground to talk to people.
  10.   The second blow of the trumpet will be sounded, the dead will return to life, and a fire will come out of Yemen that shall gather all to Mahshar Al Qiy’amah (The Gathering for Judgment).

Concepts and terminology in Shia eschatology includes Mi’ad, The Occultation and Al-Yamani, Sufyani In Twelver Shia narrations about the last days, the literature largely revolves around Muhammad al-Mahdi, a messianic figure considered to be the twelfth appointed successor to Muhammad. Mahdi will help mankind against the deception by a man called Dajjal who will try to get people in to a new world religion which is called “the great deception”.


Ahmadiyya is considered distinct from mainstream Islam. In its writing, the present age has been witness to the evil of man and wrath of God, with war and natural disaster. Ghulam Ahmad is seen as the promised Messiah and the Mahdi, fulfilling Islamic and Biblical prophecies, as well as scriptures of other religions such as Hinduism. His teaching will establish spiritual reform and establish an age of peace. This will continue for a thousand years, and will unify mankind under one faith. 

Ahmadis believe that despite harsh and strong opposition and discrimination they will eventually be triumphant and their message vindicated both by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Ahmadis also incorporate the eschatological views from other religions into their doctrine and believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmed falls into this sequence.


In rabbinic literature, rabbis elaborated and explained the prophecies that were found in the Hebrew Bible, along with oral law and rabbinic traditions about its significance. The main tenets of Jewish eschatology, in no particular order, include:

The idea of a messianic age, an era of global peace and knowledge of the Creator, has a prominent place in Jewish thought, and is incorporated as part of the end of days. A well-known passage from the Book of Isaiah describes this future condition of the world: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation will not lift sword against nation and they will no longer study warfare” (2:4) Maimonides (1135–1204) further describes the Messianic Era in the Mishneh Torah: “And at that time there will be no hunger or war, no jealousy or rivalry. For the good will be plentiful, and all delicacies available as dust. The entire occupation of the world will be only to know God … the people Israel will be of great wisdom; they will perceive the esoteric truths and comprehend their Creator’s wisdom as is the capacity of man. As it is written (Isaiah 11:9): ‘For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the sea.'”

The Zohar maintains that the seven days of the week, based on the seven days of creation, correspond to the seven millennia of creation. The seventh day of the week, the Shabbat day of rest, corresponds to the seventh millennium, the age of universal rest, or the Messianic Era. The seventh millennium begins with the year 6000 AM, and is the latest time the Messiah can come. A number of early and late Jewish scholars have written in support of this, including the Ramban, Isaac Abrabanel, Abraham Ibn Ezra, Rabbeinu Bachya, the Vilna Gaon, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Ramchal, Aryeh Kaplan and Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis.

Rastafari movement

Rastafarians have a unique interpretation of end times, based on the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation. They believe Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I to be God incarnate, the King of kings and Lord of lords mentioned in Revelation 5:5. They saw the crowning of Selassie as the second coming, and the Second Italo-Ethiopian War as fulfillment of Revelation. There is also the expectation that Selassie will return for a day of judgment and bring home the lost children of Israel, which in Rastafarianism refer to those taken from Africa through the slave trade. There will then be an era of peace and harmony at Mount Zion in Africa.


Zoroastrian eschatology is considered one of the oldest in recorded history. The birth of its founder, Zoroaster, is unknown, with scholarly dates ranging from 6th century BCE to 5,500 years earlier. Pliny the Elder even suggests there were two Zoroasters. However, with beliefs paralleling and possibly predating the framework of the major Abrahamic faiths, a fully developed concept of the end of the world was not established in Zoroastrianism until 500 BCE. The Bahman Yasht describes:

At the end of the tenth hundredth winter, the sun is more unseen and more spotted; the year, month, and day are shorter; and the earth is more barren; and the crop will not yield the seed. And men become more deceitful and more given to vile practices. They will have no gratitude. Honorable wealth will proceed to those of perverted faith. And a dark cloud makes the whole sky night, and it will rain more noxious creatures than water.

A Manichaean battle between the righteous and wicked will be followed by the Frashokereti. On earth, the Saoshyant will arrive as the final savior of mankind, and bring about the resurrection of the dead. The yazatas Airyaman and Atar will melt the metal in the hills and mountains, which will flow as lava across the earth and all mankind, both the living and resurrected, will be required to wade through it. Ashavan will pass through the molten river as if it were warm milk, but the sinful will burn. It will then flow down to hell, where it will annihilate Angra Mainyu and the last vestiges of wickedness.

The righteous will partake of the parahaoma, which will confer immortality upon them. Humanity will become like the Amesha Spentas, living without food, hunger, thirst, weapons or injury. Bodies will become so light as to cast no shadow. All humanity will speak a single language, and belong to a single nation with no borders. All will share a single purpose and goal, joining with Ahura Mazda for a perpetual and divine exaltation.


Well people, here I am again this is Part II to the Blog Climate Change and Apocalypse. I tell you one can appreciate why God has ensured that mankind has everything recorded in the Bible.  My favourite part of this Blog is the End Time. The mind of Man is certainly very fertile. I just laughed at most of the things which are written. Where did these people get these ideas just goes to show that the enemy also gives his children downloads. The deception out there is very thick on the ground.

People still have too much information for you to assimilate in one Blog Post, in this post we look rationally at the effects of Climate Change and how different religions look at the Ending of Time. It also gives you an opportunity to test your knowledge base. One Blog that I have to do to resolve the question is the whole question of pre and post millennium. Once again enjoy.  The song we are going out with is Chevelle Franklin’s No Foreign God. While I was completing the  Blog Post it just came to me.

This is me Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from all the way up here in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

À bientôt



Climate Apocalypse – Wikipedia

Climate Crisis – Wikipedia

Economic Collapse – Wikipedia

Effects of Global warming on Humans – Wikipedia

End Time – Wikipedia

Extinction Risk from Global Warming – Wikipedia

Climate Change: Crisis NOT Apocalypse – Ann Mongoven – Markkula Center

Apocalypse becomes the New Normal – Paul Krugman – New York Times

The Climate change Apocalypse Problem – Ted Nordhaus

Why Apocalyptic Claims about Climate Change are Wrong – Michael Shellenberger – Forbes

The Incredible Story of How Climate Change Became Apocalyptic – Roger Pielke






Mon peuple, mon peuple it is that time of the month again (it was it has passed) I really do not know when this will be typed  because I have been unceremoniously dumped into Canada and everywhere is locked down especially the places that poor people use such as the library and the Social Assistance offices. The places which collect the money such as Service Ontario are still open to the public. Be that as it may we will see what takes place.

Anyway, I must begin on a very sad note this month in relation to this topic. It is to advise that there is no uncertainty in God’s mind about the end of the world as we know it. In fact, He is so certain about this time line that it is recorded in the book of Revelation very precisely by the Apostle John. It is up to you whether you make it into the Kingdom of God or not. My advice to you would be to make your calling and election sure by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Easy as A-B-C accept, believe and confess Romans 10 verses 9 – 10. In terms of the timeline Jesus had  this to say ‘No man knows the time nor the day.’ St. Matthew 24 verse 36, St. Mark 13 verse 32. However, it will happen when this Gospel of the Kingdom is preached to all the Earth St. Matthew 24 verse 14.

Having said that before I get in depth into my topic there are a few things that I have been tossing around in my mind’s eye since I was in Sweden. However, because of the constant harassment I was not able to complete them, others I have not been able to start. I will use this blog just to update you on a number of these pressing issues.

  1. Ever since I wrote the outline for the article on campaign financing I have been wanting to do this FB post to the Pastors in Jamaica. I feel the matter is not only important it is urgent. I really do not know if Pastors in Jamaica are aware of this but there is legislation in Jamaica where the government of the country will finance up to sixty percent of a candidate’s expenses. It is there in the Representation of the Peoples Act. I think this is wonderful and it is an opportunity for the church to field a number of independent candidates in the next elections. I really think we are at the point in our history where the current two party system needs some serious shocks. There needs to be new, fresh and righteous participants in the politics of the country. The Bible says when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice Proverbs 29 verse 2. From where I am looking you cannot do worse than what is already there. Please remember church people, you are the ones who are supporting these Heathens. You cannot change a system from the outside in. You have to be a part of the system to change it. The complete article on Campaign Financing is to come.  On researching I am really in favour of a hybrid system. Persons given the chance to use public funds or to raise their own funds. I am of the opinion that you cannot kill initiative. However, the general public should be educated on the fact that if you are being financed by a few rich persons they will control the candidate. He who pays the Piper calls the tune. Everything should be transparent and people well informed.
  2. Criminality in Canada – 2 a.m. under the lights of  No Frills at Place d’Orleans to evade the continuous criminality of the Canadians. The thoughts of the devil are evil continuously, I tried to get a telephone account hooked up and went to Walmart. That ended up poorly with the Telephone Associate mining my account information in order to re-activate my  Fido account. I had to go to the bank to close my account. They ran me out of the bank. However, they have finally closed my account. In addition, I tried to get a computer. This was a drama! At one branch of Walmart the Caucasian and Indian or Pakistani working together. The Caucasian covered the correct bar code and the Pakistani pointed the machine at the incorrect barcode. I just stood looking at them.  I then went  to another branch of Walmart this time the fellow was so dirty I am sure he does not even work in the department. At the next branch they just rotated Cooley and the fellow gave me the incorrect information. The sum kept getting larger as I moved along. In order to get a computer to use in a locked down Ottawa, I went to the Apple Store at CF Rideau Centre. They just used a Chinese fellow to tell me that I should return at 6 p.m. To date I have not!

FaceBook Post August 25 – The date they were posted is not a reflection of the date they were written. It is just a reflection of the time I was able to type the article.


I tell you people corruption, corruption, corruption and more corruption. I know exactly why I was weighing in my mind if I wanted to return to Canada and the circumstances under which I would return to this country voluntarily. Anyway that was the least of my problems because Europe decided that it had a very sticky problem which it needed to get rid of between them and Canada. Sweden was chosen to do the dirty work; that of annihilating Raphleta. I think Sweden realized after the first week why no one else wanted the job. By that time the whole of Europe realized that Sweden was a pit toilet including Transparency International. To get to the chase after I sat on my bed and said to God Father I think I have completed my assignment unless you wanted me to do something else I need to leave. By this time all the older people in the organization had left the young ones to do the dirty work. The South Americans, Indians, Pakistanis were now fully in charge. You can read about that in Swedish Migration: Insight into the Operations of the kingdom of Darkness. My base scriptures during the three month period were Acts 5 verses 12 – 23, 12 verses 6 – 12 and 16 verses 23 – 31. I did not even realize that the Holy Spirit had to rescue the Apostles so many times. While reflecting I was so fascinated about it I thought of writing a movie script entitled – The SEALs of Heaven. In Acts 5 verse 19 the angel just turned up and told the Apostles to follow him. Everything just opened automatically before him. He told them to return to the Synagogue and preach the gospel de Bonne Nouvelle – of the good news – people just spicing up your life.

Then in Acts 12 verse 7 the angel woke up Apostle Peter. He was locked up after Apostle James was killed. King Herod got brave and thought he would go after the other Apostles. However, this time the church became the church and they started praying. The angel just turned up with all lights blazing –une lumière resplendit dans la cellule. In all of this he had to awaken Apostle Peter (I thought I was bad) who was asleep in chains between two soldiers. I tell you this God is too much. He had to tell Apostle Peter to put on his belt, his sandals and his coat and follow him. He walked Peter through the first and second guards and then the Iron Gate opened before him. In all of this Apostle Peter thought he was dreaming. In verse 11 it said in the French Bible ‘Revenu a lui-même’. The literal translation being ‘he returned to himself’.

In Acts 16 verse 25, this was the action chapter Paul and Silas just sang and prayed. The prison trembled to the foundations, the doors were flung open and all the shackles fell off all the prisoners. Then the guard woke up. I tell you our God is creative. I had three months to reflect on these scriptures. The same God, three different rescue plans. I tell you people if no one is threatening you with prison you are compromising or you are not affecting the Kingdom of Darkness, so the enemy can tolerate you. After I told God that I had sensitized Scandinavia to the fact that homosexuality is still a sin. If he had no more assignments it is time for me to go. I started sending out some dangerous tweets and emails. So much so that people from Migrationsverket did not want to email me anymore because I would place their names on Twitter or FaceBook. The plans they had for me on June 11, someone told them to change it and buy my plane ticket. In the fullness of time we will hear the complete story. I am sure that most of you in the inner circle already know. The number of times they tried to abduct me right there in a supposedly secure facility in Sweden. I am wondering if things can happen like this in the so-called civilized first world.

Let us get to the story at hand from when I landed, even before I landed. In the plane they were up to no good as per usual. The KLM 691 flight  from Amsterdam, the same city where the South Americans nearly removed my feet. They were gassing me all the way and then I decided to watch the docudrama on the Panama Papers and the sound disappeared completely. I forgot that the little funny fellow they posted behind me was just fulfilling his purpose of frustrating and recording everything I did. I need to watch that Panama Papers film again. I think there needs to be a Part 2. Only the small fishes got caught, sacrificial lambs as per usual. Can you believe it people? I thought I was boarding a plane in Mumbai or Karachi. Pure Cooley, they all left the plane in one unholy mess. From the moment I stepped off the plane I was mad and I still am. I walked right in front of the Swedes and before all the Indians and Pakistanis who were there to greet me, they came out in their numbers. From my posture the Swedish police knew I was not joking and began speaking amongst themselves in their lingua. They just came and returned on the same plane. When the police at the airport asked about what I had done they said she had done nothing. We are just returning her. Just like that!

From the get go it has been pure nastiness in Canada. I took a trip around the GTA only to find that everything was closed down, no library, no computer stores. Then I took the GO bus to my brother’s place. I reached after 11p.m. only to have them ignore my ringing of the doorbell even though the light was still on. I tell you the Canadian and Jamaican politicians are masochists. They have fine-tuned the art of cruelty. After ringing for a few minutes I stopped and settled down for the night. There is a twenty four hours Tim Horton’s in the vicinity where I would hang out in the past. However, I was not having any of that; I have been injected too many times. I stayed put on the verandah, then I found a tool shed which is newly built, and then I went into the garage to pray and relieve myself. When nature calls one has to answer or suffer the consequences. Friday morning while I was sleeping on the verandah, they sneaked and put out their garbage.  I hung around doing my articles lying on the lawn and getting some sunshine.  A lady came in a motor vehicle and went into the house. She said nothing and I said nothing. Then later in the afternoon I saw my brother, his wife and their grandson coming through the gate which leads to the rear of the house. He asked me what I wanted, I told him my mail. He said he had returned them. I asked him why he had not informed me when I had communicated with him via email. He could not answer. He, his wife and grandchild left. After sitting for a few more minutes and reflecting on the Bible ‘It says a man’s enemies are those of his household St. Matthew 10 verse 36. I really did not have to ask if my family was for me or not. I knew they all were not. This is what poverty does to people. Cause your own family to sell you for a mess of pottage.

I left and headed in the opposite direction from them seeking something to eat. I got yogurt and fruit at Wal-Mart and a pack of crackers at the Dollar Store. All this while the whole of St. Catharines following me around. I thought to myself they must be seeking notoriety. I ignored them all. I then got back onto the GO Bus and returned to Toronto. I spent the night at the airport reading and praying. The computer at the airport was disabled when I arrived in Toronto. Every time I went by it was not working. I wanted to book a trip to Ottawa via Greyhound to no avail. On Saturday, I went to Wal-Mart at Square One, Mississauga, and got a few items to cook. Unfortunately, with the lock down there were no microwaves available. I found one at the Real Canadian Superstore in Brampton but the Cooley gentleman told me I could not use it. By this time I had my three plantains and a dish of seasoned chicken to cook. I went to Toronto and could not find any microwave again. I went to the Metro at College Park and bought a Rotisserie chicken and some bagels and sat outside in the common area and ate. I was resting and relaxing when the Caucasian Security Guard came to bother me. The conclusion to their deliberate and constant harassment being they asked me to leave and me telling them that I do not like white people because they are constantly harassing me. Everytime I close my eyes they turn up for evil. I decided to go buy my ticket at Greyhound, on Bay Street to Ottawa only to be told that they were closed at 4:30 p.m. I have found that when the white man is out to get you there is nothing sacrosanct. Lying is second nature. I went to the Go Station and bought a ticket to Oshawa hopefully to get to Peterborough to get the Greyhound. Then it hit me while I was in Oshawa that the last time, I had to use Via Rail to get to Ottawa. I could have done this from Toronto. It was pricey but it avoided all the hassle. I had a long layover, unlike Greyhound who accommodates you once you have a ticket. I was told they close their station at 2 a.m. I decided to explore a little more of Oshawa at about 10 p.m. after I had a nap. I got a cup of tea at the Best Western Plus near the train station. Then I found a Wal-Mart in a plaza. That is good, Wal-Mart means light and cameras. I stayed out there all night praying. At 7 a.m. when the Wal-Mart opened I got a few fruits and a rotisserie chicken and left to board the train.

Unfortunately, since I purchased the ticket overnight this gave the Nazis and Mafias the opportunity to rearrange the whole system; the trains for Montreal and Ottawa were attached instead of being separate. The oldest coaches were given to Ottawa and now that I had a ticket there were no seat assignments because the train was full of spies. I ate my chicken, bread and fruits. Then drank the water, ate the sweets and biscuits I was given on the train in the snack package. I threw out the humus, I need to acquire the taste for that. Then I went to sleep. I have been in Ottawa since June 14, just going around and reacquainting with old haunts. I still do not have anywhere to live because Social Housing has told me they have nothing. I have also been to the courts everything is going slow. They are more into subterfuge and cover up. Deliberately put a gentleman in the court to lie to me. Of course Sweden did not succeed so the crooked and criminal Caucasians and their corrupt helpers the Indians and Pakistanis are up to no good as per usual. I have been on Parliament Hill with my placards as per usual.

One thing is sure I will be leaving very shortly because I am not into anyone’s criminality. They ran me out of TD Bank because I called a Chinese girl crooked and closed my account. I will be placarding them shortly for all my money for service charges which they have stolen. Since they locked me out of online banking I should have closed my account.

The different placards I had in Canada protesting all over the place from Parliament Hill to Millennium, before the TD Bank at O’Connor and Queen Streets and before the Superior Court of Justice. They did something to me. I just wrote a placard. I have no time to listen to anyone’s lies.











MY $1000 TO MY















BAINS                            K.V.





          JOHN CROWS


        FOR THE 4TH TIME

          TRY KILL MI























        CANADA   12            198

        JAMAICA 74            200





























































I have offloaded the placards in Indianapolis. The place seems to be cathartic. Then I said God I cannot take any more of this spiritual wickedness assignment complete. Ottawa was extremely oppressive even more so because where Toronto was big and impersonal they flowed more like a small village. I am out of here and I ran for cover to the United States again. Hopefully it will be better this time.

A note to us black people before I move along. When I am walking the streets the people who are most challenged on the streets are black people. They seem to be challenged with everything from unemployment, addictions of all types and mental illness. I think as a people we have to stop and deal with what is happening. I think it is because as a people apart from the inherent challenges that came with slavery. In addition, it is this very individualistic culture that we have developed. I would go as far as to say selfish. Everybody is looking out for themselves. There is no sense of community anymore and a child being raised by the village. I think the prosperity gospel has played a great part in dismembering our community. Pastor’s preaching look what I have got, the reason you do not have is because you do not have enough faith. We have moved away from the basic tenets of scriptures. Jesus himself said the poor we will always have with us. It is simple, people flow at different levels. That is why the gospel is all encompassing. I think as a community we have to redouble our efforts to assist those who are in need. We also need to put in preventative measures. It seems to get worse everywhere I go. Another thing is obesity. Eating disorders are a sign of self-esteem issues. People are eating themselves into an early grave. When the Canadians could not get me to eat the things they wanted in order to destroy my body. They started to inject me with all types of things. My upper body has never been this big. My arms are one and a half  times the size they used to be. I have never seen dimples in my elbows and my knees. I now have that. The fat that I have on my sides is very uncomfortable to me because it does not come from the food I am eating it comes from drugs. In Ottawa they left a book in Value Village to inform me that there are thousands of injectables with their warped minds.

To put it simply black people, everywhere I go in the states black people have the most mad people, drug addicts,  prostitutes, homelessness and alcoholics on the roads. We have to arrest this no one is going to do it for us. I am also warning you in Africa maintaining community connections and interactions are important. Let us not get too modern in this way. It is like I was on a bus and an old white gentleman came in and informed the driver who was a black lady  that his bus fare was short and he needed a ride. She accommodated him but when he asked for a transfer she refused to give it to him. My heart went out to the gentleman I just gave him the money to complete the fare so we could be on our way. I am saying to people if we are not careful because of our experiences we can become harsh. Irrespective of what has happened we have to have compassion and be mindful of the fact that the Omni God, He who sees all and knows all will turn up for us. I am reminded of the scripture if you see your enemy hungry, feed him for by doing so you will heap coals of fire on his head Romans 12 verse 20. Corruption in the Canadian Court System!  End of FB Post!

Things up here in Canada are proceeding as per expected. Thus far my paper with my jottings have been stolen, my nine pound boots from Primark in London have been slit. They were slit because the Nazis and Mafias wanted me to purchase new ones which are below the ankles so they can continue to inject me in my ankles and cause the same to swell up like a balloon. They have been trying to paralyze for some years now. I loved the shoes. I was looking forward  to wearing them forever even after I left Canada. My first pair of English shoes. I tell you I was watching the boots from when I was in the Hague, then finally I was able to purchase them out of the thirty pounds given to me by the Nigerians. I also bought a pair of skinny fit jeans. This the Indians and Pakistanis destroyed before I left London. That was the reason the Germans had to give me some clothes because of my tattered pants. The corduroy the Germans gave me was destroyed in Switzerland. I had to be fighting to protect everything else and they still placed a hole in my tights, again. For some reason everyone of them hated those tights. It must be because of the quality. It actually cost twenty United States dollars but I purchased it for ten United States dollars among the finest purchases I made in New York at Old Navy. I have sown up most of the holes and still wear them. 

Then again I went to the store and of course the Canadians are up to their old tricks, when all else fails use the naked pictures. All else is failing because as Pastor Mike Murdock has said ‘I am at the stage in my life when I choose quality over price, quality matters.’ Well people, that is me. I am at the stage where I have to choose quality or be continuously poisoned. The things I did I do them no more. I have more or less divorced myself from Walmart, Canada. I refuse to be hassled to spend my money. In fact, I was in a Loblaws store this morning Sunday, July 5th. Went to one of the Cashiers only to be told she cannot take cash. The little young lady called a miserable old lady. She wanted me to go all the way  around and join the line again. I refused! She stood in front of my trolley. I fan her out of the way with my hands. Of course she became upset because there are certain things a black person do not do to Caucasians. Then she asked me to return the goods. I said ‘No problem, handed them to her and left. The the Nazis and Mafias were upset because I did not purchase the pomegranate juice produced by Walmart and then I came to Loblaws and was purchasing the most expensive brand. In addition they could not get my card to access because I am using only cash. They want access to the debit card to break the code. What I really should be doing is taking out a lawsuit against TD Bank and BNS for breach of all the financial and ethical bank codes. However, I have Sweden to deal with for stripping me naked and trying to assassinate me. I will get back to these Canadian criminals at a later date.  

People, I have been examining things that took place in Europe especially my capture and this is how I am seeing that things took place. I mean it is coming to me as plain as day.I entered France there appeared police. The Police came and looked at me and then buzzed around and they said we are not touching her. When my bag was stolen and the French police saw my reading material (I had eight books in my bag coming from Canada to keep me company at night) they never approached me directly once. Unfortunately, for this good sense the force was infiltrated  and a number of their officers killed. Then there was the Swiss police. They left everything up to the Diplomatic Police and laughed me to scorn when I came to their station. Then there were the German police, they thought they would try and let me incriminate myself. That did not work! They left me alone. Then there were the Dutch, Belgians Italians etc Everyone said the same thing the money was too good to be true and they read my Blog. Then we came to Scandinavia. The Danish police came, looked and left. However, God needed to do something in Scandinavia because in this part of the world trees were now more important than human beings. So he blinded the eyes of the Swedes who thought this Canadian money was too good to pass up so they decided to hold on to me. They obviously wanted to experience some of the invisible bullets that I was firing and Daddy wanted to make a categorical statement Jesus Christ is still Lord and give the comfortable church a warning as in Isaiah 6 verses 1 – 6. I mean the Swedes displayed only their lack of integrity. The government gave Migrationsverket  carte blanche to do anything to annihilate me. It was only the mercies of God and a completed assignment that delivered me out of that situation. The contract was that they should have kept me for four months. I am so sorry I did not copy the original information sent to me by the Canada Revenue Agency. They have now changed it. That letter proved to me conclusively the plans. I got their letter after I refused the five dollars Candian being offered to me by the Swedes. The gentleman that got me to sign accepting the money in the first place, they used Him against me the entire three months  I was in Sweden. The fact that they used him so much alerted me to the imminent dangers present in my situation. The Indians and Pakistanis were bare face for want of a more descriptive term, the personification of evil.

The problem with we black people is that we have stopped using our Spirit of discernment of the times and seasons. The whiteman, Indians, Pakistanis plans are only as effective as the number of black persons who allow themselves to be used. They are dependent on black people doing their dirty work. Black people you need to remember that the work that you left off was taken over by the latter. Go read your history! For you to now have Indians and Pakistanis dictating to you is an indication that you are out of purpose. 

While I was in Sweden and the harassment was particularly intense I was sitting by the computer and I was saying to God what is happening here every time a piece of criminality is done you have people showing the orange or green colours. I said, Daddy, what have I done to these people why they are pursuing me so relentlessly? I mean I was given a job which I did well, if you should ask me. For this I am being persecuted? Then I heard clearly Raphleta, your relatives are also a part of your destruction. This has embolden people. They think all your support systems are gone.  I suspected this based on what was taking place at Jack’s house the last time I visited him prior to leaving for Europe. The Nazis and Mafias and the Jamaican Politicians wanted me to be inquisitive about my brothers business by the things they were doing. I said to myself are they crazy. Jack is a big man free to live his life anyway he wishes as long as he was hurting no one. I will not be dragged into spying on my brother. When I returned and he behaved the way he did that is why I was able to walk away so calmly and I am still walking. I mean I need all my mail to read all the legal documents and just deal with the matters but unfortunately my Brother is a part of the whole criminal framework. My correspondence has all been stolen. Then I could not get any information out of the courts in Canada. I tell you the criminality in Canada is palpable. 

This brings me to the point on June 24, while I was at the Ottawa International Airport I heard a news item. I will not say by chance most things that happen in my life are by divine appointment. The news item stated that as of September, Ontario will be teaching financial literacy, coding and Back to Basics in elementary schools. I mean people? Elementary schools!  In the ‘I AM’ Blog in my recommendations. I suggested some books be mandatory reading from high school THE ULTIMATE MASTERMIND GROUP AND INNER CIRCLE…  Black people you can continue to scoff , that is why the government of Canada wants to shut me down so badly. My Blog is an idea whose time has come and is long overdue. The Canadian Virus Mastermind Group devours everything I write. Now their European partners have joined them. My greatest fear in all of this is that we black people will miss our time of visitation again and keep Jesus Christ in the heavens. If I were in education in government I would get a copy of the new Ontario Curriculum for elementary schools. It should be very informative because it has been developed by experts. I particularly like the idea of coding because all these Chinese, Indians and Pakistanis have been making a mess of my social media. I need to learn the new laws of coding to counteract them. When all else has failed to stop me, they have just resorted to reconfiguring all my screens in FaceBook, GMail, LinkedIn and Twitter. As soon as I leave Canada I will get up to speed. I gather these days the coding languages are not as difficult as my COBOL, Pascal and my punch cards. There I go again, dating myself. Lord help my Holy Ghost!!                                                                                                                                                     

Just getting caught up with the Canadian Virus Mastermind Group. We need to give the group a name like the Avalon or Leviathan Group. The very intentions of their hearts are evil continuously. Brilliant  but evil, a dangerous combination. I made a grave oversight. I tell you it is so in my face that I overlooked it. There is a member of the group who is responsible for military and police matters. That was the person who was responsible for the infecting of the United States army with the virus as well as the revelation about what is taking place in the United States Army, hospital ship etc. The matter with George Floyd my people is a well thought out and well planned strategy. It all took place right there in my Yahoo mail account. I will do  a separate article on the tale of two cities Minneapolis and Baltimore. I will do a separate article on this whole matter. This has nothing to do with Trump and the Republicans and everything to do with control of the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America. It is all Biblical people. You cannot control a strongman’s house without first binding the strongman St. Mark 3 vs 27. All of you who are crying for George Floyd dry up your tears and start discerning the times we are living in. George Floyd was a Kamikaze Mission, Mr. Floyd’s generations are better off than all of you. The police officers will do a little time and then come out to live like kings. Tell me where in the world the police would allow themselves to be voluntarily videotaped for eight minutes and forty three seconds, uninterrupted. The government has to legislate for them to wear body cameras. As in the days, I want to ask with all the rioting which took place who are the leaders as it was in the days of President Nelson Mandela and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Who is the black person out front leading the charge with specific goals and objectives about what they want to achieve? Flat bridged nosed black people stop allowing yourselves to be manipulated.

Back to the Mastermind Group member, I do not have a name but I am leaning towards the most brutal individual who has come across my path thus far, that person would be the one in Toronto who sent Rommel the Gestapo officer after me and just told the officers to arrest me and place me in handcuffs and drive me around in the police car instead of taking me directly to the police station. I am also certain he was in charge of my arrest in Sweden.  The level of brutality and humiliation was in keeping with what happened in Toronto. This person is very sick and has a serious hatred of black people. This is also borne out by the number of drug addicts and ex-convicts who followed me all the way through Canada and the United States of America. How can I forget the gentleman and lady in Florida who lived in their vehicle and were obviously substance abusers and alcoholics; when I told them I was a Christian they released me immediately and I prayed with them. They were most apologetic that they could not take me to my destination. I could go on and about San Jose, Texas etc.

I have no intention of stopping blogging. I would suggest that all the secret services of the world do what they would normally do when they cannot control us black people. They conspire and they annihilate us. If they cannot bring their own heels they need to do the same thing. Ideas rule the world my blog is an idea whose time has come.

I tell you people the Holy Spirit is something else, there was I on the bus thinking about my twenty four hours song list which I am developing in celebration of my mighty deliverance from Sweden by the Lord Jesus Christ. I mean the people had set things in place to try and wipe me out. So much so that like Rhoda in Acts 12 I was in disbelief when they came on June 11 to release me; I wanted to see the plane tickets etc. before I would get dressed. There was a dangerous set of Taliban and Arabs in Sweden. As I was thinking about the songs I would be including on the list; I was reminded that Raphleta, the reason you react so violently to chains and fears it is the devil’s future. Let me back up here and explain, people. In the Charismatic Circle Pastor Phillip Phinn would always say ‘when the Devil reminds you of your past you just remind him about his future. That would be Revelation 20 verses 1 – 3. There it is people, all the chains and shackles you need. To deal with the fear there is always Psalm 27 verse 1. Sorry people chains and shackles are reserved for the devil not the Children of God. If you are singing about it, remind the devil of his future.

You know I have been travelling with this article so long, The Visible invisible Church. I was not able to type it in Sweden and I have not been able to settle down and wrap my mind around different themes coming out of the article. I really think Daddy does not want me to rush this one. However, as I was meditating on this article it just came to me that one of the major differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament church was the foundation for growth. As DR. Myles Munroe would say buildings are destroyed but people will last. The difference is that worship in the Old Testament was focused around a building but in the New Testament the growth and multiplication of the church is based on Human Beings. We are the temple of the Living God. Every house became a church, with emphasis being on equipping the saints  for the work of the ministry. I tell you I am walking around with a proposal in my head. Each fellowship shall have no more than thirty-six members, that is three mastermind group people. The thirty-seventh member will form a new fellowship. We will have only one Bible study with everyone. If you are a teenager and sleep in church you are likely to die. The Apostle Paul’s church service, not to worry we will raise you from the dead Acts 20 verses 7 -12. There is only one Holy Spirit. That is why we now have the problem with prayer removed from the schools and Children Church has become a play church where the word of God has been so diluted it is of no effect. People are now looking for a church with the most entertaining activities to keep their children engaged before they decide to join a fellowship. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! We will have church under the tree, by the lake, in a building. All a part of equipping the saints, I tell you these are exciting times the church in motion and action. The Internet is a good evangelizing tool but people have to become a part of a local fellowship. Hence, the reason for building from community level and not squeezing people into massive buildings.

That was where my original introduction ended but since I returned to Canada, the latter and their criminal network has come after me like ferocious wolves resulting in  God giving me download after download. I cannot understand how people who I have never interacted with in my life would display such hatred towards me and my daughter, especially my daughter who is a special child and is not even able to comprehend most of what has taken place. The Holy Spirit deals with you based on knowledge. Hence, the reason Christianity is corporate as well as individualistic. The richness of your relationship with God will be based on your intimacy level with God Philippians 2 verse 12. When the Holy Spirit wants to focus me in a certain direction he just drops something in my Spirit. Here it is in all the lockdown and persecution that I was receiving in Canada. I mean serious persecution there in Ottawa night and day I was being pursued relentlessly because of the court cases. I kept saying to the Canadians why did you pretend to want to give me justice and return me to Canada? Just to assuage the conscience of the Europeans. In all of this Daddy cast my mind back to the situation at the Jamaica Racing Commission with the invoices and David Orgill.  The Contractor I had hired on behalf of the Commission who attended my church and was married to the pastor’s niece. Why was he manipulating the invoices? Who asked him to do that and why? I asked myself those questions a million times and just decided to forget it and move on. For some reason this time the questions would not leave me. Then everything started falling in place a little at a time over the month I was in Canada. It was like a jigsaw puzzle and I was just pulling the pieces together once and for all.  The complicity of the Jamaican politicians is the fact that for some reason I do not know what I did when I broke up that criminal network at the Jamaica Racing Commission but even before I left the Commission I was under the radar. You see people I have had pieces all along but I was not connecting the dots. There was a particular sermon preached by Pastor Adeboye about a man that had made a deal with the devil to get rich for five years (do not quote me) and after that the devil would come back for his payment. When the devil turned up for his side of the contract the man decided that he wanted to live. In order to do that he found the church. Pastor Adeboye prayed with him and he lived. However, he went right back to his old ways again. The second time he decided that he would run from the devil. Of course that did not work because the punch line as Pastor Adeboye said Spirits do not need visas and they do not need to take airplanes. When I heard the sermon preached of course I laughed and said Oh Africa, not realizing that Pastor Adeboye was right down my avenue and at my street address. He was not just telling me a story he was actually trying to give me an insight into what was taking place in my life. All the demons and Jezebels from Jamaica had not only followed me and were manipulating everything as they are trying now to do. They were actually there waiting for me based on the corrupt relationship between the politicians of the two countries. I have to go back through my Blog and change all those blessings that I thought I had in the early days to manipulations. I mean I thought Claudette Cameron-Stewart, the lady who wrote me the letter and left it in the bathroom with the toilet full of faeces was sent by God. She was sent by politicians. The first thing she did which I suspected was to roll out one closet full of dirty clothes. Of course I ignored her because my mother did everything for me. I just brought home the bacon. Now I see why my first landlord in Canada, Michael Samuda was so afraid when he was speaking to me about the changes in our rental agreement. Why they were rolling out white buckets. Since I had paid for my accommodation and they did not speak to me about a refund I ignored them. In fact the criminals wanted them to steal all the little money I had. Talk about demonic and spiritual wickedness in high places.

I mean these people hated me so much that they would orchestrate to help Caucasians, Indians and Pakistanis to oust the only black man that ever held a seat on the Brampton City Council. That sounds like something Bruce Golding and Karl Samuda the off coloured Jamaicans would do. They would go as far as in order to stop the gentleman who has more integrity in his little finger than they have in all of their bodies to plant a gun (vintage Jamaican how many nights have we been watching the seven o’clock news on television and have heard there was a shoot-out an alleged gunman was dead a gun was found on him but there were no bullets or spent shells) in a car the gentleman’s son was in because he decided to run for Mayor and stop the gentleman’s son from going to university. Not only trying to stop the present generation but the ones who are to come also. Diabolic!! These Jamaican politicians and their cohorts are sons of Belial and are too corrupt to be representing anyone. That young man is going to finish University and they are going to have to pay for it. You help heathen Caucasian, Indian and Pakistani to oust a man of God. Not under my watch!! That is why people have been walking around me because they know if I had known the truth from the beginning they would have had to kill me. In fact the only way I knew about what went down was from a lady and at that time I was not connecting the pieces.

Anyway on jogging at Place d’Orleans that was not the big thing that hit me to my solar plexus, I found this nice big and quiet parking lot beside Hudson’s Bay. My body has been fed a lot of hormones and steroids and I have been injected with a lot of stuff in order to maintain my size ten. I have to keep jogging. It is convenient and pas cher plus it is very relaxing. You can actually feel stuff oozing out of your mind and body. I have also been jogging for years. When I don’t do it my body reacts negatively. On this particular night my mind went back to a phalanx of incidents that took place in Agape Christian Fellowship when I returned in 2011. They seemed unrelated but the Holy Spirit was trying to connect the dots for me. I was reminded that when I returned to Jamaica I found out that Pastor Maxwell had visited Canada while I was there. I just saw a picture taken of him and his grandson and commented on it. Then I went to the time when I turned up at church and Mrs. McHargh’s car was parked across the door of the church. I thought to myself this lady was not here when the church was starting. I hardly know her, why would she want to do that. I was also reminded of the time I had to sign in at the door to enter the church. Then I was reminded that even though it was announced in church that I would be in charge of the Bible School, when it started the Pastor’s niece was put in charge, no explanation. I also remembered Janice Maxwell coming to me and saying she was going to Canada and I said ‘Oh yes so am I.’ There endeth the conversation. Then I was reminded of the murder trial that was taking place between the Pastor’s son-in-law and the slain son of  the football federation president in Jamaica. Then it hit me wham! Raphleta, all that with the invoice and David Orgill, your life was ransomed for that of a murderer. People I am bringing you into my very private world now. They told me in the church that they did not know I could cry. I cried when I was leaving and the Pastor went on the pulpit and pulled the plaque out of a brown envelope right at the pulpit like it was an afterthought. They thought I was crying because I was sad to leave no it was the manner in which the presentation was done. Tears came to my eyes. Do not worry people I wrote to the Pastor about it when I was in Canada. I keep very short accounts these days. I need my sleep. People, when the thing came to me that Raphleta, your life and everything that you are have been ransomed for that of a murderer. Someone I have never met in person and spoken to in my life.  I felt the physical pain, I could not stand up, I had to slump over and just moan and groan. Not only that I had to drag (literally) myself to the sidewalk and lie flat on my back at 1 a.m. in the morning and just screamed at the top of my voice ‘Jesus, Jesus Christ of Nazareth the son of the living God’ for a couple of minutes until the pain subsided. I also had to be mindful of the whole bunch of Nazis and Mafias who were circulating all around and the CCTV. People If I had a room I think to date I would still be in my room curled up in a ball. The impact of the betrayal was so overwhelming. I said Daddy, I have never met this murderer, I kept out of these people’s business no one asked my opinion and no one sought my help. The Pastor’s daughter to my knowledge I have only seen her in church once and that was to tell me she was going to Canada. Once the Canadians are involved one does not have to second guess my daughter and myself who are black and especially me with my flat nose were very expendable for the light skin straight hair murderer. I remembered when I returned to Jamaica I asked the lady about her son. When I returned I just sat in the middle and she would sit in front of me and give me a sweet each Sunday, the brutal cynicism of the white man. I was only worth a sweet. Anyway, her reply to me was Carl was in Indiana, married and had a child. I said good! Then I started to process things from a spiritual point of view, I said ‘Daddy if they had gotten away with this then you would have had to apologize to me when I got to heaven because I am not a son of  perdition like Judas St. John 17 verse12. Then I did a brief scan of the Bible and I said to myself but we church people are indeed fools. We really do not believe the Bible we read beginning from the book of Genesis if Cain did not get away with murdering Abel Genesis 4 verses 8 – 9, If Jezebel did not get away with killing Naiboth I Kings 21 verses 17 – 19, if Achan did not get away with his crime Joshua 7 verses 24 – 26 and if Haman did not get away with trying to conspire to murder the Jews Esther 7 verse 8 – 10 and I have not even reached the New Testament where Jesus said we all shall give an account for EVERYTHING and EVERY IDLE WORD  St. Luke 12 verses 2 – 3, 36 how did these church people expect to get away with such a dastardly thing. This is the crux of the matter people, when I was reminded of what my daughter who is a special child has been put through. All pain flew and a piece of righteous indignation took over. I am sorry for the person who acted as my daughter’s pimp because I have not even taken on that prayer point as yet. By this time I had resumed my jogging barely going around the track but I got enervated and said the devil is a liar and he has no mother-in-law. He is a created being. I went inside the bus terminus and started praying in earnest. As Pastor Adeboye would say I started quoting the Bible to the one who wrote the Bible. Then everything just started falling into place.

I didn’t even remember the foolish church people by this time. I said Daddy the Law of first mention, the Jews did four hundred and thirty years in slavery and in one night you paid them in full. The Jews were paid, we have to be paid. I said the slave masters have been paid the slaves and their generations have not been paid but we have the ancestors of the slave masters coming to take away what we have built out of the little that we had got. The devil is a liar; it shall not be so all those assets shall be returned or they shall become toxic. While praying I heard myself say ‘That report has got to be completed. Not only that, it has got to be presented to the Parliament of Jamaica. I later thought not only to the Parliament of Jamaica but to the Auditor General to prevent any cover up taking place.  The blood sweat and tears of the poor people of Jamaica cannot go like that. Then it dropped in my Spirit Raphleta, Gloria Knight did not come to the Jamaica Mutual Life Assurance Society because of her prowess in insurance. Who remembers the Honourable Gloria Knight? Commander of the Order of Jamaica, Edward Seaga’s trusted Lieutenant from the Urban Development Corporation, the crown corporation responsible for all crown land. She came to Mutual Life to assess the books and ensure they were not dreaming.  It is all coming together people hold on. The first cheque she and her trusted personal assistant approved was for Three Hundred and Forty Three Thousand Dollars for a plane trip for both of them. That could have purchased a couple of Matalon’s Quads in those days. Mutual life had nothing toxic on its books. Mutual life had only blue chip equities and real estate. It was one of the only insurance companies which was building houses at that time. The Vice President of Investment, Dennis Morgan did nothing low class everything was first class. I was the Senior Clerk in charge of the Fixed Assets Schedule and then I went to the Disbursement Department as the Supervisor. There was never a day when the company was in the red when I was in the Disbursement Section. We even had a Special Funds Department for specialized investment run by Oran Hall. 

The destruction of the financial sector of Jamaica was all planned and beautifully executed between the governments of Canada and Jamaica. Everything was shared up before one cent was passed over. The Canadians now control the banking sector which they were after from Delroy Lindsay’s days. That is why Michael Lee Chin who got most of our prime assets can be building a hospital in Burlington, Ontario when the health sector in Jamaica is limping along with a white elephant hospital donated by Canada that is costing the government resources which it does not have. We need the financial Services Commission to be investigated to find out how this thing could happen. I know it could not happen in Canada because their financial sector is regulated in at least three different layers all governmental. We need to know where all the assets of the Jamaica Mutual Life Assurance Society, Island Life Insurance Company and Crown Eagle Life Insurance Company have gone. Why was the Insurance Company of the West Indies (ICWI)  preserved? We now have a situation because everyone is aware of what took place in Jamaica except the Jamaicans; people are lining up for cheap assets and want to buy out our iconic institutions like the National Housing Trust.  I would not even speak to the piracy that is taking place in the banking sector in Jamaica.  The credit Unions are now near banks. How can the economy develop without cheap money? What is happening in the micro financing sector? The last time I heard a draconian bill was being passed.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) where is it? Let us look at what happens when foreigners invest in your hotel sector. Do you make the infrastructure, furniture locally? How many Jamaican contractors do they hire? After the PAYE what investments are made in the country? Do they purchase food from the local farmers? What are the local supply chains to the hotels? Do they repatriate their profits to their countries or do they reinvest them in the Jamaican economy?  In terms of the banks after the PAYE do they reinvest their profits in the Jamaican economy like Grace Kennedy and company or do they repatriate it to their own country? As Jamaicans we need to do serious research to see how many companies we now have which are indigenous companies to get an idea of where the monies being made in Jamaica are flying to. Then we can decide how we need to take back our country so we can start growing the economy and take our people out of poverty. All I am seeing are leakages!

That is why people wanted to sell the National Housing Trust a quick fix solution to an ongoing problem lack of growth in the Jamaican economy. Now we have identified the problem and we can fix it on a long term basis. If you have given away or sold off all your assets then you do not have anything to give you cash flow. The first thing we need to do is to make the National Housing Trust politician proof. That is no government can say they are selling this institution without the consent of the people. We need to set up a board like that of the Electoral Commission that is only answerable to the parliament of the people of Jamaica. We need to put in a special instrument that governs the sale of the organization. Any NHT sale should have stipulations such as it has to be debated in parliament and has to be passed by both houses of the parliament and by at least eighty percent of the members of the parliament. Then we need to make it mandatory that the monies of the national housing Trust be used for the purpose which it is intended for, which is building of houses so that all Jamaicans can move from behind zinc fences and off the gully banks. When I went to Switzerland I was so angry I said Daddy, look at how beautiful this place is given half a chance Jamaica could look even more beautiful. I was angry, people. This trickery which is taking place with the gangs we have in Gordon House must stop. They use the money to fund the budget and then they give us longer loans at lower interest rates. However, I am sure in the amortization of the loan over the extended period people are paying more. They have worked that out and we are jumping up and saying yeah at being robbed once again because of lack of knowledge. In the long run they are getting even more money from the poor people.  The monies that the NHT has which have not been allocated need to be researched and refunded. It is underhand to keep people’s money like this. If the NHT was indeed sold the government would have gotten paid for what is not rightfully theirs. People, these are the things God is looking at how we as a church are allowing poor people to be robbed while we sit by and write fancy letters about these gangsters.

If the NHT was to be sold just like the Jamaica Mutual Life was split up and sold and remember these are companies which have been built from the ground up by poor Jamaicans. Not by any of the twenty one families because their business model is you need money you start a fire and collect the insurance money and expand until you need money again. We are aware of how many unsolved fires have taken place on Marcus Garvey Drive. This is what our gangsters would be selling

  • Any bank or insurance company that got the NHT would have a readymade network of prime real estate branches across the island.
  • They would have one of the best trained set of staff in Jamaica
  • They would have a company which has only assets and no liabilities
  • They would have prime real estate all over the island starting with the head office right there on Oxford Road
  • They would have a mortgage portfolio which is almost guaranteed
  • The NHT does not give you a mortgage unless you can afford it

Yes that is what everyone is after prime real estate all over the island. We need to vote out Daryl Vaz and his wife so we can preserve Portland  Why Daryl Vaz Wanted Holywell Lands. Do not believe a word they say.  The move he made after the Jamaica Environment Trust land was calculated. He is being used by forces to continue to steal our assets. Our politicians for the most part are compromised goods who are trying to cover up their deeds.  The next thing is I was reading about a Mayor who had a false claim on a piece of Parish Council land. We have to be wary of these. We are dealing with some of the best criminal minds in the world. Jamaicans in this season we have to be very vigilant and I do not think we can go into another set of elections without the whole FINSAC matter being cleared up once and for all. I think we would be further ransoming the future of our children. The next time you speak to your Member of Parliament and he mentions elections, advise him that we are not going into another election until the FINSAC Report has been completed and debated. We owe it to our children. We have one big gang in Gordon House and as a people we have only ourselves to blame. We have allowed too much.You do not believe me let us read that these guys have their way of enforcing things. The Killing of Babsy Grange’s Cousin collateral damage. Every killing in Jamaica these days is significant , those big robberies pay back Grace Kennedy and Jamaica National.

Just in case you Jamaicans do not realize it the political system has become so demonic and diabolic that it is gobbling up qualified candidates who venture into it. The devil is indeed protecting his turf. Danville Walker just managed to escape because he was not too foolish; he is a qualified Accountant.  Pastor Al Miller I tell you we Christians are so foolish. To the pure all things are pure. When I think of him I am reminded that the enemy of right is good. You have to figure that one out for yourselves people. Ruel Reid and Dr. Andrew Wheatley they just wanted to bring down to size. Professor Trevor Munroe was overwhelmed. He thought it safer to fight corruption from the outside in. One of you Pastors who are not a member of the Lodge or the current political circus need to speak to all these gentlemen and ask them just two questions

  •         What would you have done differently on going into Jamaican Politics?
  •         What is your perspective on the current Jamaican political scene?

I am sure if they are honest the answers will mesmerize you. The first reaction will be are you for real? Are you talking about my country Jamaica? Come Children of God it is time to take it back before we cannot go any further. I also need to know who presented the requisition form to withdraw my money from Mayberry Investments and who collected the cheque?


How did this topic come about? It was while I was in Sweden I remembered that this was Greta Thunberg the young Environmentalist country. When I looked around Sweden I was at a loss, serious Human Rights problems – Sweden: Homeless Roma and other EU Migrants.. I read this story about the Romani people. I said to myself you have not sorted out basic Human Rights issues in your country but you want to mandate how we deal with our trees and fish.  Something is not quite right here. That was when I decided to get to the bottom of this climate change matter.  Of course God is an on time God. I could not be doing it a more appropriate time because people are being pushed into things that they are not aware of. This is also another big stick being used by people to promote their compromised agenda. No great mystery here you will solve the problem of who is pushing this agenda when you see who are the ones most likely to benefit. Let us explore together!


Apocalypse –

  1. The complete final destruction of the world, as described in the Biblical book of Revelation.
  2. An event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale.

Climate Change – A change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels


We want to look at climate change in conjunction with the apocalypse – ending of the Earth in order to clear up any confusion. Also to look objectively at the matter of climate change. People are becoming very emotional and are writing books using very emotional terms which have no basis in truth just playing on the ignorance of the general population.

Impacts of Climate change and Ecological Breakdown

Let us state categorically from the outset that Earth is our home and we have to take care of it. Let us look at possibly some of the risks we face when we do not do so.


Global warming reduces the capacity of the oceans to absorb oxygen.


Rising temperatures increase risk of an epidemic or pandemic such as the Canadian Virus.

Food Scarcity

Many plants have a maximum temperature at which they can grow, and climate change may mean that new pests are introduced to areas where it was so cold for them to survive before.

Heat Deaths

The combination of heat and humidity can impair the human’s body ability to cool itself leading to hypothermia, a potentially life threatening condition.

Mass Displacements

As regions become too hot to grow crops or live in, as water becomes more scarce as sea levels rise and as extreme weather events grow more frequent and more severe it is likely more people will be displaced from their homes, which could result in social instability and conflict when these people move to new areas. While I want to agree to some extent with the frequency statement, what I have discovered in my own research is that the major displacements taking place in the world are not as a result of Climate Change but as a result of poor policies and questionable political decisions. This borne out in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Sahel and Eastern Europe and Greece. As the number of migrants from poorer nations increases, wealthier nations are imposing higher restrictions on immigration and governments are becoming increasingly authoritarian and populist. I actually experienced read this in Sweden the far right member telling the migrants that they were not to come because Sweden is full. Outrage after far-right Swedish MP goes to Greece and gives refugees leaflets saying: ‘We’re full – don’t come!’ Europe is more vulnerable to the stresses of increased migration as a result of their location geographically. As well as diplomatic relations with bordering nations and their own international policies which have created the stresses in the other nations.

Mass Extinction

I wont take on this one as yet only to say that God is His wisdom is wiping out some creatures and human activities and increasing  others. This is a good topic about the age of Earth and will be explained in another blog.

Natural  Disasters

Climate change increases the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events including droughts, storms and flooding. Although it is not possible to determine whether or not a specific disaster occurred because of climate change, it is possible to state how much more likely a natural disaster was as a result of climate change.

Sea Level Rise

It is believed that recent climate change has caused a 15-20% slowing of the Gulf Stream, a current which transports warm water from the Gulf of Mexico towards North West Europe due to the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet resulting in large amounts of fresh water pouring in the North Atlantic. Although it is likely to continue to slow, it is unproven whether the Gulf Stream would come to a complete halt thus continuing forever. All conjecture people.

Societal Collapse

Research has shown that aside from worsening income inequality and the strain of an increased population exceeding the carrying capacity of an environment, another important factor which may lead to global collapse is ecological strain. Climate change increases the strain on the planet’s ecology, especially in terms of resource depletion.  Although the entire planet is affected by climate change the impacts will be felt by the poorest countries if they allow the First World countries to dictate their policies and steal their resources.


The risk of Global conflict especially in more vulnerable regions, rises with global warming. Studies have shown that extreme weather events can damage economies, lower food production and raise inequality, which can increase risks of violence when combined with other factors. Climate change in and of itself is innocuous; it is the policies of the neo fascists and the United Nations which is driving depravity in the Earth.

Rate of Warming

Current levels of global warming are often calculated in terms of global average increase in the Earth’s temperature compared with levels prior to the Industrial Revolution. The rate of global warming is influenced by the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, which has so far led to a linear increase in global warming, However, it is surmised that global warming is nonlinear, and is subject to acceleration when certain tipping points are crossed in the Earth’s climate system or as atmospheric pollution disappears from the atmosphere. These may also lead to abrupt climate change. Let us now look at these so-called tipping points.

Tipping Points

It is assumed that the Earth will cross tipping points and/or trigger abrupt climate change as it approaches and surpasses 2C above pre-industrial levels. It is also assumed that some of these tipping points may lead to accelerated global warming and runaway climate change.

Global Warming

During the 1950s and 60s Scientists determined that the amount of Solar reduction reaching the earth had dropped. This was labeled the global dimming effect and has since been proven to have a strong relationship to atmospheric pollution, the particles which directly absorb energy from the sun before reflecting it back into space. This has many impacts including the cooling of the earth’s land and oceans leading to lower rainfall and more droughts. These pollutants also lead to the formation of smog and acid rain and cause various respiratory diseases. Global dimming may also cause heat waves and runaway fires, while the decrease of sunlight negatively impacts plant growth, endangering animal populations. We do not want to consider some of the things these scientists want to do to us.

Climate collapse

Hothouse Earth

A paper published in the journal PNAS in August 2018 entitled ‘Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene introduced the terminology ‘Hothouse Earth’. Sounds like God’s plan, people if you all read this document write a short summary for me please. Time is precious.

Point of Collapse

Global Challenges foundation predicts the end of the world although they cannot say when. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! The people are acknowledging that they are not God and omniscient.

Attempts to Lessen Apocalypse

Co-ordinated effort and acts should be taken to prevent apocalypse

-Stratospheric aerosol injection, a hypothetical process for blocking sunlight from the Earth, is proposed as a desperate technological response to reduce existential risk.


Many predictions by all and sundry begs the question what are the motives? If there is scientific evidence for everything why the major discrepancies in outcomes?


What if we stopped pretending?

An article written for The New Yorker by Jonathan Franzen in September 2019 argued that those under the age of sixty at time of publishing were likely to see the radical destabilization of life on earth due to crop failures, fires, crashing economies, flooding, and hundreds of millions of climate refugees, while those under the age of thirty were almost certain to see it. The article attracted huge controversy for arguing that humanity must now accept that a climate apocalypse is inevitable, and was heavily criticized for being defeatist, as well as for drawing false scientific conclusions that such a scenario was inevitable, rather than possible.

The Age of Consequences

A report published in November 2007 by various authors including former director of the CIA R. James Woolsey Jr., former national security advisor to Al Gore Leon Fuerth, and former chief of staff for President Bill Clinton John Podesta entitled “The Age of Consequences: The Foreign Policy and National Security Implications of Global Climate Change” describes both a “severe” and a “catastrophic” scenario in which global warming reaches 1.6°C (2.88°F) above pre-industrial levels by 2040 and 5.6°C (10.08°F) by 2100 respectively.

In the “severe” scenario, nonlinear climate change has devastating impacts on society including a possible pandemic; societal instability due to large increases in migration and food and water shortages; threatened identities of global communities as a result of rising sea levels and coastal flooding; likely conflict over resources and possible nuclear war. The authors write that in this scenario climate change causes humanity to undergo a permanent shift in its relationship to nature.

In the “catastrophic” scenario, the authors write that human society would struggle to adapt, and note that this scenario is so extreme that its impacts are difficult to imagine. The authors encourage readers to compare the scenario to the threat of terrorism, emphasising that the solution to both threats relies on a transformation of the world’s energy economy.“The 2050 scenario”

In May 2019, Breakthrough – National Centre for Climate Restoration released a report which argued that climate change represents an existential threat to human civilisation in the near to mid-term, calling for a wartime level of response to combat it. The report featured heavily in the media due to the gravity of its message.

The report described a “2050 scenario” which the authors define as a way of thinking at the high-end of the range of possibilities rather than a scientific projection. Within this scenario, policy-makers fail to act sufficiently and global emissions do not peak until 2030. Climate feedbacks are triggered which lead to global warming of 1.6°C above pre-industrial levels by 2030, and 3°C by 2050, leading the Earth into the “hothouse Earth” scenario. Sea levels increase by 2-3 metres by 2100, with an eventual 25 metres of sea-level rise locked in. Some regions become unlivable due to the intense heat and lack of adaptive capacity and around a billion people are displaced, while two billion people suffer from water shortages. There is not enough food to feed the global population and many of the world’s most populous cities are abandoned due to sea level rise.

Famous figures

In an interview for The Ecologist, the Emeritus Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber warned that if we continue as we are now, then over the next century we may bring civilization to an end. He predicted that humans would survive somehow, but that almost everything which had been built up over the past two thousand years would be destroyed. He rated chances of success in the fight against climate change as more than 5% but definitely less than 50%.

In his 2019 BBC documentary Climate Change – The Facts, Sir David Attenborough warns that dramatic action needed to be taken against climate change within the next decade to avoid irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of human societies. In a 2019 Channel 4 interview with Jon Snow, Attenborough states that the worst outcome of climate change that could be experienced within the next seventy years would be civil unrest and mass migration on a great scale. He predicts that humans will continue to find enough food, but that their diets will be forced to change.

Professor Emeritus of climate strategy at the BI Norwegian Business School Jørgen Randers predicts that we will fail to meet the pledges of the Paris Agreement as in the short-term it is cheaper to continue acting as usual.

As a lifelong environmentalist, Prince Charles has given speeches warning that climate change could bring unimaginable horrors and that it calls into question our future survival on the planet.

Pope Francis has stated that climate change threatens the future of the human family and that we must take action to protect future generations and the world’s poorest who will suffer the most from humanity’s actions. He has also stated that our choice of energy has the potential to destroy our civilization and that this must be avoided.

In an interview, the Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres warned that the world was losing the fight against climate change, and described lack of action on climate change as “suicide”.

Adapting to a collapse

According to Professor Jem Bendell, Deep Adaptation is the concept purporting that humanity needs to prepare for fundamental disruption of its current civilisation paradigms, due to climate change, with a likelihood of complete societal collapse. Unlike climate change adaptation, which aims to adapt societies gradually to the effects of climate change, Deep Adaptation is premised on accepting abrupt transformation of the environment as a consideration for making decisions today.

In 2019, Jem Bendell started the Deep Adaptation Forum. According to the website, the Deep Adaptation Forum is an “international online space to connect people, in all spheres of life, to foster mutual support; collaboration; and professional development in the process of facing societal collapse.” Bendell also created a Deep Adaptation Facebook group for discussing these topics.

Narratives of climate change

Social critique of literature

Various academic publications describe how political discourse, the media, and scientific studies address the idea of a potential climate apocalypse.

People in various cultures at various times have told stories about climate change. Among all cultures and times which tell these stories, patterns in the stories which repeat include questioning whether humans caused the change, the relationship between short-term local experiences and longer term global records, people of common cultures producing images of climate change which align with others in their culture but not with those outside their culture, designating certain classes of institutions like laboratories as being reliable sources of information, and the modification of reliable reports to create a more desirable narrative of how the information ought to lead to a particular community changing their behavior.[72] Discussion of climate change is unusual for having attracted unusually diverse participation of communities which strongly present their own view. Those communities include citizens engaged in public participation, academic sectors, any non-academic professional sector asserting knowledge, participants in popular culture, advocates for Indigenous peoples, anyone negotiating the powers of capitalism, those practicing a religion, and anyone responding to public opinion.[72] Sources of information about climate change tell various categories of stories, including personal experiences, community experiences, scientific models, economic forecasts, and prophecies of apocalypse.

Some researchers have speculated that society cannot comprehend an accurate end of the world prediction, and instead, more governments would be willing to respond productively to prevent catastrophe if reports framed the matter as a smaller problem than it actually is. Talking about potential disasters can have a broad impact upon society by making many people feel that if the situation were truly horrible, then there must be good plans to prevent it so no further action is needed.

As the climate apocalypse becomes more real, the media presents many imagined apocalypse scenarios in a way that conflates them all.

Contemporary narratives

Political conversations about climate apocalypse tend to describe how preventing it in the future would bring zero value for today, therefore the value of doing something today is zero.[ The lack of response to climate change despite it being an existential risk may be an indication that human society lacks an ability to understand a threat of this magnitude without some radical change in perspective.

Esquire described how since 1990 climate scientists have communicated urgent warnings while simultaneously experiencing the media converting their statements into sensational entertainment.

A 2013 report described how incorporating the concept of preventing catastrophe into public policy seems unprecedented and challenging to accomplish.

In popular culture

Climate fiction is a popular media genre which frequently features stories of climate apocalypse. Examples include Ismael, a 1992 philosophical novel and Mad Max: Fury Road, a 2015 action film.

Concern over a climate apocalypse has been the subject of articles of satirical news features. One theme is popular revolt against power brokers. Another is the desire of youth to have a liveable environment in adulthood. Another are fantasies about the romance and adventure of people experiencing the chaos of ecological and societal collapse.


Climate crisis is a term describing global warming and climate change, and their consequences.

The term has been used to describe the threat of global warming to the planet, and to urge aggressive climate change mitigation. For example, a January 2020 BioScience article endorsed by over 11,000 scientists worldwide, stated that “the climate crisis has arrived” and that an “immense increase of scale in endeavors to conserve our biosphere is needed to avoid untold suffering due to the climate crisis.

The term is applied by those who “believe it evokes the gravity of the threats the planet faces from continued greenhouse gas emissions and can help spur the kind of political willpower that has long been missing from climate advocacy”. They believe that, much as “global warming” drew out more emotional engagement and support for action than “climate change”, calling climate change a crisis could have an even stronger impact.

A study has shown that the term does invoke a strong emotional response in conveying a sense of urgency, but some caution that this very response may be counter-productive, and may cause a backlash effect due to perceptions of alarmist exaggeration.

Scientific basis

However, in a November 2019 statement published in January 2020 issue of the scientific journal BioScience, a group of over 11,000 scientists argued that describing global warming as a climate emergency or climate crisis was appropriate. The scientists stated that an “immense increase of scale in endeavor” is needed to conserve the biosphere, but noted “profoundly troubling signs” including sustained increases in livestock populations, meat production, tree cover loss, fossil fuel consumption, air transport, and CO2 emissions—concurrent with upward trends in climate impacts such as rising temperatures, global ice melt, and extreme weather.


In the context of climate change, Pierre Mukheibir, Professor of Water Futures at the University of Technology Sydney, states that the term crisis is “a crucial or decisive point or situation that could lead to a tipping point,” one involving an “unprecedented circumstance.” A dictionary definition states that “crisis” in this context means “a turning point or a condition of instability or danger,” and implies that “action needs to be taken now or else the consequences will be disastrous.” Another definition differentiates the term from global warming and climate change and defines climate crisis as “the various negative effects that unmitigated climate change is causing or threatening to cause on our planet, especially where these effects have a direct impact on humanity.”

Use of the term

Nomenclature seems to be a big part of this whole climate crisis business you will have to do your own research in this area outside the scope of this blog. If you want to be politically correct and seem to be in the know.

Concerns about crisis terminology

Some commentators have written that “emergency framing” may have several disadvantages. Specifically, such framing may implicitly prioritize climate change over other important social issues, thereby encouraging competition among activists rather than cooperation and sidelining dissent within the climate change movement itself. It may suggest a need for solutions by the government, which provides less reliable long-term commitment than does popular mobilization, and which may be perceived as being “imposed on a reluctant population”. Finally, it may be counterproductive by causing disbelief (absent immediate dramatic effects), disempowerment (in the face of a problem that seems overwhelming), and withdrawal—rather than providing practical action over the long term.

Along similar lines, Australian climate communication researcher David Holmes has commented on the phenomenon of “crisis fatigue”, in which urgency to respond to threats loses its appeal over time. Holmes said there is a “limited semantic budget” for such language, cautioning that it can lose audiences if time passes without meaningful policies addressing the emergency.

Economic collapse

Economic collapse is any of a broad range of bad economic conditions, ranging from a severe, prolonged depression with high bankruptcy rates and high unemployment (such as the Great Depression of the 1930s), to a breakdown in normal commerce caused by hyperinflation (such as in Weimar Germany in the 1920s), or even an economically caused sharp rise in the death rate and perhaps even a decline in population (such as in countries of the former USSR in the 1990s).Often economic collapse is accompanied by social chaos, civil unrest and a breakdown of law and order. I thought of excluding this section but it is extremely useful information. More than anything it proves that it is poor economic policies which are an enemy of growth and maximization of the resources on the Earth.


There are few well documented cases of economic collapse. One of the best documented cases of collapse or near collapse is the Great Depression, the causes of which are still being debated.

“To understand the Great Depression is the Holy Grail of macroeconomics.” —Ben Bernanke (1995)

Bernanke’s comment addresses the difficulty of identifying specific causes when many factors may each have contributed to various extents.

Past economic collapses have had political as well as financial causes. Persistent trade deficits, wars, revolutions, famines, depletion of important resources, and government-induced hyperinflation have been listed as causes. In some cases blockades and embargoes caused severe hardships that could be considered economic collapse. 

In the U.S. the Embargo Act of 1807 forbade foreign trade with warring European nations, causing a severe depression in the heavily international trade-dependent economy, especially in the shipping industry and port cities, ending a great boom. 

The Union blockade of the Confederate States of America severely damaged the South’s plantation owners; however, the South had little economic development. We could do with a lot more down there. Many Southern plantation owners had their bank accounts confiscated and also all had to free their slaves without compensation. Following defeat in war, the conquering country or faction may not accept paper currency of the vanquished, and the paper becomes worthless. (This was the situation of the Confederacy.) Government debt obligations, primarily bonds, are often restructured and sometimes become worthless. Therefore, there is a tendency for the public to hold gold and silver during times of war or crisis.

The blockade of Germany during World War I led to starvation of hundreds of thousands of Germans but did not cause economic collapse, at least until the political turmoil and the hyperinflation that followed. For both the Confederacy and Weimar Germany, the cost of the war was worse than the blockade. The Germans had to make war reparations.

Effects of war and hyperinflation on wealth and commerce


Hyperinflation, wars, and revolutions cause hoarding of essentials and a disruption of markets. In some past hyperinflations, workers were paid daily and immediately spent their earnings on essential goods, which they often used for barter. Store shelves were frequently empty.

More stable foreign currencies, silver and gold (usually coins) were held and exchanged in place of local currency. The minting country of precious metal coins tended to be relatively unimportant. Jewelry was also used as a medium of exchange. Alcoholic beverages were also used for barter.

Desperate individuals sold valuable possessions to buy essentials or traded them for gold and silver.

In the German hyperinflation, stocks held much more of their value than paper currency. Bonds denominated in the inflating currency may lose most or all value.

Bank holidays, conversion or confiscation of accounts and new currency

A 1000 Mark banknote, over-stamped in red with “Eine Milliarde Mark” long scale (1,000,000,000 mark), issued in Germany during the hyperinflation of 1923

It was the Germans that conceived the idea in Zimbabwe. Lord help my Holy Ghost!! Germany I shall flush out your subversives everywhere I go.

During severe financial crises, sometimes governments close banks. Depositors may be unable to withdraw their money for long periods, as was true in the United States in 1933 under the Emergency Banking Act. Withdrawals may be limited. Bank deposits may be involuntarily converted to government bonds or to a new currency of lesser value in foreign exchange.

During financial crises and even less severe situations, capital controls are often imposed to restrict or prohibit transferring or personally taking money, securities or other valuables out of a country. To end hyperinflations a new currency is typically issued. The old currency is often not worth exchanging for new.

Historical examples

China 1852–70

The Taiping Rebellion followed by internal warfare, famines and epidemics caused the deaths of over 100 million and greatly reduced the economy.

Weimar Germany

Following Germany’s defeat in World War I, political instability resulted in murders and assassinations of hundreds of political figures. (See: German Revolution of 1918–1919 and Kapp Putsch)

Germany’s finances were heavily strained by the war and reparations in accordance with the Treaty of Versailles, leaving the government unable to raise enough taxation to operate and make war reparations. The government resorted to printing money to cover the shortfall, which resulted in major hyperinflation; one book on these events, which includes quotes and a few first hand accounts, is When Money Dies. The hyperinflation ended in December 1923, with government debt being cleared at the cost of ordinary citizens’ savings.

Some believe that the hyperinflation of 1923 helped fuel the eventual rise of the Nazi party, and the rise of Hitler to power in 1933. Economists, however, tend to attribute Hitler’s rise to the Deflation and the Great Depression beginning in 1929. Paul Krugman concluded that the 1923 hyperinflation didn’t bring Hitler to power, but the Brüning deflation and depression. Before 1929, the Nazi party had been actually in decline, receiving less than 3% of votes in the German federal election in 1928 (see election results of the Nazi Party). I tell you Africa we will get there under God we just have to learn by the mistakes of others. 

The Great Depression of the 1930s

While arguably not a true economic collapse, the decade of the 1930s witnessed the most severe worldwide economic contraction since the start of the Industrial Revolution. In the US, the Depression began in the summer of 1929, soon followed by the stock market crash of October 1929. American stock prices continued to decline in fits and starts until they hit bottom in July 1932. In the first quarter of 1933, the banking system broke down: asset prices had collapsed, bank lending had largely ceased, a quarter of the American workforce was unemployed, and real GDP per capita in 1933 was 29% below its 1929 value. The ensuing rapid recovery was interrupted by a major recession in 1937–38. The USA fully recovered by 1941, the eve of its entry in World War II, which gave rise to a boom as dramatic as the Depression that preceded it.

While there were numerous bank failures during the Great Depression, most banks in developed countries survived, as did most currencies and governments. The most significant monetary change during the depression was the demise of the gold standard by most nations that were on it. In the U.S., the dollar was redeemable in gold until 1933 when U.S. citizens were forced to turn over their gold (except for 5 ounces) for fiat currency (See: Executive Order 6102) and were forbidden to own monetary gold for the next four decades. Subsequently, gold was revalued from $20.67 per ounce to $35 per ounce. U.S. dollars remained redeemable in gold by foreigners until 1971. Gold ownership was legalized in the U.S. in 1974, but not with legal tender status.

As bad as the Great Depression was, it took place during a period of high productivity growth, which caused real wages to rise. The high unemployment was partly a result of the productivity gains, allowing the number of hours of the standard work week to be cut while restoring economic output to previous levels after a few years. Workers who remained employed saw their real hourly earnings rise because wages remained constant while prices fell; however, overall earnings remained relatively constant because of the reduced work week. Converting the dollar to a fiat currency and devaluing against gold ensured the end of deflation and created inflation, which made the high debt accumulated during the 1920s boom easier to repay, although some of the debt was written off.

Economic collapse of Soviet communism

During the 1980s, the Eastern Bloc, which relied on a stagnant form of planned economy, experienced a decade-long period of stagflation, and eventual collapse from which it did not recover, culminating with revolutions and the fall of communist regimes throughout Central and Eastern Europe and eventually in the Soviet Union. The process was accompanied by a gradual but important easing of restrictions on economic and political behaviour in the late 1980s, including the satellite states.

The collapse in the USSR was characterized by an increase in the death rate, especially by men over 50, with alcoholism a major cause. There was also an increase in violent crime and murder. The Russian population peaked in the 1990s and is lower today than two decades ago, as the demographics of Russia show.

A firsthand account of conditions during the economic collapse was told by Dmitry Orlov, a former USSR citizen who became a US citizen but returned to Russia for a time during the crisis.

Russian financial crisis of 1998

After more or less stabilizing after the disintegration of the USSR, a severe financial crisis took place in the Russian Federation in August 1998. It was caused by low oil prices and government expenditure cuts after the end of the Cold War. Other nations of the former Soviet Union also experienced economic collapse, although a number of crises also involved armed conflicts, like in the break-away region Chechnya. The default by Russia on its government bonds in 1998 led to the collapse of highly leveraged hedge fund Long Term Capital Management, which threatened the world financial system. Thanks for the new information. The U.S. Federal Reserve organized a bailout of LTCM which turned it over to a banking consortium.

Argentine economic crisis (1999–2002)

The depression, which began after the Russian and Brazilian financial crises, caused widespread unemployment, riots, the fall of the government, a default on the country’s foreign debt, the rise of alternative currencies and the end of the peso’s fixed exchange rate to the US dollar. The economy shrank by 28 percent from 1998 to 2002. In terms of income, over 50 percent of Argentines were poor and 25 percent, indigent; seven out of ten Argentine children were poor at the depth of the crisis in 2002.

By the end of November 2001, people began withdrawing large sums of dollars from their bank accounts, turning pesos into dollars, and sending them abroad, which caused a bank run.

The freeze enraged many Argentines who took to the streets of important cities, especially Buenos Aires. They engaged in protests.

The president De la Rúa eventually fled the Casa Rosada in a helicopter on 21 December 2001.

Present economic trends

In Latvia, GDP declined more than 20% from 2008 to 2010, one of the worst recessions on record. In Greece, GDP declined more than 26% starting in 2008.

Venezuela (2013–present)

Since 2013, Venezuela has been suffering an economic crisis. It’s the worst in Venezuelan history, caused by the economic policies of the president, Nicolás Maduro the successor of Hugo Chávez, the fall in oil prices and internal and external factors. Since 2014, Venezuela’s GDP has been in recession, falling more than 40%. The economy has collapsed, causing shortages of basic goods, economic downturn and hyperinflation since 2017. Also, there are drastic increases in crime, corruption, poverty and hunger. Thousands of Venezuelans have fled to neighboring countries.

Alternative theories

Austrian school[edit]

Some economists (i.e. the Austrian School, in particular Ludwig von Mises), believe that government intervention and over-regulation of the economy can lead to the conditions for collapse. In particular, Austrian theoretical research has been focused on such problems emanating from socialist forms of economic organization. This however is not a theory of economic collapse involving the breakdown of freely functioning financial markets; rather, the focus is on economic malfunction and crisis emanating from state control.

However, many Austrian economists also subscribe to what is called the “ABCT”, or Austrian Business Cycle Theory. Economist Roger Garrison describes the bubble as merely a form of unsustainable boom (not a theory of all depression), as Mises and F.A. Hayek did, despite their disagreements on the exact workings of it.[27] The essential part of the theory is that it is inherently unsustainable to try to manipulate monetary policy to boost both investment and consumption; usually through interest rate manipulation and bond-buying and such. The “boom” was created by “malinvestments,” as Mises called them; business decisions that are bad investments and unsustainable in the long run because lowering interest rates by padding the supply of money and credit will only work in the short-term, but will ultimately collapse because the government can only hold down interest rates so long before fear of inflation kicks in (and deflation comes at the peak of the business cycle), or they go into hyperinflation (which is completely outside the realm of the ABCT).

Georgescu-Roegen’s theory of Earth’s ever decreasing carrying capacity

Romanian American economist Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, a progenitor in economics and the paradigm founder of ecological economics, has argued that the carrying capacity of Earth—that is, Earth’s capacity to sustain human populations and consumption levels — is bound to decrease sometime in the future as Earth’s finite stock of mineral resources is presently being extracted and put to use; and consequently, that the world economy as a whole is heading towards an inevitable future collapse, leading to the demise of human civilisation itself.

Georgescu-Roegen is basing his pessimistic prediction on the two following considerations:

  •         According to his ecological view of ‘entropy pessimism’, matter and energy is neither created nor destroyed in man’s economy, only transformed from states available for human purposes (valuable natural resources) to states unavailable for human purposes (valueless waste and pollution). In effect, all of man’s technologies and activities are only speeding up the general march against a future planetary ‘heat death’ of degraded energy, exhausted natural resources and a deteriorated environment—a state of maximum entropy on Earth.
  •         According to his social theory of ‘bioeconomics’, man’s economic struggle to work and earn a livelihood is largely a continuation and extension of the biological struggle to sustain life and survive. This struggle manifests itself as a permanent social conflict that can be eliminated neither by man’s decision to do so nor by the social evolution of mankind. Consequently, we are biologically unable to restrain ourselves collectively on a permanent and voluntary basis for the benefit of unknown future generations; the pressure of population on Earth’s resources will only increase.

Taken together, the Industrial Revolution in Britain in the second half of the 18th century has unintentionally thrust man’s economy into a long, never-to-return overshoot-and-collapse trajectory with regard to the Earth’s mineral stock. The world economy will continue growing until it’s inevitable and final collapse in the future. From that point on, ever deepening scarcities will aggravate social conflict throughout the globe and ultimately spell the end of mankind itself, Georgescu-Roegen conjectures.

Georgescu-Roegen was the paradigm founder of ecological economics and is also considered the main intellectual figure influencing the degrowth movement. Consequently, much work in these fields is devoted to discussing the existential impossibility of allocating Earth’s finite stock of mineral resources evenly among an unknown number of present and future generations. This number of generations is likely to remain unknown to us, as there is no way — or only little way — of knowing in advance if or when mankind will ultimately face extinction. In effect, any conceivable intertemporal allocation of the finite stock will inevitably end up with universal economic decline at some future point.Very pessimistic indeed!!



We finally made it. Can you believe it? I have been walking around with this partially completed Blog from July 7, the Nazis and Mafias reading and removing sections as they like because they are my unofficial editors but; like me you are now realizing that you do not need to force anything. God is doing things in His timing. This one had to be aired first in Indiana. I was still in Canada. If you do not believe His hands trust His heart. Insert son We made it Hezekiah Walker and The Love Fellowship Choir.

I have had to separate the Blog into two parts. It is a lot of useful information and I want people to be informed when they are discussing these issues. I am not cutting and paring as I normally do because the articles are well written for the most part. If it had remained as one blog it would have been too much to digest at one go. I have spent quite a number of hours on the articles and as I continue to go through I am gleaning new information and asking more questions. These issues are also very relevant for us in the Third World because Europe has more or less developed most of their resources and made most of their errors. It is for us to learn from their mistakes. One of their major challenges now seems to be all these old nuclear plants which are causing serious heating of the environment. I hope you continue to enjoy The I Am God Blog  as you continue to learn.

These days all I say to God is what is the assignment? I realize He has some things He needs done and I could object all I please. He is going to accomplish His agenda. All that I have revealed would have been difficult to bring together unless you had my unique skills set and exposure. It might have looked like I am all over the place but God is working His plan. People, those of you who have stuck with me and believed in me thank you very much. You will be rewarded for your faithfulness. You are the  reason I go to bed and wake up.

This is me Raphleta, Lillene’s baby girl coming to you from all the way up here in Indianapolis, indiana.


À bientôt



Climate Apocalypse – Wikipedia

Climate Crisis – Wikipedia

Economic Collapse – Wikipedia

Effects of Global warming on Humans – Wikipedia

End Time – Wikipedia

Extinction Risk from Global Warming – Wikipedia

Climate Change: Crisis NOT Apocalypse – Ann Mongoven – Markkula Center

Apocalypse becomes the New Normal – Paul Krugman – New York Times

The Climate change Apocalypse Problem – Ted Nordhaus

Why Apocalyptic Claims about Climate Change are Wrong – Michael Shellenberger – Forbes

The Incredible Story of How Climate Change Became Apocalyptic – Roger Pielke